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Crying refugee girl puts German chancellor Merkel on the spot

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she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

Good on him....Most Australians have had a gut full of these so called freeloaders.... who are still in camps, because we all know they wont work when given the chance and just bleed the Social Security system in Australia to send home to bring more out to join them....

You obviously arent an Aussie....Probably on of the now many posters on here from the "other religion" , with a big mouth....

Get a life...Australia is making a stand...We have been abused long enough by you do-gooders, treehuggers, and whimps...

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she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

Another one who doesn't know the facts ..

The accommodation provided is far better than any refugees are given anywhere else in the world, Africa, Somalia, Italy, Hungary or wherever ... those are tent camps ...

The detention centers you refer to like Christmas island & Manus Island ( which I have been to ) are 4 star compared to the other places. 3 meals a day, bed made, washing done, free medical, free bathroom & toilette needs,

I know I have seen the camps first hand.

So your comment is baseless and false and you should be charged with spreading false rumors. ( just joking )

Also, they were offered free relocation to Cambodia with new Villas, Medical, Education and jobs ... all free to any who wished to accept the offer .. but only a few took the generous offer ... the reason is because they think they will eventually get to Australia .. which they will never.

They have heard on the boat grape vine that Australia is the lucky place and it's where the government will give you everything ... well that may have been 10 years ago but it ain't no more. rolleyes.gif


simple 1, you didn't comprehend my post.

I said that those previously admitted as refugees are still on welfare payments 5 years after they arrive.

The minister has stated that any admitted from those arriving illegally will form part of the roughly 23,000 refugees we take each year, so those in camps will languish because greedy, self serving, me firsters have short circuited the system and arrived illegally. That has now been fixed with the announcement that anybody arriving by boat will not be resettled in Australia, and not before time.

Those arriving by boat are country shoppers, only wanting to go to the country that will offer the best welfare initially, and opportunities down the track.

The reason those with religion of peace heritage figure so highly is because they aren't trusted, rightly or wrongly. The point I made above is that there is nobody from any religion, other than the religion of peace, currently in the slammer for terrorism related offences. It doesn't get any simpler than that. There has been only one death due to islamic terrorism in Australia, that at the Lindt Cafe, the second fatality as a result of friendly fire, unfortunately. However, there was a plan to blow up the MCG on AFL grand final day, with the potential to kill thousands. Bembrika and his cohorts are now doing 20+ years, and hopefully the recent legislation stripping citizenship will be retrospective, as has been suggested, and the prick will be given the heave ho, back to the rat infested, poverty stricken environment from which he and his idiot mates came.

Sorry, I could only give one like for your post....but have a few of these...clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


This is a difficult issue which governments around the world need to address with some level of consistency.

Thailand is under fire for denying asylum for the Uighur refugees in Thailand, issues around human traffickers creating inhuman kidnapping factories here, as well as Australia's problems in dealing with asylum seekers- or is that illegal combatants?, its so difficult to tell how Australia classifies them these days. Problems with holiday makers having to see boat refugees begging on the streets of their favorite holiday destinations around southern Europe, escaping armed conflicts in North Africa.

It used to be if someone wanted a new life and moved into a country without documents they were illegal immigrants.

If there was a legitimate threat to their well-being if they remained in their home country they were considered asylum seekers.

I imagine that its no fun living in Iraq, under imminent threat of ISIS, ISIL, Boko Harem or IS moving through beheading all and sundry, only to be replaced by another militia sweeping clean and cleansing the area of the previous regimes supporters.

But when the countries who led to the mess happening in the first place, then go and treat you like a criminal for having the temerity to suggest the problems they created in your home country have left you in imminent danger; Whats to be done?

Countries didn't create the mess, politicians did, usually elected by minorities. I certainly didn't support the west invading Iraq.

IMO most of the worlds refugee problems are created by them having too many children which means there are too many people for their own countries to support so they try to stuff up western countries, most of which have brought the population rate under control.

On tv news I saw an African woman fleeing Burundi because she lost SEVEN children in the civil war and didn't want the REMAINDER to be killed in the election violence.

Merkel didn't do anything wrong and the Greens are barking.

having the temerity to suggest the problems they created in your home country have left you in imminent danger; Whats to be done?

