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Trump basks in McCain takedown, says rivals envious of rise


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Donald has been bankrupt more than once, and was saved only because he owed so much to the banks that they could not let him go under. not the kind of businessman I'd want running the world's largest economy.

^^^ Award for the most ignorant post of the week goes right there.

Trump has never been bankrupt. Many large investment firms buy a business for the purpose of taking it through bankruptcy. It is a good and sometimes necessary business model.


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Yes, it says a lot that he thinks it is normal business practice to screw over your creditors.

^^^ Award for second most ignorant post of the week. When a business keeps operating after bankruptcy, the bankruptcy terms often give the creditors more than they would have gotten if the business shut down. It saves employees' jobs.

There are organizations that buy businesses that there is no hope for, restructure them, come out on the other side of bankruptcy with everyone including the creditors better off.

The courts won't allow bankruptcy if it's just fleecing someone, and the creditors have the right to object to the bankruptcy.

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John McCain was and is a Hero of the Vietnam War, he endured a lot of punishment and I understand he could have been released on his Father's Naval Rank and position.

Having said that, That does not make you eligible to stay in Congress for the rest of you life. He and several others have roosted there for 20, 30 and some even forty years. What is worse is during all those years they have allowed the USA to come to the brink of being a second rate power and all the while thinking the US Government can be all things to all people.

Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors. More damning is that as a veteran of Vietnam, McCain as well as many others in the upper brass of the Pentagon who were also Vietnam veterans, did not protest the decision of the neo-cons to invade Iraq. McCain failed to learn any lessons from his own war in Vietnam. At least the equally failed thinking of Colin Powell caused that politician to deservedly fade from the scene. It is long past due for McCain to fade away.

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Yes, it says a lot that he thinks it is normal business practice to screw over your creditors.

^^^ Award for second most ignorant post of the week. When a business keeps operating after bankruptcy, the bankruptcy terms often give the creditors more than they would have gotten if the business shut down. It saves employees' jobs.

There are organizations that buy businesses that there is no hope for, restructure them, come out on the other side of bankruptcy with everyone including the creditors better off.

The courts won't allow bankruptcy if it's just fleecing someone, and the creditors have the right to object to the bankruptcy.

Never mind, a response like yours, clearly not understanding the abuse of the system, is not worth it. Edited by stevenl
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Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors.

McCain had nothing to do with the 1967 USS Forrestal fire, other than being a surviver. It was caused by old ordinance that had not been maintained properly. John McCain was a hero, but not because he was a POW. He was a hero, because although he was mistreated badly and tortured, he refused the chance to go home before his men who had been captured before him. He was offered the chance, because his father was an admiral and it would have been a propaganda coupe for the North Vietnamese. Not a lot of men would have refused that deal.

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Donald Trump is irreparably bankrupt culturally, morally, politically.

Virtually all business tycoons and small business people too know nothing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights especially.

Trump moreover has no clue that becoming a POW is a part of the fortunes of war and that every member of the armed forces is educated, trained, prepared in his/her duty should the misfortune occur of being a prisoner of war.

The United States military has a POW Code of Conduct as a part of the Uniform Code of Military Justice which governs all members of the armed forces in all places and at all times in their duties and responsibilities to the country they serve.

Every member of the armed forces accepts that it may become an unavoidable necessity to spend an undetermined time as a prisoner of war. To perhaps have to do so is an inherent and central part of one's duty as a member of the armed forces. In the Vietnam Conflict the US suffered more than 1300 prisoners of war in camps of North Vietnam or some in Laos.

Trump demonstrates a complete deficit of the codes and notions of duty, honor, country.

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Calling Trump morally, culturally and politically bankrupt while a Clinton is running for the same position is clown action at its' finest.

Bankruptcy laws are there for a reason. They are there to be taken advantage of, they are for business owners. I don't think it was a good idea for Trump to bash McCain, but he has that right. Fought for by guys like McCain.

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Chapter 11 is there for a reason , smart people use it , others complain .clap2.gifclap2.gif

Yes, it is there for a reason. But unscrupulous people misuse it.

