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6 UK men convicted in child sex ring case involving 2 girls

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You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

There is no such thing as a willing child. Civilized countries recognize an "age of consent" below which a child can't give consent but rather can be manipulated.

But then what would you know about civilized people, being such a Muslim apologist regardless of atrocities?


I understand the age of consent thing...but she was a slut who hung out at the market getting picked up.

I'm not condoning the men at all....but it can't be denied that she, in her own mind regardless of legal definition of "willing" was willing.

Britain is famous for underage sex..it's almost a cultural thing with the kids these days.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

Probably because half of Europe is now living in Britain......

today, dear children, we learn the definition of "to exaggerate" and we start with an island located in the "North Sea" where half of the European population lives nowadays laugh.png

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed. The topic is not about Islam or the Quoran.

Please stay on topic and stop with the inflammatory posts.

The vast majority of people have no sexual interest in children. Most people when they look at child do not see anything of a sexual nature. Normally, once a child hits puberty sexual interest becomes more common.


What's the relevance to the topic as most are wanted for general crime related offences, not sexual offences.

Back to the topic; in 2012 in the West Yorkshire area from a FOI request of grooming offences...

"shows that over the last three years to May 2012, only five Asian men were charged across Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Wakefield and Kirklees. The breakdown across ethnic categories is as follows: White (North European) 47, Black, one and Asian, five."


In the past few years there has been a great deal of focus on "Asian" grooming gangs, who have now been identified as prolific offenders, but by taking into account the above, by no means exclusively so. After some research it comes across that UK white grooming activity, although there are exceptions, is usually a different M.O. to "Asians" as they tend to operate alone.

You are of course correct Simple 1.

For 1 reason and 1 reason only.

It was covered up for the best part of 2 decades because of the liberal left / PC Brigade and the Governments mantra of how wonderful multiculturalism would be for the Country.

That is why there were very few Muslim offenders prior to 2012


There are some sick puppies on this thread. There are some who are outright deniers and some that just do not have a clue.

Here is a list of grooming gangs, mostly Muslims of Pakistani Origin. Who have been convicted over the past 3 years.

All of these gangs had up to 12 members.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields
There are probably a few that I have missed.

Most of the victims were between 11 - 15 years old. Some were even younger. There is currently hundreds of active investigations ongoing.

To the so called '' Honorary MEMBER '' Who repeatedly trots out the same mantra. Where is your list of White Grooming gangs that have been convicted over the last 3 years ? Put up or shut up.

Some people on this thread need to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.

Well if I had children I would also not be leaving them alone with...

Old DJ's



Those in the House of Lords


However, I would make my judgment on the actual person, not what religion, belief or ethnicity they are.


This will be the last public warning on the issue of religion. Continued attempts to derail the topic into an off-topic Islam bashing thread will not be tolerated. Your post will be removed and you will receive a suspension.


What's the relevance to the topic as most are wanted for general crime related offences, not sexual offences.

Back to the topic; in 2012 in the West Yorkshire area from a FOI request of grooming offences...

"shows that over the last three years to May 2012, only five Asian men were charged across Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Wakefield and Kirklees. The breakdown across ethnic categories is as follows: White (North European) 47, Black, one and Asian, five."


In the past few years there has been a great deal of focus on "Asian" grooming gangs, who have now been identified as prolific offenders, but by taking into account the above, by no means exclusively so. After some research it comes across that UK white grooming activity, although there are exceptions, is usually a different M.O. to "Asians" as they tend to operate alone.

You are of course correct Simple 1.

For 1 reason and 1 reason only.

It was covered up for the best part of 2 decades because of the liberal left / PC Brigade and the Governments mantra of how wonderful multiculturalism would be for the Country.

That is why there were very few Muslim offenders prior to 2012

These vile acts in Rotherham started in the later 1900's.The authorities became aware in 2001, yet for some strange reason it did not come to the attention of the general public until more than 10 yrs later. Regarding the Aylesbury crimes, they started in 2008, again for some strange reason the authorities tried to hush the reporting, which only came to the attention of the general public a couple of years ago. The appropriate local government authority has now apologized for trying to cover up the scale of abuse.


There are some sick puppies on this thread. There are some who are outright deniers and some that just do not have a clue.

Here is a list of grooming gangs, mostly Muslims of Pakistani Origin. Who have been convicted over the past 3 years.

All of these gangs had up to 12 members.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields
There are probably a few that I have missed.

