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US political posturing kills Thai-US relations

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<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

Who cares? How about every single country on the face of the earth. That's who.

The US is still the big dawg and will remain so for at least another 20ish years until China "comes of age", unless President Donal Trump really makes a mess of things...facepalm.gif

To you Americans; if you really elect the Donald you deserve all that's coming to youtongue.png

Why would you wish harm to Americans because the Donald decided to run? This is what happens in a Democracy. However, Donald Duck has a better chance of being elected President than Donald Trump. You have to admit though, campaigns are usually very boring, and the Donald is fun to watch, whether you agree or not. You can't possibly take everything he says seriously. Hopefully, other politicians will see him surging right now because he is throwing Political Correctness out the window. They might even try to speak their own mind once they see that the public enjoys honesty,regardless of whether it is an argument that you agree with.

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US posturing my ass. What it is that is staring this country straight in the eye is that the other countries have have enough of this endless Thai b-ll sh-t. The constant cry's of we are different, we are special have worn thin and are substitutes for we are incompetent and we are inept and we are full of ourselves. This country has absolutely no comprehension on consequence, accountability and integrity.

OH how I totally agree with you. Thanks.


yes how dare the US condemn the hooding and handcuffing of refugees forced to go back to China and face their wonderful system of justice? I mean it was a humane and compassionate act! more trash from The Nation

Maybe, but Thailand did not bomb the hell out of Laos because............(?) during the abortive Vietnam war, which USA lost. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Also it is wonderful to read how equal black and white people are in the great USA! Perhaps it's time USA was downgraded on their human rights issues?


yes how dare the US condemn the hooding and handcuffing of refugees forced to go back to China and face their wonderful system of justice? I mean it was a humane and compassionate act! more trash from The Nation

Like hooding and cuffing HUMANS at Guantanamo or Abu Grahib no doubt. But because it's do as we say not what we do and we all know that the US' own record squeaks with cleanliness. Hypocrites who need to &lt;deleted&gt;.


Here, just in case you missed it is an image of the terrible treatment of a refugee by a Thai soldier ;)



Is TV so hard up for news it has to link to this BS. Thailand's current military run leadership can't even be considered a government in my mind. Maybe when Thailand returns to democracy the US will try harder. For now Thailand is like a floundering ship at sea.


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

No it hasn't, unless you consider Fox News entertainment to be gospel truth.

And your go-to news source, the Huffington Post or perhaps CNN or MSNBC?

Let's highlight US foreign policy "wins" in the last 7 years... You can start with Iraq, followed by Libya and Egypt, with a dose of Ukraine and Syria thrown in for good measure... And we shouldn't forget Afghanistan should we? And please don't start with the GWB rhetoric, we all know he was an idiot and pawn, just like his replacement...

I have reached my quota of positive votes for the day.

Have another like from me.


yes how dare the US condemn the hooding and handcuffing of refugees forced to go back to China and face their wonderful system of justice? I mean it was a humane and compassionate act! more trash from The Nation

Terrible. But o k to hood and handcuff and force some people to the US where they can enjoy free board and lodging and even waterboarding, All without trial or access to legal representation.

It's wrong, but time all the hypocrisy was stopped. America is not the moral role model of the world, nor beyond immoral and sometimes illegal acts when it suits. Certainly no longer has any moral high ground with which to chastise any other country.

I have reached my quota of positive votes for the day.

Have another like from me.


We have to assume, that the government writes these articles. Since there no longer is any freedom in Thailand's media, these stories are becoming so one sided it's laughable reading them.

What next? Thailand blaming America for the hundreds of Rohingya corpses found buried in Thailand?

What really is concerning is reading the various Thai language discussions online with many many thais showing such anti american biases. Slowly Thailand is becoming like North Korea with paranoid delusions that American is out to destroy their country.

Fortunately, Thais are are not as smart as the Norks. Or esle we'd have to worry about Thais having nuclear weapons


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

Haven't they just upgraded to full diplomatic relations with Cuba ?

Yes they have. I guess Thailand must sit in the penalty box for another 50 years.


"Fifth, Washington has not shown sufficient appreciation of Bangkok's relentless efforts to stabilise the country and move towards democracy." cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

But doncha see, fair or not, the US holds all the aces !

