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Dead is just like it was before you were born. Nothing matters

and we should take that mantra into the part between the two extremes - because nothing matters here either

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Right now I fear death - because I have such a wonderful Thai wife, 15 years younger, and she depends on me.

Call me a wimp, I don't give a shiiiiit

On TV, It's cool to say you're not afraid, if it happened today I'd be afraid

Some TV people feel the need to impress anonymous people they will never meet

Why I have no ideacheesy.gif



Death is easier if you have loved ones around you. I guess dying is a lonely process because you can't communicate in most cases

Maybe thats when Karma kicks in.. if you've been a shit to everyone, you'll know it at the end.


every day i tell my wife and beloved dog how much i love them,it then hits home when he kisses me[bIG LICKS].

What about your wife?

the wife has no worries if i go,she owns the house,the car,the bike,she will get all whats in the bank,half the dog,and yes she does give me kisses and big licks.

but i too are like my beloved i know whats coming. MONEY DARLING.wub.png



Just the method, to die in one's sleep would be my preference.

My Dad at 84 played 18 holes of golf Thursday morning.

Friday morning he was jaundiced and didn't feel well. His doctor said pancreatic cancer and sent him to a specialist.

Specialist concurred and said he needed surgery but the surgery was invasive and at his age very risky. However, the specialist said, if you do not have the surgery you will be dead within 6 months and it will be an extremely unpleasant way to go.

My father had the surgery Saturday night. He died in recovery before ever coming out of the anesthesia.


Did the Buddha actually say that there was rebirth? If so, what actually is rebirth? Is it literal or just the loss of the trancendental (non-self) state of mind so that suffering returns? If there is rebirth, then suffering would cease when one again achieves the transcendental (non-self) state. I think that in many Buddhist religions, a simplistic interpretation of rebirth exists. It is believed that an individual will actually be PHYSICALLY reborn based on the quality of the life that he/she has lived and that rebirth as an animal or an insect is possible.

I heard some Buddhists that you do not get physically reborn but say that when you die there is a essence of you that continues. I am not sure if it refers to the memory of you or it is something like your DNA continues in another life form.



Just the method, to die in one's sleep would be my preference.

My Dad at 84 played 18 holes of golf Thursday morning.

Friday morning he was jaundiced and didn't feel well. His doctor said pancreatic cancer and sent him to a specialist.

Specialist concurred and said he needed surgery but the surgery was invasive and at his age very risky. However, the specialist said, if you do not have the surgery you will be dead within 6 months and it will be an extremely unpleasant way to go.

My father had the surgery Saturday night. He died in recovery before ever coming out of the anesthesia.

Life can be very unfair sometimes.

I look forward to dying. Someday, when my penis stops working, I'll overdose on painkillers. I figure if I take one every hour and meditate on my life, I'll enter a dream-like state and eventually forget to breathe.

maybe, but it's also possible you simply sh*t and vomit yourself and wake up with a pumped stomach in some provincial hospital...



Just the method, to die in one's sleep would be my preference.

My Dad at 84 played 18 holes of golf Thursday morning.

Friday morning he was jaundiced and didn't feel well. His doctor said pancreatic cancer and sent him to a specialist.

Specialist concurred and said he needed surgery but the surgery was invasive and at his age very risky. However, the specialist said, if you do not have the surgery you will be dead within 6 months and it will be an extremely unpleasant way to go.

My father had the surgery Saturday night. He died in recovery before ever coming out of the anesthesia.

Life can be very unfair sometimes.

Our family looked at it as that was a great way to go -- healthy right up to the end (18 holes of golf 3 days before he died) and no long-term suffering or really much suffering at all.

His ashes are scattered underneath a tree on Mr. Palmer's golf course.


You are born with a date your born and end up with a date you die, when and where your born and how you die is the question. You come out of a hole and go back into one in a coffin unless you are cremated, you might come back if you believe in reincarnation...

Who want's to do it all over again....Not me, but how about you....



Just the method, to die in one's sleep would be my preference.

My Dad at 84 played 18 holes of golf Thursday morning.

Friday morning he was jaundiced and didn't feel well. His doctor said pancreatic cancer and sent him to a specialist.

Specialist concurred and said he needed surgery but the surgery was invasive and at his age very risky. However, the specialist said, if you do not have the surgery you will be dead within 6 months and it will be an extremely unpleasant way to go.

My father had the surgery Saturday night. He died in recovery before ever coming out of the anesthesia.

condolances jlc.84 is not a bad innings,good way to go.give me another 14yrs.and i will be happy to call it a day.


death fears me....

when he see me, he run away.... why?


cause you wear buddhist amulets...


