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If I had $5m, age 60, would I relocate? Where? Occupy my time?


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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


I'd stay in Thailand because of the rule of law that prevents a woman from cleaning out a man as thoroughly as the USA. Property ownership is a moot point if you are married in the USA.

Thailand has far better hospitals than my insurance covers in the USA. In the USA I'd have to use a military hospital and In Thailand I can use the best (FMP).

My toys all are alive and living in Thailand and I would not be able to import a couple of thousand of them back to the states. However if you like things more than people I can see your point - I don't.

My dog likes Thailand and I doubt she like the USA very much.

I been here for a long time and never had a wiring problem that I couldn't fix. You just have to post the question on Thai Visa and out will pop the answer.

In the USA I've got nutty ex's and relatives and no telling when they get a mind to file a frivolous law suit or some bizarre restraining order. I got a friend who told me when you have a restraining order filed against you you can't have a carry permit - in the USA I'm always armed. No need for it here (my opinion).

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Different strokes but why would you ever want to live in Thailand if you can afford to not have to? I certainly don't!

I feel bad that I write a long post with many reasons that I want to live in Thailand because I like it here not because I have to and then you post the above.facepalm.gif

1. Legal system fairer for men. 2. Better medical care for some of us. 3. I like being around large numbers of Thai women who have not been Americanized. 4. My ex's and family would have to go through the Thai legal system to harass me like they used to do in the States and that ain't gonna happen.

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your reasons seem to imply you have to live here..

getting cleaned out is a result of not planning... in most states, what's yours going into the relationship is yours going out...and have you ever heard of a prenup? even better yet, why get married?

i won't speculate why you like being around large numbers of thai women...but, I like the western woman much more and I can have an intelligent conversation with them.

some of us have great insurance and the doctors in the USA are not ego nuts like here, you can actually engage them in conversation about your care without them being offended... and they are "really" trained in the USA...not the fake certificate from Harvard...

and, you don't have to negotiate

toys... I like mountain bikes, kayaks, real motorcycles and good beer... can't get that here without getting cornholed.

the legal system is much more fair there, unless you're being a duchebag...

Different strokes but why would you ever want to live in Thailand if you can afford to not have to? I certainly don't!

I feel bad that I write a long post with many reasons that I want to live in Thailand because I like it here not because I have to and then you post the above.facepalm.gif

1. Legal system fairer for men. 2. Better medical care for some of us. 3. I like being around large numbers of Thai women who have not been Americanized. 4. My ex's and family would have to go through the Thai legal system to harass me like they used to do in the States and that ain't gonna happen.

Edited by Nowisee
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stop dreaming, nobody here has 5$ million or they would be in their own country living the good life

There may be a few who disagree with you on this one -

God bless America


God save the Queen

Both countries saved from what?

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Well, leave everything behind (except your money) and go to Pattaya Thailand and buy a Bar with Bar Girls and start a new life. The Disco Music and excitement on Pattaya Streets and the young thai women attracted to you will send you back 30 years. A Mamasan (Older Thai Women) can run the bar for you so all you have to do is show up when you want to and talk to the customers. With your money you can afford to lose some. As mentioned you won't make money, or lose a lot, but you will have a lot of fun trying. Which I think you are seeking before it is too late.

Plenty of All Year Round Professional Golf Courses near there. Most people you will meat are transients, so great friends for a few weeks then gone. Buy a Nice Condo on top floor overlooking the Gulf of Siam. You can legally own one here. After that living is quite cheap here. Not difficult to find a younger beautiful travel companion here either. No strings attached if you want to keep it that way. Plenty of nice Asian places to visit near here, so see some of the world and Asian culture.


Stay home and play cards with a woman you hardly know anymore, and don't love after 35 years of marriage, but feel obligated to be with her in her old age.

