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Kindle v tablet


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Had Kindle now for over 3 years Fire XD, but getting full,need a second one as I do not want to get rid of majority of books,( a non-fiction fan) pass a few on as DRM removed, but now using Calibre and using that for book choice ,same book ,same author can be got for free(just saved £27 just on one over Kindle pricing)

A cheaper epub tablet perhaps Nook,or even a Tesco Hudl with Kindle app installed,or even a True tablet,True seem to be pushing a good one at the moment.

Q Any ideas?

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All tablets like the Fire have a bright display that cycles, almost like a fluorescent light which can lead to eye fatigue for many people. The advantages of the E-Reader is the display is static, no cycling with options to control screen brightness and print size. I have a Kindle "Paperwhite" and also have the Kindle app on a tablet and my mobile. While I can read for long periods on the E-Reader; two hours plus, I find my eyes tiring after much more than an hour on a tablet or mobile.

Agree that Calibre is a very useful program.

It appears that Barnes & Noble are distancing themselves more and more from the Nook but if you are adept with Calibre then it's not really an issue. I'm sure there are some real bargains on the various Nooks these days.

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Buy a Kindle reader. The Kindle Fire is just another tablet, and like all other tablets is a poor comparison to a Kindle paperwhite for reading ebooks.

You can keep your ebooks on your computer and just leave a few hundred or so on the e-reader so "getting full" should ever be an issue.

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Kindle Paperwhite is so stellar with reading it is worth having just for reading, even if you have a tablet it is of no comparison. Being able to read at night in bed with a kindle paperwhite, full lights or in total darkness, without destroying your sleep, your eyes, or annoying the partner, is invaluable!

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I have an Android smartphone with a 5.5 inch screen. Do all my reading on that (on Aldiko). I have a couple of tablets, but since I got this phone I have quit using them altogether. All my stuff handled on one device and I am not obligated to buy anything through a specific company store.

I have tried the kindles. They are nice on the eyes, but so limited. I never used a Fire, but from what I could tell you don't get much in the way of specs for the price you pay.

One smartphone is the way to go.

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