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Former finance minister Surapong faces malfeasance charge in Supreme Court

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Former finance minister Surapong faces malfeasance charge in Supreme Court


BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders has accepted for consideration a malfeasance in office case brought against former finance minister Surapong Suebwonglee by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

A panel of the court has named Mrs Ubonrat Luivikkapai, chair of the environment cases division, to be in charge of the case.

The case dated back to 2008 when Mr Surapong serving as the finance minister of the government of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej made appointment of the chairman of the board of Bank of Thailand and some board members.

The appointments prompted complaints to be lodged with the ombudsman’s office which ordered a probe. The ombudsman’s office’s findings were improper because the qualifications of some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements.

The case was eventually submitted to the NACC for investigation which faulted Mr Surapong of abuse of authority in accordance with Section 157 of the Criminal Code.

The first hearing of the case was scheduled on October 8.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/former-finance-minister-surapong-faces-malfeasance-charge-in-supreme-court

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-16

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Case dates back to 2008, and the first hearing is not going to be held

until October 8th !,justice is a long time coming here.

regards worgeordie


"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

Relevant criminal code:

Section 157. Wrongful Exercise of Duties

Whoever, being an official, wrongfully exercises or does not exercise any of his functions to the injury of any person, or dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht, or both.

I'd submit that nearly any government official, from the Red, Yellow or Green sides could be so charged.


"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... :)

(OK, not the Finance minister)


Judging on the posts, one has first to decide which party the culprit belongs to before deciding wether that person is guilty or not !


Trawling along the bottom to drag up a 10 year old case ( and pretty trivial at that). It's all about a political ban rather than concern about the matter itself. Not in the spirit of reconciliation regardless of the substance of the matter.


Trawling along the bottom to drag up a 10 year old case ( and pretty trivial at that). It's all about a political ban rather than concern about the matter itself. Not in the spirit of reconciliation regardless of the substance of the matter.

Seems quite a few cases from 2008 are now reaching finalisation. whether it's trawling along the bottom is a matter of opinion, in mine this case would have stalled badly for at least 3 of those years for obvious reasons.

'Reconciliation' doesn't mean letting your criminal mates off free - that is 'amnesty', and it didn't pass the senate test.


55555 you're a hoot Halloween, amnesty is only given to those causes deemed worthy eh?, like the small matter of breaking the law, staging a coup, then re writing the constitution to insert a clause giving further coup makers a similar amnesty!!

What makes you believe all those currently incarcerated by the Junta, won't be free within 5 years anyway?


55555 you're a hoot Halloween, amnesty is only given to those causes deemed worthy eh?, like the small matter of breaking the law, staging a coup, then re writing the constitution to insert a clause giving further coup makers a similar amnesty!!

What makes you believe all those currently incarcerated by the Junta, won't be free within 5 years anyway?

I believe reform was necessary and it required a coup to achieve that reform because no elected government would take the needed measures. and yes, I see the amnesty required for that as far different to an amnesty to allow elected criminals to escape their criminal acts committed in office, as recognised by the admission that they needed an amnesty.

Any other assumption made about what I believe is mere mental masturbation.

BTW I see people being incarcerated by the courts after being found guilty of crimes. While you may assume some "political motivation" or influence by the junta, I really couldn't give a rat's anus.


This is a ridiculous case.

You don't need a background in finance, economics or accounting for this job.

The maths component is so simple any infant can do it.

One for you, one for me...,

One for you, two for me...,

None for you, three for me...,

Its as easy as 1,2,3.


what reform are you talking about?

in 14 months, what single reform has taken place and has been implemented?

Sorry if reform doesn't meet your speed requirements. The number of PTP criminals being prosecuted is a good start.


"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... smile.png

(OK, not the Finance minister)

But what was his major in his MBA?


what reform are you talking about?

in 14 months, what single reform has taken place and has been implemented?

Sorry if reform doesn't meet your speed requirements. The number of PTP criminals being prosecuted is a good start.

In other words, you were talking mince! No reforms have taken place, just forums to delay delay delay.

You know that all that hate inside you will turn you into a very bitter person ...Buddhism not for you then? :D


what reform are you talking about?

in 14 months, what single reform has taken place and has been implemented?

Sorry if reform doesn't meet your speed requirements. The number of PTP criminals being prosecuted is a good start.

In other words, you were talking mince! No reforms have taken place, just forums to delay delay delay.

You know that all that hate inside you will turn you into a very bitter person ...Buddhism not for you then? biggrin.png

"Talking mince" - from a bampot.

Is the current regime not dictatorial enough for you then? Should reform be by fiat rather than discussed?

Contrary to opinion, I am not full of hate. I just have a low tolerance level for corrupt politicians and fools.


I would rather be a bampot than a Kool aid Junta admirer, that way I can make my own mind up, and not have it made for me :D

Bampot, I've not heard that expression in ages 5555

Totally agree with you about low tolerance for politicians and fools, which surprised me considering the Junta are full of them too :D it's a shame the Thais( speaking figuratively ) can't chose the fools to lead them isn't it?

