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Crying refugee girl puts German chancellor Merkel on the spot

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simple 1, post #38, you may 'believe that there will soon be arrests for terrorism from the far right', but it hasn't happened. We have many from the religion of peace in jail for terrorism offences, and yet NOT ONE from the far right.

When it happens, give me a call.

I read the article for which you provided the link, and I don't see how it makes the minister's comments disingenuous?? Life is tough in parts of the world, but as I said earlier, we can't help everybody, and we have more than enough problems of our own.

It may be that the refugee problem forms a small part of the overall social security bill, but under the idiocy of labor, Rudd and Gillard, it was costing $6 Billion a year, and that's 12% of the total (I don't see that as small, incidentally), and money that doesn't need to be spent. We have enough social problems of our own without importing bludgers who will not work when they think they've arrived in the land of plenty.

Where does the AUD6billion a year figure come from? From a 2014 report...

Given that Australia has about 34,000 people at various stages of the asylum process, expenditure of $3.5 billion is extraordinarily expensive and wasteful.

Sweden, which received about 54,000 asylum seekers in 2013 and expects more than 60,000 this year, spends about $1 billion


It was a figure quoted by labor when in power, and no doubt contributed to the intense dislike by Australians who are struggling to get by, billions wasted on people who are uninvited and just lob on our shores looking for an easy life. Thank god/buddha/whoever for Scott Morrison!!!

The following is obviously the link you got your information from??


a potential cost of half a million each!! And that's without the years of social security they'll leach out of us. Of course we'll never be given an accurate figure because there would be riots at parliament house at the outrageous expense.

Factor in the preventative measures, this link http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html which puts the cost at It has allocated an additional $16.6million over two years to help the department fight challenges that's $8.3 Billion a year, and $5 Billion seems insignificant. It's more like a total of $12 Billion a year. Imagine what services the government could provide to Australians, rather than funding and fighting to keep the blow ins out??

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/boat-arrivals-cost-blows-out-by-32b-20130514-2jkq8.html#ixzz3gD7plSS0

If however, $3.5 Billion is an accurate figure (but I doubt it and it doesn't take into account preventative measures), it's still money that we should never have been spending on uninvited 'migrants'. Try lobbing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, or Iran, claim refugee status, and ask for a sympathetic hearing. I wonder what part they'd cut off first.

As an aside, there is a Reclaim Australia rally in many Australian cities today. That should have been it, a peaceful rally expressing a view. But no, those from the religion of peace decided they wanted a brawl and are currently facing off in the cities. They can't help themselves; they are a violent 'religion' from whatever country they come, and when the idiots in labor allowed the floodgates to open, a problem was created that will only get worse.

The figures quoted in the Canberra Times for cost per refugee are extremely high as a direct outcome of the Oz government policy to outsource offshore detention and processing, refused permission to work whilst being assessed and so on. I guess the figures don't include the additional aid (bribes) provided to the corrupt host governments. In other countries the costs are dramatically less per refugee.

Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran host millions of refugees, they are making a major effort for assisting refugees.

You're seriously deluded if you believe Reclaim Australia and other similar groups in Oz are peaceful in nature.

Do you know that worldwide only an average of around 70k people are resettled p.a. I understand UNHCR are putting in extra effort to try and increase to 100k p.a. Unless conflict zones transition to peace millions of refugees will never be able to return home or be resettled.

Here is another link to an Oz govt website providing policy facts and figures.


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The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

Correct me if I am wrong but the usual suspects have visa's and are not demanding perm residency . Younger ones like myself , work, pay tax and employ people.

Do not you think there is a big difference?


The boat people have nothing much to offer.

Sure i am speaking in general terms but the good ones are usually in the minority.

Strangely enough, for some unknown reason, most of refugees come from Muslim countries.

They tell us, Islam is a religion of peace and yet they running away from violence?

Dear konying.

Please pardon me for only quoting four sentences out of your longer post. All the rest I completely agree with.

It is these four that I have problems with. Of course it may be entirely my own fault or lack of understanding.

1) True, or they wouldn't be in a boat... But why on Earth any foreign country want them?

2) I am very much alert to the concept of "good ones". Let me presume you are talking about Muslims.

