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Crying refugee girl puts German chancellor Merkel on the spot

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Crying refugee girl puts German chancellor on the spot
FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — Angela Merkel came under criticism Thursday for her awkward treatment of a young refugee brought to tears by the German chancellor's comments on asylum.

A video of the encounter Wednesday afternoon at a community event in Rostock showed the Palestinian teenager telling Merkel that her family had been waiting four years to get permanent leave to remain in Germany.

"It's really unpleasant to watch others enjoy their life and not be able to enjoy it oneself," the girl told Merkel, saying she wanted to go to university.

In response, Merkel told her "sometimes politics is hard" and Germany can't accommodate everybody who wants to come. Since the teen's family had previously lived in Lebanon, a country Germany considers safe for refugees, their chances of being allowed to stay aren't certain.

As Merkel outlined her government's desire to speed up asylum decisions so all applicants receive a verdict within a year, the teen burst into tears. After a brief hesitation, Merkel walked over to comfort her.

"I know it's a difficult situation, but I still want to give her a pat," the chancellor said.

Merkel's office said the chancellor didn't speak to the girl, identified only as Reem, after the event.

But Merkel's blunt words about swiftly deporting those whose asylum applications are denied drew harsh criticism.

"The mistakes in the government's refugee policies can't be patted away," tweeted Katrin Goering-Eckardt of the opposition Green party.

Others said Merkel had reacted compassionately and it was her job to explain government policy on asylum.

Germany has seen a sharp rise in refugee numbers in recent years. Figures released this week showed that 179,037 asylum applications were filed in the first six months of 2015, more than twice as many as the same period last year.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-17

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"The mistakes in the government's refugee policies can't be patted away," tweeted Katrin Goering-Eckardt of the opposition Green party.

Another silly comment from the do-gooders brigade .... if they have such bleating hearts then maybe she could take a few in .... !!

hmmmmmm ...... I didn't think so ..............coffee1.gif


If they were refugees in Lebanon, then how did they legally get to Germany?

Ms. Merkel may not have anything to feel uncomfortable about.


This is a difficult issue which governments around the world need to address with some level of consistency.

Thailand is under fire for denying asylum for the Uighur refugees in Thailand, issues around human traffickers creating inhuman kidnapping factories here, as well as Australia's problems in dealing with asylum seekers- or is that illegal combatants?, its so difficult to tell how Australia classifies them these days. Problems with holiday makers having to see boat refugees begging on the streets of their favorite holiday destinations around southern Europe, escaping armed conflicts in North Africa.

It used to be if someone wanted a new life and moved into a country without documents they were illegal immigrants.

If there was a legitimate threat to their well-being if they remained in their home country they were considered asylum seekers.

I imagine that its no fun living in Iraq, under imminent threat of ISIS, ISIL, Boko Harem or IS moving through beheading all and sundry, only to be replaced by another militia sweeping clean and cleansing the area of the previous regimes supporters.

But when the countries who led to the mess happening in the first place, then go and treat you like a criminal for having the temerity to suggest the problems they created in your home country have left you in imminent danger; Whats to be done?


Al lot of people would take in a young cute girl that speaks german....it's the rest of her family that is the problem.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands


funny how western countries give permanent residency to people with 0 baht

and 3rd world countries act so difficult for people who have families, jobs & money and give away nothing for free, not even the right to be with your family, even you are pennyless


There is a big difference in someone coming from a country where they are a refugee and someone being sent back to their original country where they may face persecution. This girl and her family will probably not face problems in Lebanon. The Uighurs were returned to a country where they may be persecuted. The principle of refoulment has been violated with the Uighurs.

In the situation with Germany, I doubt they will be returned to their original country -- not sure where this is.

In Germany, there will most likely be a reasonably transparent process following legal guidelines.

Screening is an essential part of the process to separate the wheat from the chaff.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too :)


The people who come to Australia illegally have all been living for some time in Malaysia, Indonesia etc. They are no longer afraid,for their lives and this is just a convenient lie to allow them to claim refugee status. What they really want is the Free money that the government will support them with.

The UN Convention on Refugees allows them to do this, despite it being an obvious aid to Trafficking of people. The sooner countries do away with this loophole the better.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too :)

Angela Merkel may be good in physics, certainly not in social politics.

She talks a lot without saying anything, that's why she appears to be so intgrative. And of course, she's a living proof that even the mediocre ones can become German leaders (again)

She might end up in history as the German chancellor who definitely ruined Germany's reputation in the world.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

Its so luxurious there that Australia had to pass a law just this month---universally condemned --especially by NZ, that anyone working there & telling what the conditions are really like...receives a 2 year prison sentence.

