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Bush, Walker, Trump criticise gun ban in recruiting offices

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It is absolutely hilarious that the Gun-nutters/conservative-un-conservatives want their guns/toys to defend against tyrannical government, then in the same breath they want to repeal/ subvert, the Posse Comitatus act

But that does not surprise me much, schizophrenia seems to be Modus Operandi of the far right, they want less power to the Federal government and less interference in our daily lives, and then they want the government involved, in who marries whom, reproductive rights, end of life rights , etc

cheesy.gifsad.pngsad.png sad very sad

Nobody said anything about subverting Posse Comitatus act, but I suppose that's what happens when you don't understand it.

If anyone is being dishonest, it would be the Liberal liars on the left. They claim not to have a problem with gun owners who are trained, and have submitted to background checks. I can't think of anyone more trained than military veterans, and yes, they most certainly do submit to background checks. People wonder why we can't have better gun control laws, it's because the Looney Left can't be depended on, to keep their word, and they will always go for more.

I just read that a fifth victim has died, condolences to all of their families, and friends.


Trying to sell the wild concoction that liberals are guilty for the 300-plus million guns in the US and for gun violence in general sounds like it came from the 1950s cheap scifi movie "Plan Nine From Outer Space." The bogus claim against liberals is simultaneously laughable and pathetic, a truly alien notion.

It is also the case not everyone is immune from shooting himself in the foot in this way or whatever.

Department of the Navy confirmed yesterday another shooting incident near Chattanooga, in suburban Atlanta, where a recruiter accidentally shot himself in the leg with his personal 45 pistol while he was talking about the Chattanooga shooting with a recent recruit.

The official report said the recruiter showed the visiting newbe sailor the unloaded gun, then reloaded it and inadvertently fired it off as he was putting it back in his holster.

So it could seem the Navy recruiter might have to wait until he's a veteran per se to necessarily become competent and qualified in the handling and use of firearms. It remains unclear what the Navy might think of the recruiter taking a firearm to his duty station in the community, or at all and anywhere.


Department of Homeland Security btw has said right wing extremism is at least equal to domestic terrorism as a threat to the national security.

What no one in Washington will say is however that they are aware the far out wacko right believes Posse Comitatus gives local counties the right to secede under the authority of right wing sheriffs and that it's a matter of time and timing as to when secessions will begin in hundreds of counties, if not a thousand of 'em or possibly more. (Keep in mind we're talking about the wacko bird loony far out extreme, such as the teabaggers among others. Secession by states turned out disastrously for the hardest core militants so it looks now that it's down to counties.)

I see your comprehension skills have failed you again. I'm not trying to sell anything, but thank you for making my point, that whatever the pro gun groups do, it will never be enough. Note the previous link, that Obama is interested in going after people on Social Security, that have given authority to others, to manage their affairs.

Also, DHS is an excellent example to quote from, considering who is in charge, and that they can't even keep unarmed, Hispanic teenagers from crossing the border. Excuse my lack of confidence.

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It is absolutely hilarious that the Gun-nutters/conservative-un-conservatives want their guns/toys to defend against tyrannical government, then in the same breath they want to repeal/ subvert, the Posse Comitatus act

But that does not surprise me much, schizophrenia seems to be Modus Operandi of the far right, they want less power to the Federal government and less interference in our daily lives, and then they want the government involved, in who marries whom, reproductive rights, end of life rights , etc

cheesy.gifsad.pngsad.png sad very sad

Nobody said anything about subverting Posse Comitatus act, but I suppose that's what happens when you don't understand it.

If anyone is being dishonest, it would be the Liberal liars on the left. They claim not to have a problem with gun owners who are trained, and have submitted to background checks. I can't think of anyone more trained than military veterans, and yes, they most certainly do submit to background checks. People wonder why we can't have better gun control laws, it's because the Looney Left can't be depended on, to keep their word, and they will always go for more.

I just read that a fifth victim has died, condolences to all of their families, and friends.


Trying to sell the wild concoction that liberals are guilty for the 300-plus million guns in the US and for gun violence in general sounds like it came from the 1950s cheap scifi movie "Plan Nine From Outer Space." The bogus claim against liberals is simultaneously laughable and pathetic, a truly alien notion.

It is also the case not everyone is immune from shooting himself in the foot in this way or whatever.

Department of the Navy confirmed yesterday another shooting incident near Chattanooga, in suburban Atlanta, where a recruiter accidentally shot himself in the leg with his personal 45 pistol while he was talking about the Chattanooga shooting with a recent recruit.

