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Trump's self-paid presidential run means he's not going away

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Donald Trump is a very good representative and hence representation of where largish parts of the Republican Party are right now. In this respect he is at the same time a serious candidate and seriously funny. People should respect that. It's nothing to sneer at - unlike fighting for your country which apparently is.

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Nah, they're not haters of America. Can call them misguided patriots if that helps. But it won't. Need to find a way to engage with and address what animates their concerns. "Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection".


If he is funding his own campaign, will he get a jet, or will he use his own? Will he get reimbursed for it?

At this stage of the campaign, are the candidates given any special security?


Trump has the money to attract political pros to Iowa who know how to establish an organization to identify his voters and then to get his voters to the caucuses. Trump has the cash to hire political pros to organize New Hampshire to identify his voters there then get his voters to the polls. Same for South Carolina which is the third primary state in the nominating campaign.

If Trump is serious about wanting votes and thereby getting into the delegate count for the national nominating convention, he'd presently be doing all of this and more for states after these three initial primary states, particularly for Super Tuesday next year when a bunch of southern states will vote on the same day involving several hundred convention delegates in one swoop

If Trump wants to do this and these things he can. He still has time if that is a concern.

If the Republican party establishment pressures its political organizing and structure pros to stay away from Trump, The Donald can offer the pros dazzling bucks and 5-star hotel accommodations (with all amenities) that would overcome traditional party loyalties in favor of Trump the party outsider. And there are anyway right wing political pros that would be happy to join a serious and well structured and organized Trump campaign for prez.

The R party establishment going forward has to face the vital question of Trump. Does the R party establishment actively oppose a number of its political organizing pros going in to a Trump campaign to make it delegate viable? Opposition would encourage Trump to run as an independent.

Or does the R party establishment welcome a serious delegate seeking campaign by Trump in order to keep this nutcase in the party and away from an angry independent candidacy?

Either way, the Republican party and its voters are screwed.

Edited by Publicus due to serious technical problems.


Finally....A man with the balls to pull no punches and say what is "politically incorrect" but right on the money. Cudos to him. The govt is broken (has been for a long time). I would like to see a "bull in the china shop" shaking things down. He could certainly do no worse than what we have had the past 15 years.

Govt should be run just like any business, not run by lobbyists and bankers. Trump is just the man for the job in this respect. He KNOWS business and to make a deal.

Yes, he's a bit of a putz, but so what? His comment on McCain is dead on! I have always wondered why being a POW makes you an instant "hero". McCain has played that card his entire political life. I call BS on that one years ago. Trump had the balls to say it in public! That puts me in his camp to the point I may even vote next election.

2 weeks after Bush 1 got re elected, I packed my crap and left the USA for good. I never regret it not looked back since. Maybe Trump is the man to make or break the USA. Either way, big change is long overdue and he is the man to do it. There is a lot to say about his character, but his "in yer face" approach to politics is quite refreshing.

Dont know if the term "war hero" is 100% appropriate if the case is cut and dry captured and imprisoned. he certainly deserves respect for having served and for having endured as a pow. seems JFK's military service actions fit the bill of hero.

Trump could have hit on Mccains ties with ISIS figures and there many photo op pics to corroborate that online.


There have been very few, if any positions that I would agree with John McCain on. His record on Veteran's bills is terrible. But the Donald is devoid of any sense of morality (not not the faux kind the right wing religious wackos rant about, real morals), ethics or humanity. Drive on Donald, perhaps you really do represent the finest in the Republican Party. As your ratings, within the party only, continue to rise it would certainly appear so. Hurry up and drive that clown bus over the cliff dragging the rest of the troglodytes with you.


It is all over but the shouting as the first reliable and credible poll is out today on The Donald as an independent 'third party' candidate for prez.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that Trump running as an Independent for prez gets 20% of all registered voters. This is the identical vote 1992 Independent Ross Perot got in nuking the re-election of GHW Bush and propelling Bill Clinton in to the White House, along with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The ABC/WaPo poll put HRC, JEB and The Donald to a scientific sampling of all registered voters in the country to choose from for prez. While The Donald, who refuses to rule out an Independent candidacy, got the 20%, HRC got 46% and John Ellis "Jeb" Bush got 30%.

Reality is Trump will nuke the Republicans in the coming election no matter what.

Trump polls 20% as independent against Bush and Clinton

An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted July 16-19 finds that in a three-way 2016 presidential general election match-up, Donald Trump polls 20% among registered voters against Democrat Hillary Clinton at 46% and Republican Jeb Bush at 30%. Trump’s support is drawn heavily from those who would otherwise back Bush.

In a two-way race, Clinton leads Bush 50% to 44%.

Among voters identifying as independents, Trump is the choice of 26%, with Clinton at 37% and Bush at 31%.



Not being American and having no political agenda I would like to see Trump as president he maybe able to America back on its feet. He is the politicians politician.