This is especially enforced if they know of any rape or child molestation by the prison guards ---which apparently is rampant in the camps. And was being reported before. I have to point out in fairness that none of the prisons guards are Australians. but the place is administrated by Australia

This is the bases of the law which our ex Catholic priest ---now PM brought in 16 days ago....he obviously learnt a few things from his years with the catholic church.

Today the Border Force Act comes into force. It includes provision for a two-year jail sentence for “entrusted persons” continue to speak out about the deplorable state of human rights in immigration detention without the express permission of the minister for immigration and border protection. This strengthens the wall of secrecy which prevents proper public scrutiny....If we witness child abuse in Australia we are legally obliged to report it to child protection authorities. If we witness child abuse in detention centres, we can go to prison for attempting to advocate for them effectively.


Doctors and child health workers from New Zealand have written to the Australian prime minister to condemn new secrecy laws in immigration detention centres and warn they will exacerbate the risks of abuse of child asylum seekers.

The latest letter from senior New Zealand paediatricians adds to a growing number of national and international professional bodies and individuals that have expressed concern about the conditions in Australian detention centres, and the increasing secrecy around them.


This was circulating on social media in Germany. Interesting you only see healthy man protesting…

The placard says: Our families are still in the conflict area



The people who come to Australia illegally have all been living for some time in Malaysia, Indonesia etc. They are no longer afraid,for their lives and this is just a convenient lie to allow them to claim refugee status. What they really want is the Free money that the government will support them with.

The UN Convention on Refugees allows them to do this, despite it being an obvious aid to Trafficking of people. The sooner countries do away with this loophole the better.

Neither Malaysia or Indonesia are signatories to the UN Convention for Refugees. The very large majority are not permitted to work, access to education and so on. Refugees arriving by sea are not permitted to enter Australian territory. Unique for a signatory to the UN Convention, Oz ships them to a foreign country for processing with current legislation stating even if positively vetted never to be permitted entry to Oz.

The offshore processing camps are not 'luxurious' with a number of detainees suffering from mental health issues from extended detention / no hope of a reasonable decision timeline and so on. Oz government is in the process of enacting legislation which means medical staff & other employees working in the camps are subject to secrecy provisions, to be given jail sentences of up to two years for "whistle blowing". There currently is a government inquiry into abuse, including sexual abuse, at the camps.


If they were refugees in Lebanon, then how did they legally get to Germany?

Ms. Merkel may not have anything to feel uncomfortable about.

Exactly. They sound like "financial refugees" ... Not seeking to save their lives ... just seeking to live somewhere they'd better off financially. Just like illegal Mexicans in the USA.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

Define a concentration camp, please.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands


Emotive words that don't represent tbe truth.


I speak of the case in Australia here.

It is significantly more expensive to come to Australia on a 'refugee' boat than to buy an aitline ticket. So why do they do it?

Flying leaves a paper trail, even if they eat their passports enroute. They need PP's to board a flight as well as transit many countries enroute from the middle east.

Arriving illegally on a fishing boat means they can pitch their PP's to the fish enroute, and they attempt to mislead the authorities on their origins. Australia then spends tens of thousands of $$ tring to establish identities, all the while the detainees are being fed, playing volleyball and watching satellite TV, at taxpayer expense.

They short circuit the normal process and leave genuine refugees languishing in camps, putting their settlement further back.

It's estimated that these people cost at least as much as a prisoner to keep, about $200,000 a year. Australia is a country of less than 9 million taxpayers, and 8 of every 10 workers pay tax to support the social security sysyem!!

The generous Australian social security sysyem is legendary, and 80% of people previously admitted are still living off the state 5 years after ther arrive.

Australia needs quality, qualified people not more trash collectors who will forever be a drain on the country's resources.

We don't have a single Presbyterian, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, etc., in jail on terrorism convictions, but we do have a LOT from the religion of peace, and they form the bulk of those arriving by boat.

We can't help everybody, sad though that is, and frankly, we have no obligation to do so.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

If we put to one side the natural human instinct (or lack of it in some places) to assist people with 'ghastly infectious diseases', you should maybe consider why your country enjoys economic wealth relative to those who see Australia as offering the answer to their woes.

From the clothes you wear, to the food you eat, to the electronic devices you use to post on this forum, somebody in the 3rd world has been so bereft of choice and opportunity that the only option open to them was to make these items in Victorian conditions for a pittance. The quite possibly send their children out to do the same because if they don't, they have no money to pay the rent for the hovel they exist in. Of course, that means that the child cannot go to school, but then again, they probably couldn't affort to pay the school fees anyway. And if the child had education, who would replace the adults working for a pittance when they drop dead?

The simple fact is that if these people to whom you show such callous disregard were paid a genuine living wage for their efforts, the Western world would not be sitting nearly as pretty as it is.