The official report said the recruiter showed the visiting newbe sailor the unloaded gun, then reloaded it and inadvertently fired it off as he was putting it back in his holster.

So it could seem the Navy recruiter might have to wait until he's a veteran per se to necessarily become competent and qualified in the handling and use of firearms. It remains unclear what the Navy might think of the recruiter taking a firearm to his duty station in the community, or at all and anywhere.


Department of Homeland Security btw has said right wing extremism is at least equal to domestic terrorism as a threat to the national security.

What no one in Washington will say is however that they are aware the far out wacko right believes Posse Comitatus gives local counties the right to secede under the authority of right wing sheriffs and that it's a matter of time and timing as to when secessions will begin in hundreds of counties, if not a thousand of 'em or possibly more. (Keep in mind we're talking about the wacko bird loony far out extreme, such as the teabaggers among others. Secession by states turned out disastrously for the hardest core militants so it looks now that it's down to counties.)

I see your comprehension skills have failed you again. I'm not trying to sell anything, but thank you for making my point, that whatever the pro gun groups do, it will never be enough. Note the previous link, that Obama is interested in going after people on Social Security, that have given authority to others, to manage their affairs.

Also, DHS is an excellent example to quote from, considering who is in charge, and that they can't even keep unarmed, Hispanic teenagers from crossing the border. Excuse my lack of confidence.


No sale.

You are excused but in a different way entirely.

Exit coming up now on the right. Some people drive so far over on the right they're always in the breakdown lane.


Geez Publicus, is that the best you can come up with, when you can't refute what I've written.

Anyway, I was critical that you quoted DHS, and was wondering why you didn't quote some one in the Obama Administration that had some credibility. Then I realized, there isn't anyone.


Two service members in every recruitment office should be armed. Firstly to defend against attacks like the one mentioned in the original post and secondly, having two armed would be a good defense if one went crazy and started shooting people.

When a military establishment has to be concerned that their own may freak out and start killing people (outside of a battle environment) then there is something very wrong in the organization.

The Military is not worried about it ... the no defense - gun free situation is imposed upon them by civilians


After that incident of the church shooting the NRA said "if the people in the church were armed this wouldn't have happened." So, is it the position of the NRA that more black people should be carrying guns?


I've posted this elsewhere before, but it's worth reminding gun advocates of the ridiculousness of their arguments. It's worth watching in full.



Wow, that's really good stuff. I'd never seen this guy before. Thanks for that.

How could you possibly miss it? This comedy routine has been spammed across the forum more times than the photo of the

police dogs attacking the protesters in Birmingham.

That's Birmingham in Alabama, not England.thumbsup.gif


After that incident of the church shooting the NRA said "if the people in the church were armed this wouldn't have happened." So, is it the position of the NRA that more black people should be carrying guns?

Why not ask the NRA. I doubt any of us are authorized to speak on their behalf.

Though IMHO, why not?

If they do it properly and go through the vetting process to legally purchase a self defense weapon,

they should be able to properly defend themselves against those law breakers that don't follow the laws.

If they follow the not so legal route of buying a US Justice Department issued firearm in the Fast & Furious

caper from an illegal immigrant drug dealer, then they should not be allowed to carry.

It ain't exactly rocket science. Black people have the same rights to self defense as White people.

Do you feel otherwise?


I know the families of shooters feel bad but this BS that the guy was suffering from depression (which the media dutifully repeats, which makes it sound like fact) has been overplayed. If the family knew he was suffering from mental problems and they knew he had guns they should be held accountable.

When will it be OK to require mental checkups before buying and for keeping guns? Shame.

Why don't the GOP guys talk about mental checkups for guns? Nope their only response is more guns. So more loonies have more guns. Makes me feel safer.



Geez Publicus, is that the best you can come up with, when you can't refute what I've written.

Anyway, I was critical that you quoted DHS, and was wondering why you didn't quote some one in the Obama Administration that had some credibility. Then I realized, there isn't anyone.


More rightwing same-o political same-o spam.

Obama, Obama, Obama.....

The right lost two elections bigtime to Barack Obama and a third one coming up before too much longer to his compatible successor who will seal the Obama legacy.

A major reason the right keeps losing is that it cannot win credibility among the vast majority of American voters.

Guns being yet another prominent issue the Republicans and the right that controls them run amok on.

As we see yet again, very few conservatives or rightwingers have modified their views on this issue of guns in military recruiting offices. That's because it's not a simple thing or an easy call to make.



Geez Publicus, is that the best you can come up with, when you can't refute what I've written.

