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I just realised my Typhoid ran out in 2008 and this year so does Polio, diphtheria and tetanus. I am 60's is it worth getting these up to date living most of the time in Thailand?

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Do you want to die? If not, get inoculated.

The only one I'd slightly question is tetanus. In the UK they recommend a maximum of 5 or 6 injections over a lifetime. However, here in Thailand they will continue to give it above this limit.

You're also missing a few others, most obviously Hepatitis A. If you're not up to date with this, do consider it. It's a disease easily contracted through food.


get informed and look up : vacinne accidents, side effects, efficienty, dangers

i would rather say: you want to die early & in pain : get vaccinated

where is the proof that they

a ) are safe

there are no long term studies

b ) that they even work

you inject a foreing protein (money, egg, aborted foetus, yes, look it up), mixed with mercury or aluminium (you like alzheimer?) , formaldehyde (to preserve corpses)

you know how people got aids right ? inject a foreign protein into the bloodstream (needle / junkies or via sperm up the anal canal)


hep seems to last a long time ok till 2025

I'm sure Sheryl will be along to help us out, but my hep B expired. They tested my blood and I didn't have the protection any more. So, had to get an update.

I know quite a few here with hep B. Easy to get the shot, not so easy to deal with once you get it.


You should consider influenza vaccine, effective 6-12 mos.

I got the flu jab a few years ago and it knocked me around something fierce, I was crook for the better part of a month afterwards. Other folks have mentioned the same experience following the a flu job, so I'm not alone here I don't think.

The rest of the jabs are a no brainer, I have no worries with taking them and keeping them up to date. Won't be getting the flu jab again anytime soon though.


hep seems to last a long time ok till 2025

I'm sure Sheryl will be along to help us out, but my hep B expired. They tested my blood and I didn't have the protection any more. So, had to get an update.

I know quite a few here with hep B. Easy to get the shot, not so easy to deal with once you get it.

Hep B protection does fall over time. However, perhaps the OP doesn't have unprotected sex with unfamiliar partners and doesn't share needles injecting drugs. If that's the case, then Hep B jabs really aren't necessary.

(Risk of transmission from blood transfusion in Thailand is negligible. Thailand vaccinates babies against Hep B with 98% coverage. Blood is also screened for Hep B after donation.)


I got adult pertussis (whopping cough) last year. Trust me, you don't want to endure that extended misery. Keep all you vaccines updated.


hep seems to last a long time ok till 2025

I'm sure Sheryl will be along to help us out, but my hep B expired. They tested my blood and I didn't have the protection any more. So, had to get an update.

I know quite a few here with hep B. Easy to get the shot, not so easy to deal with once you get it.

Hep B protection does fall over time. However, perhaps the OP doesn't have unprotected sex with unfamiliar partners and doesn't share needles injecting drugs. If that's the case, then Hep B jabs really aren't necessary.

(Risk of transmission from blood transfusion in Thailand is negligible. Thailand vaccinates babies against Hep B with 98% coverage. Blood is also screened for Hep B after donation.)

My friend got it via a blood transfusion here. That was about 10 years ago. Frankly, it's not worth the risk. For me, I also travel a lot. So a requirement. I'd hate to be in a bang up in Africa and get a blood transfusion there without being protected. Actually, even here! wai2.gif


I keep my vaccinations up-to-date. Some are considered good for a lifetime. Like Hep A and B if you complete the full series of injections. But you may want to get your blood titers checked after 20 years and get a booster if necessary.

Get a tetanus diphtheria shot if you haven't had one in the past ten years. No matter where you go in the world, you will find tetanus in the soil. it's all over the world.

Tetanus will kill you in the worst imaginable way. Not a nice way to die. Read up about it online.

I'm 63, and I've been vaccinated against pretty well everything, including the flu shot each year ever since they first came out with the flu shot, and no signs of horrible things like a few people talk about. I've even been vaccinated against Rabies. If I got bit by a rabid animal, I would still need a couple of shots, but I would have more time to get to a clinic or hospital, and I would not need the whole series, and I would not need the sometimes hard to find human immune globulin. (Gamma Globulin)

There are one to two people here from the "Anti-Vaccination Movement". Kind of like people that refuse to wear a seatbelt, because there is a extremely small chance it might hurt your stomach in an accident and not help to save you.