You and I did not contribute to the dominance of the west, but we benefit by the good fortune of being born in a (relatively) rich country. We only stay rich by keeping the poor down.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

Its so luxurious there that Australia had to pass a law just this month---universally condemned --especially by NZ, that anyone working there & telling what the conditions are really like...receives a 2 year prison sentence.

This is especially enforced if they know of any rape or child molestation by the prison guards ---which apparently is rampant in the camps. And was being reported before. I have to point out in fairness that none of the prisons guards are Australians. but the place is administrated by Australia

This is the bases of the law which our ex Catholic priest ---now PM brought in 16 days ago....he obviously learnt a few things from his years with the catholic church.

Today the Border Force Act comes into force. It includes provision for a two-year jail sentence for “entrusted persons” continue to speak out about the deplorable state of human rights in immigration detention without the express permission of the minister for immigration and border protection. This strengthens the wall of secrecy which prevents proper public scrutiny....If we witness child abuse in Australia we are legally obliged to report it to child protection authorities. If we witness child abuse in detention centres, we can go to prison for attempting to advocate for them effectively.


Doctors and child health workers from New Zealand have written to the Australian prime minister to condemn new secrecy laws in immigration detention centres and warn they will exacerbate the risks of abuse of child asylum seekers.

The latest letter from senior New Zealand paediatricians adds to a growing number of national and international professional bodies and individuals that have expressed concern about the conditions in Australian detention centres, and the increasing secrecy around them.

Much ado about nothing.

634 asylum seekers in detention in Nauru

943 asylum seekers in detention on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea

Hardly a large population. Meanwhile there are 2100 immigrants in detention centers in Australia. The majority of refugee claimants are being taken care of by Australian taxpayers. As at 31 May 2015 there were 28,141 asylum seekers who had arrived by boat (including 3,257 children) who had been permitted to live in the community on Bridging Visas while waiting for their claims for protection to be processed.

The offshore detention centers have potable water, provide meals 3X per day, sewage systems, washing facilities, onsite medical care, shelter, bedding etc. None of the detainees is obliged to work. There are even facilities to accommodate muslims special needs.

The people being held did not come from an environment where the aforementioned was provided. Hence the term, luxury compared to what they had previously. These are people who come from places without potable water, and defecate into their water supplies. They didn't have laundry facilities unless they went down to a dirty pond and beat their clothes with a rock. They certainly didn't receive 3 meals a day.

I will not enter into a discussion of an Australian law meant to protect the integrity of the judicial system and to prevent the interference with the police to investigate alleged wrong doing and the prosecutor to bring charges. My comment was in respect to the exaggerated description of the detention centers as concentration camps. There are no medical experiments, no forced labour and no executions at these detention centers.


concentration camp

Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

concentration camp
1. A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as suspect.
2. A place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions.
Much ado about nothing.----geriatrickid,

geriatrickid,, nowhere in my post did I refer to them as concentration camps----- however you do refer to them as-- "The lodging provided is luxurious"

& that there is --"Much ado about nothing" I don't know if you are like me an Australian--but can you ever think of a situation (other than war) where a Australian national faces a prison sentence from their own government for speaking out about a situation of abuse & molestation of children --because that was why this law was brought in after a report of it surfaced & was put on Australian TV.

"I will not enter into a discussion of an Australian law meant to protect the integrity of the judicial system and to prevent the interference with the police to investigate alleged wrong doing and the prosecutor to bring charges."--geriatrickid,

This is complete rubbish---I don't know where you cut & pasted it from-They are not under Australian law

That's the whole idea of placing them there---the idea comes from The American action which has people sitting off of an Island near America...some for 12 years without being charged for anything---They have no representation ---because they are not in Australia.

what is the silliness you are writing about "integrity of the judicial system"

And for the other Australians out there ---whatever your feelings are about legal or illegal immigrants --this is about bringing in a draconian law that now can apply to any whistle blower on any subject


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

How is her being a scientist relevant?


Go to the UK love, no problem. 27 leaves for appeal. Paid for by legal aid, in the end you'll be allowed to stay.

Just don't try applying the official way.


I speak of the case in Australia here.

It is significantly more expensive to come to Australia on a 'refugee' boat than to buy an aitline ticket. So why do they do it?

Flying leaves a paper trail, even if they eat their passports enroute. They need PP's to board a flight as well as transit many countries enroute from the middle east.

Arriving illegally on a fishing boat means they can pitch their PP's to the fish enroute, and they attempt to mislead the authorities on their origins. Australia then spends tens of thousands of $$ tring to establish identities, all the while the detainees are being fed, playing volleyball and watching satellite TV, at taxpayer expense.

They short circuit the normal process and leave genuine refugees languishing in camps, putting their settlement further back.

It's estimated that these people cost at least as much as a prisoner to keep, about $200,000 a year. Australia is a country of less than 9 million taxpayers, and 8 of every 10 workers pay tax to support the social security sysyem!!

