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A Palestinian village braces for Israeli demolition


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That's what I said in another thread as well. Worldwide Israel has been supported by many for a long time, but that support has been evaporating significantly over the years and also at the moment the support for Israel is getting less and less.

And that has nothing to do with growing anti Semitism, but with more and more people disagreeing with Israels policies, especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there.

I think that is a myth created by the arabs, in truth there has been no new settlements created for some years now, as Netanyahu has put a freeze on new settlements these past few years.

But if you disagree please post a link that proves new settlements have been built, say within the last three years!

OP refers to planning and execution of an illegal demolition and land grab of a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Once this crime committed, the land and archeological site will belong to the (neighbouring) illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and under control and jurisdiction of the Har Hebron Regional Council administration.

Adding new/more land (after demolition of housing) to an existing settlement is also a settlement activity!


All other illegal settlements discussion can be seen off topic...which I will not comment...

So you get to decide which is off topic and which is on topic. clap2.gif In that case you responded to an off topic post. Which said

"especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there." Which implies new settlements are being built.

The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands.

Also the deamonisers on here seem to have overlooked One very important point. This whole situation is still going through the legal process. There is no certainty that these building will be demolished.

But please don't let that get in the way of your rants.

For anyone to say what is or what is not on topic is just a way of trying to close the debate. I am sure if the mods think something is off topic they will tell us, we don't need posters deciding what is or isn't on topic. Thanks.

Using wikipedia is hardly proof of anything. Anyone can edit it anyone can tell lies.

JT posted a link to a NY Times article that made it clear that the demolition of this village was to make way for settler expansion.

I recall a news article on this forum that reported 400 hectares of land being appropriated for settlement within weeks of the last cease fire.

I suggest you talk to your team cheerleader about a mere member deciding what is off-topic...he's the main culprit.

Edited by Seastallion
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Quote from link :

"By contrast, the nearby Susya Israeli settlement has been granted a generous outline plan that allows for the development of housing and infrastructure.

While the adjacent settlement outpost was established without permits, the authorities have connected it to the water and electricity networks and refrained from enforcing pending demolition orders."


The usual double standards jurisdiction...with a partial ignore list !



Edited by Thorgal
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The houses were unlicensed and possibly even dangerous,
You are blaming the victims for their problems, rather than putting the blame on Israel for not giving them building permits. It is THEIR land, unlike the ILLEGAL settler structures built on occupied land.

Israel keeps giving the world a reason to hate them.

I used to support Israel, but now.....................( can't say what I really think ).
That's what I said in another thread as well. Worldwide Israel has been supported by many for a long time, but that support has been evaporating significantly over the years and also at the moment the support for Israel is getting less and less.

And that has nothing to do with growing anti Semitism, but with more and more people disagreeing with Israels policies, especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there.

I think that is a myth created by the arabs, in truth there has been no new settlements created for some years now, as Netanyahu has put a freeze on new settlements these past few years.

But if you disagree please post a link that proves new settlements have been built, say within the last three years!

OP refers to planning and execution of an illegal demolition and land grab of a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Once this crime committed, the land and archeological site will belong to the (neighbouring) illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and under control and jurisdiction of the Har Hebron Regional Council administration.

Adding new/more land (after demolition of housing) to an existing settlement is also a settlement activity!


All other illegal settlements discussion can be seen off topic...which I will not comment...

So you get to decide which is off topic and which is on topic. clap2.gif In that case you responded to an off topic post. Which said

"especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there." Which implies new settlements are being built.

The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands.

Also the deamonisers on here seem to have overlooked One very important point. This whole situation is still going through the legal process. There is no certainty that these building will be demolished.

But please don't let that get in the way of your rants.

For anyone to say what is or what is not on topic is just a way of trying to close the debate. I am sure if the mods think something is off topic they will tell us, we don't need posters deciding what is or isn't on topic. Thanks.

Using wikipedia is hardly proof of anything. Anyone can edit it anyone can tell lies.

Your quote:

"The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands."...