True they are always a minority. But IMHO the very concept of "good" is not applicable to Muslims or to Islam.

The reasons are threefold. Too many extremists are hatched from within the "good ones".

You can scan people for weapons or explosives unless they "carry the bomb in their head".

We can easily survive Islam's Jihad except when they are among us.

3) True, but without any "strangeness and for reasons well known".

4) Stop listening to what they say. Look at what they do. And by all means get to know Islam teachings from the Original Source.

My overall intuitive feeling is - you are trying to be accepted by PC Libs. Wasted effort!.


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

Excuse me? I am gainfully employed and pay more into my homeland's system than I will ever receive in services or pensions. I'm not complaining about it, as I realize it is the price I pay as part of the social contract. It is also my obligation to help others and I hope that one day should I need help I will get it. My contributions to Thailand far exceed anything I have received or will ever receive.

The Lebanese immigrant was not escaping war. She accompanied her family when her father was given a TEMPORARY work visa.

The assault that Australia currently faces is one of economic migrants. These people are not fleeing any wars.

The assault that Australia currently faces is one of economic migrants. These people are not fleeing any wars.

In the first three months of 2013 nine out of ten claims from people who had arrived on boats were found to be genuine. This included 86.5 per cent of claims from Iranian asylum seekers. So what has changed between then & now, other than the politicisation of the assessment criteria?


Actually they are poor because they breed themselves into poverty. What average family can support 10 children?

I hope you don't think I'm rich- I'm not. Back home can't afford a house, can't afford a decent car, can't afford to go to the dentist or the dr. In town I have to eat at crap fast food dumps and can't even afford the movies.

I do not believe you should have to justify yourself nor feel bad for your wealth. People with money worked for it and earned it

Some got the inheritance, sure, but it only means their parents worked for it.

Those refugees, are not looking for a better life but for easier life, being well aware of the support they get from the state.

In their home countries, there are also wealthy and poor people, just like anywhere else in the world.

In their home country, those with education and something to contribute apply via legal channels because they have something other countries may need.

The boat people have nothing much to offer.

Sure i am speaking in general terms but the good ones are usually in the minority.

As previously said, Australia, UK, Holland have taken in a number of refugees and since then crime rates have skyrocketed where ever those settled.

Strangely enough, for some unknown reason, most of refugees come from Muslim countries.

They tell us, Islam is a religion of peace and yet they running away from violence?

I would be happy to accept that, if after being resettled, they would assimilate into our culture, but instead they attack it or abuse it one way or another.

Sorry for off topic but I feel that has to be answered.

Ask yourself who has the most money ( other than the 1% ) and it's people like MPs, bureaucrats, lawyers, stockbrokers, bankers and financiers. These people create nothing useful, and are basically parasites feeding on people that do create things and do something useful. People like nurses and farmers that are useful members of society get the shaft.


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

???? All non working expats have to have money to stay in LOS. 400,000/ 800,000 or equivalent a year, plus living expenses. None of us that came legally are expecting to get handouts from the Thai government.


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

???? All non working expats have to have money to stay in LOS. 400,000/ 800,000 or equivalent a year, plus living expenses. None of us that came legally are expecting to get handouts from the Thai government.

Wow. Stick $13k in the bank and your legal! Sight unseen!

Do you use petrol? Electricity? Water? Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Ever used the train? Subsidised.

Wonder why the public hospital and medicines are so cheap. I'll leave you to guess.

Thailand is just as much a welfare state without the direct handouts. And you are a beneficiary.

At least this girls speaks fluent German and has the potential of a whole working life ahead of her to contribute.

More than can be said for the majority of flotsam and jetsom which wash up on Thailand's shore.

Have I made this personal? Good. Perceptions change when they become personal. They aren't just a convienent fodder hot heads to get angry about on the Internet.

But like her, you just turned up. The only difference between you and her is you won the jackpot of life and were born on the right side of the fence.


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

Excuse me? I am gainfully employed and pay more into my homeland's system than I will ever receive in services or pensions. I'm not complaining about it, as I realize it is the price I pay as part of the social contract. It is also my obligation to help others and I hope that one day should I need help I will get it. My contributions to Thailand far exceed anything I have received or will ever receive.