Ah yes Washington 50 shades of grey with a little red and blue mixed in. What a strange brew indeed. Holding all the aces hmm indeed with 19 trillion dollar debt(which has doubled from 8.5 trillion 8 years ago. The 8.5 took over 200 years to accumulate) don't go all in it could be a mistake. A royal flush beats 4 aces.Yes love it or leave is the USA watch word. Although I detest Fox news they did a survey of who wanted to leave "The Land of the Free" I forget the exact outcome but I think it was quite high and even shocked me.


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

This is totally incorrect. US foreign relationships were at an all time low in the Bush era. Obama restored some sanity after the madness of King George.


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

What metrics are you using? Party invitations?

Party invitations? Really? Wow! Where do I begin?

B. Hussein Obama II, had/has no idea about foreign policy before or after he became POTUS.

His former and current Secretaries of State, Clinton and Kerry, are dilettantes (look up the definition).

He, using his authority as Commander in Chief and without participation of Congress, actively assisted the overthrow of the governments of Egypt and Libya; the former now has a military dictatorship and the later has five different factions warring for control. In neither country are the citizens better off.

In a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, he armed the Syrian rebels who then morphed into ISIS.

The US, under the President's direct control, conducts illegal drone strikes on anyone they feel like with total impunity.

He's certainly alienated Putin of Russia with his meddling in Ukraine and the Baltic States.

He's spied on the governments of Brazil, France, Germany, and all the US's other 'allies'; even going so far as tapping the private phones of the leaders of those countries and monitoring those countries' business interests.

He's working like mad to get on the wrong side of China when just a little respect would go far. He has alienated every country in the Middle East with his facilitating the Iranian government's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon and a missile system to deliver it.

I could go on but even you can see what a disaster US foreign policy has been.

The US's foreign policy is being directed by the former leader of the 'Choom Gang' http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2014/08/02/choom-gang-reunion/, whose total government experience before becoming POTUS consisted of one partial term as a State Senator and one partial term as a US Senator (who voted 'present' 90% of the time). He has proved to be an unmitigated disaster.

Thailand may not be of great strategic importance but is was willing to be the US's friend if allowed.

Now, tell me which country has better relations with the US since Obama took office. (Please don't say he's better than Geo. Bush because that's like saying he's better than a cow flop)


Are you seriously suggesting any American President has ever had any good foreign policies. To me the US foreign policy consists of bomb it into the stone age then send your contractors in to fix it and make a few billion on the deal. Win Win for the MIC.


what is US ?

China is the new Big friend for thailand, this we can see now every day on the news;

Rice goes to china,

Railway coming from China,

Submarines coming from China,

Urighs going back to china !!

More tourists coming back, many bucks inthe pockit !

Thi is the new friendship,

please accept the choice of Thai people !!


what is US ?

China is the new Big friend for thailand, this we can see now every day on the news;

Rice goes to china,

Railway coming from China,

Submarines coming from China,

Urighs going back to china !!

More tourists coming back, many bucks inthe pockit !

Thi is the new friendship,

please accept the choice of Thai people !!

Ahem, which Thai people have made the choice. Or should I say which Thai people have a choice.


America is two distinct entities. One is the American nation. It speaks in platitudes and reinforces the once believable notion of American altruism. This is the nation beloved by the generation now ending. The other is the American Empire. It is not concerned with anyone's opinion and carries forth its plan, not by words but by action. It's goal is to enlarge its economic domination and currently China is perceived as its greatest obstacle. Geography (once again) puts Thailand literally in the middle of great power aspirations. The current generation of Thai leadership seems to be aware of Thai history and behaves in accordance with the lessons learned needed to insure the continued sovereignty of the nation. The continuing evolution of Thai governance is the responsibility of Thai people solely. Thai society has been greatly influenced by many imported concepts and that is all for the good. But as FDR declared at the end of WWll, the primary goal for all nations is the right to self determination of their own governments. When Empires 'speak' the words necessarily constitute a threat. That is what this current generation, here and all around the globe, will not accept no matter what form of government they have.


