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Trump basks in McCain takedown, says rivals envious of rise


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Trump basks in McCain takedown, says rivals envious of rise

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans' swift condemnation of Donald Trump's disparaging comments about Sen. John McCain's military service marks a turning point in the party's cautious approach to the billionaire-turned-presidential candidate.

But Trump simply may not care; indeed he seemed to bask in his McCain takedown.

After dismissing McCain's reputation as a war hero because he was captured in Vietnam and "I like people who weren't captured," Trump declared "I will say what I want to say." He insisted he would stay in the GOP primary field, despite rivals who say he's now shown he doesn't merit the presidency.

"It's not just absurd," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. "It's offensive. It's ridiculous. And I do think it is a disqualifier as commander in chief."

Numerous other GOP candidates, including Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Scott Walker, were similarly critical of Trump. The Republican National Committee also put its thumb on the scale, issuing a statement saying "there is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably."

As the furor unfolded, Trump spoke dismissively of his rivals and the GOP establishment in an interview with The Associated Press, recalling his years of helping to bankroll candidates.

"You know the Republican Party - of course I was one of their darlings when I was a contributor," he said. "I went from a darling to somebody that they're not happy with because I'm not a politician."

Asked whether he now thought McCain was a war hero, Trump merely referred to his previous day's comments, when he said "perhaps" he was while seeming to mock McCain for being captured.

Until now, Republicans have been largely cautious in their handling of Trump and his provocations.

While officials privately fretted about the damage he could do to the party, they are also worried about alienating voters drawn to his celebrity, brashness and willingness to take on establishment Republicans. He's emerged as one of the favorites early in a race that is bound to see shifts in the standing of many of the candidates.

Trump has made other eyebrow-raising comments since declaring his candidacy, most notably his assertion that Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers. Many GOP candidates were slow and halting in their response to those comments, underscoring a continuing struggle to hit the right notes on immigration when they want to appeal to Hispanics without alienating traditional GOP voters.

But for a party that prides itself on its support for the military, Trump's comments about McCain were an easy opening. McCain, the 2008 GOP presidential nominee, spent more than five years as a prisoner of war, enduring torture and refusing release ahead of fellow captives.

Democrats reminded voters about the tepid response to his earlier bombast. Democratic presidential contender Hillary Rodham Clinton said it was shameful "that it took so long for most of his fellow Republican candidates to start standing up to him."

Trump noted he got a standing ovation after his remarks to a religious conservative forum in Iowa and told AP "when I left the room, everybody thought I gave the best presentation of anybody." But his comments about McCain drew a smattering of boos, his rivals received standing ovations, too, and when some of them spoke up for McCain in their remarks, they got hearty applause.

To some Republicans, Trump will have a detrimental effect on other candidates.

"It's all Trump, all the time," said Matt Strawn, the former Iowa GOP chairman. For candidates still introducing themselves to voters and trying to qualify for the party's first debate Aug. 6, Strawn said, "it is all but impossible for them to cut through the Trump noise." Although polls this early in a presidential contest are of dubious reliability, they are being used to determine who can come to the debate, and Trump appears likely to make the cut.

Pennsylvania GOP chairman Rob Gleason doesn't mind the fuss kicked up by Trump.

"Now there's more people interested in what the Republican Party has to say," Gleason said. "It's all good."

Also looming over the GOP: The prospect Trump could run as a third-party candidate if he doesn't win the GOP nomination. Trump declined to rule that out Saturday.

GOP pollster Frank Luntz said Trump could siphon off enough votes as a third-party candidate to cost the party the White House.

"If you tell me Trump is running as an independent, I will tell you that the next president will be Hillary Clinton," said Luntz, a moderator at the Iowa forum who asked Trump about McCain being a war hero.

Rick Perry, one of the few veterans running for president, said Trump has demonstrated he has neither the character nor the temperament for the White House. "Over the top," the former Texas governor said on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''Really offensive." Bush tweeted, "Enough with the slanderous attacks."

Trump pressed ahead Sunday with his critical remarks on McCain, who had no comment. He said the senator has been "all talk, no action" on looking after military veterans. McCain stirred Trump's anger last week when he said Trump's comments about immigrants had "fired up the crazies" at a Phoenix rally.

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin, Steve Peoples and Calvin Woodward contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-20

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"Now there's more people interested in what the Republican Party has to say," Gleason said. "It's all good."