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stop dreaming, nobody here has 5$ million or they would be in their own country living the good life

little do you know about retirees who are free to choose where to live and their choice having the income and purchase power of 5 million or reduce the purchase power down 60% to 2 million by living in their home country.

let me tell you a secret... you are the dreamer wink.png

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


it is correct that i'd prefer living again in the U.S. but not necessarily full time in Florida. may till september the mountains in West Virgina would be a nice change.

correct is also that the Mrs would jump with joy if we moved back. but the recent developments, e.g. (but not limited to) FATCA would severely limit my banking and therefore investment choices that i couldn't afford the same lifestyle i can afford in Thailand.

summary: the Mrs may keep on dreaming but i am a realist. it is easy to step up but a pain in the àss to step down.

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


it is correct that i'd prefer living again in the U.S. but not necessarily full time in Florida. may till september the mountains in West Virgina would be a nice change.

correct is also that the Mrs would jump with joy if we moved back. but the recent developments, e.g. (but not limited to) FATCA would severely limit my banking and therefore investment choices that i couldn't afford the same lifestyle i can afford in Thailand.

summary: the Mrs may keep on dreaming but i am a realist. it is easy to step up but a pain in the àss to step down.

slightly of topic but relevant to the above posting. this is what some multinational banks nowadays require from their clients who are U.S. citizens or U.S. persons before they carry out a purchase order:

To: XYZ Bank AG Singapore Branch

Attn: John Doe

cc. Jane Doe

xx July 2015

Dear John,



Please purchase USD500,000 nominal of the above referenced 9% BANCO

DO BRASIL REG-S PERPETUAL ISIN: USP3772WAF97 for my account no.

123456789 at the price I confirmed during log call today starting 14.58 hrs.

I confirm that this investment is being made entirely at my initiative and request.

I have received no offer, nor any recommendation or advice from XYZ Bank AG

or any of its staff with respect to this investment.

I further confirm that I fully understand the risks associated with this investment

(including loss of capital).

I am prepared to assume these risks without any recourse to XYZ Bank AG and

I waive any rights to sue in any court of the United States of America or elsewhere.

Yours faithfully,


Authorized signatory

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it is assumed that lengthy manhoods deprive a man's brain of satisfactory blood pressure and therefore cause insufficient oxygen supply for the gray cells to work properly. your posting is evidence that this assumption is correct.

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your reasons seem to imply you have to live here..

getting cleaned out is a result of not planning... in most states, what's yours going into the relationship is yours going out...and have you ever heard of a prenup? even better yet, why get married?

i won't speculate why you like being around large numbers of thai women...but, I like the western woman much more and I can have an intelligent conversation with them.

some of us have great insurance and the doctors in the USA are not ego nuts like here, you can actually engage them in conversation about your care without them being offended... and they are "really" trained in the USA...not the fake certificate from Harvard...

and, you don't have to negotiate

toys... I like mountain bikes, kayaks, real motorcycles and good beer... can't get that here without getting cornholed.

the legal system is much more fair there, unless you're being a duchebag...

Different strokes but why would you ever want to live in Thailand if you can afford to not have to? I certainly don't!

I feel bad that I write a long post with many reasons that I want to live in Thailand because I like it here not because I have to and then you post the above.facepalm.gif

1. Legal system fairer for men. 2. Better medical care for some of us. 3. I like being around large numbers of Thai women who have not been Americanized. 4. My ex's and family would have to go through the Thai legal system to harass me like they used to do in the States and that ain't gonna happen.

You don't live in the USA (I read your other posts) yet you like Western women because you can have an intelligent conversation with them? What do you talk about? Cornholing? Sorry but your post in addition to being backwards (reply before quote) is written in such a crude manner that I wonder what passes for intelligent conversation in your circle of acquaintances.

Because of the value in Thai medical care and other cost efficient living expenses I have enough money to afford excellent craft beer in Thailand and as many toys as I want.

I believe that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the USA so I'll let you do your medical care there. http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow

I have so much fun here. Shopping is a gas. I went looking for some software last week. I never laughed so hard. I bought 6 copies of Win 7 and my wife asked me why. I told her because they didn't have change for a 500 baht note.