Anyway, I was critical that you quoted DHS, and was wondering why you didn't quote some one in the Obama Administration that had some credibility. Then I realized, there isn't anyone.


More rightwing same-o political same-o spam.

Obama, Obama, Obama.....

The right lost two elections bigtime to Barack Obama and a third one coming up before too much longer to his compatible successor who will seal the Obama legacy.

A major reason the right keeps losing is that it cannot win credibility among the vast majority of American voters.

Guns being yet another prominent issue the Republicans and the right that controls them run amok on.

As we see yet again, very few conservatives or rightwingers have modified their views on this issue of guns in military recruiting offices. That's because it's not a simple thing or an easy call to make.

And again, no valid argument to refute what I said. The fact that Obama was elected, says more about the ignorance, and lack of integrity of the voter.

In the mean time, while Obama is having his play day in New York, 6 states have taken action to use the National Guard. They know if they wait on Obama to take meaningful action, it will never happen.



Geez Publicus, is that the best you can come up with, when you can't refute what I've written.

Anyway, I was critical that you quoted DHS, and was wondering why you didn't quote some one in the Obama Administration that had some credibility. Then I realized, there isn't anyone.


More rightwing same-o political same-o spam.

Obama, Obama, Obama.....

The right lost two elections bigtime to Barack Obama and a third one coming up before too much longer to his compatible successor who will seal the Obama legacy.

A major reason the right keeps losing is that it cannot win credibility among the vast majority of American voters.

Guns being yet another prominent issue the Republicans and the right that controls them run amok on.

As we see yet again, very few conservatives or rightwingers have modified their views on this issue of guns in military recruiting offices. That's because it's not a simple thing or an easy call to make.

And again, no valid argument to refute what I said. The fact that Obama was elected, says more about the ignorance, and lack of integrity of the voter.

In the mean time, while Obama is having his play day in New York, 6 states have taken action to use the National Guard. They know if they wait on Obama to take meaningful action, it will never happen.

The fact that Obama was elected, says more about the ignorance, and lack of integrity of the voter.

The right keeps losing presidential elections yet the right keeps thinking it is actually making credible statements, not to mention the right actually believes it is making arguments.

The post is also wrongheaded in its claim I did not do what I did in fact do. I did in fact address the matter of 'credibility' that the post itself initiated. And I have just again done exactly that.

Obama, Obama, Obama yadda yadda yadda from out there on the incredible and incredulous gravity free journey of the lunar right.


I've posted this elsewhere before, but it's worth reminding gun advocates of the ridiculousness of their arguments. It's worth watching in full.



Wow, that's really good stuff. I'd never seen this guy before. Thanks for that.

How could you possibly miss it? This comedy routine has been spammed across the forum more times than the photo of the

police dogs attacking the protesters in Birmingham.

That's Birmingham in Alabama, not England.thumbsup.gif

I take it you don't find Mr. Jefferies humor particularly amusing, nor do you agree with his points. You must be that 10% he was referring to.


I just find it more responsible to not get my political news from a comedian. That's why I don't pay any attention to Jon Stewart, Bill Maher or Mr. Jeffries.

If you feel comedians are your best source of information, go for it. Hopefully you will be amused at the very least.


We do not think they are the best.

They are witty, clever, incisive, entertaining, salient, funny, have a certain charm; and they are effective, as they intend to be.

Completely unlike the long faces on Faux and the dimwitties who parrot the extreme right wing media.


I just find it more responsible to not get my political news from a comedian. That's why I don't pay any attention to Jon Stewart, Bill Maher or Mr. Jeffries.

If you feel comedians are your best source of information, go for it. Hopefully you will be amused at the very least.

I agree. Unlike guys like George Carlin, a liberal, liberal comedians today seem to act like their social commentary is funny. It's not. Carlin was always part of the joke. Those guys don't get it.


We do not think they are the best.

They are witty, clever, incisive, entertaining, salient, funny, have a certain charm; and they are effective, as they intend to be.

Completely unlike the long faces on Faux and the dimwitties who parrot the extreme right wing media.

I think the two videos are very good. And the info is spot on. Thanks to the members for sharing.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.

Jon Stewart was funny alright, but he was anything but truthful. What is sad is that so many people actually believed him.

Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.



Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

The videos presented in the thread are classic entertainment innovated in a contemporary form and content in the mass media of television. No one said Saturday Night Live is a source of news so using the word "legitimate" is bogus besides.

The nature of the newly designed entertainment style and content of the videos is politico-cultural, which means the rightwing has been left behind by yet another innovation and development of American society and culture. The right has lost on everything so it may as well bray about this too.

