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Farangs and large tattoos: ugly or lovely?

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asian body art i find up there with some of the best iv'e seen, especially on the women.

my wife and i have tatts, hers because it's a family thing being of Chinese origin and the fact that a lot of other family members have sak yant.

For every one that looks like that, there's a thousand with a hideous mess.

And they all look worse with time.

What was a cute rose bud on the breast at 20, is a long stemmed rose by 50.

it's a force of nature and happens to everyone, no matter how in shape you are and look after your body. for example, skin gets wrinkly, but i'd rather still look at a woman like that. most of which are conscious about how they look and are proud of the fact, rather than someone who doesn't care.

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As a heavily tattooed lady myself, I rather like them. Yes when I'm older I will look terrible but so will everyone tattooed or not.

Personally I do not like to see pot bellied, sunburned sandal wearers- but each to their own.

Also I never show them off, Except now as I know people will find it offensive ?


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I am not sure if your are trolling and looking for a fight, or actually have a legitimate disgust and inquiry. Either way I am not going to intentionally add fuel to a fire. I see how many replies there are to this post, and haven't read all of them. With that being said, I feel that I have something to offer.

I am 32 years old and have a wife and daughter, all of us being born in the states. I am a business owner of 9 years. Without getting into the specifics.... I am heavily invested in online retail, and have multiple companies based in Kansas City, operating out of one central warehouse, shipping thousands (and thousands) of products world wide. I am fairly well informed, and well traveled. I have never spent a night in jail. My criminal record contains a few speeding tickets and parking tickets. I am telling you this to paint a picture of the kind of man that I am.

Now that you know all of this.... I am someone who you would consider "covered" in tattoos, as is my wife. I have zero regrets about having them. If anything they are an instant <deleted> detector. If someone will not look past what is on my outside, I have seen more of their character than they ever will of mine. These blinders have cost people my business dealings, friendship, and investments.

The reason for having them is fairly simple. For many they are at their root an expression of freedom. For some that is freedom from parents. For some that is freedom from the moors of their society. On another side, often it's for acceptance itself. When you feel alienated from the normal paths to acceptance, it is easy to embrace the fringe. Becoming a member of this is just as hard as any other social group, but common ground is usually the thread holding it all together.

For me.... It's a little bit of both. It started early. I wanted them when I was 9 years old. I saw a biker and pleaded with my mother to let me get a tattoo. She, as any decent mother would refused. So when I was 17 I lied about my age and got the 1st one. From there it has been one after another. Years into this whole thing I separated myself from the 2 groups mentioned above. It became clear as I became more financially stable and started to build a home life that this was now truly for me. In the same way that you might want to drive a BMW when a Toyota will due, or identify with a certain style of clothing as apposed to another, I identify with these tattoos.

I hoped that this showed you something that you didn't see before. If not, thanks for your time. Maybe you'll see me at a Tesco and think about what truly separates me from everyone else there.

At which Tesco in Thailand are we likely to find you?

On Nut or Seacon Square.

Edited by SamDean
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Hmmmmm....Tattoos.....for some reason, when ever I see large and obvious tattoos ....I think of Heroin....lots and lots of Heroin...lol


Are you a junkie? I think you have a smack problem and obviously need medical help. Oh, and stay away from my house. I like tattoos, but i hate heroin junkies.

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I am not sure if your are trolling and looking for a fight, or actually have a legitimate disgust and inquiry. Either way I am not going to intentionally add fuel to a fire. I see how many replies there are to this post, and haven't read all of them. With that being said, I feel that I have something to offer.

I am 32 years old and have a wife and daughter, all of us being born in the states. I am a business owner of 9 years. Without getting into the specifics.... I am heavily invested in online retail, and have multiple companies based in Kansas City, operating out of one central warehouse, shipping thousands (and thousands) of products world wide. I am fairly well informed, and well traveled. I have never spent a night in jail. My criminal record contains a few speeding tickets and parking tickets. I am telling you this to paint a picture of the kind of man that I am.