I've had big bikes in the States when I was younger. Now at my age I like a lighter version and the Click suits me just fine. Push a button, wind the throttle and off it goes. It's fast, I can get the front wheel off the ground if I crank it.

I ride in the mountains here. It gets cold sometimes and my Click does just fine on the curves and elevations. I have a couple of houses and a couple of crash pads here and transportation is so cheap one would be foolish not to travel. I don't drive a car any more I can afford a rented car and driver here.

However I can see your point if you like Western women this is not the place to live. If fact it is about the last place in the world to live if you like Western women. For liking America as much as you do why don't you live there?

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With $ 5 million you could buy /rent one of the most luxurious 180 degree sea view penthouse condos, pay a full time live in attendant

to care for home and chauffeur you around town in your new Mercedes. You could have meals catered in or dine out - anywhere and have your choice of exotic Asian beauties brought in to spend time doing WHATEVER you wish. No cold weather, few rules for the affluent and a really carefree life. Where ? PATTAYA !

Yeah Right.......once the word gets out you have a few $$ your ltimeonthis planet is limited. No shortage of people there trying to get whats yours.

I vote for Hawaii, It's the USA but with an Asian attitude and travel frequently. Which is kinda of what I am doing........my place on Oahu is rented for the next two yearsat least, and the rent money s going into the bank ....... if I decide to leave SE Asia, I can always go home.

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


it is correct that i'd prefer living again in the U.S. but not necessarily full time in Florida. may till september the mountains in West Virgina would be a nice change.

correct is also that the Mrs would jump with joy if we moved back. but the recent developments, e.g. (but not limited to) FATCA would severely limit my banking and therefore investment choices that i couldn't afford the same lifestyle i can afford in Thailand.

summary: the Mrs may keep on dreaming but i am a realist. it is easy to step up but a pain in the àss to step down.

Interesting Naam, I too call Florida my home of residence in the US, and I have a farm in West By God. In fact, the old farm is the only thing I really miss about the States.

While I do not have $5m, I am financially independent and could live in the US if I so chose. However, I would not want to go back to the States to live. I have been a life-long expat, spent over 35 years away from the US. I decided long ago to retire in SEA. Already tried the Philippines and now Thailand, but thinking about Vietnam. I have many friends in SEA and like to travel and meet with them; just prefer it here. Additionally, my wife, my son, my daughter-in-law and my grandson are all here in Thailand--only the daughter-in-law and grandson are Thai.

My lifestyle would be roughly the same wherever I live--we lived in Florida and summered on the farm in WV while our son attended high school and graduated college. My wife and I did the same things there we do here; the things we like to do--going out, attending sports and concerts, motorcycling, and frequent travel. It makes sense to me to enjoy being where we want to be and still be able to live at lower cost so I can weather any economic downturn or I'll have more to leave my wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson. I guess I am still following my lifelong budgetary rule: simply spend less than you make. Of course, you have to make good money to have a good life and still not spend more than you make.

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I retired and took up a hobby, Thai Women and/or reasonable facsimiles. I also sponsor a charity for wayward women, (helping women to become wayward) and that is working out fine. Still waiting on word for my NGO and tax free status. I have 5 million baht a substantial pension and good health insurance and that's working out nicely. I started when I was 60.

Was that after the 6 houses, 3 wives and 3 corporations you sold in Florida?

You have everything or so you claim and here you are in Thailand paying for it everyday.

Then you moan and complain why people return to the same country you were forced to run away from.

I think there is a word for that, sounds something like hippopotamus.

By the way? How do get a pension selling corporations?

A pension and health insurance implies working for a company for a long, long time.

Sometimes it is easy to fall into your own stories like this one.