If he is funding his own campaign, will he get a jet, or will he use his own? Will he get reimbursed for it?

At this stage of the campaign, are the candidates given any special security?

No on all counts. Trump is funding his own campaign. Including jets. Historically, Secret Service protection (special security) isn't in force until after the conventions. Hillary gets it because she is a former First Lady. And, I think governors warrant some, as would any congressmen. I know that seems I am talking duplicity, but those are the requirements.


After Bush i didn't think that the Americans could sink any lower, but they can ! Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination !!!!

Proves that old saying, 'nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.'

Actually, America sunk to the lowest point in America's history when Obama was voted into office. Trump regardless of his ridiculous hair style and at times stupid remarks, is light years ahead of Obama on everything expect telling lies. Obama holds the record for being the most less than truthful person to ever occupy the White House. I keep seeing the phrase "clown car" in many of the posts made by what appears to be far left liberals. If a "clown car" exists, it is being driven by Obama.


Obama Obama Obama....

The Obama obsession of the far right continues even as the egomaniac and raging political lunatic Donald Trump has almost completely taken over the political scene for what appears to be an indefinite period of Republican party self-immolation.

The thread is about the political flamethrower Donald Trump yet all the far out flying rightwing can do is Obama Obama Obama. Talk about attempts at diversion.

The standard and usual loser's pulp fiction besides.


It is the "clown bus", no way to fit all those idiots into a car, not even the old circus clown cars. Those clowns all came out of a hole btw, like the troglodyte Republicans that need to go back into their troglodyte holes. While the Donald may be the worst of the worse, there isn't one single ah, person (I use that term loosely)in the clown bus that could get elected dog catcher in a one dog town, without cheating you know gerrymandering, voter suppression, rigged electronic voting, floating chads and the un-Supreme Court. The clown bus is completely devoid of good people, thinking people, ethical people, hell it is devoid of human beings. Drive on Donald, get that bus over the cliff and take all the teabagging, right wing fools, along with the traitor Koch (John Birch Society) brothers with you.


What the hell would Trump the draft dodger know about war, heros, or service? Nothing, nada, zip, zero.

What the hell has a war record got to do with your suitability to be president ? Wouldn't proof of studies in Politics and economics combined with a high moral fiber be more appropriate than a Rambo certificate.


I love a person who speaks his mind

You're a communist. I'M KIDDING! But that's what a person who "speaks his mind" does. True or not, he will say what's on his mind. When you're running for President, it's kind of hard to take things back.


Ahem, how about President Eisenhower, the last real Republican/conservative and he is to the left of Obama. Perhaps if Cheney/Bush et al had not been draft dodgers and deserters they would not have set the mid-east on fire and destroyed America's economy. Most of us who have been there don't ever want to see war, then again I suppose you wouldn't know that. What would you know about those that are sent to war by a bunch of chickenhawks? If you can find "high moral fiber" in anyone of the clown bus, much less the Donald please point it out. There isn't an ounce of moral fiber in any of them. One thing for certain, the Donald knows nothing about service to country or heros. He insulted every person that has ever been taken POW and in doing so insulted all of us that have seen the real face of war. You know nothing.


If he is funding his own campaign, will he get a jet, or will he use his own? Will he get reimbursed for it?

At this stage of the campaign, are the candidates given any special security?

No on all counts. Trump is funding his own campaign. Including jets. Historically, Secret Service protection (special security) isn't in force until after the conventions. Hillary gets it because she is a former First Lady. And, I think governors warrant some, as would any congressmen. I know that seems I am talking duplicity, but those are the requirements.

Thanks, I was just curious about the mechanics of what benefits kick in and when. Your post is quite informative.


Trump portrayed immigrants from Mexico as criminals and rapists

It seems that JULIE BYKOWICZ is at best using misinformation, but that is a LIE. Trump was referring to ILLEGAL immigrants.

His campaign won't be costing Trump much as the media are plastering his name all over the place, all the time. He is a clever man to PO the scum liberal media, as even they are publicizing him. As they say, the only thing a politician fears is being ignored by the press. They are playing HIS game.


The scum "media" is right wing, what you mistakenly call "liberal media" does not exist. Main (lame) stream media is nothing but corporate/government propaganda. Please let the faux (not the) news people continue to listen to that scum network. Hopefully the Donald will keep vomiting trash and the media will report it. The only ones listening and supporting are the right wing teabagging racist types that deny any real information. Drive on Donald, drive on, the cliff is up ahead and you will take the rest of the clown bus and hopefully the entire Republican troglodyte Party with you. Would you please point out where in his racist drivel that the Donald said illegal immigrants.


If he is funding his own campaign, will he get a jet, or will he use his own? Will he get reimbursed for it?

At this stage of the campaign, are the candidates given any special security?

