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Yes I not even need the full story here... The country is full of them


The police are not even worth talking about jokers they are. A disgrace to the country, I can not understand how the Army let them inflict a bad vision on Thailand. They are really bad operators and its become a joke.

There policing is seizing motorcycles for Baht.

You should have picked up the chair and caved him in. Its self defence and anyone running knives thru streets attacking people should be jailed immediately. In my country he would be swiftly dealt with and severly

"The country is full of them." Not where I live, but dream on.

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Had an English guy set his hired guns (tourist police) on me "upcountry" once (claiming I threatened to kill him). Showed up at my hotel out of uniform wth a gun and that English guy in tow telling me to come with them. Like H..ll I did. I did agree to show my passport at the tourist police office the next morning. Of course the CCTV recorder mysteriously malfunctioned that night.

Long story short, after having a retired "somebody" and a fully uniformed Army Colonel show up from Bangkok they ripped into the "poor guy" in the morning. Someone at national HQ had those tourist police write reports for the next three months and the team leader was transferred to somewhere possibly not as profitable.

Getting the upper hand is clearly not a straightforward task and definitely requires involvement of Thais.

I was impressed that there are honorable people in the police service but dismayed that apparently most are retired.


You get attacked by a Thai with a knife and a police volunteer, who at that moment a police officer does his job correctly I may add.

The Police chief has no special rights coz his Thai and in western country anyone driving non uniform police or not,,,, MIUST OBEY THE LAW..

Prayut what are you doing with these people.

There has been no change at all.. Army visits to police was all a act.. You have a attempted murder and police say not enough evidence



You get attacked by a Thai with a knife and a police volunteer, who at that moment a police officer does his job correctly I may add.

The Police chief has no special rights coz his Thai and in western country anyone driving non uniform police or not,,,, MIUST OBEY THE LAW..

Prayut what are you doing with these people.

There has been no change at all.. Army visits to police was all a act.. You have a attempted murder and police say not enough evidence


What are you on about?


You get attacked by a Thai with a knife and a police volunteer, who at that moment a police officer does his job correctly I may add.

The Police chief has no special rights coz his Thai and in western country anyone driving non uniform police or not,,,, MIUST OBEY THE LAW..

Prayut what are you doing with these people.

There has been no change at all.. Army visits to police was all a act.. You have a attempted murder and police say not enough evidence



What are you on?


Nasty and frightening as this attack probably was for the tourist, and not trying to minimize things, but <deleted>, if all of the wicked knife wielding terror attack left with two little nicks to his hands he has to consider himself lucky. I have had a lot worse than that from opening a can of tomatoes and a bite from a bloody Toktaw! Hardly "Jack the Knife"


Blake - the police are not here to help you. And neither is the government. You need to come to terms with reality.

The Thonglor Police were extremely helpful. And with thanks given to ThaiVisa and other people drawing attention to the story, it's more likely to see a proper result.

Sure, I've been here long enough and seen enough to be jaded with the legal/court system here as well. But with an "all eyes on" effect, the police and courts are more likely to do something.

So avoid treating it like a joke. He didn't randomly walk up to me and punch me. He wasn't drunk and looking for a fight. He left his house with 3 knives with the intent to kill someone. If released, next time (and there will be a next time if he's released, he's homicidal), it could just as easily be anyone here or their family or friends.

This story is a call to action for the police and hopefully they see it and treat it as such.

whats the update on the story?

if you have a business or real estate here, then I am sure your money is ok... (so why not pay some tea money to thonglor police station and ask them to search his home and for them to 'push harder' that this guy gets convicted.

i know for a fact that putting money in the right direction in Thailand almost always helps you get what you want.


Was it only two days ago that the Prime Minister and the Minister for Tourism were spouting about increasing security for farang and tourists ? And here are the Thonglor police just about ready to let the guy go. For the life of me, what does it take to get any kind of balanced result out of Thai police.

As usual the government are just talking heads.


Not enough evidence then? What do they need, the knife sticking out of his chest? That's crazy! It's clearly a case of premeditated attempted murder. There are quite a few stories like this circulating on the net, were the perp gets off scott free, or albeit with a slap on the wrist.

Like the scummy speedboat driver, that killed two Koreans in Phuket. That boy got two years.

