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Trump looms over first Republican debate of primary race


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Trump looms over first Republican debate of primary race

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — They have been holding mock debates, hunkering down with advisers and finessing policy answers. But the most pressing concern for many Republican presidential contenders as they prepare for the first debate of the 2016 primary season is one man: Donald Trump.

The billionaire businessman has dominated the 2016 Republican race in recent weeks, and he threatens to do the same when the top 10 Republican candidates — as determined by national polls — face each other for the first time on national television. It's a high-risk, high-reward event for candidates eager to stand out in a packed field in which Trump is playing the ultimate wildcard.

"It's the No. 1 unavoidability," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a 2012 GOP candidate who had a knack for standing out in debates four years ago.

"Do not try to match him in anger and in aggressiveness. It's not possible," Gingrich warned Trump's rivals. "He's a very instinctively aggressive guy and if you try to dance with him on his strengths he'll run over you."

Indeed, despite his longshot status, the reality television star has commanded attention and seen his poll numbers rise after firing off provocative comments about immigrants, his presidential rivals and critics in both parties. His supporters love him because he's willing to say what others only think. But that makes him dangerous in a debate setting, says Charlie Black, a leading GOP strategist who has worked on multiple presidential campaigns.

"Just try to ignore him," Black said. "The less attention you give him the better. I wouldn't even look at him."

That's easier said than done in a nationally televised program where Trump is sure to play a central role — literally, perhaps, if he's positioned at the center of the stage as the leader in recent polls.

Count former Texas Gov. Rick Perry as among the candidates eager for a showdown, although he may not qualify for the Aug. 6 meeting in Cleveland. Only the top 10 candidates in national polling will be allowed on stage. With 16 declared candidates, several high-profile Republicans will be left out. Perry is on the bubble.

"If Donald Trump wants to sit on the stage and talk about solutions, I'm going to be happy to have that conversation," Perry said on Fox News. "But if all he's going to do is throw invectives, then I'm going to push back and I'm going to push back hard."

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky told The Associated Press that he's ready to be tested.

"You have to be able to stand your ground," Paul said, because politics is "somewhat of a body combat sport."

Even without Trump's emergence, the first debate promises to be an unruly affair.

Never have more than 10 candidates taken the stage for a televised Republican presidential debate. Part of the problem is basic math.

In a 90-minute debate featuring so many candidates, there could be only enough time for four or five questions — with little time left over for the interaction between candidates that makes for an actual debate.

And few campaigns expect Trump to respect the time limits or other rules established by organizers.

Ron Kaufman, a senior adviser to 2012 nominee Mitt Romney who is supporting Jeb Bush, said Trump offers a prime opportunity to lesser-known candidates to get attention.

"I think they have to pick a fight with Trump," Kaufman said.

Many candidates have already been hard at work. Bush, one of the top contenders, recently brought in two veterans of Romney's 2012 campaign, Beth Myers and Peter Flaherty, to help coach him. He says he hasn't started intense preparation; aides say that will fill much of his schedule next week as he spends most of his time in Florida.

Bush has not participated in a debate as a candidate since his successful re-election campaign for governor in 2002.

"My objective with this is to, wherever I can, share my record," Bush said this week in South Carolina. "It's one of accomplishment." He said he'll go into the debate without thinking about Trump or any rival but that it's his first presidential debate and he's "not certain how all this plays out."

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie specializes in wide-ranging and sometimes very long town hall meetings and recognizes he'll need to be more focused in the high-stakes debate.

"You know, the big thing here with 10 people is going to be to make sure that your answers are tight and understandable," Christie said in New Hampshire. "It's going to be about a discipline for me on how to most effectively communicate in a group of 10 people with a couple moderators in a short period of time."

Paul perhaps summed up the field's feeling best when asked how he prepares to face someone like Trump: "Very carefully," he said.

Associated Press writers Bill Barrow and Meg Kinnard contributed to this report from Spartanburg and Bluffton, South Carolina.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-24

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Food fight!

Trump could be cast in the sequel to Animal House 2. The follow up movie of "what ever happened to the hilarious misfit fraternity members at Faber College."

He could play the class clown that ended up rich and running for president.

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Yeah, Bush needs coaches. No surprise. That is the problem with all of them, except Trump. Poll tested, coached, and rehearsed. A bunch of plastic people versus a real human being. Trump will smoke them.

