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Trump stirs new controversy by criticizing McCain war record

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McCain was the son of a 3 star admiral. He finished dead last at the Naval Academy and in his Navy career, destroyed 3 jet aircraft. He was shot down in the third and the object of the game is to not get shot down. He has been pretty much a failure his entire life.

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I agree McCain was no hero.

His military career was one screw up after another.

He was reckless.

He crashed and destroyed a couple of planes before being shot down and captured.

His actual combat time was very short compared to most.

Without his daddy's influence, he would be a nothing.

I also agree that Trump is a clown, but is doing a great job of exposing all of the small minded greedy bigots in the GOP.

I really hope they choose him as their presidential candidate.

It will make the fight much easier for Bernie Sanders.

Feel the Bern!


It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

John Kerry served as an active duty US Navy Lt during the Vietnam war.

Well, I guess I also misread your comments.

GW Bush was accused of not serving because he joined the Texas National Guard and served there..

During the attempted occupation of Vietnam when so many served and were killed there.

He used the national guard as a safe haven to avoid serving in the war.

Then when he becomes President he becomes the first one to send national guard troops into battle.

He did not serve. He hid from his responsibility.

By the way, his service record in the national guard was a very poor one....


Feel The Bern!

Trump is the best thing since sliced bread.... for the Democrats..

Go Donald Go!cheesy.gif clap2.gif giggle.gif

Bernie Sanders in 2016


It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

John Kerry served as an active duty US Navy Lt during the Vietnam war.

Well, I guess I also misread your comments.

GW Bush was accused of not serving because he joined the Texas National Guard and served there..

During the attempted occupation of Vietnam when so many served and were killed there.

He used the national guard as a safe haven to avoid serving in the war.

Then when he becomes President he becomes the first one to send national guard troops into battle.

He did not serve. He hid from his responsibility.

By the way, his service record in the national guard was a very poor one....

The Vietnam war was a difficult, bloody time and everyone made their own decisions on whether to serve or not.


The Vietnam war was a difficult, bloody time and everyone made their own decisions on whether to serve or not.

A select few made their own decisions. The vast majority had the decision made for them.


If nothing else, Trump is definitely adding some entertainment, color and excitement to what would have otherwise been a boring as hell, same old B.S. we hear every election year.

Latest polls show that Hillary the Bitch is slipping somewhat, and the Republicans are now in mass hysteria mode.

This could get very interesting.


Clinton and Trump were draft dodgers. Kerry, Bush and McCain served in the military during Vietnam. Many national guard units were called to Vietnam so National Guard duty was not the same as draft dodging. Rich kids got student deferments first while in college and after college medical or critical skill deferments or went to Canada. Kerry threw his (not actually his) Vietnam medals over the White House fence.


Birtherism and rapist immigrants are fine but Trump has gone too far now...criticizing one of our own white man, jeesh!

The GOP loved Trump supporters when they called themselves the Tea Party. Now...not so much.

Let's take a moment to remember the Republicans smearing Kerry and Max Cleland. The hypocrisy of the current outrage is hilarious.

The Republicans are in free fall. Som nom na.


Birtherism and rapist immigrants are fine but Trump has gone too far now...criticizing one of our own white man, jeesh!

The GOP loved Trump supporters when they called themselves the Tea Party. Now...not so much.

Let's take a moment to remember the Republicans smearing Kerry and Max Cleland. The hypocrisy of the current outrage is hilarious.

The Republicans are in free fall. Som nom na.


It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

John Kerry served with distinction in Vietnam. He volunteered for service, was wounded in action and was awarded the bronze star for valor in combat.

You are falling for the malicious political rhetoric that the GOP launched against Kerry which questioned his service because Kerry also became a prominent voice against the Vietnam war.

Nothing Trump has said is untruthful. Yes, Sen. McCain was a POW and was captured while on active service. He wasn't an inspiring leader, or a brilliant tactician. McCain has been out of touch for some time, particularly on the issue of ISIS. This is the senator who wanted to arm the Syrian rebels and attacked Obama for not doing so. Fortunately, the USA didn't listen to McCain otherwise ISIS would be stronger than ever. McCain did get it right when he fought against waterboarding. However, it is now time for him to move on.