It's a wonder that with the incident happening around Ekamai, that they didn't search Mr Sibbit, to see if he was carrying any drugs on his person. That would have been were the real money is. If he'd been carrying a few pills, they'd have given him twenty years and a massive fine.

I agree there should be enough evidence for some sort of conviction, but I completely disagree that it is "clearly a case of premeditated attempted murder". There is no evidence of pre-meditation, and we do not know if he just wanted to stab the victim without causing his death.

Hmmm. I'm not sure what to say here to be completely honest. The guy chased him down the street, whilst repeatedly trying to stab him. It wasn't a glancing blow we're taking about here. There were sustained attempts at causing a mortal wound.

He also had the foresight to arm himself with not one, but several knives. With the main knife used in the attack, being of about 5 inches long, with a fixed blade. That alone takes some thought. How do you repeatedly stab at someone with out the express intention of killing them?

Perhaps, (and that's a big perhaps) if he were armed with a "compass" you know the type kids use in geometry, or a sharp pencil, then I'd be in agreement with you....

I'm still calling it as pre med. attempted murder.


Nasty and frightening as this attack probably was for the tourist, and not trying to minimize things, but <deleted>, if all of the wicked knife wielding terror attack left with two little nicks to his hands he has to consider himself lucky. I have had a lot worse than that from opening a can of tomatoes and a bite from a bloody Toktaw! Hardly "Jack the Knife"

The "can of tomatoes" attacked you with deadly intent. That has got to be one of the most lame-brain comments that I've heard as a member of TV. There is a huge gap between your own stupidity when opening a can of tomatoes, and someone wielding a knife with the intent of doing you grave bodily harm.

And what's worse, is that you seem to be unable to discern the difference. Where do you folk come from. Ya'll incredibility indoctrinated you know, and totally oblivious to the fact.


Blake - the police are not here to help you. And neither is the government. You need to come to terms with reality.

The Thonglor Police were extremely helpful. And with thanks given to ThaiVisa and other people drawing attention to the story, it's more likely to see a proper result.

Sure, I've been here long enough and seen enough to be jaded with the legal/court system here as well. But with an "all eyes on" effect, the police and courts are more likely to do something.

So avoid treating it like a joke. He didn't randomly walk up to me and punch me. He wasn't drunk and looking for a fight. He left his house with 3 knives with the intent to kill someone. If released, next time (and there will be a next time if he's released, he's homicidal), it could just as easily be anyone here or their family or friends.

This story is a call to action for the police and hopefully they see it and treat it as such.

quick question:

how do you mean: "The Thonglor Police were extremely helpful" ??

because from the article, it reads like they were most unhelpful.

they didnt do drugs testing on him, didnt search his home, havent been helpful in making sure you can get your hospital report before the trial, etc.


Im a regular at the Coffee Club (opposite Ekamai station) - it was lucky that the door is so heavy and also the staff there are fantastic, I'm sure they were a great help and stopped the incident getting a whole lot worse.


Probably Ya Ba or Alcohol and or a loathing for foreigners because of something that happened in the past.

Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time...yikes


Yes, by golly, that is an answer!!! Yaba and alcohol. It's the yaba and alcohol that should be but on trial. The man himself is totally without blame. Without any responsibility for his personal actions because, we all know, Yaba and Alcohol are the culprits. The man??? A totally innocent victim of drug lords and distilleries.


Yes, by golly, that is an answer!!! Yaba and alcohol. It's the yaba and alcohol that should be but on trial. The man himself is totally without blame. Without any responsibility for his personal actions because, we all know, Yaba and Alcohol are the culprits. The man??? A totally innocent victim of drug lords and distilleries.

Don't feed the aspiring troll.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Ridiculous American attitude, typical of the NRA mentality. The motorcycle guys showed that guns were completely unnecessary for apprehending the guy, as they are in the vast majority of criminal cases in the vast majority of countries.

Ridiculous nanny-state mentality where you lay down and allow yourself and family to be victimized, and then blame yourself for the attack, and plead with the court to release the mad-man to go out and continue to attack people at will, because he had a difficult upbringing and it's not his fault. It's your fault, for having more 'privilege' then the attacker.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Ridiculous American attitude, typical of the NRA mentality. The motorcycle guys showed that guns were completely unnecessary for apprehending the guy, as they are in the vast majority of criminal cases in the vast majority of countries.

