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UK's Cameron offers plan to counter attraction of extremism


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UK's Cameron offers plan to counter attraction of extremism

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister David Cameron is launching a five-year plan to defeat Islamic extremism, saying it is time to counter the ideology that has attracted so many young people to the Islamic State group.

In a speech prepared for delivery Monday in Birmingham, Cameron says that the extremist ideology of the group, also known as ISIL, must be countered to create a more cohesive nation in which young Muslims feel they have a stake.

Excerpts were released by Cameron's office.

Many people born in Britain have little attachment to the country and that makes them vulnerable to radicalization, Cameron says.

"Indeed, there is a danger in some of our communities that you can go your whole life and have little to do with people from other faiths and backgrounds," he says. "So when groups like ISIL seek to rally our young people to their poisonous cause, it can offer them a sense of belonging that they can lack here at home."

The prime minister is expected to announce a study designed to find ways to increase opportunities for young people from ethnic minorities and increase their integration in society.

Cameron also takes on the sensitive question of the role Britain's Muslim community should play in fighting Islamic State, saying extreme views such as believing in a "Jewish conspiracy" and opposition to "fundamental liberal values" are the gateway to violence.

"There are so many strong, positive Muslim voices being drowned out," he says. "Ask yourself, how is it possible that when young teenagers leave their London homes to fight for ISIL, the debate focuses on whether the security services are to blame?

"When we allow the extremists to set the terms of the debate in this way, is it any wonder that people are attracted to this ideology?"

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-20

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The radical islamic terrorism and the proliferation of its recruiting success are not fixed by proposals by UK or US politicians. It is totally depenent on muslim leadership becoming outspoken and mandating a peaceful coexistent form of Islam. If muslim leaders don't step up to the playe plublicly and denounce and pond the table against any and all forms of extremism, then the problem will never be solved.

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'The prime minister is expected to announce a study designed to find ways to increase opportunities for young people from ethnic minorities and increase their integration in society.'

​(Guess he is talking about the White English people here)

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Gritting my teet here, on the one hand I concede that one of the 'draws' of ISIS is attraction to the power and brotherhood identity of a growing 'alternative' club, but his proposal smacks of "Safari Boy". Posters who may not be aware of that, it was a theory of rewarding troublesome pupils by 'rewarding' them with ludicrously expensive holidays outside of their usual environment in wishfull thinking that they would return as 'new' persons, fixed, humble, constructive and contributing. In the case of Safari Boy, he had his safari in Africa at tax payers expense while the already good pupils were kept in their school cages. Safari Boy took us for a ride, no change, re offending upon return.

It is playing with fire in the sense that in trying to instantly erase resentment in trouble makers by elevating them to importance and handing them goodies, you simultaneously create resentment elsewhere in the population in those who do play ball, in those who work hard and do the right thing. 'Now' you have a real problem.

Is Cameron seriously suggesting that we officially treat Muslims as 'special needs' to be handed priority opportunities above others? It appears he is, and I resent that like hell.

Plenty of people feel 'alienated', plenty of people feel like their potential is hardly tapped but they don't respond by joining a death cult in other parts of the world. Cameron is more concerned about the 'image' of Britain here, determined to cover the cracks in the great multi culture experiment, at all costs.

In doing so he is prepared to elevate Muslims to a whole new level of 'special' importance they have done nothing to deserve, just as safari boy was in that fiasco where we were taken for a ride. Saudi claims to have had success in its 'de radicalisation' approach which seems to be reward / luxury based, and on paper I like the alternative angle these methods approach problems by. Perhaps because they have taken place in a Muslim country, this can work but in Britain? I don't know. Our population's patience with Muslims is strained enough as it is, without handing their young men more special opportunities while tbe rest of us can go to hell and get by, unsupported.

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With some rare exceptions, most youth feel alienated. It's a part of figuring out who we are are where we belong. ISIS is a pretty nasty and permanent solution for teenage angst.

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A failure of multiculturalism. People feel alienated because they are marginalized, but marginalization was brought about by an unwillingness to fit in. It should have been fit in or f**& off from the beginning.

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With some rare exceptions, most youth feel alienated. It's a part of figuring out who we are are where we belong. ISIS is a pretty nasty and permanent solution for teenage angst.


Treating the young Muslims as special and giving them extra will cause further resentment from the rest and increase divides. Unlikely to improve anything as the more you give the more will be asked.

Time that Moslems decided if they want to be British, or any other nationality. If not, then time for them to leave and return to their ethnic routes.

If they want to stay, then obeying the law and respecting all other faiths, beliefs, and people will be required.

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Quite a few one dimensional posts. Cameron has put in-place further tightening of anti terror / hate speech legislation and other measures (Counter-Terrorism Act). I believe further legislation is coming down the line. Soon he will seeking parliamentary approval for increasing the military tempo in Iraq and commencing attacking Deash in Syria IMO he is correct in paralleling these efforts by more focus on the counter propaganda war, re-emphasising community relations, democracy and the rule of law. Lot better that the one size fits all, far right agenda many support on this forum.

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Cameron is a typical UK politician - weak, vacillating, shifty and totally unable to see the wood for the trees. Even in his own party he is called "Mr Slippery".

His equally useless Home Secretary, Teresa May has just appeared on BBC World. In a 20 second interview she twice mentioned "Neo Nazis" in this crackdown.