In contrary: only the new Israeli coalition government has no scrupules to confirm such an illegal, unrealistic and false statement :

Pro-annexation politicians have gone further, calling for the annexation of the entire West Bank :

- Gilad Erdan, Minister of Communications and leader of Likud Youth: 'Israel should announce the annexation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria44.'
- Silvan Shalom, Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development (Likud Beitenu): 'We cannot rule out the possibility of annexing the settlement blocs.'
- Yisrael Katz, Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'Israel will need to take unilateral steps to extend Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Dani Danon (Likud Beitenu), Deputy Minister of Defence: 'The real solution is to extend Israeli sovereignty over the settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Tzipi Hotovely, Deputy Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'The state of Israel needs to put her unilateral solution on the table. Not the unilateral solution of withdrawals, but the unilateral solution of declaring sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.'
- Moshe Feiglin, member of Knesset and head of the powerful Manhigut Yehudit faction of the Likud party: 'Until we declare sovereignty on all areas of the Land of Israel in our hands, we have no real solution to the situation.' Edited by Scott
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Benjamin Netanyahu established recently in 2012 a committee to clarify the legal status of settlements and unauthorised outposts in the West Bank.

Headed by former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Edmund Levy, the committee also examined whether Israel’s presence in the West Bank constitutes an occupation.

Quote from link :

"The Levy Committee Report concluded that settlements are legal, that the government should legalise existing unauthorised settlement outposts and — contrary to the position of Israel's Supreme Court — that Israel is not an occupying power in the West Bank.

These conclusions have led to serious concerns that Israel is attempting to annex Area C by expanding its jurisdiction from the areas bounded by settlements in the West Bank to the remaining parts of Area C."


Anyone surprised ?
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When Israel was forcibly carved out of Jordan, to get the troublesome Jews out of Europe, there was no idea that the newly transplanted Jews would practice the same holocaust on the indigenous peoples that Hitler did.

Anyone who thinks that "Israel was carved out of Jordan" does not have the slightest idea of what they are talking about. Jordan was taken from the British Mandate of Palestine - the land meant to be the homeland for the Jewish people. If anything, you have it backwards.

My mistake. I should have written Palestine. I humbly apologise.

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Quote from link :

"By contrast, the nearby Susya Israeli settlement has been granted a generous outline plan that allows for the development of housing and infrastructure.

While the adjacent settlement outpost was established without permits, the authorities have connected it to the water and electricity networks and refrained from enforcing pending demolition orders."


The usual double standards jurisdiction...with a partial ignore list !



Perhaps that's because there is a historical Jewish settlement there. The same can't be said of the illegal temporary Palestinian houses, which were not even there on 1999, so much for 'historical Palestinian Susya, better tell UNESCO.


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When Israel was forcibly carved out of Jordan, to get the troublesome Jews out of Europe, there was no idea that the newly transplanted Jews would practice the same holocaust on the indigenous peoples that Hitler did.

Anyone who thinks that "Israel was carved out of Jordan" does not have the slightest idea of what they are talking about. Jordan was taken from the British Mandate of Palestine - the land meant to be the homeland for the Jewish people. If anything, you have it backwards.

My mistake. I should have written Palestine. I humbly apologise.

Freudian slip.

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Please Google "The Balfour Declaration" and educate yourself. It was issued in 1917, something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. I'm not making anything up. rolleyes.gif

Yes a letter was given to the Zionists, but if you read further, they were also promising the Arabs control of the region. In the end it amounted to nothing more than a non official statement of intent and never became a reality. To do so would have PO the Arabs on whom the British were depending to defeat the Turks. Had it been implemented, there would have been no need for the UN to intervene in 1948.

If you google British Mandate for Palestine, you will see that the whole area was a shambles with promises and commitments shifting all the time under conflicting agreements. Check out the Faisal–Weizmann Agreement and The secret Sykes- Picot Agreement.

From Wikipedia

Among them were the minutes of a Cabinet Eastern Committee meeting, chaired by Lord Curzon,which was held on 5 December 1918. Balfour was in attendance. The minutes revealed that in laying out the government's position Curzon had explained that: "Palestine was included in the areas as to which Great Britain pledged itself that they should be Arab and independent in the future".