Ridiculous nanny-state mentality where you lay down and allow yourself and family to be victimized, and then blame yourself for the attack, and plead with the court to release the mad-man to go out and continue to attack people at will, because he had a difficult upbringing and it's not his fault. It's your fault, for having more 'privilege' then the attacker.

You said you wouldn't carry on with the gun argument, I took you at your word but here you go.


Yes, by golly, that is an answer!!! Yaba and alcohol. It's the yaba and alcohol that should be but on trial. The man himself is totally without blame. Without any responsibility for his personal actions because, we all know, Yaba and Alcohol are the culprits. The man??? A totally innocent victim of drug lords and distilleries.

Don't feed the aspiring troll.

Don't wake sleeping sheep.


The Thonglor police force is clearly the worst in the kingdom when it comes to helping farangs.

Only money speaks there, no evidence is good enough until you pay .


Welcome to Thailand... Land of smiles... Had the tables been turned you would have been held with between 500.000 THB and no bail and charged with attempted murder. A 25 years to life sentence....

Yeah, but at least on this they're consistent. blink.png


However, Blakes quest for justice was further delayed as the hospital allegedly told him that they could only provide him the document he requires on Sunday (July 19) as that is when the doctor who writes the reports will be on duty.

Only one doctor can write reports and he only works one (?) day per week. Unbelievable!!!!


There is no way I would become involved in a real estate business and property speculating in Thailand.

Although not assuming anything, many murders relating to real estate have been committed in Thailand.


As soon as I saw the mention of Thonglor, I knew that this would not end fairly for the foreigner.

If the governing general ever wants to take a bite out of crime and clean up the RTP, arrest every copper from Thonglor and send them to detention. Crime and official corruption will fall significantly.


The Thai assailant sounds like he has a hard on for white folk invading his territory. Maybe he has lost something important to a farang, like a gf or a wife.

Despite the gruesome, unprovoked attack, Blake was quite fortunate by receiving so much Thai help from persons in the area. And he handled the situation very well. Go Team Canada !


Police looks at an incident of attempted murder and said not sufficient evidence .Police chief feels insulted when volunteers request he submit for alcohol test and seeks have the men reprimanded. Innocent Burmese charged in a death sentence and even a dummy knows he is innocent.

I say wrong place for faring . i have enough, i have decided to walk out from my Thai relationship and abandon this country. To do differently is to help bolster corruption and evil.

Best wishes in your new home but you should know that your Karma will play out the same no matter where you live. Just sayin'.



How did this turn into an NRA debate? I still don't feel the need to carry a gun. If I was, someone would be dead. When the motosai guys and security handcuffed him, he was still pointing at me saying he wanted a one on one with me, wanted to kill me. The bike guys said "Just kick him in the face. He tried to kill you". I didn't. That's not me. That's people like him. I was lucky and survived the situation essentially unscathed. Yes, I know the reason I'm alive is solely luck.

To the real estate comments. Im a broker, not a developer. I'm not bidding on land and cutting other people out. I assist buyers/renters connect with owners and make sure all parties are treated fairly/no one gets scammed, etc. It had nothing to do with my business or company. It was an isolated incident.

And that's all it was. An *isolated* incident. 1 Thai guy did something horribly wrong. 40 others went out of their way to help. I praise the Thai people on a whole in this situation, not condemn them. 5 years+ here and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The only important thing is that this guy goes away for a long time so no one else is at risk. That's all that matters. Put away the petty disputes, guys.


I too am happy that Blake put pictures of this guy up, I go there 3-4 times a week at lunch. Now if I see that guy approaching, best to get in the first hit whilst he does suspect anything.

If I see anyone with no shirt walking on a public street, I am going to be on my guard. Of course, since I don't have eyes in the back of my head I don't like to sit street-side. When I was a young man, I worked at a mental hospital. Ever since then, I tend to sit with my back towards a wall or at least facing the door to see who comes in. Crazy people can have the strength of ten men.



I had a drugged up local attempt the same thing on me once ( big knife, stabbing and slashing at me). Not in Asia, but Central America. Because of that I know what that 'moment' out of the blue is like, and it is certainly something 'else' isn't it. I applaud your efforts to have this guy contained.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Yes, you could take all the mentally ill people down to the zoo and show them. That would surely cure them of their evil ways.

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