Real refugees stop at the first country that will keep them safe, but the vast majority want to go to rich countries to make money, not just survive. IMO, Europe should contract a safe country with lots of empty space to take the refugees, and give them shelter, food and medical help till their own countries are safe to go home to- be a lot less disruptive than the present shambles.

PS if the girl wants to go to university, I'm sure Lebanon has some.

SPOT ON !....well written.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

A "concentration camp" is a camp where people are concentrated.

If you are making the comparison or the suggestion to the ww2 nazi camps you are way out of order.

be careful chosing your words.


Policy cannot be based on a girl's tears. I am sure young lady there are other universities not far from your homecountry.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

Yes I said she is a lot better than Abbot. But Australians have a huge rich country and could easily take in many refugees. But they only want white ones.They have taken no action against an estimated 25,000 white illegial immigrants, During the 4 years I was in Australia I saw plenty of South Africans who had been allowed to live there but none of them were black. The concentation camps are not luxurious. Prisons in Australia are better.

Australians seem to forget that they came there in droves as immigrants not so long ago.


simple 1, you didn't comprehend my post.

I said that those previously admitted as refugees are still on welfare payments 5 years after they arrive.

The minister has stated that any admitted from those arriving illegally will form part of the roughly 23,000 refugees we take each year, so those in camps will languish because greedy, self serving, me firsters have short circuited the system and arrived illegally. That has now been fixed with the announcement that anybody arriving by boat will not be resettled in Australia, and not before time.

Those arriving by boat are country shoppers, only wanting to go to the country that will offer the best welfare initially, and opportunities down the track.

The reason those with religion of peace heritage figure so highly is because they aren't trusted, rightly or wrongly. The point I made above is that there is nobody from any religion, other than the religion of peace, currently in the slammer for terrorism related offences. It doesn't get any simpler than that. There has been only one death due to islamic terrorism in Australia, that at the Lindt Cafe, the second fatality as a result of friendly fire, unfortunately. However, there was a plan to blow up the MCG on AFL grand final day, with the potential to kill thousands. Bembrika and his cohorts are now doing 20+ years, and hopefully the recent legislation stripping citizenship will be retrospective, as has been suggested, and the prick will be given the heave ho, back to the rat infested, poverty stricken environment from which he and his idiot mates came.

I assume you're referring to the 2011 government report mentioned in the article at the URL below. As I said there has been a great deal of effort spent in analysing unemployment rates for those of a Muslim heritage, the latest report was a few months ago in The Australia. One of the contributing factors identified was active discrimination against those with a Muslim background. However, I agree with the oppositions view that the report was a "shocking wake-up call" for the Government's settlement services policy.


Right now in Oz one in five people are receiving come form of welfare payment at a current annual cost of AUD50 billion, puts the number of refugees on welfare in perspective.


The Minister's comments are disingenuous, have a read of the following.


I bet there will soon be arrests for terrorism of members of the far right in Oz whose membership has increased by 400% in recent years. Already been arrests of members of the Australian Defence League for violence and death threats by a few other organisations' members


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

Good on him....Most Australians have had a gut full of these so called freeloaders.... who are still in camps, because we all know they wont work when given the chance and just bleed the Social Security system in Australia to send home to bring more out to join them....

You obviously arent an Aussie....Probably on of the now many posters on here from the "other religion" , with a big mouth....

Get a life...Australia is making a stand...We have been abused long enough by you do-gooders, treehuggers, and whimps...

No I'm not Aussie, just the great grandson of a highly respected Australian State Premier.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Yes, Australia was stupid enough to accept this nonsense and ended up with few hundred thousand Lebanese drug dealers, refugees who not only have destroyed towns and filled jails, but do best to avoid paying taxes or do any kind of work.

I believe UK, Holland, France, also were stupid enough and now suffer similar fate as Australia.

But do not let facts get in a way of being "global politics" so let them in, they screwed up their country, now let them screw othersthumbsup.gif


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

So why are the Australian government threatening to prosecute employees who reveal the facts of what occurs on Manus and Nauru?