The Lebanese immigrant was not escaping war. She accompanied her family when her father was given a TEMPORARY work visa.

The assault that Australia currently faces is one of economic migrants. These people are not fleeing any wars.

If you are going to have a go at economic migrants then you are pretty much slagging off most of the Thai visa membership.

Do you think they came here for the expensive prices? Economic migrant, just in a different direction.

These guys will work and contribute. Just like you. If it is good enough for the goose...


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

???? All non working expats have to have money to stay in LOS. 400,000/ 800,000 or equivalent a year, plus living expenses. None of us that came legally are expecting to get handouts from the Thai government.

Wow. Stick $13k in the bank and your legal! Sight unseen!

Do you use petrol? Electricity? Water? Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Ever used the train? Subsidised.

Wonder why the public hospital and medicines are so cheap. I'll leave you to guess.

Thailand is just as much a welfare state without the direct handouts. And you are a beneficiary.

At least this girls speaks fluent German and has the potential of a whole working life ahead of her to contribute.

More than can be said for the majority of flotsam and jetsom which wash up on Thailand's shore.

Have I made this personal? Good. Perceptions change when they become personal. They aren't just a convienent fodder hot heads to get angry about on the Internet.

But like her, you just turned up. The only difference between you and her is you won the jackpot of life and were born on the right side of the fence.

were born on the right side of the fence.

You have no idea, do you? I wasn't born with any advantages- every cent I have to be able to stay in LOS was earned by hard graft and honest toil. I didn't make it on the stock market or because I was banker or such.

If I had an advantage it was that I lived in a country that hasn't so overpopulated itself as to make most poor and without hope of betterment.

How could I just turn up? I had to get a visa, fly on a plane and then go to immigration for an extension. I didn't just climb on a boat after paying scum to take me illegally to LOS and expect them to welcome me with open arms and give me stuff.

Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Considering the millions of baht I have paid to Thai Air and for staying here, it's hardly a generous subsidy.


were born on the right side of the fence.

You have no idea, do you? I wasn't born with any advantages- every cent I have to be able to stay in LOS was earned by hard graft and honest toil. I didn't make it on the stock market or because I was banker or such.

If I had an advantage it was that I lived in a country that hasn't so overpopulated itself as to make most poor and without hope of betterment.

How could I just turn up? I had to get a visa, fly on a plane and then go to immigration for an extension. I didn't just climb on a boat after paying scum to take me illegally to LOS and expect them to welcome me with open arms and give me stuff.

Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Considering the millions of baht I have paid to Thai Air and for staying here, it's hardly a generous subsidy.

I think you are the one who doesn't get it. You were born with an advantage that 85% of the world's population does not have - a stable government that is doing the screwing rather than being screwed by others.

While you can congratulate yourself all you want for the way your life has turned out, the fact is that you landed on the second top rung of the ladder the day you were born so no matter how you try to paint it, you really didn't have to climb so very far.


The usual suspects who waltzed into Thailand sight unseen with a few pennies in their pockets looking for economic refuge complaining about others doing a similar thing? At least they were escaping war...

???? All non working expats have to have money to stay in LOS. 400,000/ 800,000 or equivalent a year, plus living expenses. None of us that came legally are expecting to get handouts from the Thai government.

Wow. Stick $13k in the bank and your legal! Sight unseen!

Do you use petrol? Electricity? Water? Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Ever used the train? Subsidised.

Wonder why the public hospital and medicines are so cheap. I'll leave you to guess.

Thailand is just as much a welfare state without the direct handouts. And you are a beneficiary.

At least this girls speaks fluent German and has the potential of a whole working life ahead of her to contribute.

More than can be said for the majority of flotsam and jetsom which wash up on Thailand's shore.

Have I made this personal? Good. Perceptions change when they become personal. They aren't just a convienent fodder hot heads to get angry about on the Internet.

But like her, you just turned up. The only difference between you and her is you won the jackpot of life and were born on the right side of the fence.

were born on the right side of the fence.

You have no idea, do you? I wasn't born with any advantages- every cent I have to be able to stay in LOS was earned by hard graft and honest toil. I didn't make it on the stock market or because I was banker or such.