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Benjamin Netanyahu established recently in 2012 a committee to clarify the legal status of settlements and unauthorised outposts in the West Bank.

Headed by former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Edmund Levy, the committee also examined whether Israel’s presence in the West Bank constitutes an occupation.

Quote from link :

"The Levy Committee Report concluded that settlements are legal, that the government should legalise existing unauthorised settlement outposts and — contrary to the position of Israel's Supreme Court — that Israel is not an occupying power in the West Bank.

These conclusions have led to serious concerns that Israel is attempting to annex Area C by expanding its jurisdiction from the areas bounded by settlements in the West Bank to the remaining parts of Area C."


Anyone surprised ?

that Israel is not an occupying power in the West Bank.


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I think that is a myth created by the arabs, in truth there has been no new settlements created for some years now, as Netanyahu has put a freeze on new settlements these past few years.

But if you disagree please post a link that proves new settlements have been built, say within the last three years!

OP refers to planning and execution of an illegal demolition and land grab of a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Once this crime committed, the land and archeological site will belong to the (neighbouring) illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and under control and jurisdiction of the Har Hebron Regional Council administration.

Adding new/more land (after demolition of housing) to an existing settlement is also a settlement activity!


All other illegal settlements discussion can be seen off topic...which I will not comment...

So you get to decide which is off topic and which is on topic. clap2.gif In that case you responded to an off topic post. Which said

"especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there." Which implies new settlements are being built.

The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands.

Also the deamonisers on here seem to have overlooked One very important point. This whole situation is still going through the legal process. There is no certainty that these building will be demolished.

But please don't let that get in the way of your rants.

For anyone to say what is or what is not on topic is just a way of trying to close the debate. I am sure if the mods think something is off topic they will tell us, we don't need posters deciding what is or isn't on topic. Thanks.

Using wikipedia is hardly proof of anything. Anyone can edit it anyone can tell lies.

Your quote:

"The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands."...

In contrary: only the new Israeli coalition government has no scrupules to confirm such an illegal, unrealistic and false statement :

Pro-annexation politicians have gone further, calling for the annexation of the entire West Bank :

- Gilad Erdan, Minister of Communications and leader of Likud Youth: 'Israel should announce the annexation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria44.'

- Silvan Shalom, Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development (Likud Beitenu): 'We cannot rule out the possibility of annexing the settlement blocs.'

- Yisrael Katz, Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'Israel will need to take unilateral steps to extend Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Dani Danon (Likud Beitenu), Deputy Minister of Defence: 'The real solution is to extend Israeli sovereignty over the settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Tzipi Hotovely, Deputy Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'The state of Israel needs to put her unilateral solution on the table. Not the unilateral solution of withdrawals, but the unilateral solution of declaring sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.'

- Moshe Feiglin, member of Knesset and head of the powerful Manhigut Yehudit faction of the Likud party: 'Until we declare sovereignty on all areas of the Land of Israel in our hands, we have no real solution to the situation.'

And where will the lawful inhabitants live in the future?

If the UN accepts that, it is going to become a sham.

The Israeli government needs to understand that it's illegal policies are leading to international revulsion and a campaign that will make the anti apartheid movement seem like kindy play in comparison.

quotes removed to allow posting

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There are no such perpetual obligations for peace pacts and accords...

That seems to be the Palestinian attitude anyway. They eventually ignore pretty much every commitment that they make.
you mean all the UN resolutions that Israel ignores.

Ignore for VERY good reasons. The U.N. Human Rights Council is corrupt.

I presume you don't want to ignore the UN resolution that created Israel? So it's a selective ignore - only the bits you like are OK giggle.gif .

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Please Google "The Balfour Declaration" and educate yourself. It was issued in 1917, something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. I'm not making anything up. rolleyes.gif

Yes a letter was given to the Zionists, but if you read further, they were also promising the Arabs control of the region.