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

Oh yes! It was so very much better under Bush. Both of them dry.png


coffee1.gif The US should let China and Russia have Thailand. The US can buy shrimp from Texas/Gulf states like the old days. We will be buying from Vietnamese fishermen, but what the hell, it is almost American!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Yes and when the TPP is passed Vietnam will again be the big winner. Walmart will be full of made in Vietnamese products. I really did a belly laugh when Nike stated that if Obama passes the TPP they will create 10,000 jobs in the USA. Will they be Vietnam trainees coming here to learn about how the USA companies make things (before they lay off their American counterparts?) so they can teach their fellow Vietnamese how its done. It is now becoming painfully apparent at least for young Americans with stars in their eyes coming out of college or university with huge debts just how their future will unfold and its not pretty. They will be walking around in their made in Vietnam Nikes driving Toyota/Honda/Nissan/Chery cars (more than likely belonging to their parents the baby boomers who will be holidaying in the Caribbean) if their lucky or a made in China bicycle wearing made in Bangladesh clothes looking for employment. They will more than likely be holed up in their parents basement for decades to come. They can stop for lunch and eat Vietnam or Thailand shrimp or tuna sandwiches (bout all they call afford) Welcome to the world of millenniums. Always remember the economy is based on an expanding well paid (need money to buy things) workforce. Retail sales are falling as we speak. Its worse if you dig into the real numbers. As the millenniums will not qualify will these (well paid consumers) come from Mexico? It really amazes me that companies keep up the downward pressure on wages but then they are full of greed and do not care whom they hurt. Who do they hope to sell all their overpriced products to? They are suppressing the very people that they hope will be a future customer.


what is US ?

China is the new Big friend for thailand, this we can see now every day on the news;

Rice goes to china,

Railway coming from China,

Submarines coming from China,

Urighs going back to china !!

More tourists coming back, many bucks inthe pockit !

Thi is the new friendship,

please accept the choice of Thai people !!

Please, carry on. I have the feeling that the Americans will just about be able to cope without benevolence of the mighty 'What was the name of that country again? The one in Asia the army took over?'....


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

What metrics are you using? Party invitations?

Party invitations? Really? Wow! Where do I begin?

B. Hussein Obama II, had/has no idea about foreign policy before or after he became POTUS.

His former and current Secretaries of State, Clinton and Kerry, are dilettantes (look up the definition).

He, using his authority as Commander in Chief and without participation of Congress, actively assisted the overthrow of the governments of Egypt and Libya; the former now has a military dictatorship and the later has five different factions warring for control. In neither country are the citizens better off.

In a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, he armed the Syrian rebels who then morphed into ISIS.

The US, under the President's direct control, conducts illegal drone strikes on anyone they feel like with total impunity.

He's certainly alienated Putin of Russia with his meddling in Ukraine and the Baltic States.

He's spied on the governments of Brazil, France, Germany, and all the US's other 'allies'; even going so far as tapping the private phones of the leaders of those countries and monitoring those countries' business interests.

He's working like mad to get on the wrong side of China when just a little respect would go far. He has alienated every country in the Middle East with his facilitating the Iranian government's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon and a missile system to deliver it.

I could go on but even you can see what a disaster US foreign policy has been.

The US's foreign policy is being directed by the former leader of the 'Choom Gang' http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2014/08/02/choom-gang-reunion/, whose total government experience before becoming POTUS consisted of one partial term as a State Senator and one partial term as a US Senator (who voted 'present' 90% of the time). He has proved to be an unmitigated disaster.

Thailand may not be of great strategic importance but is was willing to be the US's friend if allowed.

Now, tell me which country has better relations with the US since Obama took office. (Please don't say he's better than Geo. Bush because that's like saying he's better than a cow flop)


Yes, because Russia should be given a carte blanche to do as they please in these areas - right???

The rest of your post is just drivel, pretty much what we have come to expect of you...coffee1.gif


what is US ?

China is the new Big friend for thailand, this we can see now every day on the news;

Rice goes to china,

Railway coming from China,

Submarines coming from China,

Urighs going back to china !!

More tourists coming back, many bucks inthe pockit !

Thi is the new friendship,

please accept the choice of Thai peopl

Correction Mango, the choice of the present "representatives" of the Thai people.


A lot of shooting the messenger responses here. Read up on the author, Kavi is no stranger to open political commentary or taking sides where he views moral dilemma.