Quote "If Donald Trump wants to sit on the stage and talk about solutions, I'm going to be happy to have that conversation," Perry said on Fox News. "But if all he's going to do is throw invectives, then I'm going to push back and I'm going to push back hard." Unquote Your daily bread quote from that has been who will not be in the debate or running Rick Blowhard. Love the word invectives Googled it it means knave or rascal well that about describes the Donald at times. I am really surprised to see Perry the Parrot come out with such a large word. What bluster and bravado from a non contender. Really Rick talk about solutions when your part of the problem? That should be priceless.

Edited by elgordo38
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He is the only candidate that understands the anger of the American people about illegal immigration and isn't afraid to talk to the issues. He would have negotiated a far better deal on things like the TPP and the Iran nuclear deal. He doesn't have a chance of winning but enjoying hearing a REAL guy sounding off.

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The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

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I think Trump has a chance of wining the Republican nomination much to the chagrin of the GOP/RNC ... But I do not think Trump will necessarily shine in this first debate among nominee challengers.. That is -- if he is actually allowed to be in it. The GOP Control Freak powers that be are conjuring up ways to keep Trump out of the debates. I doubt they will be successful but they will try.

The current type of 'debates' being utilized are not actually debates but rather round robin time slots for each candidate to speak his mind -- perhaps in response to what the general questions are or what others have said and perhaps just giving a nod to what they were asked to comment on - then go off on their own choice of topics.

The first round of public debates Trump has already won... not based on points of persuasion but based on Trump's victory in not yielding to GOP censorship of what can be talked about... For this successful challenge Trump is duly despised by the 'Establishment' RNC/GOP / U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the real powers to be in the GOP).

Many millions now like and even champion Trump not necessarily because they agree with his political ideas, statements and positions. but rather simply because he has shut down the confining political machine that denies the many nominee candidates to be heard on a variety of subjects - especially the many TABOO subjects. People love it that Trump refuses to be muffled by the Establishment Political Correctness. Many hope the GOP/RNC to be dead and buried for being so out of step with the core voters of the Republican Party to the point they are called RINOS -- Republicans in Name Only.

The Minders of the GOP/RNC are beside themselves that their political machine efforts to PRE-NOMINATE Jeb Bush has been derailed. But of course the GOP Elitists blinded by their POWER want to engineer another middle of the road namby-pamby loser... I suppose so they can talk about the 2016 ALSO RAN -- Jeb Bush ... Then they will have FOUR LOSERS... Dole, McCain, Romney and Jeb Bush to put into their Hall of Shame...

With Trump putting his finger in the GOP Eye this time around - things will be different. As it turns out - Trump's outspoken actions will make it possible for the first time in decades that Conservatives will actually be heard in the debates - heard that is speaking out on REAL SUBJECTS of importance to the American People... GOP Censorship will have tough sledding to Control Speech in these coming debates... Who knows the voices of the likes of Walker, Cruz, Rand Paul will actually have a chance to be heard without being drown out by the GOP Censors for going off point.

... Thank you Mr. Trump.

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The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

Clearly you have no concept of business practices. First, Trump has never PERSONALLY gone bankrupt. Try to grasp that if you can. Second, it's a well known and established business procedure to file for bankruptcy for a company. . Many times a business is taken over, then deliberately "bankrupted". This allows the creditors to be paid some of what they are owed, and allows employees to keep their jobs. If you're going to comment on things, please have the decency to have some idea of what you are talking about. If you don't, you only make yourself look foolish.

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Reading the brash negative comments -- insults directed towards Trump... Just change the name Trump to Reagan and the time frame to 1980 and take note of the similarity of the jabs and insults and dire predictions... Populists are hated by people who do not like the People's Choice ...

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The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

Clearly you have no concept of business practices. First, Trump has never PERSONALLY gone bankrupt. Try to grasp that if you can. Second, it's a well known and established business procedure to file for bankruptcy for a company. . Many times a business is taken over, then deliberately "bankrupted". This allows the creditors to be paid some of what they are owed, and allows employees to keep their jobs. If you're going to comment on things, please have the decency to have some idea of what you are talking about. If you don't, you only make yourself look foolish.