If I had an advantage it was that I lived in a country that hasn't so overpopulated itself as to make most poor and without hope of betterment.

How could I just turn up? I had to get a visa, fly on a plane and then go to immigration for an extension. I didn't just climb on a boat after paying scum to take me illegally to LOS and expect them to welcome me with open arms and give me stuff.

Subsidised. You are getting an indirect handout.

Considering the millions of baht I have paid to Thai Air and for staying here, it's hardly a generous subsidy.

I have no doubt you worked hard and earned every cent. And your retirement is well earned.

You were born on the right side of the fence that allowed you to work in peace, earn a living wage, that your religion, colour or ethicity had little or no bearing on geting a job. A wage that was a living wage, an not a subsitance wage like it is for millions. You had a chance to be educated to a certain level, for free if you needed it. You never had to worry about being sick from preventable diseases.

Very few of us in the world get that privelige. I did. I'm not going to slag off those who didn't.

But you kid of missed my point. I made a carte blance statement lumping everyone like yourself in the same boat. I did it deliberately.

Amazing isn't it how a little bit of personalisation makes us see the true side of things? That everyone, in fact most, aren't scoungers or leeches. You aren't. And I bet london to a brick most of these people aren't. Most people contribute if they get a chance to.


This is going quite far off-topic.

The situation is once that is occurring in Germany and falls under the German laws. She was a refugee in Lebanon, but she probably doesn't meet that criteria in Germany.

The people in Thailand fall under Thai law.

Please stay on topic and please be civil to others.


Actually they are poor because they breed themselves into poverty. What average family can support 10 children?

I hope you don't think I'm rich- I'm not. Back home can't afford a house, can't afford a decent car, can't afford to go to the dentist or the dr. In town I have to eat at crap fast food dumps and can't even afford the movies.

I do not believe you should have to justify yourself nor feel bad for your wealth. People with money worked for it and earned it

Some got the inheritance, sure, but it only means their parents worked for it.

Those refugees, are not looking for a better life but for easier life, being well aware of the support they get from the state.

In their home countries, there are also wealthy and poor people, just like anywhere else in the world.

In their home country, those with education and something to contribute apply via legal channels because they have something other countries may need.

The boat people have nothing much to offer.

Sure i am speaking in general terms but the good ones are usually in the minority.

As previously said, Australia, UK, Holland have taken in a number of refugees and since then crime rates have skyrocketed where ever those settled.

Strangely enough, for some unknown reason, most of refugees come from Muslim countries.

They tell us, Islam is a religion of peace and yet they running away from violence?

I would be happy to accept that, if after being resettled, they would assimilate into our culture, but instead they attack it or abuse it one way or another.

Sorry for off topic but I feel that has to be answered.

Ask yourself who has the most money ( other than the 1% ) and it's people like MPs, bureaucrats, lawyers, stockbrokers, bankers and financiers. These people create nothing useful, and are basically parasites feeding on people that do create things and do something useful. People like nurses and farmers that are useful members of society get the shaft.

I guess it all depends on ones perception of what wealth is biggrin.png


I have no doubt you worked hard and earned every cent. And your retirement is well earned.

You were born on the right side of the fence that allowed you to work in peace, earn a living wage, that your religion, colour or ethicity had little or no bearing on geting a job. A wage that was a living wage, an not a subsitance wage like it is for millions. You had a chance to be educated to a certain level, for free if you needed it. You never had to worry about being sick from preventable diseases.

Very few of us in the world get that privelige. I did. I'm not going to slag off those who didn't.

But you kid of missed my point. I made a carte blance statement lumping everyone like yourself in the same boat. I did it deliberately.

Amazing isn't it how a little bit of personalisation makes us see the true side of things? That everyone, in fact most, aren't scoungers or leeches. You aren't. And I bet london to a brick most of these people aren't. Most people contribute if they get a chance to.

Ok, i bite.

So we were lucky to be born on the right side of the fence.

Many of them are running away from violence and injustice and everything else you like to add,

So please explain to me, why so many of them run away from violence to create violence in the new country?

You say they want chance at earning a good living, so they start to sell drugs?

