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Thai court orders confiscation of teenager's car for sudden crisscross and zigzag driving


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Amazing that they took his car. So, there is a judge somewhere in Thailand with common sense, who follows the rule of law? Is it possible his family does not have any money? More of this needs to happen here. The kids are out of control

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Looks like Yaris driver may have taken offence at being cut up by the white pick up (0:50).

Although the Yaris driver was driving like a tool at this point and white pick up probably had no idea he was there, I'm assuming that's what set Yaris off his head.

When the Yaris pulls in front of the pick up, the driver of the Yaris opens his door (1:08), presumably to have a nice chat. Then the stupidity really kicks in.

Confiscating the car? Now that headline really caught my attention.

And as mentioned in other posts, what about the poor sod on the motorbike?

Edited by sean in udon
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It looks like road rage on the part of the Yaris driver to me. I hope the motorcyclist was OK.

This teenager thing has come up before. I can't post Thai here but if you follow the link, you will see an example sentence that actually states that the Thai version of teenager lasts until about 25.


Informative post. Thanks.

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Saw the article on Facebook. Clicked on it. Now I'm here. Just watched the video.


But what DOES make my left butt cheek itch a little bit, is that they just confiscate ones property over a (minor) traffic violation.

And my other cheek tells me that my "questioning" + "doubting" Thai Traffic Laws & Regulations, enforced by the Royal Thai Traffic Police" with their hard work and "daddy-cation" on a daily bases, could spark public unrest, probably kicking off on Facebook, I won't do the same mistake again, and getting me arrested, incapacitated, jailed, deported, and finally blacklisted for centuries to come.No no. Not again.

So I stick with B O R I N G.

But in the video there is one thing clear. The only member of traffic, on that road, in that video, who was in complete control of his/her vehicle, driving it with confidence and foresight, was the overaged teenage (mutant) driver of the red Yaris.

So make sure that you don't zigzag navigate around some potholes here and then. It could cost you your wheels, resulting in an very itchy bum.

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What really is amazing is that the BIB took this tape to a Thai Judge and the Judge found the guy guilty of zig zagging? I mean for , he was at least 100 metres in front before the retard in the pickup signaling right decided to turn a sharp left. Sorry but this is way FuXXed up, the red Yaris had bugger all to do with the cause of the accident.

Take a look at the speed of the final retard in the pickup on the far left lane just as the bike gets hit.....retards retards everywhere, and they blame the driver of the red Yaris, unbelievable!

There really is something wrong with Thais, they cannot even understand that seeing is believing, they are a species unto their own, you will never get inside their distorted stupid brain dead heads in a million years. If a Thai judge watched that and blamed the red Yaris what hope have those two Burmese got for the Koh Tao Murder? Even when it is right before their eyes they choose to ignore it. <deleted>!

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widely shared on the social network and stirred prompt reaction by the police

Seems like the only way to get the BiB off their butts and do their job is to post something on Facebook!


The only thing that Thai cops get off their lazy corrupt fat &lt;deleted&gt; for is MONEY! nothing else. The rank and file could probably be trained, the upper echelons need to be taken quietly at dawn, stood against a wall and shot!

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The red Yaris driver was harassing the pickup after the pickup changed into the left lane (at 51 secs) - the pickup indicated.

The Yaris driver is ahead of the pickup (at 1min) and clear to drive ahead, instead he pulls over to the left to wait for the white pickup to harass him.

At 1min 34seconds the pickup is clearly driving to avoid the Yaris - The pickup driver is perhaps starting to panic.

at 1min 43seconds the Yaris driver pulls alongside the pickup with his window open, waving something at the pickup and cuts across his path (at 1:45)... The pickup driver thinks the Yaris driver has a gun (this is what the Thai forums are saying) and takes evasive action.

Unfortunately, this evasive action is too sudden... in the pickups attempt to change lanes and get away from the Yaris driver he cuts across the 'video car' which in turn clips a bike.


This is not a normal road accident where someone makes a silly mistake: The pickup driver was clearly fearing for his safety - The Yaris driver instigated and then exacerbated any danger in this situation. The accident is a direct result of the Yaris drivers threatening manner.

Could be something to do with the guy trying to get away from the yaris indeed.

Did they find a gun?

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500 baht fine, should had been at least 100,000 baht, and jail for 1 year. Nothing will change till the laws mean something in this country. It's all a joke till someone get's killed.

People get killed here daily. Unless it is a relative of the PM, or a super rich kid, it is not something that concerns the elite nor the powers that be. Life here is cheap. Traffic safety, consumer protection, an effective health department. All just vague concepts. No real implementation. No effective ministers in charge. Just a big shell game. A lot of words. Not much in the way of meaningful action. The fact that Thai society functions as well as it does, is an enormous tribute to the will, tenacity, heart, determination, and resourcefulness of the Thai people. It has next to nothing to do with the government.