Keep on believing that it's "all good". I'm sure you'll also think it's "all good" when Trump takes his massive ego and runs as an independent and eliminates any and all already slim chances of a republican winning the white house.

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"Also looming over the GOP: The prospect Trump could run as a third-party candidate if he doesn't win the GOP nomination. Trump declined to rule that out Saturday.
GOP pollster Frank Luntz said Trump could siphon off enough votes as a third-party candidate to cost the party the White House.
"If you tell me Trump is running as an independent, I will tell you that the next president will be Hillary Clinton," said Luntz".

Oh man, can it get any more interesting? Keep Trump in the tent pissing out and they'll piss off far too many people to be win the Presidency. Kick him out the tent and he'll piss in from the position of an Independent Presidential Candidate. Trump is their Id run riot. Oh dear, oh dear.

Looks like he might do a Nader on the GOP.

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Both the Republican and Democrats track record of dealing with their veterans is abysmal. For Trump to be called out for stating what he thinks while the rest blab on about how anti-american it is to dish war veterans is worse in my opinion. No war veteran after serving active duty should have to be on food stamps, or sitting in a homeless shelter or be in need of medical care. I get the feeling Trump would provide that help to those that needed it regardless if they were a war "hero" or just an ordinary grunt doing his or her job. name any past president who has made it a priority to spend the money to help these men and women. Is John Mcain a war hero?? Yes, no, i dont know, but he served and did his job and he is owed the respect for doing it. But one should not be drawn and quartered for voicing a polar opposite opinion, as in part is that not what our past war veterans fought and died for.

To all the other republican candidates i think it will be a cold day in hell before any one of them declares they will help any of the veterans coming home with post traumatic syndrome without jumping thru all hoops before getting what should be offered without any questions!

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I don't know if I'd want Donald as POTUS, although a good business man could be a serious improvement over the milk toast politicians we've had for the past 15 years or so, but I love what he's doing right now. Rocking the boat would be an understatement, and he's definitely got a lot of panties in a bunch. I hope he keeps it up, as it's going to put every other candidate on their toes in a major way.

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He is No hero… He was a POW like many were… He came in Last in the Naval Accademy and crashed 3 Planes while trying to learn to fly… His Daddy was a 3 Star Admiral… He got good treatment compared to the other POWs..He was a Pawn in the Politics of War and the NVA knew his worth as a captive… Heros are awarded the Medal of Honor…

McCain was disliked by his fellow prisoners for cooperating a little too whole heartily with his captors, gaining special privileges and early release.

Quote from http://www.informati...rticle35132.htm " But some of McCain’s fellow prisoners, who were tortured and did not collaborate, have challenged his narrative, expressing their belief that McCain was not physically abused at all and that he was well treated. Others who were also in the prison camp dispute that claim. But by McCain’s own account he may have begun cooperating with the North Vietnamese within three days of his capture and was fully on board within two weeks, providing specific intelligence on his aircraft carrier, its aircraft, and the support vessels attached to it, information that was later featured in North Vietnamese radio broadcasts. One account that appeared on a wire service entitled “PW Songbird is Pilot Son of Admiral” reported that McCain may have gone beyond an acceptable level of collaboration in assisting the psychological warfare offensives aimed at American servicemen: “The broadcast was beamed to American servicemen in South Vietnam as a part of a propaganda series attempting to counter charges by U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird that American prisoners are being mistreated in North Vietnam.”

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"It's not just absurd," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

No, Rubio, you are correct. You and the blathering idiots who believe creationism is equal to science for explaining our universe are all pandering to the lowest common denominator, while simultaneously declaring climate change as a myth and then protesting when the Pope issues a Papal statement.


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I don't take a lot of notice of the American elections-----mainly because the process goes on for so long---- but I did think that the Add that the Democrat put out on the John McCain-- Sarah Palin ticket was an all time classic.........it must have been for me to remember it that far back


McCain & Palin.......... incontinent & incompetent....................coffee1.gif

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Señor Trump's Op-Ed piece in USA Today...

Trump: I don't need to be lectured



Trump's low-class outburst: Our view


Most of the McCain "dirt" is from Karl Rove's efforts to discredit him in the 2000 campaign.

Crashing/ditching a damaged plane to avoid damaging a carrier, and killing crew, is not necessarily a sign of cowardice?

West Point "Goats" (Pickett, Custer, Patton) and Annapolis "Anchormen" are not losers; McCain graduated near the bottom, but not last, of his class.