Now, now. There's no need to get personal just because I am pointing out some unpleasant truths. Saying that the Donald never PERSONALLY went bankrupt and using that as an argument is disingenuous...at best. If he'd been the oracle that some of you see him as he/his company wouldn't have gone bankrupt in the first place. Please try to grasp that if you can...coffee1.gif

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The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

Clearly you have no concept of business practices. First, Trump has never PERSONALLY gone bankrupt. Try to grasp that if you can. Second, it's a well known and established business procedure to file for bankruptcy for a company. . Many times a business is taken over, then deliberately "bankrupted". This allows the creditors to be paid some of what they are owed, and allows employees to keep their jobs. If you're going to comment on things, please have the decency to have some idea of what you are talking about. If you don't, you only make yourself look foolish.

Now, now. There's no need to get personal just because I am pointing out some unpleasant truths. Saying that the Donald never PERSONALLY went bankrupt and using that as an argument is disingenuous...at best. If he'd been the oracle that some of you see him as he/his company wouldn't have gone bankrupt in the first place. Please try to grasp that if you can...coffee1.gif

Perhaps you should refer to your own post - "...I'm sure the majority of the American population prefer a business man that has not gone bankrupt - several times."

You are talking about an individual, not businesses. Please show me, and others, where Trump has every gone bankrupt? You can't, because Trump has never gone bankrupt. He has used bankruptcy on some of his businesses, as have many other before him, and as will many others after him. As I stated, it's a well known, and widely used, business practice.

To me he is not any kind of "oracle" as you put it. I didn't even say if I liked the man or not, so your assumptions that I do again highlight your ignorance of the subject matter. It's clear you don't like him, and that's your prerogative, but whether it's Trump, McCain, Hillary or anyone else, before you make comments about them, please have your facts straight.

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I think Trump has a chance of wining the Republican nomination much to the chagrin of the GOP/RNC ... But I do not think Trump will necessarily shine in this first debate among nominee challengers.. That is -- if he is actually allowed to be in it. The GOP Control Freak powers that be are conjuring up ways to keep Trump out of the debates. I doubt they will be successful but they will try.

The current type of 'debates' being utilized are not actually debates but rather round robin time slots for each candidate to speak his mind -- perhaps in response to what the general questions are or what others have said and perhaps just giving a nod to what they were asked to comment on - then go off on their own choice of topics.

The first round of public debates Trump has already won... not based on points of persuasion but based on Trump's victory in not yielding to GOP censorship of what can be talked about... For this successful challenge Trump is duly despised by the 'Establishment' RNC/GOP / U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the real powers to be in the GOP).

Many millions now like and even champion Trump not necessarily because they agree with his political ideas, statements and positions. but rather simply because he has shut down the confining political machine that denies the many nominee candidates to be heard on a variety of subjects - especially the many TABOO subjects. People love it that Trump refuses to be muffled by the Establishment Political Correctness. Many hope the GOP/RNC to be dead and buried for being so out of step with the core voters of the Republican Party to the point they are called RINOS -- Republicans in Name Only.

The Minders of the GOP/RNC are beside themselves that their political machine efforts to PRE-NOMINATE Jeb Bush has been derailed. But of course the GOP Elitists blinded by their POWER want to engineer another middle of the road namby-pamby loser... I suppose so they can talk about the 2016 ALSO RAN -- Jeb Bush ... Then they will have FOUR LOSERS... Dole, McCain, Romney and Jeb Bush to put into their Hall of Shame...

With Trump putting his finger in the GOP Eye this time around - things will be different. As it turns out - Trump's outspoken actions will make it possible for the first time in decades that Conservatives will actually be heard in the debates - heard that is speaking out on REAL SUBJECTS of importance to the American People... GOP Censorship will have tough sledding to Control Speech in these coming debates... Who knows the voices of the likes of Walker, Cruz, Rand Paul will actually have a chance to be heard without being drown out by the GOP Censors for going off point.

... Thank you Mr. Trump.

You obviously know nothing about the Republican Party.

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I cannot wait for the GOP debate of August 6th ...to see the Rep candidates trashing each other and then being insulted by Donald Trump.

Unfortunately the Dem leading candidate is Hillary Clinton and not Elisabeth Warren

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I cannot wait for the GOP debate of August 6th ...to see the Rep candidates trashing each other and then being insulted by Donald Trump.