Now that you know all of this.... I am someone who you would consider "covered" in tattoos, as is my wife. I have zero regrets about having them. If anything they are an instant <deleted> detector. If someone will not look past what is on my outside, I have seen more of their character than they ever will of mine. These blinders have cost people my business dealings, friendship, and investments.

The reason for having them is fairly simple. For many they are at their root an expression of freedom. For some that is freedom from parents. For some that is freedom from the moors of their society. On another side, often it's for acceptance itself. When you feel alienated from the normal paths to acceptance, it is easy to embrace the fringe. Becoming a member of this is just as hard as any other social group, but common ground is usually the thread holding it all together.

For me.... It's a little bit of both. It started early. I wanted them when I was 9 years old. I saw a biker and pleaded with my mother to let me get a tattoo. She, as any decent mother would refused. So when I was 17 I lied about my age and got the 1st one. From there it has been one after another. Years into this whole thing I separated myself from the 2 groups mentioned above. It became clear as I became more financially stable and started to build a home life that this was now truly for me. In the same way that you might want to drive a BMW when a Toyota will due, or identify with a certain style of clothing as apposed to another, I identify with these tattoos.

I hoped that this showed you something that you didn't see before. If not, thanks for your time. Maybe you'll see me at a Tesco and think about what truly separates me from everyone else there.

+1. Excellent post.

I have never been one of the herd. Never interested in fashion or the latest clothes, nor white collar work. I knew i was different to everyone else in my school by the time i was 15. I was that square peg in a round hole. And wanted to be. Would'nt take shit off nobody. Aged 15 i was fighting and winning against the 18 year olds. By the time i was 20, i had my sleeves

done. I loved these tats because ignorant people would keep their distance. Excellent. And people who understood, could get close, or closer.

Like the above poster, by the time i was 23, i'd stopped working for other people, became successful with my own business, inc having employees and paying taxes, and have never worked for someone else since.

I can be sociable, humorous, polite, respectful, honourable, gentle, and i always expect the same back. If i don't get that, i can be your worst nightmare.

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I have some tattoos. They have special meaning to me and me alone. They are unique, as unique as I am. They define me as a person and the path I have walked in my life. No one except me could possibly understand their significance to me.

I chose #293, #353 and #126 from the catalog.

I love it BaldPlumber !!!

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It's a personal thing. Body art & decoration has been practiced since the beginning of time. Different strokes for different folks.

Especially by criminals, rich sports stars and low life trailer trash.

Google a pic of Sara Murdoch and try to mention trailer trash in the same sentence.

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It's a personal thing. Body art & decoration has been practiced since the beginning of time. Different strokes for different folks.

Especially by criminals, rich sports stars and low life trailer trash.

Google a pic of Sara Murdoch and try to mention trailer trash in the same sentence.

Linky, jacky54 didn't say exclusively by criminals, sports stars, and trailer trash.....he did say 'especially', and there is a difference.

Sara may be a sports star, indoor sports??

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Nope, one of them is very pretty and the other two are what most men would say "average" (i'm referring to their faces now).

I was in Tesco and saw this young, very attractive Russian girl with what looked like (from a distance) a huge ink blob almost covering her back. When I got closer I could make out some detail to the tattoo, but not much. It just looked unsightly and a blemish on what was a otherwise nice looking girl. A discrete butterfly on her ankle would have been OK, but why good looking girls decide to get these huge ugly tats on their bodies is beyond me.

Because they wanted the tattoo on their body? smile.png

I think it's little bit wierd... many think it's alright/fine to "tattoo shame" people but when it comes to another choice in life... being and staying fat it's magically taboo to "fat shame" and say fat people are unattractive. Because they are unattractive for almost everyone in the world as we are not biologically "programmed" to like fat people.