Friends of mine (2) who work there still and have worked there (but quit) make it clear - Its a prison.


simple 1, post #38, you may 'believe that there will soon be arrests for terrorism from the far right', but it hasn't happened. We have many from the religion of peace in jail for terrorism offences, and yet NOT ONE from the far right.

When it happens, give me a call.

I read the article for which you provided the link, and I don't see how it makes the minister's comments disingenuous?? Life is tough in parts of the world, but as I said earlier, we can't help everybody, and we have more than enough problems of our own.

It may be that the refugee problem forms a small part of the overall social security bill, but under the idiocy of labor, Rudd and Gillard, it was costing $6 Billion a year, and that's 12% of the total (I don't see that as small, incidentally), and money that doesn't need to be spent. We have enough social problems of our own without importing bludgers who will not work when they think they've arrived in the land of plenty.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

So why are the Australian government threatening to prosecute employees who reveal the facts of what occurs on Manus and Nauru?

Friends of mine (2) who work there still and have worked there (but quit) make it clear - Its a prison.

Many employment contracts have confidentiality clauses, and it was recently that a Jetstar pilot was fired for speaking to the press about perceived safety issues in the airline.

It's not intended to be a holiday camp. Conditions are still better than many Australians from the low end of the economic spectrum enjoy.


simple 1, post #38, you may 'believe that there will soon be arrests for terrorism from the far right', but it hasn't happened. We have many from the religion of peace in jail for terrorism offences, and yet NOT ONE from the far right.

When it happens, give me a call.

I read the article for which you provided the link, and I don't see how it makes the minister's comments disingenuous?? Life is tough in parts of the world, but as I said earlier, we can't help everybody, and we have more than enough problems of our own.

It may be that the refugee problem forms a small part of the overall social security bill, but under the idiocy of labor, Rudd and Gillard, it was costing $6 Billion a year, and that's 12% of the total (I don't see that as small, incidentally), and money that doesn't need to be spent. We have enough social problems of our own without importing bludgers who will not work when they think they've arrived in the land of plenty.

Where does the AUD6billion a year figure come from? From a 2014 report...

Given that Australia has about 34,000 people at various stages of the asylum process, expenditure of $3.5 billion is extraordinarily expensive and wasteful.

Sweden, which received about 54,000 asylum seekers in 2013 and expects more than 60,000 this year, spends about $1 billion



The girl was not a refugee. She was an immigrant. She cannot even be deported. The outrage is idiotic.

Reem Shawil, the female who asked the question, has been in Germany for 4 years. Chancellor Merkel's party introduced and passed a law last month that forbids the deportation of minors who have been in Germany 4 or more years. The issue is in respect to the girl's father. He was given a temporary residence permit. He wanted permanent residency. He knew when he was given the temporary permit that it was to be TEMPORARY. The man has tried to game the system. He is not a refugee. He was not fleeing for his safety. He is an economic migrant who does not qualify to immigrate to Germany. Why is this so odd? People have their immigration applications declined every day.

concentration camp

Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

concentration camp
1. A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as suspect.
2. A place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions.
Much ado about nothing.----geriatrickid,

geriatrickid,, nowhere in my post did I refer to them as concentration camps----- however you do refer to them as-- "The lodging provided is luxurious"

& that there is --"Much ado about nothing" I don't know if you are like me an Australian--but can you ever think of a situation (other than war) where a Australian national faces a prison sentence from their own government for speaking out about a situation of abuse & molestation of children --because that was why this law was brought in after a report of it surfaced & was put on Australian TV.

"I will not enter into a discussion of an Australian law meant to protect the integrity of the judicial system and to prevent the interference with the police to investigate alleged wrong doing and the prosecutor to bring charges."--geriatrickid,

This is complete rubbish---I don't know where you cut & pasted it from-They are not under Australian law

That's the whole idea of placing them there---the idea comes from The American action which has people sitting off of an Island near America...some for 12 years without being charged for anything---They have no representation ---because they are not in Australia.

what is the silliness you are writing about "integrity of the judicial system"

And for the other Australians out there ---whatever your feelings are about legal or illegal immigrants --this is about bringing in a draconian law that now can apply to any whistle blower on any subject

The people who are kept in detention centers present a clear and present threat to the country. They must be detained because a hearing has determined that they will not appear for their hearing and/or will "disappear", or they a seeking to violate the country's immigration laws. They are not confined in camps, but are DETAINED. Do you understand the difference? These people are free to return to their homelands or another country that grants them entry. Their living conditions are not harsh, Food, lodging, health care, access to education and sports activities is hardly harsh. They have multiple hearings and have access to legal counsel.