Let's think about this. Britain now has upwards of 4 million Muslims. Even though only a small proportion preach violence, that is actually quite a large number of potential terrorists. They have killed in the past and will certainly kill again. It is only the vigilance of our security services that has prevented numerous failed attacks. Yet the Home Secretary is quacking on about Neo Nazis, a section of the population so small as to be on no-one's radar, and which has never, at least as an organised group, carried out a terrorist attack. So instead of identifying the real problem, ie militant Islam, the government has to pretend there a generalised terrorist problem.

One can only wring one's hands in despair. Britain, like much of Europe is surely finished. PC stupidity and mass immigration will soon achieve what the armies of the Khalifate failed to achieve. Many years ago that greatest of Englishmen, Winston churchill observed regarding Islamic aggression:-

"Were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” It will fall pretty soon if Cameron is the best leader we have.

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Well, for the first time ever I am disappointed in Pat Condell.

I live in anticipation of all Muslims being sent back to their countries of origins.

Without exceptions! Without discrimination between Legal/Illegal, Citizen/Non-citizen, Born locally/Born overseas or born on high seas.

Needless to say this is no racism. Just common sense and survival instinct.

It will be a huge and daunting task. It will definitely be 'unfair' to some of them. It will be totally Politically Incorrect.

But if the Western Civilization wants to survive - they will have to do this. No buts, No ifs, No maybe's.

There are some nice Muslims. But they cannot be among us. And we cannot live among them. Period.

As to Cameron offering attraction to counter attraction of extremism - it must be even more repulsive than extremism to be really attractive for Muslims.

Muslims from all over the World go to Caliphate as volunteers, not for money. They go to kill, rape, maim innocent people in the name of Islam.

What greater thrill can this Cameron to offer?

Edited by ABCer
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Cameron appears to believe that we can offer something back home which will outshine what the young males seem to all be attracted there for (the chance to have total whip hand over the Kuffar, total sexual power and choice over captured non Muslim slave girls, the power to publically execute homosexuals, extreme punishment for offences, etc). Cameron appears to believe that handing them 'opportunities' and 'inclusion' by putting them on some kind of official policy priority pedestal, will be more attractive than all those 'goodies'. Older ones ship their families wholesale over to this bonkers 'Khalifah' because they want a society of such harshly regulated public life. How does Cameron hope to counter those wishes?

'Concessions' to Muslim sensibilities?

Or to put it another way - "Terms of surrender"

I remember a Jordanian guy I met in Aqaba a few years ago. He spent years living in Germany but brought the family back to Jordan when his son reached teen age. I asked him why, and he said he didn't want his son to partake in the filthy culture of the west. I was both stunned at how unashamedly rude it was, but also at the sheer honesty. He went for money, nothing more. He 'took' what he wanted from the west and left.

Our politicians seem to be the only ones trying to 'stop' these people leaving our shores and bringing their whole families to this 'Khalifa'.

Cameron is probably going to waste a lot of money, time and resources on his 'homefront'.

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The radical islamic terrorism and the proliferation of its recruiting success are not fixed by proposals by UK or US politicians. It is totally depenent on muslim leadership becoming outspoken and mandating a peaceful coexistent form of Islam. If muslim leaders don't step up to the playe plublicly and denounce and pond the table against any and all forms of extremism, then the problem will never be solved.

Way wide of the goalposts.

There was 2 Muslims being interviewed on Sky news today. Both were named Mohammed, although I did not catch there surname.

They are both Community Leaders and both were at opposite ends of the scale as to where the solutions to these problems lie.

If 2 Community Leaders, out of how many 1000's in the UK cannot agree, then there is not a pups chance in hell of '' Muslim Leadership '' being able to take action to prevent these problems.

There is only 1 language that they understand. It is time to give them it. Hard and fast.

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Look at Muslim communities in the UK and its amazingly obvious that they do not want to integrate with British society, have nothing in common with British values. FGM and forced marriages, joining IS tells pretty much sums it all up.

There may be a silent majority of Muslims who disagree with fundamental Muslim beliefs, but as long as they remain silent, their silence makes them co conspirators.

Camerons speech yesterday almost put me to sleep, it lacked conviction, made no mention on where the resources to accomplish his multi task agenda would come from. Faith based schools were praised by Cameron, and with cuts to police and armed forces, 12 billion in cuts to welfare, made all his proposals look like a lame duck.

Until I see the government pass laws that make deportation of foreign nationals for any breech of the relevant law mandatory, and imprisonment for any Brit convicted of promoting religious violence by any means, then you can treat Camerons speech as a PR exercise.

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The UK is being inundated with Muslims trying to reach their country in order to get the best social services and welfare benefits in Europe. I already believe it is a lost cause for the Brits because there are already too many Muslims living there. Why don't the other Muslim countries settle them in the same Shia or Sunni countries so they can live in harmony? In a way, I feel the Brits are getting taken advantage of because of their current government's policy of an "open policy" to the muslims or immigrants in general. You should'n allow too many of one group into the country because of so many reasons. It is a battle that I now honestly believe the UK is going to lose...just have a look at what is happening in France. This flood of immigrants is nothing more than economics, and the hard part is believing the UK should be smart enough to see what is happening. Let's the flamers begin.

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