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Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege


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In Canada we've had Police Chiefs (top cop for a major city Police force) resign because they had a glass of wine at a function and then got caught at a check point. Even though they were only slightly above the limit they, of all people, should have known better. There was never any suggestion that they shouldn't have been checked nor any attempt to use their position to try and avoid the check.

I'm kind of surprised that no one in a higher position hasn't come down on this guy and told him to "reconsidered" his position (and statements). He's blatantly and publicly telling people that senior police officers are above the law.

You shouldn't be surprised. I know from personal experience that you'd be met with a blank stare as of course, anyone of perceived higher social status is not bound by any law here. Together with jailing these people (except for political reasons) is 'rude'. This is and never will be a Democracy. Patronage is the culture here and any attempts to open their eyes as to the damage this system does to them as a society are futile.

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"I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well, so that this mistake will not happen again," Pol.Maj.Gen. Thanapon said.

Guess they will make a list with license plates.

Instruct then all volunteers and police officers: Do not stop and check this cars!

What happens if terrorists or drug smugglers can get a copy of this list?

Just copy the right license plate and then: Free ride to the destination?

Dumber as it gets.

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"I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well, so that this mistake will not happen again," Pol.Maj.Gen. Thanapon said.
Guess they will make a list with license plates.
Instruct then all volunteers and police officers: Do not stop and check this cars!
What happens if terrorists or drug smugglers can get a copy of this list?
Just copy the right license plate and then: Free ride to the destination?
Dumber as it gets.

I would have thought that it would be more efficient if the requesting officer used their mobile phones to record faces and names, rather than rely on memory. "Sir could you smile and look at the camera. Thank you".

Just trying to help.

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Well so much for the generals fight against corruption .......In other countries that cop would have been charged with disobeying an order by a police officer and refusing a breath test ...this matter has to go higher in authority...corruption in the police force has to be stamped out even if it means removing all the corrupt police hierarchy....get rid of them and have the police force honest and give them back the respect that has gone through corruption

His absolute imperative is to convince the people he is about progress and positive change without upsetting even one feather on the status quo, rich, authorities, RTP, or elite in the process. Quite a hat trick.

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"Attention World! We dress up in bemedalled uniforms, drive cars and live in a style that seems beyond our means and we expect plenipotentiary privileges. Hear , obey and respect us".

"."Now have a piece of mango and stop pestering me you peasant".

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In Germany they would have fired that guy

Germany....Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US, the UK, Finland, Norway....the entire EU....Most countries that call themselves democratic would have fired the guy....fired him for 2 reasons; 1. That he has that attitude, and 2. That he's too stupid to realise that his attitude is unacceptable.

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In Germany they would have fired that guy

Germany....Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US, the UK, Finland, Norway....the entire EU....Most countries that call themselves democratic would have fired the guy....fired him for 2 reasons; 1. That he has that attitude, and 2. That he's too stupid to realise that his attitude is unacceptable.

Calm down guys! They have already fired him! ... Er..You are talking about this stupid volunteer, aren't you?wink.png

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Who the hell does this clown think he is. Is it sufficient to simple say that you are not drunk. Ordinary member of the public should try this on and see how the double standard works for them.

A man in his position should be leading by example and not fawning over his self appointed importance and inferred privileged.

Total arrogant and ignorant prick, who as many do here ,sees himself as being above the law and beyond reproach.

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Policemen represent the law and ensure compliance with laws.

But not in Thailand.

Some police leaders proclaim publicly to the media, that the law does not apply to them.

That is the decomposition of the basic rules of society.

Hopefully some courageous thai media will report on this case.

Finally, why then Thailand makes all the effort and wrote a new constitution?

For the stupid masses who should obey the laws?

And the so-called guardians of the law get a free card?

Amnesty, Impunity, carte blanche?

There was indeed the medieval Inquisition much more advanced.

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Time to call in the army to sack all the of the ones involved. I wonder what other illegal privileges they have endorsed themselves with?

I seem to remember a bit from "1984", which read - "all pigs are equal, except some more than others".

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Time to call in the army to sack all the of the ones involved. I wonder what other illegal privileges they have endorsed themselves with?

I seem to remember a bit from "1984", which read - "all pigs are equal, except some more than others".

Actually the correct quote is from George Orewell's "Animal Farm" and goes: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

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Time to call in the army to sack all the of the ones involved. I wonder what other illegal privileges they have endorsed themselves with?

I seem to remember a bit from "1984", which read - "all pigs are equal, except some more than others".