Vaccine preventable diseased kill millions of people that can be saved through the vaccination program. Vaccinations ended smallpox even though there were people that fought tooth and nail to try to stop those vaccinations.

The number that are saved, compared to the number that are hurt by vaccinations or the death by the disease is microscopically small.

If you are allergic to egg you can tell people at the clinic. You could have an allergic reaction to some vaccines... same as if you ate the eggs.. Some vaccines are cultured in eggs.. There are ways to deal with that.

Yes... there are extremely small amounts of things like formaldehyde and mercury. But in such minuscule amounts... that it will not increase the natural levels that are already in everyone's body.


"The normal blood level of formaldehyde is 2.74 +/- 0.14 mg/L. A normal child has a blood volume of 2-3 L, so a normal child has 5-9 mg of formaldehyde floating in her blood, about 1,000,000X more than found in a dose of vaccine. Is that math clear? It would take probably 10-20 million doses of vaccines to just slightly increase the formaldehyde level in your child."

"Now you might think “how did that evil formaldehyde get into my sweet child whom I feed organic foods, and don’t let them touch vaccines.” Well, not only do your math skills suck (let me remind the reader, 10 million doses of vaccines to measurably move the formaldehyde level–all at once), but so does your physiology knowledge. The body produces formaldehyde as a byproduct of metabolizing alcohols (not necessarily just from a beer, but the alcohol that is produced in the body and in other foods). And lots of foods contain formaldehyde, including fruits, nuts, and other yummy things." http://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/scary-flu-vaccine-ingredients/

Remember..... we are not talking about highly radioactive substances like Polonium which would be a different case.. Things such as salt, and even water, are poisonous if taken in too large a dose.

Keep safe....keep healthy.... get your vaccinations.. especially keep up-to-date with Tetanus, Diphtheria etc. I do.. and the people I know that travel the world do.... and we are all healthy and have no signs of anything bad from the vaccines.


The one I don't think you, or anyone else, has mentioned was a shingles vaccine. My ex-wife, who is only just over 50, got shingles and it was pretty nasty. Luckily no long term side effects. Many people are put through a lot of pain, and I think I read that some can suffer lasting problems.

I had been thinking about getting vaccinated. And after my wife, I went and got it done. It's been a couple years ago. No negative effects that I recall from the vaccine.


One of the worse effects of the rise of the world wide web is the vast amount of scientifically ignorant nonsense that is propagated. Back in the good old days if you wanted to find something out you would go to a library and look it up in an encyclopaedia, or other authoritative source. Now people uncritically look things up online.

This has led to the rise of the scientifically and intellectually dishonest who exploit this trend for commercial gain, people like Mercola and Oz who promote worthless pills and potions to become rich. Others promote conspiracy theories and scares. It saddens me that years after it was shown that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism and that the data that purported to show it did were faked by a doctor for personal financial gain people still believe it to be the case and share the notion as if it were fact.

Unfortunately, the public for the most part is scientifically illiterate and unable (or unwilling) to discriminate between the pseudoscience of the snake oil pedlars and genuine scientific research so (a) believe this nonsense and (B) propagate it.

Anyway, it took only a few moments for me to realise that Bergman falls firmly into the "intellectually dishonest" camp. What is more, he's a chiropractor - a quack treatment based upon a ludicrous premise (subluxation is the sole cause of disease and manipulation is the cure for all diseases of the human race) and with no hard scientific evidence for its effectiveness. The best that can be said is that it doesn't do much harm. Of course, chiropractors are known for their irrational opposition to treatments which benefit the population such as fluoridation of water and, yes, vaccination.

Vaccination is undoubtedly the greatest advance in medical history and only the foolish and/or ignorant would oppose it.

Vaccination has almost completely eliminated death many disease from much of the world: diphtheria, polio, rubella, smallpox, tetanus. These are diseases that used to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands each year. Now in the developed world, death from one of them is extremely rare. Are the people who oppose vaccination to stupid to realise that these disease will return if they don't vaccinate their children and themselves? Or are they sociopaths who want to see the disease return?