Most of the victims were between 11 - 15 years old. Some were even younger. There is currently hundreds of active investigations ongoing.

To the so called '' Honorary MEMBER '' Who repeatedly trots out the same mantra. Where is your list of White Grooming gangs that have been convicted over the last 3 years ? Put up or shut up.

Some people on this thread need to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.

Well if I had children I would also not be leaving them alone with...

Old DJ's



Those in the House of Lords


However, I would make my judgment on the actual person, not what religion, belief or ethnicity they are.

In some instances quite correct.

As the topic is about grooming gangs. Give 7x7 a helping hand and see how many white grooming gangs that you can find that have been convicted and jailed over the last 3 years.

Making judgement ? It was not me that jailed them and produced the official enquiry reports.


What's the relevance to the topic as most are wanted for general crime related offences, not sexual offences.

Back to the topic; in 2012 in the West Yorkshire area from a FOI request of grooming offences...

"shows that over the last three years to May 2012, only five Asian men were charged across Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Wakefield and Kirklees. The breakdown across ethnic categories is as follows: White (North European) 47, Black, one and Asian, five."


In the past few years there has been a great deal of focus on "Asian" grooming gangs, who have now been identified as prolific offenders, but by taking into account the above, by no means exclusively so. After some research it comes across that UK white grooming activity, although there are exceptions, is usually a different M.O. to "Asians" as they tend to operate alone.

You are of course correct Simple 1.

For 1 reason and 1 reason only.

It was covered up for the best part of 2 decades because of the liberal left / PC Brigade and the Governments mantra of how wonderful multiculturalism would be for the Country.

That is why there were very few Muslim offenders prior to 2012

These vile acts in Rotherham started in the later 1900's.The authorities became aware in 2001, yet for some strange reason it did not come to the attention of the general public until more than 10 yrs later. Regarding the Aylesbury crimes, they started in 2008, again for some strange reason the authorities tried to hush the reporting, which only came to the attention of the general public a couple of years ago. The appropriate local government authority has now apologized for trying to cover up the scale of abuse.

I believe that it actually started in the late 80's.

I do not believe that the true scale of this will ever come out.

There are still 100's of investigations going on. High up people will be protected. Of that I have no doubt.

What has been uncovered so far is only the tip of the iceberg.


I consider child abuse of any kind, and sexual abuse in particular, to be the worst crime imaginable and those who commit it, whether they be members of a grooming gang, a customer of those gangs or an individual, to be evil perverts who should be kept away from children for the rest of their miserable lives.

From the NSPCC; Sexual abuse Facts and statistics: over 90% of victims were abused by someone they knew.

As these poor children were not the victims of grooming gangs, of whatever religion or ethnicity, it appears that some people don't care about them.

I posted earlier a link to ongoing investigations into historical abuse, which has been ignored by certain members; I don't wonder why that is; I know why that is.

I feel for the suffering of all victims, and hold those who use that suffering to advance their own particular political agenda and prejudice beneath contempt.


You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

There is no such thing as a willing child. Civilized countries recognize an "age of consent" below which a child can't give consent but rather can be manipulated.

But then what would you know about civilized people, being such a Muslim apologist regardless of atrocities?


I understand the age of consent thing...but she was a slut who hung out at the market getting picked up.

I'm not condoning the men at all....but it can't be denied that she, in her own mind regardless of legal definition of "willing" was willing.

Britain is famous for underage sex..it's almost a cultural thing with the kids these days.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

"Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger"

Quite an assumption. Show me a 15 year old boy who is not "prepared" to have sex! They just ain't getting any!


There are some sick puppies on this thread. There are some who are outright deniers and some that just do not have a clue.

Here is a list of grooming gangs, mostly Muslims of Pakistani Origin. Who have been convicted over the past 3 years.

All of these gangs had up to 12 members.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields
There are probably a few that I have missed.

Most of the victims were between 11 - 15 years old. Some were even younger. There is currently hundreds of active investigations ongoing.

To the so called '' Honorary MEMBER '' Who repeatedly trots out the same mantra. Where is your list of White Grooming gangs that have been convicted over the last 3 years ? Put up or shut up.

Some people on this thread need to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.

Well if I had children I would also not be leaving them alone with...

Old DJ's



Those in the House of Lords


However, I would make my judgment on the actual person, not what religion, belief or ethnicity they are.

In some instances quite correct.

