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Buckingham Palace defends footage of Queen giving Nazi salute as a child

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Why would you keep such a picture in your personal achieve?

Awful, even if it was 80 years ago.attachicon.gifQueen_makes_Nazi_s_2417587n.jpg

Awful at 80 years ago, before the holocaust, before the invasion of Poland, before a lot of nasty stuff? Why? Attitudes change with the times.

People used to say "nigger" in those days.Kids played cowboys and injuns. Soldiers talked about the fuzzy wuzzies. There were lots of norms that are today seen as inappropriate, but back then were just very ordinary.

"Attitudes change with the times."

Apparently not in some families.


Seems like Hitler was a real card, shaking hands one minute then bombing or marching into cities the next. You can ask his bud Stalin.

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Edward was a nazi sympathiser or more likely his wife was more so (interesting how high society women like the Mitfords were really drawn to Hitler)there are some interesting stories in Max Mosley's autobiography about his dad and Edward


Heard on the news this morning that the palace may sue over these photos. Hope they do and give these low lives what they deserve. Gutter press at it's finest.


Heard on the news this morning that the palace may sue over these photos. Hope they do and give these low lives what they deserve. Gutter press at it's finest.

To sue a newspaper for printing the truth would indeed be a novel idea.


Heard on the news this morning that the palace may sue over these photos. Hope they do and give these low lives what they deserve. Gutter press at it's finest.

To sue a newspaper for printing the truth would indeed be a novel idea.

What truth? The Queen did not support Hitler / Nazism. Probably unlikely, but if the Royal family do actually sue would it not be based upon the theft of privately owned material & the attempt to defame the Queen?


Heard on the news this morning that the palace may sue over these photos. Hope they do and give these low lives what they deserve. Gutter press at it's finest.

To sue a newspaper for printing the truth would indeed be a novel idea.

I have no idea on what grounds they would take this action, maybe defamation laws could come into play when considering there could be more to this matter than any of us know. She was a child and obviously under adult influence. The truth about it? Do you know the circumstances surrounding the taking of this photo or how the press came to obtain it? I don't, so to assume it's the truth, when not knowing, is a bit over the top. Even it if was the truth do you believe it should be news 8 decades on? This is gutter press at it's lowest.


Why can no one object when Government archives are opened after 30 years because they may embarress.

THese photos are funded by the public. Why the dual standard.


Good article from the Guardian which delves not into the - "Queeny Salute" but the background behind it. Today in the British media there are many comical jibes about it all at front page level with photos of saluting pandas and famous children's show puppets 'exposed' as Nazi sympathisers with - "ain't the whole thing absurd? let's laugh it off". Funny stuff, but if I was part of the Royal Press Office I reckon I'd be at great pains to encourage that because they certainly wouldn't be found responding to all this with transparency about how deep the British aristocratic link to Hitler was and will have no other options. "Mock it into oblivion, Jeeves".

It is no surprise that the royal archive is closed to historians: a wealth of embarrassment lies within


I think that article is fair. It includes the wider context behind that early support for Nazi Germany, both a self preservation strategy by the aristocracy and practical realism about choosing between two naff options.

I'm not going to sit here and condemn it all as if existed in a vacuum, but the Royals need to accept on the chin the reality of this rather embarrassing history rather than work to have discussion on it shut down / seen as 'disrespectful' etc, to keep the - " Great for tourism" franchise.

To be up front could perhaps win them respect in the long run. The Sun probably 'was' seeing the Queen as a sympathiser, that is how stupid the Sun is, but the real thing to look at is the man in the photo and the story.


Edward was a nazi sympathiser or more likely his wife was more so (interesting how high society women like the Mitfords were really drawn to Hitler)there are some interesting stories in Max Mosley's autobiography about his dad and Edward

Himself no stranger to 'hanky spanky' in Nazi rig & bleating when exposed in the NOTW.

I wonder who took the film, my guess is the Queens farther George VI, as he died in 1952 the picture would still be subject to British copyright law (Life + 70).

Another factor was GoergeVI Then Duke of York and known as Albert (Christened Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) never expected or wanted to be King of the British Empire, something his wife Elizabeth known as the Queen Mother after his death, never forgave his Edward for.

Clearly the Instigator of this was Edward...


All the Mitfords had a screw loose. Lord Redesdale was an odd bod. One girl married the Guiness heir before Moseley, Nancy married a future Ambassador to Paris, another became the Duchess of Devonshire, then the one who was a personal friend of Hitler and then the youngest Jessica who ran off to Spain to join her boyfriend Romilly Churchill. He was covering the Civil War. The Brits had to send a warship to bring them back home safely.


What a great thread. Thanks so much for the history lessons guys. The old saying one never stops learning and will learn something new everyday is very apt. So thanks to all you history buffs.


There's a lot of possibilities. The NAZI sullied many gestures. All those days are gone, but the media still exploits whatever it can. Yes, UK, USA, freedom of expression. You make up your own meanings. Like the all of life.


Oh wait. There's more.

It’s hardly surprising. During the 1920s and 30s, under the influence of conversations they had with their German relatives, many British royals became deeply embroiled in Fascist ideas, even flirting with Nazi ideology. Although Nazism clearly waged an ideological war on the upper classes, it did not, unlike Bolshevism, threaten to dispossess private property from aristocrats.



Oh wait. There's more.

It’s hardly surprising. During the 1920s and 30s, under the influence of conversations they had with their German relatives, many British royals became deeply embroiled in Fascist ideas, even flirting with Nazi ideology. Although Nazism clearly waged an ideological war on the upper classes, it did not, unlike Bolshevism, threaten to dispossess private property from aristocrats.


Yes exactly a child's innocent gesture imitating Nazi sympathizing relatives.


and more


I guess it won't be long until someone digs up an article on the possible assasination by British secret services of Josslyn Hay, Earl of Erroll for being a nazi and collaborator.

He was a fascist but not assasinated. Killed by drugged, jealous or otherwise twisted circumstances of the aristocratic set in colonial Kenya. Truth never to be known. Recall the man aquitted of his murder retuned to England and killed himself.

Thais want to be a part of the celebration , here from a school in Thailand . God knows what their thinking.




It's no secret that the royals were going to do a deal with Hitler should he have taken the UK, and no secret that they sympathised with his cause. Sadly the British people are too weak and foolish to denounce this line of traitors, thieves and impostors.

and what drugs are you taking this week?

Why do you ask what drugs he is taking? Can't remember any photos of my parents giving the nazi salute.

Try reading Kennypowers' post before commenting. OK, let's go through it one more time, for the kiddies:

I believe his conspiracy theory is wild and far-fetched. Got it? Now go back to sleep.


and more


I guess it won't be long until someone digs up an article on the possible assasination by British secret services of Josslyn Hay, Earl of Erroll for being a nazi and collaborator.

He was a fascist but not assasinated. Killed by drugged, jealous or otherwise twisted circumstances of the aristocratic set in colonial Kenya. Truth never to be known. Recall the man aquitted of his murder retuned to England and killed himself.

The official cause of death . However, there is some information pointing to a collaboration with the German army in North Africa to allow passage through Kenya to the Indian Ocean and for this he was assasinated by the British secret services. I will try to find a link.

edit - http://www.charlesdance.co.uk/lorderroll.html

I see by this link it was the Italian regime he was thought to be in cahoots with .

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