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What's next for US-Thailand military ties?


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What's Next for US-Thailand Military Ties?
The two allies meet to discuss advances in their security relationship.
By Prashanth Parameswaran

BANGKOK: -- Thai and American military representatives are meeting this week at army headquarters in Bangkok to discuss the future of military cooperation between the two allies.

The Executive Steering Group (ESG) meeting features mid-ranking officials and addresses bilateral military cooperation and joint activities in 2015 and 2016. This is the fourth annual ESG; the first was held in 2012.

The talks are taking place amid uncertainty in the U.S.-Thai relationship. On the one hand, both sides have clearly been trying to mend ties strained following a coup last May, which forced Washington to suspend aid and cancel some exercises and exchanges.

Thailand appointed a new ambassador to Washington in February, and the United States nominated one in April after a six month vacancy for the post.

Yet there are still lingering doubts about the strength of bilateral ties. The United States has yet to release its Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, which Thailand hopes will upgrade it from the bottom tier it found itself in last year despite remaining rights concerns.

Full story: http://thediplomat.com/2015/07/whats-next-for-us-thailand-military-ties/

-- THE DIPLOMAT 2015-07-23

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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

Like clockwork, as soon as US is mentioned in the OP, comes the inevitable "US stay out of other countries' politics" soon to be followed by the "US should fix their problems first " comments. Standard anti US vitriol from the tin foil hat brigade.

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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

You fly the flag upside down...which speaks volumes about your agenda.

Anyways....people like you prefer Chinese influence over American influence... which is fine...if you are asian...or just uneducated.

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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

How exactly is the US meddling in Thailand's politics and military? Withholding money which belongs to the American taxpayer is not meddling and expressing an opinion which differs from the opinion of the Thai government is not meddling either so not sure what you think meddling really means.

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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

How exactly is the US meddling in Thailand's politics and military? Withholding money which belongs to the American taxpayer is not meddling and expressing an opinion which differs from the opinion of the Thai government is not meddling either so not sure what you think meddling really means.

People like this don't have very high IQ's so don't go straining their brains with difficult questions. Keep it simple like asking them what wonderful country they are from. We'd love to know.

What's next?

Nothing I hope, until this interim military government gets a democratically elected government.

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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

Like clockwork, as soon as US is mentioned in the OP, comes the inevitable "US stay out of other countries' politics" soon to be followed by the "US should fix their problems first " comments. Standard anti US vitriol from the tin foil hat brigade.

Indeed. the trolls never seem to credit USA with vetoing war reparations after WW2 - you know - after their beloved Thailand collaborated with the Japanese because they thought that would put them on the winning side.

No complaints about interfering in Thailand's business there...

Edited by Down the rabbit hole
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US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

Think of the US as the neighbor who speaks out when the child next door gets beat by the parents. Only a few nations speak up against injustice. Thank god the yanks are one of them.

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I've backpacked all around the world -- Istanbul, Phnom Penh, Hanoi, Tijuana, Amsterdam -- and never felt more unsafe than walking alone in certain areas of Washington D.C.

Just a head's up.


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Allying with China puts Thailand at odds with virtually every decent country in Asean. Who asked the current govt to ally with China anyway. It will be the silliest strategic decision ever for Thailand to cut ties with the USA. What benefit does Thailand get out of it? Can't think of any.

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I think a lot of people who disagree with me here.are on the public money dime of the US Government.

Anyone who has worked for their own money and follows the exploits of the real axis of evil, (US, Britain, Israel) can see how the globalist bankers use the US Military and government agencies in their bid to control and enslave the entire world's population.

(IMHO) Color me tin foil a hat wearer and I color you jingoistic blind fools.

Edited by bangkapi
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I've backpacked all around the world -- Istanbul, Phnom Penh, Hanoi, Tijuana, Amsterdam -- and never felt more unsafe than walking alone in certain areas of Washington D.C.

Just a head's up.


Excellent. I admire your adventurous spirit, travel broadens the horizons.

Not sure how it's relevant though...

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If a real war breaks out in the region all ties will be re-done.

If a real war breaks out, Thailand will stay home anyway. They can't even secure the Cambodian border for God's sake. Absolutely corrupt and useless military.

And as I recall, they got their asses roundly kicked by Laos a while back. Laos for God's sake...

Unarmed civilians more their style, send in the snipers. According to the army. snipers fired 200,000 rounds in 2010 and didn't hit anyone.

Must be Thai I suppose, with competence at that level being claimed by the army - Prayuth was in charge as I recall...

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I think a lot of people who disagree with me here.are on the public money dime of the US Government.

Anyone who has worked for their own money and follows the exploits of the real axis of evil, (US, Britain, Israel) can see how the globalist bankers use the US Military and government agencies in their bid to control and enslave the entire world's population.

(IMHO) Color me tin foil a hat wearer and I color you jingoistic blind fools.

Agree, though I differ from your first comment in this thread. Thailand actually desperately needs other people to meddle in their affairs and tell them what civilised countries do. Leave it to Thais to muddle through - God knows what could happen...

Developed country in 15 years my black ass.

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If a real war breaks out in the region all ties will be re-done.

If a real war breaks out, Thailand will stay home anyway. They can't even secure the Cambodian border for God's sake. Absolutely corrupt and useless military.

And as I recall, they got their asses roundly kicked by Laos a while back. Laos for God's sake...

Unarmed civilians more their style, send in the snipers. According to the army. snipers fired 200,000 rounds in 2010 and didn't hit anyone.

Must be Thai I suppose, with competence at that level being claimed by the army - Prayuth was in charge as I recall...

I read the first two lines of your reply and thought you were referring to the United States.

The third line clarifies your meaning and shows that you must be oblivious to the fact that America hasn't decisively won a war since 1945.

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If a real war breaks out in the region all ties will be re-done.

If a real war breaks out, Thailand will stay home anyway. They can't even secure the Cambodian border for God's sake. Absolutely corrupt and useless military.

And as I recall, they got their asses roundly kicked by Laos a while back. Laos for God's sake...

Unarmed civilians more their style, send in the snipers. According to the army. snipers fired 200,000 rounds in 2010 and didn't hit anyone.

Must be Thai I suppose, with competence at that level being claimed by the army - Prayuth was in charge as I recall...

I read the first two lines of your reply and thought you were referring to the United States.

The third line clarifies your meaning and shows that you must be oblivious to the fact that America hasn't decisively won a war since 1945.

if it was my comment you were referring to, I am not oblivious at all and was referring to Thailand.

USA is different, and you're right about 1945 (Japan, not Europe where they had quite a lof of help, and they only entered the war after Peearl Harbour and when there was a buck in it for them anyway).

I respect USA more than Thailand, but not by very much way too much yippee-ay-oh-kai-yay.

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......................."I respect USA more than Thailand, but not by very much way too much yippee-ay-oh-kai-yay.".............................

So you are a blatant Thai basher. Look forward to seeing your posts removed, and eventually you as well, if the only reason you joined this forum was to break rule #11.

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Neither side wants to fall out with the other side, for one reason or another, so I believe they will settle their differences and things will get back to normal.

Much to the disgust of the Thai and America bashers who haunt this forum.

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