Actually the correct quote is from George Orewell's "Animal Farm" and goes: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

A Freudian slip; thanks for the correction. It's about 40 years since I read it!

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Time to call in the army to sack all the of the ones involved. I wonder what other illegal privileges they have endorsed themselves with?

I seem to remember a bit from "1984", which read - "all pigs are equal, except some more than others".

Animal Farm.

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Time to call in the army to sack all the of the ones involved. I wonder what other illegal privileges they have endorsed themselves with?

I seem to remember a bit from "1984", which read - "all pigs are equal, except some more than others".

Actually the correct quote is from George Orewell's "Animal Farm" and goes: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

A Freudian slip; thanks for the correction. It's about 40 years since I read it!

No problem....but look up "freudian slip" too.wink.png

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In Germany they would have fired that guy

In Australia they would have arrested him. As they should have here.

Of course the person arresting him in Australia would be aware his carrea was over. I knew a bus driver in perth who did just that when he was a cop in South Australia.

Nothing direct....just constant little agravations....and all the worst jobs.

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Other extraordinary quotes from a truly unbelievable story:

"As for selecting which car for alcohol test, we will judge by the clothes, manner, and the way they talk."

"After talking to someone who is sober for one to two minutes, you should be able to tell that they don’t smell of alcohol," he said. "Those people shouldn't be called to take the test. You have to look. Don't just randomly inspect people."

"After I identified myself to [the volunteer cops], they turned pale," Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah said, according to Matichon.

"If ordinary people have this experience, what would they think? "

A contender for the Worst Joke Ever thread?

Yes, we have a winner!!!!!

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In Germany they would have fired that guy

Germany....Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US, the UK, Finland, Norway....the entire EU....Most countries that call themselves democratic would have fired the guy....fired him for 2 reasons; 1. That he has that attitude, and 2. That he's too stupid to realise that his attitude is unacceptable.

And in many countries, he would go to prison, because

3. As an civil servant, off from duty he is a civilian as any other citizen and is subject to the same laws as everyone else.

He refused an alcohol test, then forcibly blood test by a medical officer.

4. He does not follow the instructions of police officers on duty, is resistance against the government authority.

A night in the drunk tank and next morning screening at the magistrate judge.

5. If his blood alcohol level is over the limit, then driving ban and fine.

6. The resistance against the government authority could lead to a criminal trial.

Now he commands and forbids his subordinates to control him and his cronies in the future.

7. Abuse of power in office in the most serious form.

Immediate dismissal from the police force.

8. Damage to the reputation of the police in the public.

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"I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well"..They should learn from Russians. Cars with letters AAA,AMP,EKX and OOO in plates shouldn't be stopped. These cars are belonged to government, high-ranked policemen, general managers of state-owned companies(ex.-Gazprom) and some not only rich, but influential persons as well. They have special funny siren&lights and right same as police cars on urgent calls. You have to get away from their way asap. There are about 1000 these cars in Moscow. It's officially. Unofficially there are about 3000 of them. Because anyway police are afraid to stop them for checking out if this number plate real or fake...And sometimes their wives/daughters/lovers/mothers in low and etc. like to use these car for going shopping/visiting friends to avoid traffic jams... It was one of many reasons why I left this country. And now we see it happens here...Sad..

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In the other daily Eng.Lang newspaper, it mentioned how the chief cop was pulled over at two different places. At each stop, he BERATED those on duty. Also, in Thailand, to refuse a breath-test is tantamount to a being found to be drunk. For you or me, it would be a Bt.20,000 fine and possibly ONE YEAR IN PRISON. It would be sooooo cool if the self-appointed PM stepped in and enforced the law on that buffoon, and slapped him in prison for a year. Of course that's impossible in Thailand.

Also, when the men and women who man those alcohol stops get berated / belittled by a superior officer, the lower-downs feel like crap. What would really be interesting, if a high ranking officials did actually cause injury/death from driving while drunk. Not a rarerity in Thailand - it's happened before. Even Thailand's former Chief of the War on Drugs (Chalong) is a self-admitted hard-core alcoholic, who drinks hard stuff every day. A few times a year, we read about a cop pulling a gun in a drunken rage, and harming people. Of course, it's always excused and/or explained away by his cop buddies, so we're supposed to forgive the cop and forget it happened.

The Nation article is too soft peddled. It doesn't tell what really happened nor the consequences of refusing a test - for the little people like you and me and your mother-in-law. It accentuates the giant chasm between the rich / well-connected, and everyone else.

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