I'm not denying people the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, I'm just mystified as to why a beautiful young girl would mar (in my mind) her body with a huge, ugly tattoo, and believe me, it was ugly. It wasn't something you would look at and say, whoever did that was a true artist.

I think you are right , a girl of any age will want to look nice ( except punks, oops ,new thread ). Most are vain and take time when going out to look at their best. So why ruin this with an ugly tat ? If for instance a 20 something went to a pub or dance would she not like to think she is as perfect as she can be. But if she heard that one or two ( male or female ) people there thought her tats were ugly...........bit late now my love.

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I met a guy a couple of years ago in Chiang Mai. He was a Ausy full of tatoo' from neck to toes....I was reluctant to get real close with him, I also had preconceptions about people with tat's....turns out he was one of the nicest and funniest guys I ever met....he could tell the most funniest things without moving a face muscle....dry...black humour....he was so funny.

don't have any tattoos or piercings myself, and don't like em, but I have great friends that have em....Mai Pen Rai......I have learned to judge people on other things than appearance....

Best regards. Off Road Pat

More than a few years ago I met two cool German guys playing pool in a bar in Lamai / Koh Samui...(The Rising Sun, Don't exist anymore) the guys were very good looking, long hear, armless open in front leather jackets, with a six pack, tat's on the right places, very well muscled, etc... they were funny, All the bar girls went real crazy when they passed close to there bars,..........we had a great night playing good pool games and the atmosphere was great. so I told them I would go off road with my jeep in the mountains the next day, they could join me if they like ? and I'll show them a few great places were no tourists come, maybe we would see some snakes, big lizards and big spiders. and the most beautiful views....on the island.

And the apparent leader or more dominant of the two asked me " is this dangerous " ??? ......right at this moment.. !!!.. I understood that everything was show off without substance...good looking packages but empty...!!!

They were most likely some sort of "Chipendales" . those male strippers witch are looking great, and are only busy with themselves to look great.!!!!!

Needless to say they did not want to have a off road experience....and take a few small risks...!!!!

Sins that time I have learned to look behind the tattoo's or right tru them....Can't help noticing them, but I'm not impressed.

I have all kind of friends that have Tat's one has a big beautiful tattoo, Yakuza style over his back and shoulders and part of he's breast ...a real masterpiece.

Others have started with one and made one more and later one more....it's all up to them.

Sometimes I see gorgeous girls that destroy there beautiful body's by one or multiple big or small Tat's on the wrong places....!...

Some can be extremely beautiful with great taste.........it's all up to them.

Best regards. Off Road Pat

I think the best one is the first but would of been better without the cage. The last one has to be a joke . I think tatts well done and small are very ok and personal. Don't need huge dragons disapearing down between huge noms.

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Tattoos, along with body piercing are a form of self mutilation that is associated with low self esteem. Unfortunately, in the case of tattoos at least. it's difficult (and expensive) to reverse in later life.

I have my souwester and rain hat on for protection from the spittle.

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Bottom line - getting a tattoo is addicting. I both enjoy the art and symbolic meaning of my tattoo's.

Personally, I currently only have tattoo's on my back and hip/butt area, all concealed from general public viewing. No tattoo's on my arms, chest, legs, or face.

Certain area's of the body are more painful then others when getting a tattoo. While I like the tattoo pain sensation, I'm not interested enduring hours upon hours of pain.

Lastly, never get a tattoo when your drunk. People doing this make a lot of bad decisions.

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So many come here at middle age and try to impress the young girls or recreate a youth they never had. Ex accountants, shelf fillers etc arrive get a few tattoos and firstly a Honda Phantom and think they are some kind of bad ass biker. Next comes the leather waistcote and bike moves up to a Steed 400 plus a few more tattoos. Its comical really. Then its join some M.C. and go to Burapha and other bike shows acting like a real bad ass..better than any comedy show ive seen on T.V.

Be fair...as said.....they find at last a life they never had....and provide entertainment ! smile.png

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