The Red Shirts vs. Yellow Shirts was not only a burden on daily life in Thailand, but an embarrassment to the nation.

If there was an easy quick solution, it would be wrong!

Thailand and the US have had very god relations for a very long time.

No doubt, there are ups and downs. Now is a down, let's see if time can change that? Neither country has anything to gain by shooting the other in the foot, or itself.

Obama has 2 years left to either make amends based on what the US must preach to the world about how democracy works. And that is changing. Friending Cuba which has 1 political party seemed to me like it could never happen! Not so sure how Iran will pan out, but change is better than the status quo had been.

But how many other nations are lead essentially by 1 political party, and have done so for decades, and they are America's friend! In SEA that would be Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, and more recently Myanmar. The rest of SEA has 1 dominant political party that goes out of style for the next.

I give the OP Author Khun Kavi a break. His view and the newspapers agreement to publish it show courage and loyalty to a nation struggling to find balance.


what is US ?

China is the new Big friend for thailand, this we can see now every day on the news;

Rice goes to china,

Railway coming from China,

Submarines coming from China,

Urighs going back to china !!

More tourists coming back, many bucks inthe pockit !

Thi is the new friendship,

please accept the choice of Thai people !!

More likely the choice of the Thai people of Chinese ancestry.


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

It's beter for Thailand to have China AND the West competing against each other to influence Thailand. Let China AND the West hand out their gifts.

If it's only China turning up in Thailand to put Thailand into it's 'sphere of influence', well, what benefits can Thailand expect ? Better to take the benefits from two competing big countries, rather than just one.


Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

What metrics are you using? Party invitations?

Party invitations? Really? Wow! Where do I begin?

B. Hussein Obama II, had/has no idea about foreign policy before or after he became POTUS.

His former and current Secretaries of State, Clinton and Kerry, are dilettantes (look up the definition).

He, using his authority as Commander in Chief and without participation of Congress, actively assisted the overthrow of the governments of Egypt and Libya; the former now has a military dictatorship and the later has five different factions warring for control. In neither country are the citizens better off.

In a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, he armed the Syrian rebels who then morphed into ISIS.

The US, under the President's direct control, conducts illegal drone strikes on anyone they feel like with total impunity.

He's certainly alienated Putin of Russia with his meddling in Ukraine and the Baltic States.

He's spied on the governments of Brazil, France, Germany, and all the US's other 'allies'; even going so far as tapping the private phones of the leaders of those countries and monitoring those countries' business interests.

He's working like mad to get on the wrong side of China when just a little respect would go far. He has alienated every country in the Middle East with his facilitating the Iranian government's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon and a missile system to deliver it.

I could go on but even you can see what a disaster US foreign policy has been.

The US's foreign policy is being directed by the former leader of the 'Choom Gang' http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2014/08/02/choom-gang-reunion/, whose total government experience before becoming POTUS consisted of one partial term as a State Senator and one partial term as a US Senator (who voted 'present' 90% of the time). He has proved to be an unmitigated disaster.

Thailand may not be of great strategic importance but is was willing to be the US's friend if allowed.

Now, tell me which country has better relations with the US since Obama took office. (Please don't say he's better than Geo. Bush because that's like saying he's better than a cow flop)


Believe it or not this kind of mindless nonsense is relatively common in the U.S, though mostly from the uneducated and other redneck sources as one would expect.The telltale aspect is the obsessive hatred of President Obama often with a barely concealed racist subtext - not that I'm suggesting this here.

In fact as most reasonable people know Obama has huge international popularity with Russia being the main exception.His foreign policy achievements are looking remarkably good and he will be remembered as a great President.

Still I did enjoy the comical reference to Obama alienating Putin due to the former's meddling in the Ukraine.

And the genius who came up with all this expects to be taken seriously on Thailand?


<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

It's beter for Thailand to have China AND the West competing against each other to influence Thailand. Let China AND the West hand out their gifts.

If it's only China turning up in Thailand to put Thailand into it's 'sphere of influence', well, what benefits can Thailand expect ? Better to take the benefits from two competing big countries, rather than just one.

But what happens should the two suitors decide they are being played for fools and join forces against the two-timing vixen? It could become messy...

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