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your reasons seem to imply you have to live here..

getting cleaned out is a result of not planning... in most states, what's yours going into the relationship is yours going out...and have you ever heard of a prenup? even better yet, why get married?

i won't speculate why you like being around large numbers of thai women...but, I like the western woman much more and I can have an intelligent conversation with them.

some of us have great insurance and the doctors in the USA are not ego nuts like here, you can actually engage them in conversation about your care without them being offended... and they are "really" trained in the USA...not the fake certificate from Harvard...

and, you don't have to negotiate

toys... I like mountain bikes, kayaks, real motorcycles and good beer... can't get that here without getting cornholed.

the legal system is much more fair there, unless you're being a duchebag...

Different strokes but why would you ever want to live in Thailand if you can afford to not have to? I certainly don't!

I feel bad that I write a long post with many reasons that I want to live in Thailand because I like it here not because I have to and then you post the above.facepalm.gif

1. Legal system fairer for men. 2. Better medical care for some of us. 3. I like being around large numbers of Thai women who have not been Americanized. 4. My ex's and family would have to go through the Thai legal system to harass me like they used to do in the States and that ain't gonna happen.

You don't live in the USA (I read your other posts) yet you like Western women because you can have an intelligent conversation with them? What do you talk about? Cornholing? Sorry but your post in addition to being backwards (reply before quote) is written in such a crude manner that I wonder what passes for intelligent conversation in your circle of acquaintances.

Because of the value in Thai medical care and other cost efficient living expenses I have enough money to afford excellent craft beer in Thailand and as many toys as I want.

I believe that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the USA so I'll let you do your medical care there. http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow

I have so much fun here. Shopping is a gas. I went looking for some software last week. I never laughed so hard. I bought 6 copies of Win 7 and my wife asked me why. I told her because they didn't have change for a 500 baht note.

I've had big bikes in the States when I was younger. Now at my age I like a lighter version and the Click suits me just fine. Push a button, wind the throttle and off it goes. It's fast, I can get the front wheel off the ground if I crank it.

I ride in the mountains here. It gets cold sometimes and my Click does just fine on the curves and elevations. I have a couple of houses and a couple of crash pads here and transportation is so cheap one would be foolish not to travel. I don't drive a car any more I can afford a rented car and driver here.

However I can see your point if you like Western women this is not the place to live. If fact it is about the last place in the world to live if you like Western women. For liking America as much as you do why don't you live there?

Do you have any photos of your couple of houses and couple of crash pads? Any evidence you could scan? You had 6 houses and 3 wives and 3 corporations in Florida. Now you say you have a pension with health insurance? Wow, $5,000,000 baht too? US $142,000 LIFE savings after selling 6 houses and 3 corporations in Florida? These are YOUR facts man!

Someone that is amazed enough about popping the front wheel up on a Honda Click to actually tell people about it?

Your own stories busted your own truth.

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You don't live in the USA (I read your other posts) yet you like Western women because you can have an intelligent conversation with them? What do you talk about? Cornholing? Sorry but your post in addition to being backwards (reply before quote) is written in such a crude manner that I wonder what passes for intelligent conversation in your circle of acquaintances.

Because of the value in Thai medical care and other cost efficient living expenses I have enough money to afford excellent craft beer in Thailand and as many toys as I want.

I believe that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the USA so I'll let you do your medical care there. http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow

I have so much fun here. Shopping is a gas. I went looking for some software last week. I never laughed so hard. I bought 6 copies of Win 7 and my wife asked me why. I told her because they didn't have change for a 500 baht note.

I've had big bikes in the States when I was younger. Now at my age I like a lighter version and the Click suits me just fine. Push a button, wind the throttle and off it goes. It's fast, I can get the front wheel off the ground if I crank it.

I ride in the mountains here. It gets cold sometimes and my Click does just fine on the curves and elevations. I have a couple of houses and a couple of crash pads here and transportation is so cheap one would be foolish not to travel. I don't drive a car any more I can afford a rented car and driver here.

However I can see your point if you like Western women this is not the place to live. If fact it is about the last place in the world to live if you like Western women. For liking America as much as you do why don't you live there?