Trump is an alternative voice if he shakes up the GOP, good. He is one of the few people who can attract crossover voters from registered Democrats. He would put an end to the threat of ISIS through the demonstration of glass manufacturing techniques.


What really amazes me bout John McCain is that he's the biggest hawk in Washington his answer to everything is to bomb it. Frightening knowing he saw first hand the horrors of war or has he wanted revenge on anything that doesn't dance to his tune. Trump is right he's not a hero, he was a POW.


What really amazes me bout John McCain is that he's the biggest hawk in Washington his answer to everything is to bomb it. Frightening knowing he saw first hand the horrors of war or has he wanted revenge on anything that doesn't dance to his tune. Trump is right he's not a hero, he was a POW.


What really amazes me bout John McCain is that he's the biggest hawk in Washington his answer to everything is to bomb it. Frightening knowing he saw first hand the horrors of war

He saw the horrors from 35,000' at 500 MPH. His captivity was a different story, but has nothing to do with bombing it.


I hate the idea of ending up with Donald Trump as the most viable candidate. I have never liked the guy but this could really happen. The only issue left is who he will be obligated to for paying his campaign bills. If he spends his own money, which is not likely, he will be the guy I vote for.


No doubt the teabagggers see McCain as a RiNO. Probably won't hurt trump with the base.

McCain is, and has always been a neocon hawk... A cold-war era relic who is well past his sell-by date...


McCain isn't running fortunately, and that is why Trump is barking up the wrong tree. Immigration was a good issue to raise, but why create an issue of someone who only drives divisiveness amongst Republicans? Better just to relegate McCain to the old folks' home. His time is done and he has been slipping further into irrelevance. Making an issue out of McCain doesn't yield any additional support for Trump. Rookie political candidacy error.

The only reason Trump attacked McCain was due to McCain's comment that Trump's stand on immigration had brought the "crazies" out in the Republican party... Hardly an endearing term for constituents in one's own party... Not to worry, McCain is under censure by his party in Arizona and will not be supported for re-election... Time to send John to the elephant graveyard, whether he likes it or not...


The GOP self-destruction continues. Surely Trump is a Democrat/Hillary plant? Genius!

And the Dems are not floundering? They have 3 candidates, 1 a proven liar, another a self-professed socialist and the last coming out somewhere left of Obama on immigration...

The appeal of Trump is his straight talk, something the American people have not heard a lot of from their elected officials in a long time, if ever... Everyone is thinking what Trump is saying, yet no one in the Washington inner circle or the MSM will address it... Which raises the question of why the Dems are importing millions of immigrants to the US, ignoring any and all emigration policies?


Which raises the question of why the Dems are importing millions of immigrants to the US, ignoring any and all emigration policies?

Dems love 'em for the votes. Repubs like the cheap labor. In the meter long political continuum, they're about 3 mm apart.

As much as I dislike The Donald, he may be just what the country needs to put an end to the Demican/Republicrat stranglehold on all things political... It's like watching a football season where they act like they're beating the crap out of each other, then the owners go home and count up the money.


For far too many years we've heard the same political B.S. from BOTH camps, with the country continually getting screwed by both of them once the election is over.
Finally, someone who doesn't fit their mold, and who actually says what the hell is on his mind, and what he actually thinks, and everyone is in a panic.
As they should be.
Trump might not have been my first choice as a President, but right now he's looking better and better to me as the "alternative" to the past crap we've had to endure, and I'll take him over any of the other lying A-Holes who only know how to say what they think people want to hear, and couldn't come up with an original thought if you locked them all in a room together to figure one out.


For far too many years we've heard the same political B.S. from BOTH camps, with the country continually getting screwed by both of them once the election is over.

Finally, someone who doesn't fit their mold, and who actually says what the hell is on his mind, and what he actually thinks, and everyone is in a panic.

As they should be.

Trump might not have been my first choice as a President, but right now he's looking better and better to me as the "alternative" to the past crap we've had to endure, and I'll take him over any of the other lying A-Holes who only know how to say what they think people want to hear, and couldn't come up with an original thought if you locked them all in a room together to figure one out.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts (and send quite the message).

He's universally despised, yet he gets elected because we're so disgusted with the same old same old that even The Donald looks better than what we've been getting.