No on all counts. Trump is funding his own campaign. Including jets. Historically, Secret Service protection (special security) isn't in force until after the conventions. Hillary gets it because she is a former First Lady. And, I think governors warrant some, as would any congressmen. I know that seems I am talking duplicity, but those are the requirements.

Thanks, I was just curious about the mechanics of what benefits kick in and when. Your post is quite informative.

Governors in the United States, US Senators, US Representatives do not ordinarily or normally get Secret Service protection. It is in fact rare for any of 'em to get any kind of Secret Service protection at all. Congress has its own Capitol Police protection force which is large and professional and governors are escorted by their respective state police troopers.

The president and his family, the vice president and his family, and all cabinet officers get Secret Service protection. The prez and vp continue to receive reduced protection after leaving office and may order the protection terminated at any time.

.We can bet the farm Donald Trump has his own private security present with him, and that Trump has had private and confidential security protection for a long time.

The official nominee of the D party and of the R party respectively get automatic Secret Service protection by law, as do their families to varying extents. Beyond that, the Secret Service is authorized by law to provide protection to any other candidate for president from any time the candidate may initiate a request of protection.

In the 2008 campaign for president, then-Sen Barack Obama requested and received Secret Service protection well before he was nominated for president by the Democratic party at its national convention due to the volume of death threats against him from very early in the campaign

In 1992 Independent candidate Ross Perot did not automatically qualify for Secret Service protection, nor did Perot request Secret Service protection so Perot did not have any such protection at all. Asked why, Perot said, "Everybody loves me." Doubtful Trump could make the same off-center and tongue in cheek claim.


It is quite understandable that some members are upset about some of the things that Trump has said, however, that does not give free rein to excessively nasty and inflammatory remarks. Please exercise a little restraint and consideration for others in making your remarks.

Your cooperation is appreciated.


Even a broken clock is right wing oops twice a day and The Donald, who does dress and look rather distinguished and debonair said Sen Linseed Graham couldn't get a real job in the private sector and that TX former governor Rick Perry wears glasses for (ineffective) effect in trying to look intelligent.

That's today's quota. thumbsup.gif


The scum "media" is right wing, what you mistakenly call "liberal media" does not exist. Main (lame) stream media is nothing but corporate/government propaganda. Please let the faux (not the) news people continue to listen to that scum network. Hopefully the Donald will keep vomiting trash and the media will report it. The only ones listening and supporting are the right wing teabagging racist types that deny any real information. Drive on Donald, drive on, the cliff is up ahead and you will take the rest of the clown bus and hopefully the entire Republican troglodyte Party with you. Would you please point out where in his racist drivel that the Donald said illegal immigrants.

So, MSNBC is not liberal cheesy.gif


If he is funding his own campaign, will he get a jet, or will he use his own? Will he get reimbursed for it?

At this stage of the campaign, are the candidates given any special security?

No on all counts. Trump is funding his own campaign. Including jets. Historically, Secret Service protection (special security) isn't in force until after the conventions. Hillary gets it because she is a former First Lady. And, I think governors warrant some, as would any congressmen. I know that seems I am talking duplicity, but those are the requirements.

Thanks, I was just curious about the mechanics of what benefits kick in and when. Your post is quite informative.

You can be certain that Trump is getting a hefty tax write-off for all this....he's not just "paying his own money" for this campaign. And all the free PR he's getting...priceless.


Trump portrayed immigrants from Mexico as criminals and rapists

It seems that JULIE BYKOWICZ is at best using misinformation, but that is a LIE. Trump was referring to ILLEGAL immigrants.

His campaign won't be costing Trump much as the media are plastering his name all over the place, all the time. He is a clever man to PO the scum liberal media, as even they are publicizing him. As they say, the only thing a politician fears is being ignored by the press. They are playing HIS game.

Trump is right on point about the excessive crimes of Illegal Aliens in America... The Liberal - left leaning American News Media just will not properly report the crimes of illegal aliens -- at least on the national front.. There are many reports of Illegal Aliens crime in local / regional American news outlets...

What the Liberal - Left leaning American news media does is conflate the crime statistics of Illegal Aliens with the much larger number of recent LEGAL IMMIGRANTS -- thus creating a larger pool to hide the crimes of Illegal Aliens...

Here is a report of ACTUAL ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMES in Texas...

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders
From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008. http://pjmedia.com/jchristianadams/2015/07/22/alien-crime-wave-in-texas-611234-crimes-2993-murders/

pjmedia, originally pajamas media, is a right wing rag. Made up of right wing wackos and libertarians, same same. And now some reading for your edification: http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/248910-exclusive-trump-threatens-third-party-run?via=newsletter&source=CSAMedition http://www.truthdig.com/cartoon/item/captured_20150721 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/23/trump-s-mobbed-up-mccarthyite-mentor.html . Oh yes, please run as a 3rd party candidate. You may run off the cliff by yourself but the clown bus will still run off the cliff with or without you.

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