Edited by bamnutsak
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Truth hurts

yes and crazier things have happened before.Who knows how far trump can go.Many like a brash guy who is not afraid to tell it like it is,some may even find it refreshing,someone who does n't care what political opponents think...he's rattling the cage in my opinion.

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To some this shows what a master promoter Trump is. What would it take to get the POTUS to roast you? What would it take to be anywhere, everywhere including YouTube?

I'm not saying anything other than Trump knows how to promote himself and stay in the limelight. Who is everyone talking about, right now?


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I think Trump is from the school of thought that there's no such thing as "bad publicity". The man is media savvy enough to turn it around to benefit himself.

And has anyone noticed that since he's arrived on the scene, Hillary has virtually vanished from the media radar.

Should he be President? Part of me says: "Sure, why not?" And another part of me says: "Oh, hell no!"

But he's definitely the biggest, and most flamboyant clown in this circus.

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I think Trump is from the school of thought that there's no such thing as "bad publicity". The man is media savvy enough to turn it around to benefit himself.

And has anyone noticed that since he's arrived on the scene, Hillary has virtually vanished from the media radar.

Should he be President? Part of me says: "Sure, why not?" And another part of me says: "Oh, hell no!"

But he's definitely the biggest, and most flamboyant clown in this circus.

Though I'm no big fan of HRC, she must be thinking Donald Trump is the best gift ever. Heck, he just handed the Democrat party more Latinos that ever.

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Though I'm no big fan of HRC, she must be thinking Donald Trump is the best gift ever. Heck, he just handed the Democrat party more Latinos that ever.

I'm not so sure. For one thing Dems usually clean up the Hispanic vote anyway. It might not be his to lose.

Understand that the LEGAL Hispanics are wonderful, hard working, family oriented people. They are peaceful and Catholic. They fit into the culture well. No one is questioning legals.

I know Hispanics who don't like illegal immigration and would agree at least somewhat with Trump. It's not all or nothing.

Trump is playing to those who got sick of John McCain tolerating illegal immigration to get elected and failing abysmally to support military veterans. He also lost a race for the POTUS for the Republicans. He's not all that popular and he does have negatives.

I see Trump shooting from the hip and saying things that many others would like to say but have been blown back by the PC name callers. He doesn't need anything including the presidency and he's taking the fight to what he perceives to be "the other side" including entrenched Republicans.


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Would I love this guy to be POTUS. Just think what an ass he would make of himself on the world stage. He's the type of guy would might fondle Angela Merkel's bosom instead of just giving her a back-rub like Bush did....just think of the satire we could enjoy for 8 years if this dope gets in...and all the wars to be involved in.....yes straight talking Trump might have the balls or outright lunacy, to confront Putin and start Armageddon...who couldn't wish for that?

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I don't know if I'd want Donald as POTUS, although a good business man could be a serious improvement over the milk toast politicians we've had for the past 15 years or so, but I love what he's doing right now. Rocking the boat would be an understatement, and he's definitely got a lot of panties in a bunch. I hope he keeps it up, as it's going to put every other candidate on their toes in a major way.

Donald has been bankrupt more than once, and was saved only because he owed so much to the banks that they could not let him go under. not the kind of businessman I'd want running the world's largest economy.

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Trump has never had to file PERSONAL bankruptcy. Trump has never apologized for using Chapter 11 as a business tool. He says tha many “great entrepreneurs” have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital and improve their businesses.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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John McCain was and is a Hero of the Vietnam War, he endured a lot of punishment and I understand he could have been released on his Father's Naval Rank and position.

Having said that, That does not make you eligible to stay in Congress for the rest of you life. He and several others have roosted there for 20, 30 and some even forty years. What is worse is during all those years they have allowed the USA to come to the brink of being a second rate power and all the while thinking the US Government can be all things to all people. They give away the wealth of the working people to those who over the years have become professional welfare scammers, all for their votes.

How in God's name can you justify not even requiring an ID or proof of citizenship to vote in a Federal Election, I would require proof you filed an Income Tax Return for the past four years to vote for President or Congress.

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Trump has never had to file PERSONAL bankruptcy. Trump has never apologized for using Chapter 11 as a business tool. He says tha many “great entrepreneurs” have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital and improve their businesses.

Yes, it says a lot that he thinks it is normal business practice to screw over your creditors.

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