You say they run away from discrimination, only to come to a new country and start assaulting. insulting and even raping.

Sorry but your statements, do not make much sense to me.

As i said before, i am speaking in general terms, because the good ones are a minority, otherwise already mentioned countries would not have problems with refugees or their offsprings


I have no doubt you worked hard and earned every cent. And your retirement is well earned.

You were born on the right side of the fence that allowed you to work in peace, earn a living wage, that your religion, colour or ethicity had little or no bearing on geting a job. A wage that was a living wage, an not a subsitance wage like it is for millions. You had a chance to be educated to a certain level, for free if you needed it. You never had to worry about being sick from preventable diseases.

Very few of us in the world get that privelige. I did. I'm not going to slag off those who didn't.

But you kid of missed my point. I made a carte blance statement lumping everyone like yourself in the same boat. I did it deliberately.

Amazing isn't it how a little bit of personalisation makes us see the true side of things? That everyone, in fact most, aren't scoungers or leeches. You aren't. And I bet london to a brick most of these people aren't. Most people contribute if they get a chance to.

Ok, i bite.

So we were lucky to be born on the right side of the fence.

Many of them are running away from violence and injustice and everything else you like to add,

So please explain to me, why so many of them run away from violence to create violence in the new country?

You say they want chance at earning a good living, so they start to sell drugs?

You say they run away from discrimination, only to come to a new country and start assaulting. insulting and even raping.

Sorry but your statements, do not make much sense to me.

As i said before, i am speaking in general terms, because the good ones are a minority, otherwise already mentioned countries would not have problems with refugees or their offsprings

Define 'so many'.

Is that more or less than women who die per week from domestic violence? Should we be banning men now?


I have no doubt you worked hard and earned every cent. And your retirement is well earned.

You were born on the right side of the fence that allowed you to work in peace, earn a living wage, that your religion, colour or ethicity had little or no bearing on geting a job. A wage that was a living wage, an not a subsitance wage like it is for millions. You had a chance to be educated to a certain level, for free if you needed it. You never had to worry about being sick from preventable diseases.

Very few of us in the world get that privelige. I did. I'm not going to slag off those who didn't.

But you kid of missed my point. I made a carte blance statement lumping everyone like yourself in the same boat. I did it deliberately.

Amazing isn't it how a little bit of personalisation makes us see the true side of things? That everyone, in fact most, aren't scoungers or leeches. You aren't. And I bet london to a brick most of these people aren't. Most people contribute if they get a chance to.

Ok, i bite.

So we were lucky to be born on the right side of the fence.

Many of them are running away from violence and injustice and everything else you like to add,

So please explain to me, why so many of them run away from violence to create violence in the new country?

You say they want chance at earning a good living, so they start to sell drugs?

You say they run away from discrimination, only to come to a new country and start assaulting. insulting and even raping.

Sorry but your statements, do not make much sense to me.

As i said before, i am speaking in general terms, because the good ones are a minority, otherwise already mentioned countries would not have problems with refugees or their offsprings

Define 'so many'.

Is that your answer? I believe you are Thai who lived in Australia.

Ever visited Western Suburbs? heard of Kings Cross? Who owns most clubs along Oxford Street? and how did he make the money?

Need links to drive by shootings? and drug arrests or perhaps jail statistics by nationality?

So "many" is enough to create a number of strike forces to deal with them.


^^ sorry, thought I was dealing with someone didn't get their news from the tabloids.

I guess not.

You speak as if Oxford street and the Kings cross underworld are relatively new things. I guess you missed the royal commissions in the 90s.

So how many deaths from terrorism have their been vs deaths from domestic violence?


^^ sorry, thought I was dealing with someone didn't get their news from the tabloids.

I guess not.

You speak as if Oxford street and the Kings cross underworld are relatively new things. I guess you missed the royal commissions in the 90s.

So how many deaths from terrorism have their been vs deaths from domestic violence?

Sorry domestic violence has nothing to do with this thread

Yes Oxford street and King Cross was a result of refugees, not other way around.

