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Although there are several threads running on the new 300 meter exclusion zones around educational facilities, introduced through section 44 with immediate effect, there seems to be confusion around what has actually been deemed the new regulations.

This ruling has apparently been in force, nationwide, since Thursday, but I haven't seen one bar or drinking venue that has been named as being closed.

In the interests of clarity, and of important information to those who like the odd tipple, it would be interesting to see what is open and what is not throughout the country.

I would like to start with Phitsanulok. To my knowledge, nowhere has stopped serving alcohol from licensed premises at all. Although Phits is not massive, it is the educational hub for the province and as such has 3 universities, about a dozen colleges and 60 od schools.

After all the doom and gloom over the weekend, I would have thought there would have been numerous changes already.

What's it like where you are?


Think it applies to the like of 7 elevens because you don't see many 12 yr old kids in bars, but where i live there are 4 similar shops within the range set out and yep they still selling.


Think it applies to the like of 7 elevens because you don't see many 12 yr old kids in bars, but where i live there are 4 similar shops within the range set out and yep they still selling.

That would be my reading as well, but it has been stated that no alcohol, without exception or exemption, will be allowed to be sold within the 300 meters.

This is where my confusion comes from. This and an awful lot of knee jerk reactions from the majority posting on here.

EDIT: For Typo


I'm concerned,my local army golf course is next to a school.

Interested to see the outcome of that one.

Hmm army golf course you say.

That will be interesting, let us know the outcome please.


To me the law or rule whatever it is, is absurd.

Its punishing the shops not the kids. All it means is kids will have to walk further to get booze.


They mentioned in a second announcement that this is going to be in force immediately but there's also talk of people being sent letters in Chiang Mai telling them it will be enforced from anywhere between August 19th to August 22nd which is when it actually becomes law about a month / 30 days after being published in the government gazette.

So I guess things will become clearer over the next few weeks but lets make no mistake here, places are being shut down right now even though it's not law yet.

Here's one example : I read about this on one of the main Bangkok newspaper websites about the police going to a Bangkok bar named Sanrak Hut which is near to the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) last night and telling them to close at 9pm. I think when they said close they meant close and don't open again for alcohol sales, ever.

One thing's for sure, if it's enforced as planned it's going to wipe out huge amounts of the hospitality / tourism industry.

I'm sure there will be legal actions against this.


My favourite "Bar" is the Air Bar in the RBSC - much less than 300 meters from several "Educational Institutions", including Chulalongkorn University.

Good luck with enforcing this "initiative" there.



I'm concerned,my local army golf course is next to a school.

Interested to see the outcome of that one.

Hmm army golf course you say.

That will be interesting, let us know the outcome please.

As its a lower school it doesn't count.Business as usual.


I'm concerned,my local army golf course is next to a school.

Interested to see the outcome of that one.

Hmm army golf course you say.

That will be interesting, let us know the outcome please.

As its a lower school it doesn't count.Business as usual.

The amendment states 'educational institution' without excluding primary schools.

Many temples also have schools. This is going to get ugly.


I'm concerned,my local army golf course is next to a school.

Interested to see the outcome of that one.

Hmm army golf course you say.

That will be interesting, let us know the outcome please.

As its a lower school it doesn't count.Business as usual.

The amendment states 'educational institution' without excluding primary schools.

Many temples also have schools. This is going to get ugly.

Then I've heard tourist areas are excluded. So maybe a golf course falls under that?


To me the law or rule whatever it is, is absurd.

Its punishing the shops not the kids. All it means is kids will have to walk further to get booze.

Enough of these nonconstructive posts. Seems to pop up every 5 posts or so on every thread.

Yes people we know Thai school teens can walk, drive and drink further than 300m.

Now quite, the government does not know that. Don't ruin it for the teens whom will drink anyway, whatever happens, OR ELSE ....

It will become 3000m or even 30km



They can't/won't enforce current laws on the books, what makes any of you think they will enforce this one? Business as usual here with posturing, a few well publicized "busts" and then news about this will fall into a dark abyss and you'll never hear about it again, unless it somehow benefits someone to resurrect the new law for another round of action. Later I'll tell you all som nom na.


Oh my that was quick!

Yes! Let's hope that fraternity parties in the dorms will continue, and that alcohol (of any type) will be accessible to the college aged youth.

Life will continue, and those, whether boozers or not, have my blessing to succeed in life.

Alcohol is not the problem Thailand... the lack of opportunity is!


Drinking near Schools, Whats Happening?

Well...I will tell you "What's Happening"

The students are getting drunk and rambunctious ...obviously...while there is an increase in drunken misunderstandings and disputes and fights occurring often enough over who paid for what...as per usual when lots of drinking is going on.

There is also an increase in foul language and nasty words spoken to one another ..but usually all in good fun and well meaning.

There is a big increase in flirting and crass sexual behavior while lude and rude sexual innuendos are commonly the norm when young students ( as in, hormone driven teenagers ) get sloppy drunk...... while sexual attraction runs it course.

( In other words, a significant increase in Bonk-itty Bonk, Bonking going on in various places on campus and or around the drinking vicinity )

That being the case I would not be wrong if I surmised there is a rise in the number of teenage pregnancies occurring from all the drinking going on, as is the case in other countries when students get drunk, so Thailand would not be an exception to the rule.

Then there would be all the drinking and driving going on and probably a few good smoke shows performed by the boys with the souped up, high performance cars that they like to race around in and of no surprise because everyone likes a good ole "smoke them tires burn out" in front of a drinking establishment...at least once in awhile anyhow.

Then there would be all the vomiting and people "woofing their biscuits" ( in their case : woofing their Som tum ) and grossing everyone out

And last but not least: All the hang overs and all too many students all bleary eyed and sickly looking showing up for early morning classes with booze on their breath and a nasty disposition and certainly not in the mood for listening to any one with authority telling them what to do while the hung over students are ready to rebel...lol

Since you asked......That is what's happening...more or less



7-11 below my condo is still selling alcohol now. It is on Petchaburi road right next to Don Bosco school. How about keeping this thread for reporting if anything changes? I am not sure if it will stay this way I read somewhere Petchaburi is considered an entertainment zone. However there is nothing entertaining on this part of Petchaburi. Just the school and a number of high rise condos.


I am more than a little confused. The news article linked to in the OP talks about two things:

1. A decree issued under section 44 (of something not specified), taking effect 30 days after publication in the Government Gazette, where it apparently has not yet been published.

2. A new law that took effect last Thursday and is already being enforced by the police in some parts of the country.

I have a feeling there is some confusion somewhere.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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