I really don't want to go off on a side issue and explain the concept of impartiality and judicial integrity. However, it is a longstanding concept intended to allow a proper investigation and a fair trial. You are an intelligent person. Look it up.

Baerboxer, on 17 Jul 2015 - 02:14, said:

How is her being a scientist relevant?

I merely pointed out that she was a scientist. As you know, scientists are often "superior* to everyone else. whistling.gif Scientists also make for better* lovers.

* This does not apply to certain nationalities' subgroups (e.g. stubby people, or monobrows) , and it does not include fields which attract the mentally ill such as IT. Also, this applies only to real scientists and not those who call themselves scientists such as sociologists or political "scientists" or mixologists. People who call themselves Dr. do not qualify either. For example, Dr. Green is not a scientist,

This would be a great time for Netanyahu to step up and offer this Palestinian girl her home back.

Netanyahu has no control over domestic affairs of Lebanon, especially the Hizbollah controlled region. You do know that she was born in Lebanon, don't you? Her parents are Lebanese too. If your intent was to bait by implying that Netanyahu was responsible for the "loss" of her family's home, you have only demonstrated yourself to be ignorant and petulant. There is no evidence to support any claim that the girl had a home in Israel. If your intent is to show compassion, I suggest you take up the cause of the approximate 1 million+ jewish arabs who lost their homes in muslim countries when they were slaughtered or forced out. Oddly enough, you never say a word about that. None of those refugees were treated as kindly by Germany or Australia . In fact, many of those 1 million+ jewish arab refugees could only go to Israel, because most countries refused them entry.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Nothing is stopping them from standing up in their own country and WORKING to make it better first...Then they would most likely be accepted more by the countries that have stood together to make their country better....They are poor because they want to be.

Australia was a hard country, but we (my generation and the ones before us) made it better with time and somewhere special....We have the right to say NO to bludgers, the same as any other country. We didnt just run to the first country that would give us something for nothing....we stuck to it and succeeded, the same as the Kiwis did...


"The mistakes in the government's refugee policies can't be patted away," tweeted Katrin Goering-Eckardt of the opposition Green party.

Another silly comment from the do-gooders brigade .... if they have such bleating hearts then maybe she could take a few in .... !!

hmmmmmm ...... I didn't think so ..............coffee1.gif

This 'bleeding heart' Katrin - is she more Goering or Eckhardt? Or is she just plain Green?


Geriatrickid, covers this perfectly...In case you missed it read it again.......

"The people who are kept in detention centers present a clear and present threat to the country. They must be detained because a hearing has determined that they will not appear for their hearing and/or will "disappear", or they a seeking to violate the country's immigration laws. They are not confined in camps, but are DETAINED. Do you understand the difference? These people are free to return to their homelands or another country that grants them entry. Their living conditions are not harsh, Food, lodging, health care, access to education and sports activities is hardly harsh. They have multiple hearings and have access to legal counsel."


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Nothing is stopping them from standing up in their own country and WORKING to make it better first...Then they would most likely be accepted more by the countries that have stood together to make their country better....They are poor because they want to be.

Australia was a hard country, but we (my generation and the ones before us) made it better with time and somewhere special....We have to right to say NO to bludgers, the same as any other country. We didnt just run to the first country that would give us something for nothing....we stuck to it and succeeded, the same as the Kiwis did...

Not quite correct. Nobody wants to be poor. These people want to become relatively richer not by hard work, not in their own country - they want to become better off just by moving to yours.

The funny part is: - as soon as they move in and do become better off - they start asking you to carve out a piece of your country so that they can live in there the way they lived before!

And it is not funny...

RuamRudy, - welcome to my hammer&sickle cell. We would have been even more fortunate if you and your ilk were not born.

weegee, - why WORKING if you get it for free? Nobody's stupid, especially 'migrants'.

konying, - one of the main presumptions of Islam is: - if they have been somewhere it is theirs forever! Isolationism from XIII to XX century worked. And there were no wars with Islam.