Anyway, I for one won't be wasting any more time watching the video.

you have 40 minutes ?


reply after you seen it


Since mandatory inoculations after birth I had had no others till about 15 years ago when the medics convinced me that being a senior and living in Asia, I needed all kinds of booster shots. I had several and was sick as a dog for 2 weeks - never again !


i have to laugh with the ignorance.... brainwash has worked for most people, fear of this & fear of that...

that video i recommended, uses the CDC & FDA's own statistics like : this years flu vaccine is no working and scares like swine flu & h1n1 were so transparent

you did not even bother to see it; because you know everything better than anyone else

smart people, might have an idea, that they hang to like a religion, than one day, they get informed and they change their mind about a subject

stupid people, cannot be convinced in their belief system, don't even want to read up information that is available, just close their eyes and everybody else is a conspiracy theorist

autism numbers are since the 1980's

how many shots did u & i get when we were kids ?

10 ... !!!!

now kids before the age of 6, get 46

yeah, there is no correlation and GMO foods are as healthy as non-gmo, the gmo business just do not want to label it, because some people might stop buying chemical junk like that

an example in the video : an unvaccinated kid, cannot attend school

a kid, who has full blown aids & hep B, can attend

yes, that makes logic, doen't it

hep B is for sexually active people & drug users .... now they inject it to a newborn within 12 hours .... was the child ..????

anyway, freedom of choice & thinking

except not in the USA anymore, obligated to get vaccinated

and a lawsuit against them is also impossible

but anyway .... you deceide to get informed, or not

and i don't mean one dr oz or one dr mercola but hey .... you are on a pension, what else important do you have to do in the first place ?

and it's free


vaccines have been declared save & not causing any bad disease ....

declared by the same people who makes it , market it, sell it, profit from it ....

where is the independant long term study that vaccines are indeed safe for now, in 5 years, in 20,40 years

polio vaccine, in 1960 had SV40 in it ... you are going to deny that one also ? that is public knowledge

more autism , more cancer, more auto immune ... it is all falling from the sky's , or wait ... genetic , right ?


where is the independant long term study that vaccines are indeed safe for now, in 5 years, in 20,40 years

polio vaccine, in 1960 had SV40 in it ... you are going to deny that one also ? that is public knowledge

more autism , more cancer, more auto immune ... it is all falling from the sky's , or wait ... genetic , right ?

Methinks your tin foil helmet is on too tight. It's affecting your ability of rational thought.

(1) All developed countries have an independent system for reporting the adverse effects of drugs and vaccines. It's been like this for decades. If there were significant adverse effects these would be known.

(2) The vaccine had SV40 in it. So what? It hasn't done any harm.




The vast majority of viruses do not cross species barriers. That's why I'm not worried about the dangers of Tobacco Mosaic Virus or Parvovirus, and I'm happy to eat tomatoes and have a pet dog.

(3) Vaccination does not cause autism. That has been unequivocally debunked. Wakefield faked his data for financial gain. And there's no evidence that vaccination causes cancer or autoimmune disease. Moreover, there's no scientific reason to think it might.


Jacky 54,

Just want to say that I am ignoring SammyGood, who apparently runs on fear and superstition rather than skill and knowledge.

I'm 78 and still working as Head Teacher at a language school. Just passed the test to renew my driver's license with flying colors, and I drive to work everyday.

From childhood, I've always had my shots regularly. Spent 23 years in the US Navy where shots are mandatory, not optional. I've continue to get inoculations here in Thailand for the past 13 years. So I don't believe in all the "Chicken Little" inoculation speculation. I seem to have done OK by getting my shots.

At your age (60), I would recommend both flu shots and the pneumonia shot which is still fairly new so not everyone knows about it. I have already had it because older people die from flu and especially from pneumonia. As we age, our immune systems weaken and eventually can't fight off those two illnesses. I had no adverse effects from either shot other than a very slight soreness in the arm which got the flu shot.

Obviously, be sure to consult with your primary care (family) doctor prior to getting any inoculations.