Do you have any photos of your couple of houses and couple of crash pads? Any evidence you could scan? You had 6 houses and 3 wives and 3 corporations in Florida. Now you say you have a pension with health insurance? Wow, $5,000,000 baht too? US $142,000 LIFE savings after selling 6 houses and 3 corporations in Florida? These are YOUR facts man!

Someone that is amazed enough about popping the front wheel up on a Honda Click to actually tell people about it?

Your own stories busted your own truth.

Sooo....since your Post was closed down .....you now have nothing better to do, than stalk (which I believe is against forum rules) posters that thought your fairy tale was bogus

I believe THIS OP is about if you had $5 million dollars ....relocate? and what would you do?.....I believe your a LITTLE off topic!

I'm sure if you had that kind of money you'd move from Florida and Back to Thailand....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by beachproperty
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$5M in cash? Different when you can't convert assets easily but if I could I'd def build three dream houses in Thailand, one in Ayuttaya on the river, one on an island with hilltop ocean view and another in a secluded leafy area of Thailand, with an amazing mountain view.

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You don't live in the USA (I read your other posts) yet you like Western women because you can have an intelligent conversation with them? What do you talk about? Cornholing? Sorry but your post in addition to being backwards (reply before quote) is written in such a crude manner that I wonder what passes for intelligent conversation in your circle of acquaintances.

Because of the value in Thai medical care and other cost efficient living expenses I have enough money to afford excellent craft beer in Thailand and as many toys as I want.

I believe that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the USA so I'll let you do your medical care there. http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow

I have so much fun here. Shopping is a gas. I went looking for some software last week. I never laughed so hard. I bought 6 copies of Win 7 and my wife asked me why. I told her because they didn't have change for a 500 baht note.

I've had big bikes in the States when I was younger. Now at my age I like a lighter version and the Click suits me just fine. Push a button, wind the throttle and off it goes. It's fast, I can get the front wheel off the ground if I crank it.

I ride in the mountains here. It gets cold sometimes and my Click does just fine on the curves and elevations. I have a couple of houses and a couple of crash pads here and transportation is so cheap one would be foolish not to travel. I don't drive a car any more I can afford a rented car and driver here.

However I can see your point if you like Western women this is not the place to live. If fact it is about the last place in the world to live if you like Western women. For liking America as much as you do why don't you live there?

Do you have any photos of your couple of houses and couple of crash pads? Any evidence you could scan? You had 6 houses and 3 wives and 3 corporations in Florida. Now you say you have a pension with health insurance? Wow, $5,000,000 baht too? US $142,000 LIFE savings after selling 6 houses and 3 corporations in Florida? These are YOUR facts man!

Someone that is amazed enough about popping the front wheel up on a Honda Click to actually tell people about it?

Your own stories busted your own truth.

Sooo....since your Post was closed down .....you now have nothing better to do, than stalk (which I believe is against forum rules) posters that thought your fairy tale was bogus

I believe THIS OP is about if you had $5 million dollars ....relocate? and what would you do?.....I believe your a LITTLE off topic!

I'm sure if you had that kind of money you'd move from Florida and Back to Thailand....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Are you the same poster (2 accounts) ?

Hard to believe you running to the defense of every single post, especially one using foul language?

Facts sting and if posting the same exact thing was already written is trolling, then who ever is making all these claims is guilty

If you are not the same poster, read the original claims and you will see for yourself I only repeated what was ALREADY posted

Get the facts straight

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


it is correct that i'd prefer living again in the U.S. but not necessarily full time in Florida. may till september the mountains in West Virgina would be a nice change.

correct is also that the Mrs would jump with joy if we moved back. but the recent developments, e.g. (but not limited to) FATCA would severely limit my banking and therefore investment choices that i couldn't afford the same lifestyle i can afford in Thailand.

summary: the Mrs may keep on dreaming but i am a realist. it is easy to step up but a pain in the àss to step down.

Interesting Naam, I too call Florida my home of residence in the US, and I have a farm in West By God. In fact, the old farm is the only thing I really miss about the States.