As usual, you NEVER know what you are talking about when it comes to the history of the region. Why do you parade such obliviousness and then keep doubling down on ignorant when caught out?

The Balfour Declaration said NOTHING about promising Arabs control of the area and the the Balfour Declaration was something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. It declared that the British favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine. You were WRONG, but refuse to admit it. Your exact quote is below.

The British took over Palestine from the Turks after WW1 and it was not then intended as a "homeland" for Jews. It was only after the Jewish terrorism ( Irgun, Begin, Stern gang ) campaign made Britain run away that it was considered as a homeland for the Jews.

How can you say that it "never became reality"? Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and it is not only there, but thriving. It became a state as was intended by the Balfour Declaration .

"The phrase 'the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people' was intended and understood by all concerned to mean at the time of the Balfour Declaration that Palestine would ultimately become a 'Jewish Commonwealth' or a 'Jewish State', if only Jews came and settled there in sufficient numbers."

-Leopold Amery, Secretary to the British War Cabinet

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I presume you don't want to ignore the UN resolution that created Israel? So it's a selective ignore - only the bits you like are OK.

You Israel-haters can whine and moan and ignore it all you want. It is too late. Israel is a thriving country with a thriving economy and one of the best armies in the world. There is nothing you can do to change it. laugh.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Please Google "The Balfour Declaration" and educate yourself. It was issued in 1917, something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. I'm not making anything up. rolleyes.gif

Yes a letter was given to the Zionists, but if you read further, they were also promising the Arabs control of the region.

As usual, you NEVER know what you are talking about when it comes to the history of the region. Why do you parade such obliviousness and then keep doubling down on ignorant when caught out?

The Balfour Declaration said NOTHING about promising Arabs control of the area and the the Balfour Declaration was something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. You were WRONG, but refuse to admit it. Your exact quote is below.

The British took over Palestine from the Turks after WW1 and it was not then intended as a "homeland" for Jews. It was only after the Jewish terrorism ( Irgun, Begin, Stern gang ) campaign made Britain run away that it was considered as a homeland for the Jews.

How can you say that it "never became reality"? Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and it is not only there, but thriving. It became a state as was intended by the Balfour Declaration .

"The phrase 'the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people' was intended and understood by all concerned to mean at the time of the Balfour Declaration that Palestine would ultimately become a 'Jewish Commonwealth' or a 'Jewish State', if only Jews came and settled there in sufficient numbers."

-Leopold Amery, Secretary to the British War Cabinet

You only quoted part of what I wrote, to suit your argument.

If you google British Mandate for Palestine, you will see that the whole area was a shambles with promises and commitments shifting all the time under conflicting agreements. Check out the Faisal–Weizmann Agreement and The secret Sykes- Picot Agreement.

From Wikipedia

Among them were the minutes of a Cabinet Eastern Committee meeting, chaired by Lord Curzon,which was held on 5 December 1918. Balfour was in attendance. The minutes revealed that in laying out the government's position Curzon had explained that: "Palestine was included in the areas as to which Great Britain pledged itself that they should be Arab and independent in the future".

The Balfour was not official government policy and was never implemented. Israel only exists because of the UN you so dislike making it so, not the British government.

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The Balfour was not official government policy and was never implemented.

It was incorporated into the British Mandate for Palestine which was was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations and eventually implemented by the U.N.

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You only quoted part of what I wrote, to suit your argument.

This is your whole post that I quoted. It says exactly the same thing with a few superfluous words removed. It does not change my argument at all and it still shows that you do not know what you are talking about. The 1917 Balfour Declaration declared that the British favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine something like 20 years before your false claim.

Now you are making it up. The British took over Palestine from the Turks after WW1 and it was not then intended as a "homeland" for Jews. It was only after the Jewish terrorism ( Irgun, Begin, Stern gang ) campaign made Britain run away that it was considered as a homeland for the Jews. Before that it was intended to be occupied by both Arabs and Jews.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You only quoted part of what I wrote, to suit your argument.