Best of luck



helping your body to heal is bad

and taking toxic vaccines & OTC chemicals, good

you know what comes after generation y ?

meself, i am a generation x

i cannot wait for 2025, when supposedly, social security in the USA will be broke .... 1 out of 86 kids is now born autistic

who will support them once their parents are gone ?


get informed and look up : vacinne accidents, side effects, efficienty, dangers

i would rather say: you want to die early & in pain : get vaccinated

where is the proof that they

a ) are safe

there are no long term studies

b ) that they even work

you inject a foreing protein (money, egg, aborted foetus, yes, look it up), mixed with mercury or aluminium (you like alzheimer?) , formaldehyde (to preserve corpses)

you know how people got aids right ? inject a foreign protein into the bloodstream (needle / junkies or via sperm up the anal canal)

What a load of sh$t. A member of the flat earth society also, no doubt. Have you ever seen a young child dying of whooping cough because a dumb parent was against vaccination?

Think of the "alternative" not some dumb assed idea why you shouldn't vaccinate! coffee1.gif


You should consider influenza vaccine, effective 6-12 mos.

I get a Flu Shot every year,,,,,,,,,,,the older we get, the more sucessable we are............a considerble olde folk die from influenza every year - and the shot I got covers all asian strains. Bumrungrad, 800 baht.


I keep my vaccinations up-to-date. Some are considered good for a lifetime. Like Hep A and B if you complete the full series of injections. But you may want to get your blood titers checked after 20 years and get a booster if necessary.

Get a tetanus diphtheria shot if you haven't had one in the past ten years. No matter where you go in the world, you will find tetanus in the soil. it's all over the world.

Tetanus will kill you in the worst imaginable way. Not a nice way to die. Read up about it online.

I made a big mistake in my post.

I wrote "The number that are saved, compared to the number that are hurt by vaccinations or the death by the disease is microscopically small."

Totally wrong. My apologies.... I should have said "The number of lives that are saved by vaccination is huge, compared to the very small number of people that are hurt by vaccinations.


You should consider influenza vaccine, effective 6-12 mos.

I got the flu jab a few years ago and it knocked me around something fierce, I was crook for the better part of a month afterwards. Other folks have mentioned the same experience following the a flu job, so I'm not alone here I don't think.

The rest of the jabs are a no brainer, I have no worries with taking them and keeping them up to date. Won't be getting the flu jab again anytime soon though.

I had the same experience with the flu inoculation, except it made me quite ill for around 3 months.

I did recently talk to my local (CM) doctor on this, she said that there are alternative injections for people who have the reaction we both experienced.

The conversation was short because the doctor was called urgently to emergency because of a bus accident. I plan to talk to her further on this within the next couple of weeks.


Since mandatory inoculations after birth I had had no others till about 15 years ago when the medics convinced me that being a senior and living in Asia, I needed all kinds of booster shots. I had several and was sick as a dog for 2 weeks - never again !

Yes some people, a small minority, may develop a brief immune response to a vaccine. And being a fellow senior I know that illness of any sort is not tolerated as well as when we were younger so even a rather general feeling of malaise that a relatively benign immune response may generate can be perceived as being "sick as a dog". Do you know the Asian euphemism for pertussis (whooping cough)? It is called the 100-day cough, and that is just an average length of time. My coughing lasted 180 days and nearly a year later I can still feel some irritation. Getting vaccinated is an affordable and very smart alternative to not being properly vaccinated.


Adults do not need polio boosters unless travelling to a polio endemic area (which Thailand is not). I suspect what you are seeing is "DPT" which is diptheria, pertussus and tetanus. 10 yearly boosters are advised but in aduklts the booster is usually just Td (tetanus + diptheria).

There is a new and better vaccine for adults called Tdap (tetanus, diptheria and acellular pertussis) and it is recommended that if someone has not had the booster for 10 years and never had Tdap (i.e. had only DPT), that Tdap be given in place of DT booster once only, then DT thereafter.

Typhoid vaccine is not very effective and risk of typhoid in Thailand is extermely low so I ewould skip that unless yo uare going to be travelling to someplace where incidence is high.

Vaccines that are important in Thailand but which you may nto have had are:

1. pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis

2. Hepataitis A and B (Hep A is now routinely given in the West but older people may not have had it. Heop B usually given just to health care workers and special risk groups in the west).