As the topic is about grooming gangs. Give 7x7 a helping hand and see how many white grooming gangs that you can find that have been convicted and jailed over the last 3 years.

Making judgement ? It was not me that jailed them and produced the official enquiry reports.

If you wait a month or so you may find a huge 'gang' doing similar things. I cannot link using ipad but google Jehova Witness destroys evidence, this is going to be big.


If you wait a month or so you may find a huge 'gang' doing similar things. I cannot link using ipad but google Jehova Witness destroys evidence, this is going to be big.

Are you talking about this ?

By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Jehovah's Witnesses Church in Australia failed to report to police more than 1,000 cases of child sexual abuse going back more than 60 years, a government investigation into abuse and its aftermath...


If you are. As disgusting as it is. That is for Australians to deal with. This thread concerns the UK

Just to put that into a bit of perspective for you. Rotherham alone dwarfs this and covers a time span of about 10 years.

So whilst it may be huge in terms of Jehovah Witnesses and Australia. They are rank amateurs compared to the atrocities that have been carried out in the UK.


If you wait a month or so you may find a huge 'gang' doing similar things. I cannot link using ipad but google Jehova Witness destroys evidence, this is going to be big.

Are you talking about this ?

By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Jehovah's Witnesses Church in Australia failed to report to police more than 1,000 cases of child sexual abuse going back more than 60 years, a government investigation into abuse and its aftermath...


If you are. As disgusting as it is. That is for Australians to deal with. This thread concerns the UK

Just to put that into a bit of perspective for you. Rotherham alone dwarfs this and covers a time span of about 10 years.

So whilst it may be huge in terms of Jehovah Witnesses and Australia. They are rank amateurs compared to the atrocities that have been carried out in the UK.

He may be referring to the case of Mark Sewell, a convicted child abuser and rapist from Wales, for whom it appears the church shredded evidence against him dating back 20 years, perhaps there is more to the Barry Congregation than only destroying evidence and failing to report the crime or assist the police?


If you wait a month or so you may find a huge 'gang' doing similar things. I cannot link using ipad but google Jehova Witness destroys evidence, this is going to be big.

Are you talking about this ?

By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Jehovah's Witnesses Church in Australia failed to report to police more than 1,000 cases of child sexual abuse going back more than 60 years, a government investigation into abuse and its aftermath...


If you are. As disgusting as it is. That is for Australians to deal with. This thread concerns the UK

Just to put that into a bit of perspective for you. Rotherham alone dwarfs this and covers a time span of about 10 years.

So whilst it may be huge in terms of Jehovah Witnesses and Australia. They are rank amateurs compared to the atrocities that have been carried out in the UK.

Yes thats the one. I understand your point but 1000 or so is kind of major league, if I can put it that way.

Pointing out that sickos are not confined to a particular religion. The Catholic church is certainly not short of them and now the Jehovah Witness debacle.

Sickos are just that, sickos, a particular factor is not the issue. I'm sure it is simply a fault in the wiring of their brain.


If you wait a month or so you may find a huge 'gang' doing similar things. I cannot link using ipad but google Jehova Witness destroys evidence, this is going to be big.

Are you talking about this ?

By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Jehovah's Witnesses Church in Australia failed to report to police more than 1,000 cases of child sexual abuse going back more than 60 years, a government investigation into abuse and its aftermath...


If you are. As disgusting as it is. That is for Australians to deal with. This thread concerns the UK

Just to put that into a bit of perspective for you. Rotherham alone dwarfs this and covers a time span of about 10 years.

So whilst it may be huge in terms of Jehovah Witnesses and Australia. They are rank amateurs compared to the atrocities that have been carried out in the UK.

Yes thats the one. I understand your point but 1000 or so is kind of major league, if I can put it that way.

Pointing out that sickos are not confined to a particular religion. The Catholic church is certainly not short of them and now the Jehovah Witness debacle.

Sickos are just that, sickos, a particular factor is not the issue. I'm sure it is simply a fault in the wiring of their brain.

If the topic is UK pedos specifically..... This in todays news. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11487953&ref=NZH_FBpage

A female rapist in the UK has been found guilty of running a paedophile ring which subjected five young children to sexual and physical abuse over more than a decade.



Ten seemingly respectable people - including six women - were on trial accused of the abuse of five children which is said to have centred around Marie Black, 34, from Norwich.


6 woman in a gang of 10. < Self deleted > unbelievable.

Well done the Norwich Police.

What a crying shame that the UK does not have the death penalty.