While I do not have $5m, I am financially independent and could live in the US if I so chose. However, I would not want to go back to the States to live. I have been a life-long expat, spent over 35 years away from the US. I decided long ago to retire in SEA. Already tried the Philippines and now Thailand, but thinking about Vietnam. I have many friends in SEA and like to travel and meet with them; just prefer it here. Additionally, my wife, my son, my daughter-in-law and my grandson are all here in Thailand--only the daughter-in-law and grandson are Thai.

My lifestyle would be roughly the same wherever I live--we lived in Florida and summered on the farm in WV while our son attended high school and graduated college. My wife and I did the same things there we do here; the things we like to do--going out, attending sports and concerts, motorcycling, and frequent travel. It makes sense to me to enjoy being where we want to be and still be able to live at lower cost so I can weather any economic downturn or I'll have more to leave my wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson. I guess I am still following my lifelong budgetary rule: simply spend less than you make. Of course, you have to make good money to have a good life and still not spend more than you make.

our situations differ very much. it starts with the fact that we don't have any family ties in Thailand and we are not U.S. citizens who are enslaved by the IRS no matter where we reside. our lifestyle in the U.S. would be "light years" different from Thailand partly more and partly less comfortable. but it would be too much off topic listing these differencies.

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your reasons seem to imply you have to live here..

getting cleaned out is a result of not planning... in most states, what's yours going into the relationship is yours going out...and have you ever heard of a prenup? even better yet, why get married?

i won't speculate why you like being around large numbers of thai women...but, I like the western woman much more and I can have an intelligent conversation with them.

some of us have great insurance and the doctors in the USA are not ego nuts like here, you can actually engage them in conversation about your care without them being offended... and they are "really" trained in the USA...not the fake certificate from Harvard...

and, you don't have to negotiate

toys... I like mountain bikes, kayaks, real motorcycles and good beer... can't get that here without getting cornholed.

the legal system is much more fair there, unless you're being a duchebag...

I feel bad that I write a long post with many reasons that I want to live in Thailand because I like it here not because I have to and then you post the above.facepalm.gif

1. Legal system fairer for men. 2. Better medical care for some of us. 3. I like being around large numbers of Thai women who have not been Americanized. 4. My ex's and family would have to go through the Thai legal system to harass me like they used to do in the States and that ain't gonna happen.

You don't live in the USA (I read your other posts) yet you like Western women because you can have an intelligent conversation with them? What do you talk about? Cornholing? Sorry but your post in addition to being backwards (reply before quote) is written in such a crude manner that I wonder what passes for intelligent conversation in your circle of acquaintances.

Because of the value in Thai medical care and other cost efficient living expenses I have enough money to afford excellent craft beer in Thailand and as many toys as I want.

I believe that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the USA so I'll let you do your medical care there. http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow

I have so much fun here. Shopping is a gas. I went looking for some software last week. I never laughed so hard. I bought 6 copies of Win 7 and my wife asked me why. I told her because they didn't have change for a 500 baht note.

I've had big bikes in the States when I was younger. Now at my age I like a lighter version and the Click suits me just fine. Push a button, wind the throttle and off it goes. It's fast, I can get the front wheel off the ground if I crank it.

I ride in the mountains here. It gets cold sometimes and my Click does just fine on the curves and elevations. I have a couple of houses and a couple of crash pads here and transportation is so cheap one would be foolish not to travel. I don't drive a car any more I can afford a rented car and driver here.

However I can see your point if you like Western women this is not the place to live. If fact it is about the last place in the world to live if you like Western women. For liking America as much as you do why don't you live there?

Do you have any photos of your couple of houses and couple of crash pads? Any evidence you could scan? You had 6 houses and 3 wives and 3 corporations in Florida. Now you say you have a pension with health insurance? Wow, $5,000,000 baht too? US $142,000 LIFE savings after selling 6 houses and 3 corporations in Florida? These are YOUR facts man!

Someone that is amazed enough about popping the front wheel up on a Honda Click to actually tell people about it?