Lebanese organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Lebanese people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. The main center of Lebanese organized crime is Sydney, with a significant community of 120,000, followed by Melbourne. Criminal organizations are mostly based around extended crime families with a large number of associates from their community. The main activities of Lebanese gangs in Australia are narcotics and weapons trafficking, extortion, prostitution, car theft and money laundering. Often different rival criminal families are interlocked in feuds, resulting in a fair amount of violence. Criminal organizations however often transcend religious and cultural barriers, with members of the Sunni, Christian, Shia and Mhallami (mostly counted as part of the Sunni population) communities all involved in the same criminal organizations.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_mafia#Lebanese_organized_crime_in_Australia


The rise of Middle Eastern crime in Australia http://australian-news.net/articles/view.php?id=110 Fraser was warned on Lebanese migrantshttp://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/cabinet-papers/fraser-was-warned-on-lebanese-migrants/story-e6frgda6-1111112763458

^^ sorry, thought I was dealing with someone didn't get their news from the tabloids.

I guess not.

You speak as if Oxford street and the Kings cross underworld are relatively new things. I guess you missed the royal commissions in the 90s.

So how many deaths from terrorism have their been vs deaths from domestic violence?

Sorry domestic violence has nothing to do with this thread

Yes Oxford street and King Cross was a result of refugees, not other way around.

Lebanese organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Lebanese people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. The main center of Lebanese organized crime is Sydney, with a significant community of 120,000, followed by Melbourne. Criminal organizations are mostly based around extended crime families with a large number of associates from their community. The main activities of Lebanese gangs in Australia are narcotics and weapons trafficking, extortion, prostitution, car theft and money laundering. Often different rival criminal families are interlocked in feuds, resulting in a fair amount of violence. Criminal organizations however often transcend religious and cultural barriers, with members of the Sunni, Christian, Shia and Mhallami (mostly counted as part of the Sunni population) communities all involved in the same criminal organizations.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_mafia#Lebanese_organized_crime_in_Australia


The rise of Middle Eastern crime in Australia http://australian-news.net/articles/view.php?id=110

Fraser was warned on Lebanese migrantshttp://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/cabinet-papers/fraser-was-warned-on-lebanese-migrants/story-e6frgda6-1111112763458

You are in drugs if you believe that organised crime didn't exist and it was the Lebanese invented it.

What are you going to do, deport the Italians just because a few of thejr decendents control the drugs and standover trade from Griffith down to he Vic markets.

Using your logic, might as well deport every farang from thailand then given Pattayas notorious reputation. I mean, just have to read and Andrew Drummond article and it would be justification to deport you. Fairs fair right?


^^ sorry, thought I was dealing with someone didn't get their news from the tabloids.

I guess not.

You speak as if Oxford street and the Kings cross underworld are relatively new things. I guess you missed the royal commissions in the 90s.

So how many deaths from terrorism have their been vs deaths from domestic violence?

Sorry domestic violence has nothing to do with this thread

Yes Oxford street and King Cross was a result of refugees, not other way around.

Lebanese organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Lebanese people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. The main center of Lebanese organized crime is Sydney, with a significant community of 120,000, followed by Melbourne. Criminal organizations are mostly based around extended crime families with a large number of associates from their community. The main activities of Lebanese gangs in Australia are narcotics and weapons trafficking, extortion, prostitution, car theft and money laundering. Often different rival criminal families are interlocked in feuds, resulting in a fair amount of violence. Criminal organizations however often transcend religious and cultural barriers, with members of the Sunni, Christian, Shia and Mhallami (mostly counted as part of the Sunni population) communities all involved in the same criminal organizations.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_mafia#Lebanese_organized_crime_in_Australia


The rise of Middle Eastern crime in Australia http://australian-news.net/articles/view.php?id=110

Fraser was warned on Lebanese migrantshttp://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/cabinet-papers/fraser-was-warned-on-lebanese-migrants/story-e6frgda6-1111112763458

You are in drugs if you believe that organised crime didn't exist and it was the Lebanese invented it.

What are you going to do, deport the Italians just because a few of thejr decendents control the drugs and standover trade from Griffith down to he Vic markets.

Using your logic, might as well deport every farang from thailand then given Pattayas notorious reputation. I mean, just have to read and Andrew Drummond article and it would be justification to deport you. Fairs fair right?