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the cause of this is down to the government , they make it so expensive to import a car that they need to sell any car made in thailand with or without insurance, passing a REAL driving test and any age can drive a motorbike ,.....soooo 3 rd world !

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"The driver Chatree Linkun, 26, was arrested and sued in the Minburi provincial court."

So where is the teenager referred to in this story?

finally a REAL judge! hope this goes viral and ALL thai's see it! maybe just maybe they will think about loosing their car. they will still have to pay for it as most thai's are buying their cars on credit! glad to finally see it. a five hundred baht fine is not even two beers!

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Some real punishment at last. Well done judge and to the motorist that posted the clip online.

Edit to add video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJzpvfLRmu8

Can't see how the accident is his fault but still no sympathy for him losing his car as his driving was dangerous.

I agree, I don't see how it his fault.

It seems like at 1:45 mark. The pickup truck on the right was more focused on the red yaris than the car merging his/her right. He suddenly swerved to the left to avoid the merging sedan causing the crash.

The red yaris was trying to race the car that was filming or something, he stop and took off several times to tempt the video car.

I reckon the 'merging sedan' you spoke of (the 'teenager' right?) was long gone.

The white pickup driver was just orchestrating a typical Thai manouvre - 'I'm turning left now, I'll think about it later'.

He/she caused the accident no doubt. Nothing to do with the Mirage driver.

So where in the whole story does the pickup driver get repremanded?

The driver of the vehicle with the camera may have had his attention taken by the Mirage driver, and was therefore not quite up to the job of missing the errant pickup, however it was clearly the pickup that caused the crash.

Sad. Hope that motosi rider lived to tell the tale.

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One down, but several hundred thousand to go.

Well done the Thai Court, but next time somebody appears before them, the fine should be about 10,000 baht

Little chance to pay, and little chance to get another car ( unless Daddy pays )

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Absolutely brilliant, now how about confiscating the motorbikes with underage riders, the motorbikes who ride on the footpath.

The motorbikes that ride through the markets, every vehicle driver who is over the limit. etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

We can live in hope.

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Did they confiscate the Red Bull car or the scooter racers bikes. The government has no set laws on how to deal with driving because it all matters on who is driving and if it is a Thai star or government policeman. If you have money or power the law changes. Only in Thailand. Why?

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The red Yaris driver was harassing the pickup after the pickup changed into the left lane (at 51 secs) - the pickup indicated.

The Yaris driver is ahead of the pickup (at 1min) and clear to drive ahead, instead he pulls over to the left to wait for the white pickup to harass him.

At 1min 34seconds the pickup is clearly driving to avoid the Yaris - The pickup driver is perhaps starting to panic.

at 1min 43seconds the Yaris driver pulls alongside the pickup with his window open, waving something at the pickup and cuts across his path (at 1:45)... The pickup driver thinks the Yaris driver has a gun (this is what the Thai forums are saying) and takes evasive action.

Unfortunately, this evasive action is too sudden... in the pickups attempt to change lanes and get away from the Yaris driver he cuts across the 'video car' which in turn clips a bike.


This is not a normal road accident where someone makes a silly mistake: The pickup driver was clearly fearing for his safety - The Yaris driver instigated and then exacerbated any danger in this situation. The accident is a direct result of the Yaris drivers threatening manner.

Could be something to do with the guy trying to get away from the yaris indeed.

Did they find a gun?

I'm not sure... But as I understand it (from Thai media), the pickup driver was interviewed and stated he was fearful and panicked after the Yaris driver waved out of his window (he thought it may have been a gun)... The Pickup driver, being fearful was solely concentrating on avoiding the red Yaris...

It appears that while scared of the Yaris driver waving something out the Window and then pulling across the pickups path - the pickup driver swerved left to avoid the Yaris, and also possibly swerved to avoid another car merging from the right, which the Pickup driver hadn't noticed until that point as the threatening manner of Yaris driver was consuming all his (the pickup drivers) attention....

Again: I'm pretty sure after reading the comments in the Thai media and watching the video that the driver of the Red Yaris created this incident.

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and only a 500 baht fine, great that they took his licence and confiscated thew car but after causing 2 accidents and driving like an idiot only 500 baht, what a joke. When will a magistrate have the balls to actually fine these morons many thousands of baht so that they start to think about never doing it again. Can only hope the car is not returned after a few days.

I think the magistrate can only fine to the full extent of the law witch is 500 Thb max for this kind of offence....?!?!?! I don't know about the confiscation of the car ? but this is a great step in the right direction......it's a bigger punishment than the 500 Thb....

Edited by off road pat
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