Unfortunately the Dem leading candidate is Hillary Clinton and not Elisabeth Warren

All the liberals (what Fox News calls Democrats) can't wait for debates to begin. Put the popcorn on and ice down the beer. clap2.gif

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I suspect that Trump is thinking that he knows that it is unlikely he will get the R nomination but that he can threaten to run as an independent and almost insure President Hillary...BUT...the Art of the Deal trump will try and squeeze the Repubs to REWARD him with all kinds of pork goodies in return for him agreeing not to run independent....and the R's will cave in.

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I suspect that Trump is thinking that he knows that it is unlikely he will get the R nomination but that he can threaten to run as an independent and almost insure President Hillary...BUT...the Art of the Deal trump will try and squeeze the Repubs to REWARD him with all kinds of pork goodies in return for him agreeing not to run independent....and the R's will cave in.

Or maybe Trump if the Repubs piss him off enough will make a secret deal with Hillary and agree to run as independent if the DEMS give him a load of pork..... personally I can't stand him but have to say he does seem to have a lot of leverage on both the Repubs and Dems and the potential at least to make sure that Trump ends up with a big pile of taxpayers money which is probably his ultimate goal....along with bragging that he determined the outcome of the election.

I would say only in America but I suspect there are very strange elections and deals made all around the world.

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Reading the brash negative comments -- insults directed towards Trump... Just change the name Trump to Reagan and the time frame to 1980 and take note of the similarity of the jabs and insults and dire predictions... Populists are hated by people who do not like the People's Choice ...

Reagan was an actor, a trained actor. Trump is a drama queen. Big difference.

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I think Trump has a chance of wining the Republican nomination much to the chagrin of the GOP/RNC ... But I do not think Trump will necessarily shine in this first debate among nominee challengers.. That is -- if he is actually allowed to be in it. The GOP Control Freak powers that be are conjuring up ways to keep Trump out of the debates. I doubt they will be successful but they will try.

The current type of 'debates' being utilized are not actually debates but rather round robin time slots for each candidate to speak his mind -- perhaps in response to what the general questions are or what others have said and perhaps just giving a nod to what they were asked to comment on - then go off on their own choice of topics.

The first round of public debates Trump has already won... not based on points of persuasion but based on Trump's victory in not yielding to GOP censorship of what can be talked about... For this successful challenge Trump is duly despised by the 'Establishment' RNC/GOP / U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the real powers to be in the GOP).

Many millions now like and even champion Trump not necessarily because they agree with his political ideas, statements and positions. but rather simply because he has shut down the confining political machine that denies the many nominee candidates to be heard on a variety of subjects - especially the many TABOO subjects. People love it that Trump refuses to be muffled by the Establishment Political Correctness. Many hope the GOP/RNC to be dead and buried for being so out of step with the core voters of the Republican Party to the point they are called RINOS -- Republicans in Name Only.

The Minders of the GOP/RNC are beside themselves that their political machine efforts to PRE-NOMINATE Jeb Bush has been derailed. But of course the GOP Elitists blinded by their POWER want to engineer another middle of the road namby-pamby loser... I suppose so they can talk about the 2016 ALSO RAN -- Jeb Bush ... Then they will have FOUR LOSERS... Dole, McCain, Romney and Jeb Bush to put into their Hall of Shame...

With Trump putting his finger in the GOP Eye this time around - things will be different. As it turns out - Trump's outspoken actions will make it possible for the first time in decades that Conservatives will actually be heard in the debates - heard that is speaking out on REAL SUBJECTS of importance to the American People... GOP Censorship will have tough sledding to Control Speech in these coming debates... Who knows the voices of the likes of Walker, Cruz, Rand Paul will actually have a chance to be heard without being drown out by the GOP Censors for going off point.

... Thank you Mr. Trump.

You obviously know nothing about the Republican Party.

I like most of your comments - but you are totally wrong on this one...

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But I'm sure the media will have it all over the internet, so we'll get to see the "highlights".

My favorite part is the spin doctors who seem to have heard a very different debate than the one I listened to...

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Reading the brash negative comments -- insults directed towards Trump... Just change the name Trump to Reagan and the time frame to 1980 and take note of the similarity of the jabs and insults and dire predictions... Populists are hated by people who do not like the People's Choice ...

Reagan was an actor, a trained actor.

You didn't see too many of his movies, did you?

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