If that guy is so lucky, how come he only has one arm.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

Nobody will ever know what really happens after death until someone dies and comes back and tells us.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

I agree.

History shows that religions like Christianity that offer a sweet after life did not become popular until the dark ages.

In the dark ages, life was so miserable for most that the idea of death and being rewarding with pleasure after life was very attractive.

This is why I think of Christian/ Jewish/ Muslim religions ( all the same god ) as being about death and not about life.

Muslim and Christian the same God? Maybe so, but they definitely do not believe in the same God.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

I agree.

History shows that religions like Christianity that offer a sweet after life did not become popular until the dark ages.

In the dark ages, life was so miserable for most that the idea of death and being rewarding with pleasure after life was very attractive.

This is why I think of Christian/ Jewish/ Muslim religions ( all the same god ) as being about death and not about life.

Muslim and Christian the same God? Maybe so, but they definitely do not believe in the same God.

I disagree.. all three worship the same god.

and your statement is odd.

Maybe so, but definitely not. ???

That's pretty confusing!


I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.

I like this post, you get all those greedy b@stards like the Blairs, Branson, most UK MPs, and other Capitalist scum who keep screwing the ordinary people, watch their millions mount up.

Then you have their spoilt offspring who will inherit all their millions, only because of an accident of birth, sitting by their deathbeds with their eyes filled with tears, while really wanting to get up and dance.


I am amazed!

Posters to date have supreme wisdom & absolutely no fear.

Where do you buy the formula?

Who says I don't fear death, knowing that it is the end does not make it easier. Id like to postpone death.. but not at all cost. If I get dementia or illnesses that keep me in pain or disabled I would not mind death.. but if not id like to postpone it.

'It's life Jim, but not as we know it".

As the good doctor says, there may be something, but what, and will we recognize it or be aware of it? Where does the human spirit, if there is such a thing or "energy" go when the body dies? Or does that just die as well?

Fact is, we simply don't know. But we do know we will die, which is something that separates us from all the other living entities on the planet. I've always assumed it's a bit like having an anaesthetic - one minute you are aware the next not; no dreaming and no wakening up this time. But I may be vastly wrong.

No one wants to die, but a fear of death, a real fear would prevent an enjoyment of life.

Wonder if one day it will be discovered what happens after death for sure?


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

Exactly true. No proof of what happens to you when you die. We do not know if it is the "End" or "Beginning of a new life". All speculation on the part of both believers in afterlife, and non believers of afterlife.

Nobody knows it is the "End".

Nobody knows it is the "Beginning"

Nobody knows...nobody will every know.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

Exactly true. No proof of what happens to you when you die. We do not know if it is the "End" or "Beginning of a new life". All speculation on the part of both believers in afterlife, and non believers of afterlife.

Nobody knows it is the "End".

Nobody knows it is the "Beginning"

Nobody knows...nobody will every know.

& I always thought that God/Jesus sent us to Heaven if we were good little boys & girls.

That is it! Whore, drink, gamble & all the other sins.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

Exactly true. No proof of what happens to you when you die. We do not know if it is the "End" or "Beginning of a new life". All speculation on the part of both believers in afterlife, and non believers of afterlife.

Nobody knows it is the "End".

Nobody knows it is the "Beginning"

Nobody knows...nobody will every know.

& I always thought that God/Jesus sent us to Heaven if we were good little boys & girls.

That is it! Whore, drink, gamble & all the other sins.

you think that, but you don't know it


I think the "aneasthetic" comment above was pretty good ! You slip into a sleep and just dont ever wake up again.

"The big sleep " as its been called and thats it! All this "go to a better place" and another life are just stories and things said in the past to help people who may be affraid of what lies ahead, a kind of hope, when in fact there is none, its over and thats it, in my opinion.

I think the best anyone can hope for is to die in your sleep, not even know its happened so to speak. Better than in pain or long illness waiting to be released from it.

But, of course, no one will ever actually know, we can only speculate, the only thing you can be certain of is that it happens to everyone sooner or later, we are all on that conveyor belt.


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There are only four things that I fear:

1. Being bored.

2. Being boring.

3. A slow painful death.

4. Last but certainly not least, every new version of Windows.


There are only four things that I fear:

1. Being bored.

2. Being boring.

3. A slow painful death.

4. Last but certainly not least, every new version of Windows.

You've got point 2 covered. The others remain to be seen.

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