This is your whole post that I quoted. It says exactly the same thing with a few superfluous words removed. It does not change my argument at all and it still shows that you do not know what you are talking about. The 1917 Balfour Declaration declared that the British favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine something like 20 years before your false claim.

Now you are making it up. The British took over Palestine from the Turks after WW1 and it was not then intended as a "homeland" for Jews. It was only after the Jewish terrorism ( Irgun, Begin, Stern gang ) campaign made Britain run away that it was considered as a homeland for the Jews. Before that it was intended to be occupied by both Arabs and Jews.

So this was superfluous

"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

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No it was not, but the Arabs started attacking the Jews on a regular basis and made that impossible. If the Arabs had not started the violence, there would have been no reason to strike back. The Arabs started a war when they outnumbered the Jews and eventually lost.

"From late 1919, Arab attacks on Jewish settlements became more frequent and relentless, particularly in the Jordan Valley and the Galilee."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I presume you don't want to ignore the UN resolution that created Israel? So it's a selective ignore - only the bits you like are OK.

You Israel-haters can whine and moan and ignore it all you want. It is too late. Israel is a thriving country with a thriving economy and one of the best armies in the world. There is nothing you can do to change it. laugh.png

Haven't the liberals given Iran the bomb?

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The Balfour was not official government policy and was never implemented.

It was incorporated into the British Mandate for Palestine which was was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations and eventually implemented by the U.N.

To quote yourself, the UN are corrupt and hypocritical.

But you agree with them. Bahahahaha, thats so precious.

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The Catholic Church are also corrupt and hypocritical, but they do get some things right. .It seems that some folks are easily amused. giggle.gif

I see... They get things right when you happen to agree with their opinions or decisions and they are hypocritical when you disagree with them. :) Edited by BKKBobby
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Please Google "The Balfour Declaration" and educate yourself. It was issued in 1917, something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. I'm not making anything up. rolleyes.gif

Yes a letter was given to the Zionists, but if you read further, they were also promising the Arabs control of the region.

As usual, you NEVER know what you are talking about when it comes to the history of the region. Why do you parade such obliviousness and then keep doubling down on ignorant when caught out?

The Balfour Declaration said NOTHING about promising Arabs control of the area and the the Balfour Declaration was something like 20 years before the Irgun, Stern Gang years. It declared that the British favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine. You were WRONG, but refuse to admit it. Your exact quote is below.

The British took over Palestine from the Turks after WW1 and it was not then intended as a "homeland" for Jews. It was only after the Jewish terrorism ( Irgun, Begin, Stern gang ) campaign made Britain run away that it was considered as a homeland for the Jews.

How can you say that it "never became reality"? Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and it is not only there, but thriving. It became a state as was intended by the Balfour Declaration .

"The phrase 'the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people' was intended and understood by all concerned to mean at the time of the Balfour Declaration that Palestine would ultimately become a 'Jewish Commonwealth' or a 'Jewish State', if only Jews came and settled there in sufficient numbers."

-Leopold Amery, Secretary to the British War Cabinet

As previously when you have quoted the illegal Balfour Declaration, you forget to mention the second part of the sentence
".., it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
...something they have massively failed in by allowing unlimited building permits to Jewish immigrants in Susiya who were not born in the West Bank while ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their own land yet again.
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"As previously when you have quoted the illegal Balfour Declaration, you forget to mention the second part of the sentence

Number one it is not illegal. Number two I did not quote the Belfour Declaration in that quote - I mentioned it. You are fibbing again. Number three, I have addressed your foolish talking point over and over again, including on this very thread.

The civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine would have been under no threat, if they had not started viciously attacking the Jewish community. The Arabs started the violence and they made their own bed. The fault is theirs.

"The Arabs started attacking the Jews on a regular basis and made that impossible. If the Arabs had not started the violence, there would have been no reason to strike back. The Arabs started a war when they outnumbered the Jews and eventually lost."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"As previously when you have quoted the illegal Balfour Declaration, you forget to mention the second part of the sentence

Number one it is not illegal. Number two I did not quote the Belfour Declaration in that quote - I mentioned it. You are fibbing again. Number three, I have addressed your foolish talking point over and over again, including on this very thread.

The civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine would have been under no threat, if they had not started viciously attacking the Jewish community. The Arabs started the violence and they made their own bed. The fault is theirs.

"The Arabs started attacking the Jews on a regular basis and made that impossible. If the Arabs had not started the violence, there would have been no reason to strike back. The Arabs started a war when they outnumbered the Jews and eventually lost."

I disagree vehemently with all your points and would love to debate your deflections, but I fear that the history of WW1 and Arab protests against Zionism in the early 20thC is drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

Edited by dexterm
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No it was not, but the Arabs started attacking the Jews on a regular basis and made that impossible. If the Arabs had not started the violence, there would have been no reason to strike back. The Arabs started a war when they outnumbered the Jews and eventually lost.

"From late 1919, Arab attacks on Jewish settlements became more frequent and relentless, particularly in the Jordan Valley and the Galilee."

Oh COME ON!!!!!!

The Jews were just as much involved in attacking Palestinian ( Arab ) settlements as visa versa.

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You have already proved that you don't know anything about the history of the Palestine area. Why keep doubling down on ignorant and pretending that you do? Please stop posting false information.

SOME actual FACTS:

From 1920 to 1936 EVERY killing and massacre committed in Mandatory Palestine was initiated by the Arabs. They started the violence in the first place and eventually the Jews struck back. Obviously, in the end, the Jews WON.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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I think that is a myth created by the arabs, in truth there has been no new settlements created for some years now, as Netanyahu has put a freeze on new settlements these past few years.

But if you disagree please post a link that proves new settlements have been built, say within the last three years!

OP refers to planning and execution of an illegal demolition and land grab of a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Once this crime committed, the land and archeological site will belong to the (neighbouring) illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and under control and jurisdiction of the Har Hebron Regional Council administration.

Adding new/more land (after demolition of housing) to an existing settlement is also a settlement activity!


All other illegal settlements discussion can be seen off topic...which I will not comment...

So you get to decide which is off topic and which is on topic. clap2.gif In that case you responded to an off topic post. Which said

"especially the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the growing number of settlements there." Which implies new settlements are being built.

The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands.

Also the deamonisers on here seem to have overlooked One very important point. This whole situation is still going through the legal process. There is no certainty that these building will be demolished.

But please don't let that get in the way of your rants.

For anyone to say what is or what is not on topic is just a way of trying to close the debate. I am sure if the mods think something is off topic they will tell us, we don't need posters deciding what is or isn't on topic. Thanks.

Using wikipedia is hardly proof of anything. Anyone can edit it anyone can tell lies.

Your quote:

"The Arabs have already accepted that these settlements will remain in Israeli hands."...

In contrary: only the new Israeli coalition government has no scrupules to confirm such an illegal, unrealistic and false statement :

Pro-annexation politicians have gone further, calling for the annexation of the entire West Bank :

- Gilad Erdan, Minister of Communications and leader of Likud Youth: 'Israel should announce the annexation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria44.'

- Silvan Shalom, Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development (Likud Beitenu): 'We cannot rule out the possibility of annexing the settlement blocs.'

- Yisrael Katz, Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'Israel will need to take unilateral steps to extend Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Dani Danon (Likud Beitenu), Deputy Minister of Defence: 'The real solution is to extend Israeli sovereignty over the settlements in Judea and Samaria.'

- Tzipi Hotovely, Deputy Minister of Transportation (Likud Beitenu): 'The state of Israel needs to put her unilateral solution on the table. Not the unilateral solution of withdrawals, but the unilateral solution of declaring sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.'

- Moshe Feiglin, member of Knesset and head of the powerful Manhigut Yehudit faction of the Likud party: 'Until we declare sovereignty on all areas of the Land of Israel in our hands, we have no real solution to the situation.'

If the Arabs don't want peace who do you suggest the land is given too? As they say here in Thailand "up to" the Arabs if they want peace they will have their land. If they don't want peace then Israel has every right to develop and use the land as they wish.

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