Ten seemingly respectable people - including six women - were on trial accused of the abuse of five children which is said to have centred around Marie Black, 34, from Norwich.


6 woman in a gang of 10. < Self deleted > unbelievable.

Well done the Norwich Police.

What a crying shame that the UK does not have the death penalty.

What's unbelievable? That white women can be sick criminals?

Well, now you know.



Ten seemingly respectable people - including six women - were on trial accused of the abuse of five children which is said to have centred around Marie Black, 34, from Norwich.


6 woman in a gang of 10. < Self deleted > unbelievable.

Well done the Norwich Police.

What a crying shame that the UK does not have the death penalty.

What's unbelievable? That white women can be sick criminals?

Well, now you know.


What's unbelievable is that you did not refer to the victims as willing little Pommie sluts.



Ten seemingly respectable people - including six women - were on trial accused of the abuse of five children which is said to have centred around Marie Black, 34, from Norwich.


6 woman in a gang of 10. < Self deleted > unbelievable.

Well done the Norwich Police.

What a crying shame that the UK does not have the death penalty.

What's unbelievable? That white women can be sick criminals?

Well, now you know.


What's unbelievable is that you did not refer to the victims as willing little Pommie sluts.

Your first post belies your 2nd.

I have read no information on the victims to be able to make any sort of comment.


You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

There is no such thing as a willing child. Civilized countries recognize an "age of consent" below which a child can't give consent but rather can be manipulated.

But then what would you know about civilized people, being such a Muslim apologist regardless of atrocities?


I understand the age of consent thing...but she was a slut who hung out at the market getting picked up.

I'm not condoning the men at all....but it can't be denied that she, in her own mind regardless of legal definition of "willing" was willing.

Britain is famous for underage sex..it's almost a cultural thing with the kids these days.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

"Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger"

Quite an assumption. Show me a 15 year old boy who is not "prepared" to have sex! They just ain't getting any!

Hmmmm. Perhaps it's because I went to an all male school, but I do not recall a single conversation about sex during my school years. Perhaps it takes lusty young girls in a co ed school to get boys interested, or perhaps it's because society now as a whole is overly sexualised and it's everywhere now, mainly used by the media to sell their products.

The sexiest magazine ad I remember from back then was a woman in a bath advertising shampoo, and only her shoulders and above were visible, now it's full on nudity in your face on street hoardings.



Ten seemingly respectable people - including six women - were on trial accused of the abuse of five children which is said to have centred around Marie Black, 34, from Norwich.


6 woman in a gang of 10. < Self deleted > unbelievable.

Well done the Norwich Police.

What a crying shame that the UK does not have the death penalty.

What's unbelievable? That white women can be sick criminals?

Well, now you know.

When I worked in hospital, an obviously abused child was admitted and everyone automatically blamed the father, but it was actually the mother. Since then, I never blame anyone till the facts come out.


Aylesbury child sex abuse trial: Six men found guilty

The offences, which all the defendants denied any involvement in, took place in cars, vans, flats and sometimes the girls' homes in Aylesbury, the court heard.

(7b7 emphasis)

In their homes!

Where were their parents?

At work ?

Visiting family ?

The parents of at least one of the girls are separated and she lived with her mother at the time.

Victim of Bucks child sex grooming gang speaks out for the first time

“I’d leave in the morning in my school uniform and I’d come home at three in the morning in my school uniform.

Nothing, of course, excuses the actions of these vile men in any way; but what responsible mother allows a 14 year old girl to stay out unsupervised until 3am?

These abhorrent gangs prey on vulnerable young girls; and this poor girl was certainly that.

Maybe I'm being too harsh, after all I don't know the full circumstances, but I can't help thinking that if her mother had taken more care of her, paid more attention to her comings and goings, at least discussed it with the girl's father; then this girl would not haven fallen victim to this vile gang or, at the very least, their grooming and abuse of her would have been discovered much sooner.

Aylesbury child sex abuse trial: Six men found guilty

The offences, which all the defendants denied any involvement in, took place in cars, vans, flats and sometimes the girls' homes in Aylesbury, the court heard.

(7b7 emphasis)

In their homes!

Where were their parents?

At work ?

Visiting family ?

The parents of at least one of the girls are separated and she lived with her mother at the time.

Victim of Bucks child sex grooming gang speaks out for the first time

“I’d leave in the morning in my school uniform and I’d come home at three in the morning in my school uniform.