True indeed.

If corporate bankruptcy (or even personal bankruptcy) were such an evil we might still have debtors prisons that included anyone.

Corporate bankruptcy is there to assist in a recovery, not as a statement of evil purposes or of a great moral or financial failure.

It's the people who use it by design and deliberately as a means to an end who abuse bankruptcy law.

And people such as Trump who abuse bankruptcy laws have no reservation about abusing other laws or of abusing the law as a matter of course.

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The Donald as POTUS would have some merits. He would be take a hard line against foreign foes. He's not a workaholic, and is smart enough to delegate to others.

And I know TV talk-show hosts would have a never-ending supply of material for their shows during his presidency.

As a bonus, the White House would have the most photogenic FLOTUS ever.

However I fear that Trump, if elected, would probably be impeached for something before the end of his term.

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AMES, IOWA (The Borowitz Report)—Presidential candidate Donald Trump revealed a little-known episode of personal heroism from his youth on Saturday, telling an Iowa audience that he narrowly avoided capture in Vietnam by remaining in the United States for the duration of the war.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.”

The former reality-show star said he had never shared his record as a war hero before because “I don’t like to boast.”

He said that he only disclosed the episode now because “the way this nation treats our deferment veterans is a disgrace.”

Trump complained that he received no official commendation or medal for his heroism, calling the lack of recognition “shameful.”

“Those brave Americans who, like me, avoided being captured by not serving at all—we are the true heroes,” he said.

Trump’s tale of valor appeared to move many members of his audience, some of whom waited in line after his speech to thank him for his lack of service.

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Somebody please explain how Trump, or anybody 'abuses' the bankruptcy laws. Bankruptcy laws allow for the re-structuring of debt. Not debt forgiveness. You still have to pay the debts. Trump plays the liberal media like a fine violin. All the while the left slobbers and spits at their television screaming "you can't say that!"

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Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors.

McCain had nothing to do with the 1967 USS Forrestal fire, other than being a surviver. It was caused by old ordinance that had not been maintained properly. John McCain was a hero, but not because he was a POW. He was a hero, because although he was mistreated badly and tortured, he refused the chance to go home before his men who had been captured before him. He was offered the chance, because his father was an admiral and it would have been a propaganda coupe for the North Vietnamese. Not a lot of men would have refused that deal.

The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

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Somebody please explain how Trump, or anybody 'abuses' the bankruptcy laws. Bankruptcy laws allow for the re-structuring of debt. Not debt forgiveness. You still have to pay the debts. Trump plays the liberal media like a fine violin. All the while the left slobbers and spits at their television screaming "you can't say that!"

Uhm no, it's the Republicans screaming 'you can't say that'. Everybody else is loving it.
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Somebody please explain how Trump, or anybody 'abuses' the bankruptcy laws. Bankruptcy laws allow for the re-structuring of debt. Not debt forgiveness. You still have to pay the debts. Trump plays the liberal media like a fine violin. All the while the left slobbers and spits at their television screaming "you can't say that!"

Uhm no, it's the Republicans screaming 'you can't say that'. Everybody else is loving it.

Really? Where? I didn't see anyone except liberal media asking questions about it. But, then you didn't expect anyone to check, did you?

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Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors.

McCain had nothing to do with the 1967 USS Forrestal fire, other than being a surviver. It was caused by old ordinance that had not been maintained properly. John McCain was a hero, but not because he was a POW. He was a hero, because although he was mistreated badly and tortured, he refused the chance to go home before his men who had been captured before him. He was offered the chance, because his father was an admiral and it would have been a propaganda coupe for the North Vietnamese. Not a lot of men would have refused that deal.

The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

Yeah. You would've been an oak. Hsnoi Hilton wasn't puppy dogs and kitty cats.

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I won't argue what McCain as a POW did or didn't do... I do not think the record of that is iron clad clear... so I will not judge that aspect.