You are twisting my words to justify your nonsense posts.

Organised crime existence has nothing to do with refugees.

It does however has everything to do with refugees turning into organised crime on large scale of not bigger scale


^^ sorry, thought I was dealing with someone didn't get their news from the tabloids.

I guess not.

You speak as if Oxford street and the Kings cross underworld are relatively new things. I guess you missed the royal commissions in the 90s.

So how many deaths from terrorism have their been vs deaths from domestic violence?

Sorry domestic violence has nothing to do with this thread

Yes Oxford street and King Cross was a result of refugees, not other way around.

Lebanese organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Lebanese people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. The main center of Lebanese organized crime is Sydney, with a significant community of 120,000, followed by Melbourne. Criminal organizations are mostly based around extended crime families with a large number of associates from their community. The main activities of Lebanese gangs in Australia are narcotics and weapons trafficking, extortion, prostitution, car theft and money laundering. Often different rival criminal families are interlocked in feuds, resulting in a fair amount of violence. Criminal organizations however often transcend religious and cultural barriers, with members of the Sunni, Christian, Shia and Mhallami (mostly counted as part of the Sunni population) communities all involved in the same criminal organizations.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_mafia#Lebanese_organized_crime_in_Australia


The rise of Middle Eastern crime in Australia http://australian-news.net/articles/view.php?id=110

Fraser was warned on Lebanese migrantshttp://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/cabinet-papers/fraser-was-warned-on-lebanese-migrants/story-e6frgda6-1111112763458

You are in drugs if you believe that organised crime didn't exist and it was the Lebanese invented it.

What are you going to do, deport the Italians just because a few of thejr decendents control the drugs and standover trade from Griffith down to he Vic markets.

Using your logic, might as well deport every farang from thailand then given Pattayas notorious reputation. I mean, just have to read and Andrew Drummond article and it would be justification to deport you. Fairs fair right?

You are twisting my words to justify your nonsense posts.

Organised crime existence has nothing to do with refugees.

It does however has everything to do with refugees turning into organised crime on large scale of not bigger scale

Wow. Just wow.

Way to go. Quoting from far right nutbag website australia-news. Comes with its own China hating and women hating news sections.

Flushed any credibilty you did have right down the dunny.

Does the site allow you to buy tin foil hats online too?

Wow. Just wow.

Way to go. Quoting from far right nutbag website australia-news. Comes with its own China hating and women hating news sections.

Flushed any credibilty you did have right down the dunny.

Does the site allow you to buy tin foil hats online too?

Guess you already know about Tim Priest, classic BS artist...


Wow. Just wow.

Way to go. Quoting from far right nutbag website australia-news. Comes with its own China hating and women hating news sections.

Flushed any credibilty you did have right down the dunny.

Does the site allow you to buy tin foil hats online too?


But of course, media is wrong, stats are wrong, only the great Samran is right, because he says so, without so much as a single piece of evidence or even half comprehensible post Way to win the debategiggle.gif


Wow. Just wow.

Way to go. Quoting from far right nutbag website australia-news. Comes with its own China hating and women hating news sections.

Flushed any credibilty you did have right down the dunny.

Does the site allow you to buy tin foil hats online too?


But of course, media is wrong, stats are wrong, only the great Samran is right, because he says so, without so much as a single piece of evidence or even half comprehensible post Way to win the debategiggle.gif

I'm more than assured in my ability to make a well structured, referenced argument....to those who matter.

If you feel the need to reference www.wifebeater.com, then that is your perogative.


To get back on topic, why should Merkel feel guilty because a non refugee can't go to uni in Germany. Lebanon is not a failed state and there are enough real refugees in the world for Germany to take without adding non refugees to that intake.

I'm sure most Germans are regretting that past governments allowed basically unlimited Turish immigration and that policy will surely come back to bite them on the behind.

I don't get why Muslim refugees are seen as a western, non Muslim countries, problem. Saudi has been gouging the west for years and they certainly have the money and the empty space to put every Muslim refugee.

Perhaps they know what the result would be ( unlike, apparently, western governments and don't want a bar of it ).

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