I didn't let them in. Ask your PC Liberals to accept responsibility for the mess they created.


"The mistakes in the government's refugee policies can't be patted away," tweeted Katrin Goering-Eckardt of the opposition Green party.

Another silly comment from the do-gooders brigade .... if they have such bleating hearts then maybe she could take a few in .... !!

hmmmmmm ...... I didn't think so ..............coffee1.gif

This 'bleeding heart' Katrin - is she more Goering or Eckhardt? Or is she just plain Green?

not sure ... i've never heard of her before ... to me she's just another do-gooder trying to make a name for herself ,

problem is .... she don't realize , now they are a minority ... no one listens to them anyway which is good news.


simple 1, post #38, you may 'believe that there will soon be arrests for terrorism from the far right', but it hasn't happened. We have many from the religion of peace in jail for terrorism offences, and yet NOT ONE from the far right.

When it happens, give me a call.

I read the article for which you provided the link, and I don't see how it makes the minister's comments disingenuous?? Life is tough in parts of the world, but as I said earlier, we can't help everybody, and we have more than enough problems of our own.

It may be that the refugee problem forms a small part of the overall social security bill, but under the idiocy of labor, Rudd and Gillard, it was costing $6 Billion a year, and that's 12% of the total (I don't see that as small, incidentally), and money that doesn't need to be spent. We have enough social problems of our own without importing bludgers who will not work when they think they've arrived in the land of plenty.

Where does the AUD6billion a year figure come from? From a 2014 report...

Given that Australia has about 34,000 people at various stages of the asylum process, expenditure of $3.5 billion is extraordinarily expensive and wasteful.

Sweden, which received about 54,000 asylum seekers in 2013 and expects more than 60,000 this year, spends about $1 billion


It was a figure quoted by labor when in power, and no doubt contributed to the intense dislike by Australians who are struggling to get by, billions wasted on people who are uninvited and just lob on our shores looking for an easy life. Thank god/buddha/whoever for Scott Morrison!!!

The following is obviously the link you got your information from??


a potential cost of half a million each!! And that's without the years of social security they'll leach out of us. Of course we'll never be given an accurate figure because there would be riots at parliament house at the outrageous expense.

Factor in the preventative measures, this link http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html which puts the cost at It has allocated an additional $16.6million over two years to help the department fight challenges that's $8.3 Billion a year, and $5 Billion seems insignificant. It's more like a total of $12 Billion a year. Imagine what services the government could provide to Australians, rather than funding and fighting to keep the blow ins out??

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html#ixzz3gD7plSS0

If however, $3.5 Billion is an accurate figure (but I doubt it and it doesn't take into account preventative measures), it's still money that we should never have been spending on uninvited 'migrants'. Try lobbing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, or Iran, claim refugee status, and ask for a sympathetic hearing. I wonder what part they'd cut off first.

As an aside, there is a Reclaim Australia rally in many Australian cities today. That should have been it, a peaceful rally expressing a view. But no, those from the religion of peace decided they wanted a brawl and are currently facing off in the cities. They can't help themselves; they are a violent 'religion' from whatever country they come, and when the idiots in labor allowed the floodgates to open, a problem was created that will only get worse.


simple 1, post #38, you may 'believe that there will soon be arrests for terrorism from the far right', but it hasn't happened. We have many from the religion of peace in jail for terrorism offences, and yet NOT ONE from the far right.

When it happens, give me a call.

I read the article for which you provided the link, and I don't see how it makes the minister's comments disingenuous?? Life is tough in parts of the world, but as I said earlier, we can't help everybody, and we have more than enough problems of our own.

It may be that the refugee problem forms a small part of the overall social security bill, but under the idiocy of labor, Rudd and Gillard, it was costing $6 Billion a year, and that's 12% of the total (I don't see that as small, incidentally), and money that doesn't need to be spent. We have enough social problems of our own without importing bludgers who will not work when they think they've arrived in the land of plenty.

Where does the AUD6billion a year figure come from? From a 2014 report...

Given that Australia has about 34,000 people at various stages of the asylum process, expenditure of $3.5 billion is extraordinarily expensive and wasteful.