However, John McCain in the last ten years and more has shown to be ever increasingly bombastic and lacking good judgement. I have seen video of McCain as far back as 2006-07 or so where he had a town hall meeting to promote the Senate Amnesty. One lady came on stage and spoke very bluntly about being in opposition to McCain's pro Amnesty stance. She didn't last one minute as McCain screamed at her, became very aggressive and practically ran her off the stage... In Syria a couple of years ago he was photoed empty headedly patting one of the proto ISIS guys on the back and extolling the virtues of this group. Even then they were strongly suspected of being some very bad guys but McCain wasn't aware of the issue at all - even though everyone else was.

In recent years McCain has used vile unpatriotic name calling of Conservatives in his own party. He called anyone you support Trump crazies. The list of his displayed attitude is quite long.

IMO John McCain is suffering senile dementia which aside from harming memory also creates cognitive malfunctions of all nature. Also IMO - McCain's handlers try their best to keep him from embarrassing himself but McCain has lost all control and utters pure nonsense at any given time.

McCain is one of those old politicians who should have retired about 2003 but thinks he is special and anointed to lead and has no idea of his displayed stupidity.

What ever Trump did likely was vastly over played by the American News Media as they are greatly upset at Trump because it might mean the Media cannot yet AGAIN pick the Republican Party Nominee for President.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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It is unbelievable that Trump would stoop so low as to attack McCain. McCain isn't running for president and he presents little to no threat to Trump. Smearing the mans reputation is beyond comprehension. McCain is very old and he was previously vetted as a Republican candidate. This is a typical Trump tactic, similar to his birther stuff, which he held on to long after even Fox news had given up the ghost on that subject.

Trump is a seriously flawed candidate. There are a few world leaders who would not take some of his remarks laying down. In Asia, that thing called 'face' could make them react in an irrational manner.

I can about imagine what would happen if he went on a rampage about the Chinese leader and Kim Jon Ung.

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Numbers are critical in politics and the numbers are beginning to add up against Trump.

Hispanics and minorities, POW John McCain and those that didn't get captured, then Sunday in Iowa Trump bent out of shape the evangelical Christian right.

Trump in Iowa said in response to a question that he's never asked God for forgiveness and that he does go to Presbyterian church each week to get his communion "cracker."
Today the principal MSM in Iowa, the Des Moines Register ran an editorial telling Trump to quit running for president now

It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

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I worry about Trump for the simple reason that pretty much everyone knows a "propecia" tablet each day will allow you to keep all your hair.

He does seem to be the only candidate willing to put his money where his mouth is and that alone is going to bring him a few votes. Otherwise, he does seem to be out of touch with reality.

Edited by Pakboong
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It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

You seem to just make it up as you go along. Numerous people on the right have spoken out against Trump's remarks. Do you really think you are convincing anyone of anything by indulging in such blatant spin?

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The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

Politifact says this is a pants-on-fire LIE and you and your ilk are promoting it.

No evidence McCain was a traitor

Robert Timberg, author of John McCain: An American Odyssey , who has interviewed many POWs who served with McCain, said there's no evidence that he ever collaborated with the North Vietnamese. "I've never known of any occasion in which Sen. McCain provided the North Vietnamese with anything of value," Timberg said.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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How come none of these clowns were criticizing Chris Rock after he said exactly the same thing about McCain in 2008? The audience thought it was pretty funny.

The GOP has a fundamental problem- Trump is exceedingly popular among the rank and file that like what he says, but the grey men are too gutless to say so themselves. At the start I thought he didn't have a chance of even getting on the first debate, but now the rest of the debate contenders are no doubt *****ing themselves that he will make them look like idiots.

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It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

You seem to just make it up as you go along. Numerous people on the right have spoken out against Trump's remarks. Do you really think you are convincing anyone of anything by indulging in such blatant spin?

I do not recall numerous people on the right getting all antsy when Chris Rock said the same thing in 2008. Perhaps it's more about criticizing Trump than concern for McCain.

More people probably wanted to spit on McCain when he came back ( as they used to do with the returning soldiers from VN ) than hail him as a hero. How quickly people forget.

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