The generous Australian social security sysyem is legendary, and 80% of people previously admitted are still living off the state 5 years after ther arrive.

Australia needs quality, qualified people not more trash collectors who will forever be a drain on the country's resources.

We don't have a single Presbyterian, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, etc., in jail on terrorism convictions, but we do have a LOT from the religion of peace, and they form the bulk of those arriving by boat.

We can't help everybody, sad though that is, and frankly, we have no obligation to do so.

Generous welfare payments? The Oz government usually does not permit those onshore who are waiting for vetting to work so they are obliged to be on welfare.

Australian Government assistance to refugees: fact v fiction


They short circuit the normal process and leave genuine refugees languishing in camps

Australia has a current resettlement program at around 20k people p.a. The waiting times are not affected by 'boat people', rather UNHCR priorities for those fleeing conflict zones / oppression. The concept of a sequential 'queue' that is jumped by boat people is incorrect.

By far the largest majority arriving by air in Oz are Chinese who then claim asylum; the last figure I saw was roughly 6k in one year. I believe I'm correct, Scott can correct me if I'm wrong, Muslims from conflict areas / repressive regimes, are unable to obtain refugee visas in their home countries and more often than not assisted by people smugglers and corrupt officials to enter transit countries for onward travel to countries that do have policies for processing refugees / asylum seekers. The challenge is of course to filter out those who are purely economic refugees.

There has been a great deal of research into Muslim heritage employment rates, including those with degrees, they experience a number of barriers. An example of the numbers...



Al lot of people would take in a young cute girl that speaks german....it's the rest of her family that is the problem.

What you posted here is quite crude. And what we ALL think.


Are you Trump in disguise?


This is a difficult issue which governments around the world need to address with some level of consistency.

Thailand is under fire for denying asylum for the Uighur refugees in Thailand, issues around human traffickers creating inhuman kidnapping factories here, as well as Australia's problems in dealing with asylum seekers- or is that illegal combatants?, its so difficult to tell how Australia classifies them these days. Problems with holiday makers having to see boat refugees begging on the streets of their favorite holiday destinations around southern Europe, escaping armed conflicts in North Africa.

It used to be if someone wanted a new life and moved into a country without documents they were illegal immigrants.

If there was a legitimate threat to their well-being if they remained in their home country they were considered asylum seekers.

I imagine that its no fun living in Iraq, under imminent threat of ISIS, ISIL, Boko Harem or IS moving through beheading all and sundry, only to be replaced by another militia sweeping clean and cleansing the area of the previous regimes supporters.

But when the countries who led to the mess happening in the first place, then go and treat you like a criminal for having the temerity to suggest the problems they created in your home country have left you in imminent danger; Whats to be done?

Countries didn't create the mess, politicians did, usually elected by minorities. I certainly didn't support the west invading Iraq.

IMO most of the worlds refugee problems are created by them having too many children which means there are too many people for their own countries to support so they try to stuff up western countries, most of which have brought the population rate under control.

On tv news I saw an African woman fleeing Burundi because she lost SEVEN children in the civil war and didn't want the REMAINDER to be killed in the election violence.

Merkel didn't do anything wrong and the Greens are barking.

having the temerity to suggest the problems they created in your home country have left you in imminent danger; Whats to be done?

Real refugees stop at the first country that will keep them safe, but the vast majority want to go to rich countries to make money, not just survive. IMO, Europe should contract a safe country with lots of empty space to take the refugees, and give them shelter, food and medical help till their own countries are safe to go home to- be a lot less disruptive than the present shambles.

PS if the girl wants to go to university, I'm sure Lebanon has some.


simple 1, you didn't comprehend my post.

I said that those previously admitted as refugees are still on welfare payments 5 years after they arrive.

The minister has stated that any admitted from those arriving illegally will form part of the roughly 23,000 refugees we take each year, so those in camps will languish because greedy, self serving, me firsters have short circuited the system and arrived illegally. That has now been fixed with the announcement that anybody arriving by boat will not be resettled in Australia, and not before time.

Those arriving by boat are country shoppers, only wanting to go to the country that will offer the best welfare initially, and opportunities down the track.

The reason those with religion of peace heritage figure so highly is because they aren't trusted, rightly or wrongly. The point I made above is that there is nobody from any religion, other than the religion of peace, currently in the slammer for terrorism related offences. It doesn't get any simpler than that. There has been only one death due to islamic terrorism in Australia, that at the Lindt Cafe, the second fatality as a result of friendly fire, unfortunately. However, there was a plan to blow up the MCG on AFL grand final day, with the potential to kill thousands. Bembrika and his cohorts are now doing 20+ years, and hopefully the recent legislation stripping citizenship will be retrospective, as has been suggested, and the prick will be given the heave ho, back to the rat infested, poverty stricken environment from which he and his idiot mates came.

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