Fox and the long faced people of Fox innovate nothing, create zero, pioneer zilch. They are and represent the droll propagandists of the loser reactionary right.

Comedy is both a genre of entertainment and a component of it, providing laughter and amusement, whether the comedy is the sole purpose or used as a form of contrast in an otherwise serious piece.

Comedy is a valued contributor to many forms of entertainment, including in literature, theatre, opera, film and games.

The highly structured role of jester consisted of verbal humour, including teasing, jests, insult, ridicule, and obscenity and non-verbal humour such as slapstick and horseplay in the presence of an audience." In medieval times, all comic types – the buffoon, jester,hunchback, dwarf, jokester, were all "considered to be essentially of one comic type: the fool", who while not necessarily funny, represented "the shortcomings of the individual"

Shakespeare wrote seventeen comedies which use many of the techniques still called upon by performers and writers of comedy, such as jokes,puns, parody, wit, observational humor or the unexpected effect of irony. One-liner jokes and satire are also used to comedic effect in literature. In farce, the comedy is a primary purpose.

Charlie Chaplin's film The Great Dictator was a brave and innovative parody, also on a political theme.

The meaning of the word "comedy" and the audience's expectations of it have changed over time and vary according to culture.


Top 10 Political Comedians


Don't remember who it wuz on SNL who quipped, "Donald Trump said he would run for president as a Republican which surprised me because I thought he was running for president as a joke." cheesy.gif


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.


Fox and the long faced people of Fox innovate nothing, create zero, pioneer zilch. They are and represent the droll propagandists of the loser reactionary right.


Uh, I don't watch Fox News either.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.


Fox and the long faced people of Fox innovate nothing, create zero, pioneer zilch. They are and represent the droll propagandists of the loser reactionary right.


Uh, I don't watch Fox News either.

Said that a hundred times already.

Shouldn't take posts personally cause they address a general audience of flying right wingers rather than one single extremist in particular.

I did reply to your post but I seldom address only any one poster. This is an exception to the rule that I do not say 'you' in my posts unless I make it clear I have the distinct privilege to address a particular poster.

You, a few other posters to include yours truly don't get Fox. Curiously, I've never had a cable-satellite system anywhere that includes Faux. I guess I go to the right kind of places that pretty much ignore the right which would mean they can't be wrong.

I do somewhat keep up with Faux and its constituency however....

Clowns File Lawsuit Against The Republican Party For Defamation



Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.

I would disagree, I don't think comedians are very truthful, they depend on omission, distortion, and exaggeration to be funny, that's their job. I don't know what excuse the politicians have.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.

Incorrect. It is the twisting of the truth that makes it funny. And bringing into the equation youth, not known for their voting prowress, only shows how easily they can be led.

BTW, 1.5 million viewers, for the Daily Show, is less than a drop in the voting bucket. So, the "insanely popular" moniker doesn't fit.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.

I would disagree, I don't think comedians are very truthful, they depend on omission, distortion, and exaggeration to be funny, that's their job. I don't know what excuse the politicians have.

The Donald doesn't speak a word of truth and he's hilarious but he's not a politician, never will be one.

Those who think the political comedians don't base their appeal on truth are as always missing a lot. Of course almost all of the political wit and genius are on the political left so it's easy to see why the right are sour about it all.

Young people btw are the future which is why the right has lost big time and are already in society's rear view mirror.


Then you guys go for it, but don't expect all others to agree that Saturday Night Live, as an example, is a legitimate news source.

I will continue to largely ignore the comedians.

I think you're failing to grasp what makes these political commentaries or satire funny--the fact that there is so much truth in them. That's what made Jon Stewart so insanely popular with younger Americans, the ability to be funny while speaking the truth. It almost requires a comedian because politicians are known for their inability to be truthful.

Incorrect. It is the twisting of the truth that makes it funny. And bringing into the equation youth, not known for their voting prowress, only shows how easily they can be led.

BTW, 1.5 million viewers, for the Daily Show, is less than a drop in the voting bucket. So, the "insanely popular" moniker doesn't fit.

Sigh. Ok, have it your way. The young people of America and other followers of Jon Stewart had nothing to do with President Obama winning a 2nd term. And for 2016, the Hispanic vote is not a big deal, so keep getting tough on immigration. And women's rights is not a big deal, so keep bringing up abortion. And gay rights is not a big deal, so keep talking about the one woman/one man thing. And the confederate flag, every American should have one on their front porch. And more guns, please! And don't forget to bomb Iran and Russia back to the stone age.

Note: I'm trying to be humorous.

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