I just hope they don't give him the nuclear codes...


Well let's see. In two weeks, Trump has royally offended Mexicans, Latinos, and now veterans. Keep it up Trump, it's selling a lot of newspapers, and talk-show hosts love you. who's next in line to offend? pre-schoolers? nurses? janitors? I guess anyone who makes less money than Trump is, by definition, inferior to him. Disregard that he's declared bankruptcy four times. Even if he were running for head of a business college, his credentials would be tarnished.


For far too many years we've heard the same political B.S. from BOTH camps, with the country continually getting screwed by both of them once the election is over.

Finally, someone who doesn't fit their mold, and who actually says what the hell is on his mind, and what he actually thinks, and everyone is in a panic.

As they should be.

Trump might not have been my first choice as a President, but right now he's looking better and better to me as the "alternative" to the past crap we've had to endure, and I'll take him over any of the other lying A-Holes who only know how to say what they think people want to hear, and couldn't come up with an original thought if you locked them all in a room together to figure one out.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts (and send quite the message).

He's universally despised, yet he gets elected because we're so disgusted with the same old same old that even The Donald looks better than what we've been getting.

I just hope they don't give him the nuclear codes...

I just hope they don't give him the nuclear codes...

Yeah, I tend to agree with you on that one. cheesy.gif


Can anyone even begin to imagine Disgusting Donald on a front line? Facing bullets? He would be balling his beady little eyes out. Scared to death. I do not necessarily like McCain. Consider him too much of a hawk. But, he did serve time. And he did spend time in prison as a result. What has Trump done for his nation besides steal a lot of money from unsuspecting sellers of property? He is a goon and a hooligan. There is little to be admired about the Don, other than his ability to amass a fortune which is easier to do if you have no moral standards, which is the case with Tiny Trump.


Space junk, written off as useless and doomed to a fiery re-entry leaving nothing but a smudge in the sky.

If you're referring to the current batch of politicians, a smudge in the sky is wishful thinking...

You are correct and I am wrong. Can I say "a soon to be erased contrail"? They are formed by exhaust gases after all.


It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

He would put an end to the threat of ISIS through the demonstration of glass manufacturing techniques.

Donald would as likely as not misread ISIS as ISRAEL and nuke them.


It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

John Kerry served with distinction in Vietnam. He volunteered for service, was wounded in action and was awarded the bronze star for valor in combat.

You are falling for the malicious political rhetoric that the GOP launched against Kerry which questioned his service because Kerry also became a prominent voice against the Vietnam war.

Nothing Trump has said is untruthful. Yes, Sen. McCain was a POW and was captured while on active service. He wasn't an inspiring leader, or a brilliant tactician. McCain has been out of touch for some time, particularly on the issue of ISIS. This is the senator who wanted to arm the Syrian rebels and attacked Obama for not doing so. Fortunately, the USA didn't listen to McCain otherwise ISIS would be stronger than ever. McCain did get it right when he fought against waterboarding. However, it is now time for him to move on.

Trump is an alternative voice if he shakes up the GOP, good. He is one of the few people who can attract crossover voters from registered Democrats. He would put an end to the threat of ISIS through the demonstration of glass manufacturing techniques.

I am well aware of Kerry's service and I haven't fallen for anything.. Kerry when he stood against Bush was smeared by the GOP and this came from a man along with his VP who did their best not to serve their country. I hope this makes it clear to you.


The problem with Trump (well, one of many) is that he's incredibly sensitive to any criticism. So he's going after McCain just because McCain said this:

"Trump's reaction came after McCain told an interviewer that the businessman had "fired up the crazies" with his inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants."

The thing is McCain is just as hawkish as Trump is and is happy to send US troops anywhere and everywhere. They're on the same team, for Christ's sake. Oh nevermind, Trump doesn't believe in teams. It's just him and no one else.

Pretty Ignorant to sat Trump does not believe in TEAMS when he has built a BILLION Dollar business by building Teams


I love how they are shooting each other in the foot. Carry on, boys! clap2.gif

He's certainly even more entertaining than the pizza guy who ran the last time.

Trump may actually be a secret operative of the DNC and/or he's living out a childhood fantasy emulating his obvious role models. He's got the hair(piece) to fit right in.


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