Don't be making the assumption that because the Junta are not on my fan list, that it makes me wish the previous shower of crooks were back in office.

You must be bamboozled at some of the things your beloved Junta have come away with in recent weeks, the NRC Former General making the wild claims of brainwashing, and then the US agencies involved in subversive activities against the Junta, and TAT's very own Baghdad Bob, Kobkarn with all her mental schemes and announcements ?

Makes for a good laugh knowing that fools are everywhere eh?


All wound and well in the land of the never ending story.

But what is more important is: "when are we going to read a follow up of a case, with pictures from the jail?"

I read the stories here in Thaivisa on a daily base.

"X" has been convicted to "YYY" years in jail for "ZZZ".
But the next day "X" is walking on the streets again just like nothing ever happened (unless "X" was a foreigner)..


But what was his major in his MBA?

Government to government commodity purchases.

I rest my case.

As some said with out there posts being removed.



"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

It reminds me of another Surapong who freely admitted he was not qualified to be former PM Yingluck's Minister of Foreign Affairs. His number one credential was that he was a loyal cousin of Lord Valdemort na Dubai. I remember PTP stating they would appoint only the most qualified persons to fill her Cabinet posts. I didn't understand at the time that they meant that loyalty to Thaksin was the number one qualification for appointment.



Trawling along the bottom to drag up a 10 year old case ( and pretty trivial at that). It's all about a political ban rather than concern about the matter itself. Not in the spirit of reconciliation regardless of the substance of the matter.

Trawling along the bottom to drag up a 10 year old case ( and pretty trivial at that).

Yeah, nothing at all like Yingluck's government going even farther back to challenge Abhisit's exemption from the military to teach, right? Right?



"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... smile.png

(OK, not the Finance minister)

Getting your MBA after you are no longer Finance Minister is kind of useless to the country, isn't it? Isn't it?



"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... smile.png

(OK, not the Finance minister)

Getting your MBA after you are no longer Finance Minister is kind of useless to the country, isn't it? Isn't it?


I wold love to see some renege the positions of the current govt...i.e the health minister who is a professor of health while the previous health minister was not...The current Finance minister who is a finance professional, while the previous one was a doctor...The current foreign minster who has experience in financial affairs while the previous one has experience in issuing passports to criminals..

Anyone can eventually get a degree.I can eventually understand the red shirt ethos, but, today and here and now that does not count.

Today, what maters is democracy. Unfortunately if I mention that to the 7%'ers I would be denounced, belittled and denigrated and if Khon Kean university is involved, threatened...Nice form of democracy heay?!!

Because of this reaction to me and my family is why reform is needed.

And to think a reply I got before was "You're a bad dad so you children deserve better' I would expect nothing less from a red supporter.

If the table were turned I would say "Try to respect the law and uphold democracy"


"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... smile.png

(OK, not the Finance minister)

Getting your MBA after you are no longer Finance Minister is kind of useless to the country, isn't it? Isn't it?


What are you talking about? MBA in 1990, ministry of finance in 2008. Just type his name on google and you'll find this.


"the qualifications of some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements..."

Stop for a moment and think, guys. There evidently was no problem with the appointments, rather with some members of the selection committee not being qualified. Which really begs the question, what was the actual problem (the technical detail)?

This reminds me in some respects of the criminal conviction of Thaksin. He was found guilty of signing the document that gave his wife permission to buy property, because the purchase was via a land auction conducted by a government agency (a special entity created just for the purpose of disposing of significant properties in loan default). The purchase itself was not deemed to be improper, and his wife was not convicted of any crime. But evidently, the act of spousal permission was considered to be improper influence of the purchase. I will leave it to others to explain the "logic" of this case.

But the law is the law, especially in Thailand.



"some members of the selection committee did not meet the legal requirements"

This again shows contempt for the majority having people that are appointed for a job that they do not meet the requirements of. We have Surapong who is a qualified doctor yet was appointed Finance minister having no background in finance (medical training does not count as experience in finance) appointing people that did not meet the requirements. It would not surprise me if this poor excuse of a government had appointed a finance analysts as the Health Minister!! Jobs for your mates!!!

This is what happens when you have a man out of his depth. They make il informed, uneducated decisions. By his own words he said "I will try to make the right decisions". Turns out he did try and he was way off the mark.

Go back to doing what you were trained in.

He eventually got an MBA from Chula....

Anyway things are quite different with the current government, as many of them got the necessary military education.... smile.png

(OK, not the Finance minister)

Getting your MBA after you are no longer Finance Minister is kind of useless to the country, isn't it? Isn't it?


What are you talking about? MBA in 1990, ministry of finance in 2008. Just type his name on google and you'll find this.

Your'e the one who used the word 'eventually' which means: in the end, especially after a long delay, dispute, or series of problems. Poor choice of words on your part.


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