Nothing, of course, excuses the actions of these vile men in any way; but what responsible mother allows a 14 year old girl to stay out unsupervised until 3am?

These abhorrent gangs prey on vulnerable young girls; and this poor girl was certainly that.

Maybe I'm being too harsh, after all I don't know the full circumstances, but I can't help thinking that if her mother had taken more care of her, paid more attention to her comings and goings, at least discussed it with the girl's father; then this girl would not haven fallen victim to this vile gang or, at the very least, their grooming and abuse of her would have been discovered much sooner.

Agree about her so called mother,yet her father comes over as a decent sort of person who did try to get help from the relevant agencies. The responsible authority were aware of what was happening in 2008, yet it still continued until 2012, Why?


"Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger"

Quite an assumption. Show me a 15 year old boy who is not "prepared" to have sex! They just ain't getting any!

Hmmmm. Perhaps it's because I went to an all male school, but I do not recall a single conversation about sex during my school years. Perhaps it takes lusty young girls in a co ed school to get boys interested, or perhaps it's because society now as a whole is overly sexualised and it's everywhere now, mainly used by the media to sell their products.

The sexiest magazine ad I remember from back then was a woman in a bath advertising shampoo, and only her shoulders and above were visible, now it's full on nudity in your face on street hoardings.

The girls don't have to be lusty for the boys to be lusty, they just have to be there.

I think it's amazing how long it took the UK to recover from Victoria's prudishness, we went a full 100 years with people thinking that there was something wrong with seeing peoples bodies just because she didn't like it. Thank god people are coming around from that nonsense.

Perhaps the increased exposure to nudity that young people now have has actually helped in reducing teen pregnancy to where it is now, at the lowest level since records began. We may still have the highest levels in Europe but it has fallen sharply, we are probably the most prudish culture in Europe, perhaps there is a correlation between prudish cultures and risky sexual activity. In Germany where nudity is much more normal, where teen magazines have full nudity, where there are nude swimming nights for under 18's, the teen pregnancy rate is less than half of the UK's.


The parents of at least one of the girls are separated and she lived with her mother at the time.

Victim of Bucks child sex grooming gang speaks out for the first time

“I’d leave in the morning in my school uniform and I’d come home at three in the morning in my school uniform.

Nothing, of course, excuses the actions of these vile men in any way; but what responsible mother allows a 14 year old girl to stay out unsupervised until 3am?

These abhorrent gangs prey on vulnerable young girls; and this poor girl was certainly that.

Maybe I'm being too harsh, after all I don't know the full circumstances, but I can't help thinking that if her mother had taken more care of her, paid more attention to her comings and goings, at least discussed it with the girl's father; then this girl would not haven fallen victim to this vile gang or, at the very least, their grooming and abuse of her would have been discovered much sooner.

Agree about her so called mother,yet her father comes over as a decent sort of person who did try to get help from the relevant agencies. The responsible authority were aware of what was happening in 2008, yet it still continued until 2012, Why?

For the same reasons that the following were allowed to continue unchecked.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields

The reasons are well documented in the official reports.

As there is currently more than 2000 victims of these abominations. The time for trying to blame the parents or victims has long gone. If it was 1 or 2 instances then it would be easy to apportion blame. There is only one place that the blame lies. and that is not with the victims or their parents. These creatures are very skilled in what they do. If it was an Olympic event they would be World Champions.


Aylesbury child sex abuse trial: Six men found guilty

In their homes!

Where were their parents?

At work ?

Visiting family ?

The parents of at least one of the girls are separated and she lived with her mother at the time.

Victim of Bucks child sex grooming gang speaks out for the first time

“I’d leave in the morning in my school uniform and I’d come home at three in the morning in my school uniform.

Nothing, of course, excuses the actions of these vile men in any way; but what responsible mother allows a 14 year old girl to stay out unsupervised until 3am?

These abhorrent gangs prey on vulnerable young girls; and this poor girl was certainly that.

Maybe I'm being too harsh, after all I don't know the full circumstances, but I can't help thinking that if her mother had taken more care of her, paid more attention to her comings and goings, at least discussed it with the girl's father; then this girl would not haven fallen victim to this vile gang or, at the very least, their grooming and abuse of her would have been discovered much sooner.

Just being a biological mother does not make women "good" parents. Some women are very bad people, despite urban myth that women are all good caring people.

I've always said people should be banned from having children unless they can prove they'd be good parents.

quote removed to allow posting

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