Sweden, which received about 54,000 asylum seekers in 2013 and expects more than 60,000 this year, spends about $1 billion


It was a figure quoted by labor when in power, and no doubt contributed to the intense dislike by Australians who are struggling to get by, billions wasted on people who are uninvited and just lob on our shores looking for an easy life. Thank god/buddha/whoever for Scott Morrison!!!

The following is obviously the link you got your information from??


a potential cost of half a million each!! And that's without the years of social security they'll leach out of us. Of course we'll never be given an accurate figure because there would be riots at parliament house at the outrageous expense.

Factor in the preventative measures, this link http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html which puts the cost at It has allocated an additional $16.6million over two years to help the department fight challenges that's $8.3 Billion a year, and $5 Billion seems insignificant. It's more like a total of $12 Billion a year. Imagine what services the government could provide to Australians, rather than funding and fighting to keep the blow ins out??

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html#ixzz3gD7plSS0

If however, $3.5 Billion is an accurate figure (but I doubt it and it doesn't take into account preventative measures), it's still money that we should never have been spending on uninvited 'migrants'. Try lobbing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, or Iran, claim refugee status, and ask for a sympathetic hearing. I wonder what part they'd cut off first.

As an aside, there is a Reclaim Australia rally in many Australian cities today. That should have been it, a peaceful rally expressing a view. But no, those from the religion of peace decided they wanted a brawl and are currently facing off in the cities. They can't help themselves; they are a violent 'religion' from whatever country they come, and when the idiots in labor allowed the floodgates to open, a problem was created that will only get worse.

And...that would sure help clear up the Deficit that Australia has......TAXES and it's spending, belongs to the people who paid it....NOT to be given away to bludgers, who contribute nothing to a society but grief.....


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Nothing is stopping them from standing up in their own country and WORKING to make it better first...Then they would most likely be accepted more by the countries that have stood together to make their country better....They are poor because they want to be.

Australia was a hard country, but we (my generation and the ones before us) made it better with time and somewhere special....We have the right to say NO to bludgers, the same as any other country. We didnt just run to the first country that would give us something for nothing....we stuck to it and succeeded, the same as the Kiwis did...

I read a lot of nonsense on TV, but yours takes the biscuit - they are poor because they want to be? Your ignorance and lack of understanding of their circumstances is utterly depressing.

But putting that aside, please get over yourself. Australia is not a 1st world country because of you - it is because it was part of the British Empire, which was built on the exploitation of millions in poorer countries around the world.

And now the global rules of trade and commerce are written so firmly in stone, they effectively prevent the poor from standing up for themselves and demanding parity and equality: they don't have the power to do so, they don't have the educational opportunties to allow them to do so, and any that do try to make a difference are quickly eliminated.

I say again, you are rich only because there are dozens who are poor.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Nothing is stopping them from standing up in their own country and WORKING to make it better first...Then they would most likely be accepted more by the countries that have stood together to make their country better....They are poor because they want to be.

Australia was a hard country, but we (my generation and the ones before us) made it better with time and somewhere special....We have the right to say NO to bludgers, the same as any other country. We didnt just run to the first country that would give us something for nothing....we stuck to it and succeeded, the same as the Kiwis did...

I read a lot of nonsense on TV, but yours takes the biscuit - they are poor because they want to be? Your ignorance and lack of understanding of their circumstances is utterly depressing.

But putting that aside, please get over yourself. Australia is not a 1st world country because of you - it is because it was part of the British Empire, which was built on the exploitation of millions in poorer countries around the world.

And now the global rules of trade and commerce are written so firmly in stone, they effectively prevent the poor from standing up for themselves and demanding parity and equality: they don't have the power to do so, they don't have the educational opportunties to allow them to do so, and any that do try to make a difference are quickly eliminated.

I say again, you are rich only because there are dozens who are poor.

Piffle!....You know nothing about Australia, but what you read elsewhere by the ratbags .....who also have probably never been there either.


she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

Yes I said she is a lot better than Abbot. But Australians have a huge rich country and could easily take in many refugees. But they only want white ones.They have taken no action against an estimated 25,000 white illegial immigrants, During the 4 years I was in Australia I saw plenty of South Africans who had been allowed to live there but none of them were black. The concentation camps are not luxurious. Prisons in Australia are better.