Your own stories busted your own truth.

Why would I post photos of my homes in Thailand for you in this thread? Read the title of this thread. If I had 5 million USD where would I relocate and what would I do. I'd go to Thailand and pursue my hobbies. I have a good income and health insurance and I'm happy here. I have a car and driver that I lease because I don't like to drive cars anymore. After I accomplish the things my wife wants I do pretty much what I want to every day. I like my Honda Click. I get on it and go. If it falls down it is light enough for me to pick up by myself.biggrin.png

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


it is correct that i'd prefer living again in the U.S. but not necessarily full time in Florida. may till september the mountains in West Virgina would be a nice change.

correct is also that the Mrs would jump with joy if we moved back. but the recent developments, e.g. (but not limited to) FATCA would severely limit my banking and therefore investment choices that i couldn't afford the same lifestyle i can afford in Thailand.

summary: the Mrs may keep on dreaming but i am a realist. it is easy to step up but a pain in the àss to step down.

Interesting Naam, I too call Florida my home of residence in the US, and I have a farm in West By God. In fact, the old farm is the only thing I really miss about the States.

While I do not have $5m, I am financially independent and could live in the US if I so chose. However, I would not want to go back to the States to live. I have been a life-long expat, spent over 35 years away from the US. I decided long ago to retire in SEA. Already tried the Philippines and now Thailand, but thinking about Vietnam. I have many friends in SEA and like to travel and meet with them; just prefer it here. Additionally, my wife, my son, my daughter-in-law and my grandson are all here in Thailand--only the daughter-in-law and grandson are Thai.

My lifestyle would be roughly the same wherever I live--we lived in Florida and summered on the farm in WV while our son attended high school and graduated college. My wife and I did the same things there we do here; the things we like to do--going out, attending sports and concerts, motorcycling, and frequent travel. It makes sense to me to enjoy being where we want to be and still be able to live at lower cost so I can weather any economic downturn or I'll have more to leave my wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson. I guess I am still following my lifelong budgetary rule: simply spend less than you make. Of course, you have to make good money to have a good life and still not spend more than you make.

our situations differ very much. it starts with the fact that we don't have any family ties in Thailand and we are not U.S. citizens who are enslaved by the IRS no matter where we reside. our lifestyle in the U.S. would be "light years" different from Thailand partly more and partly less comfortable. but it would be too much off topic listing these differencies.

Did not say our situations were similar, just found it interesting we both mentioned Florida and West Virginia. US tax laws are quite demanding, if you have not properly positioned your assets. The only family tie we have to Thailand is our daughter-in-law, and she wants to go to the States. If our son, daughter-in-law, and grandson would return to the States, I am sure we would visit them, but would not return there to live. In fact, we would probably go to Vietnam.

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It seems that, in general, members like living in USA as much as I enjoyed living in Oz.

I could afford it $$$ wise -but that is where it ends.

LOS has many intangibles which attract me - espoused in other threads.

Unfortunately, good things can come to an end. As a result, there seems to be a growing trend to relocate back to USA etc.

I am a bit restless but have enjoyable obligations here. If I was foot-loose etc, I would explore Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Japan.

Isn't life for living?

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I'd go to Singapore. Reasonable climate, good health care, not too far from angeles, bangkok, ho chi min when I want some fun.

A great example of why US$5M is not "Enough", unless you made the money from a company that you owned with a turnover of at least s$30M pa (& then you're going to have to invest s$2.5M/US$2M in an approved business/start-up for at least 5 years) you'll need s$20M in net personal assets of which at least s$10m has to be lodged & managed by an improved investment firm (for at least 5 years) to get an investment visa (no such thing as a retirement visa).

So US$5M buys you a (reasonably luxurious) life of Visa Runs in Singapore.

But I do agree, Singapore is a great place to live (struggling to find a better place since I left there at the end of Jan) & I wish I'd bothered to get my PR when they were practically asking me if I wanted one [emoji17]

Edited by JB300
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