3. Japanese B encephalitis: if you live in an urban area and do nto travel in rural areas where pigs are raised, can skip this. But if living in a rural area, advised.


get informed and look up : vacinne accidents, side effects, efficienty, dangers

i would rather say: you want to die early & in pain : get vaccinated

where is the proof that they

a ) are safe

there are no long term studies

b ) that they even work

you inject a foreing protein (money, egg, aborted foetus, yes, look it up), mixed with mercury or aluminium (you like alzheimer?) , formaldehyde (to preserve corpses)

you know how people got aids right ? inject a foreign protein into the bloodstream (needle / junkies or via sperm up the anal canal)

You say:

Where is the proof that they (vaccinations)

a) are safe ?

Well... I've had vaccinations all my life. And a lot of them before traveling long term in the tropics a few years ago. Not one bad thing happened to me except the tiny sting of the needle going in.

B) That they even work ?

Uh.... whatever happened to smallpox ? ? ?

I've been getting the Flu vaccination ever since it was created years ago.... I went from getting the Flu almost every year.... to getting it maybe twice in the past forty years..... and those two times I only had it mildly. Yeah.. it only gives about 70% - 80 % protection..... but that's good enough for me. And if you still get the Flu.... it will not hit you near as hard.

Now... questions for you:

What is the proof that

a) getting Tetanus and dying a horrible death is better than getting the vaccination ? ?

B) How do you account for the horrible killer disease Smallpox being wiped out ? ?


get informed and look up : vacinne accidents, side effects, efficienty, dangers

i would rather say: you want to die early & in pain : get vaccinated

where is the proof that they

a ) are safe

there are no long term studies

b ) that they even work

you inject a foreing protein (money, egg, aborted foetus, yes, look it up), mixed with mercury or aluminium (you like alzheimer?) , formaldehyde (to preserve corpses)

you know how people got aids right ? inject a foreign protein into the bloodstream (needle / junkies or via sperm up the anal canal)

Vaccine Safety: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/index.html

Additional Facts

Additives used in the production of vaccines may include

  1. suspending fluid (e.g. sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein);
  2. preservatives and stabilizers to help the vaccine remain unchanged (e.g. albumin, phenols, and glycine); and
  3. adjuvants or enhancers to help the vaccine to be more effective.

Common substances found in vaccines include:

  • Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.
  • Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of germs (bacteria) during production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine produced in the United States contains penicillin.
  • Egg protein is found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
  • Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged.
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
  • Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm

The human body itself creates very small amounts of Formaldehyde in the conversion of alcohol. Will you now stop drinking your beer ?

You get more mercury eating fish than you do in vaccines.... will you stop eating fish ? ?

What is the difference between ethylmercury and methylmercury? How are they different?
  • When learning about thimerosal and mercury it is important to understand the differencebetween two different compounds that contain mercury: ethylmercury and methylmercury. They are totally different materials.
  • Methylmercury is formed in the environment when mercury metal is present. If this material is found in the body, it is usually the result of eating some types of fish or other food. High amounts of methylmercury can harm the nervous system. This has been found in studies of some populations that have long-term exposure to methylmercury in foods at levels that are far higher than the U.S. population. In the United States, federal guidelines keep as much methylmercury as possible out of the environment and food, but over a lifetime, everyone is exposed to some methylmercury.
  • Ethylmercury is formed when the body breaks down thimerosal. The body uses ethylmercury differently than methylmercury; ethylmercury is broken down and clears out of the blood more quickly. Low-level ethylmercury exposures from vaccines are very different from long-term methylmercury exposures, since the ethylmercury does not stay in the body.
  • Although no evidence suggests that there are safety concerns with thimerosal, vaccine manufacturers have stopped using it as a precautionary measure.The only vaccine that still includes thimerosal as a preservative is the multi-dose inactivated influenza vaccine. There are other formulations of flu vaccine that do not include thimerosal.
  • Because it prevents the growth of dangerous microbes, thimerosal is used as a preservative in multi-dose vials of flu vaccines, about a third of flu vaccine doses that are available.

Learn the facts. Don't let tin foil hat conspiracy theorists who believe the moon landing were filmed on the back lot get away with lies.


There is a very extensive body of scientific research establishing both the efficacy and the safety margin of vaccine approved for use.

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