Australians seem to forget that they came there in droves as immigrants not so long ago.

Australians have a huge rich country

Are you aware that only a small area along the coast is inhabitable by large numbers of people?

Are you aware that only a few Australians are rich. Most are not?

Australians seem to forget that they came there in droves as immigrants not so long ago.

Other than those transported, they came legally. Australia still takes plenty of LEGAL immigrants.


How and why should Germany or any country for that matter grant anything to refugees .

It's not a must but a favour country chooses to extend.

Amazing how many still think someone owes them.

It is amazing that some people refuse to accept that their relative comfort and security can only be maintained with our global politic through the repression and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people whose only crime was to be born poor, in a poor part of the world.

Make no mistake, the ascendancy of the west and its domination over the world is not because of any people who are alive today. We are just fortunate that we were born on the right side of the fence. There but for the grace of God go I.

Nothing is stopping them from standing up in their own country and WORKING to make it better first...Then they would most likely be accepted more by the countries that have stood together to make their country better....They are poor because they want to be.

Australia was a hard country, but we (my generation and the ones before us) made it better with time and somewhere special....We have the right to say NO to bludgers, the same as any other country. We didnt just run to the first country that would give us something for nothing....we stuck to it and succeeded, the same as the Kiwis did...

I read a lot of nonsense on TV, but yours takes the biscuit - they are poor because they want to be? Your ignorance and lack of understanding of their circumstances is utterly depressing.

But putting that aside, please get over yourself. Australia is not a 1st world country because of you - it is because it was part of the British Empire, which was built on the exploitation of millions in poorer countries around the world.

And now the global rules of trade and commerce are written so firmly in stone, they effectively prevent the poor from standing up for themselves and demanding parity and equality: they don't have the power to do so, they don't have the educational opportunties to allow them to do so, and any that do try to make a difference are quickly eliminated.

I say again, you are rich only because there are dozens who are poor.

Actually they are poor because they breed themselves into poverty. What average family can support 10 children?

I hope you don't think I'm rich- I'm not. Back home can't afford a house, can't afford a decent car, can't afford to go to the dentist or the dr. In town I have to eat at crap fast food dumps and can't even afford the movies.


This thread is about Merkel and a crying refugee girl. I do not see Merkel put in a 'spot'.

It flows onto Germany and EU illegal immigration. Naturally this topic is projected onto the rest of the world.

Any illegal immigrants are a problem for any country.

Naturally, this thread becomes a contentious issue of Muslim Illegal Immigration. We live through an Arab or Muslim "Spring" time.

Naturally, any country is entitled to protection of its borders.

The living conditions of illegal immigrants are not the responsibility of the country they are in.

They are Illegal. Nobody has invited them to come. They are free to go back any moment.

Any other consideration is an emotional sentimental drivel.

Camps, detention centres, concentration camps, length of detention, inhuman treatment is baloney.

Let me repeat: - They are free to go back home any time.


Actually they are poor because they breed themselves into poverty. What average family can support 10 children?

I hope you don't think I'm rich- I'm not. Back home can't afford a house, can't afford a decent car, can't afford to go to the dentist or the dr. In town I have to eat at crap fast food dumps and can't even afford the movies.

I do not believe you should have to justify yourself nor feel bad for your wealth. People with money worked for it and earned it

Some got the inheritance, sure, but it only means their parents worked for it.

Those refugees, are not looking for a better life but for easier life, being well aware of the support they get from the state.

In their home countries, there are also wealthy and poor people, just like anywhere else in the world.

In their home country, those with education and something to contribute apply via legal channels because they have something other countries may need.

The boat people have nothing much to offer.

Sure i am speaking in general terms but the good ones are usually in the minority.

As previously said, Australia, UK, Holland have taken in a number of refugees and since then crime rates have skyrocketed where ever those settled.

Strangely enough, for some unknown reason, most of refugees come from Muslim countries.

They tell us, Islam is a religion of peace and yet they running away from violence?

I would be happy to accept that, if after being resettled, they would assimilate into our culture, but instead they attack it or abuse it one way or another.

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