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US TIP report: Thailand stays on Tier 3


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Thailand remains committed to fight human trafficking despite US ranking


BANGKOK: -- The Thai Foreign Ministry last night issued a statement reiterating its strong determination to collaborate with international communities to combat human trafficking despite the country was kept in Tier 3 ranking in the latest report on human trafficking elimination by the United States.

According to the statement released soon after the US State Department released its 2015 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report keeping Thailand at the lowest ranking.

The Thai Foreign Ministry said keeping Thailand within Tier 3 did not reflect the country’s efforts against human trafficking and the associated progress that has been made over the past year.

It said the government had made anti human trafficking work a national agenda.

A national-level mechanism involving the prime minister, deputy prime ministers and all relevant ministers had been set up to combat human trafficking.

According to NNT, Several relevant laws had been amended, including the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. Networks of major human traffickers had been dismantled, and high-ranking officials found involved in human trafficking had been arrested and prosecuted.

In the aspect of prevention, the statement said, re-organisation of labour in the fishing sector was undertaken. Some 1.6 million migrant workers were registered so they may receive the same lawful protection as that entitled to Thais, and so the risk of the workers falling victims to exploitation and to human trafficking would definitely reduce.

The ministry indicated that over the past year, efficiency in screening and caring for victims of human trafficking had been improved. Thailand had also taken the initiative at the bilateral and regional levels in combating human trafficking.

Despite the country’s standing in the TIP report, it indicated that the government remains committed to combating human trafficking and will be increasing collaboration with the private sector and civil society for anti-human trafficking purposes.

The government will also expand anti-human trafficking collaborations with foreign countries and international organisations, the statement said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thailand-remains-committed-to-fight-human-trafficking-despite-us-ranking

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-28

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Hmmm... I just glanced at the report. Couldn't find a section on the US in there [EDIT: found it. TIER 1 of course]. I mean, I thought I would find something about US-based companies relying on sweatshops and child-labour, exploitation of illegal immigrant workers, etc. Guess there aren't glass houses after all. [My point is that while the issue is a real and terrible one, the US should not be the international arbiter of such things as its own record is far from clean ... would prefer to see this come from the UN or a neutral NGO].

This is an interesting piece on the terrible conditions faced by child laborers on American tobacco farms: https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/27/dispatches-daily-show-takes-down-child-labor-tobacco-farms

The US does a fair job at dealing with human trafficking. It's not perfect, but I don't know any country that is perfect with regards to this. US is tier one, just like countries in Europe. Which has companies doing the same thing you mention. Maybe every country should be moved to tier 2?


It's a global problem and more needs to be done. Surely this is true for Thailand. Best of luck to this country over the next year. I hope they make it to tier 2.

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Thailand remains committed to fight human trafficking despite US ranking

I think this should read because of US ranking.

sorry about large letters couldnot get it to write small mods can change if possible please

Edited by metisdead
Fixed the big font.
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Nope, but I realized the efforts and the progress being made personally when registering our Laotian housemaid. Officers worked around the clock to get things done. Was a real mess to get things cleaned up but eventually our housemaid received her migrant worker ID and for the first time she has now certain rights in Thailand. So has her Laotion boyfriend.

Efforts are being made as I have witnessed personally but the Western world does nothing but being a pain in the back and rather make things more complicated than trying to be supportive. Do this or...

I can actually understand that the PM gets annoyed by this and reacts accordingly. There is a lot of national pressure on the government already but the international community increases it even more by doing more bad than good.

Issues are being tackled now that previously democratically elected government failed to cope with. It must hurt in the hearts of those self-styled democrats of the world if the human trafficking problem actually improved or even got rooted out after a coup by a junta rather than slick politicians that came to power by an election and false promises. That must not be because it would send the wrong message, wouldn't it? whistling.gif

Unfortunately your viewpoint disintegrates once one realizes that the current government did nothing until the discovery of mass graves in May 2015, thus triggering international outrage at the situation and pretty much forcing the government to take action. Without that impetus.....well, you know.

Is that so? Our housemaid received her temporary migrant ID-card in July 2014 after being years illegally in Thailand. Being illegally in a county means you have no rights at all and hence you are an easy victim. The government offered the chance to make the illegals legal and hundred of thousands used this opportunity. No punishment, no deportation. First migrant card was just issued for three month to check the background of the holder.

Extension of the card was still a mess because the authorities were just overwhelmed by the amount of illegals. Actually, they expected just people from Laos, Kambodia and Myanmar but also many Indians turned up.

It took then authoriries about another half year before the first card with a validity of one year was handed out. Besides the background check, health check-up and health insurance also had to be dealt with. The mess to cope with was by far greater than ever expected. blink.png

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When I see all this stuff I want to see some data: How many people have been prosecuted? How many have been convicted? What sentences did they get? Other than the lonely army officer (who has been arrested, not prosecuted yet) have any other brokers, puyais, policemen, army, boat owner, boat captains been prosecuted and convicted? What sentences have they received? I have a sneaking suspicion that these are as rare as hen's teeth.

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Thailand remains committed to fight human trafficking despite US ranking

I think this should read because of US ranking.

sorry about large letters couldnot get it to write small mods can change if possible please

Maybe should be "Thailand remains committed to make cosmetic changes to fight human trafficking because of US ranking". I'll believe the commitment when I read about some wealthy people, some boat owners and some captains actually go into jail without never-ending bail while appealing.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

The song was "Charlie Brown" by the Coasters.

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Thailand remains committed to fight human trafficking despite US ranking

I think this should read because of US ranking.

sorry about large letters couldnot get it to write small mods can change if possible please

Maybe should be "Thailand remains committed to make cosmetic changes to fight human trafficking because of US ranking". I'll believe the commitment when I read about some wealthy people, some boat owners and some captains actually go into jail without never-ending bail while appealing.

And then staying in jail, instead of getting an immediate pardon.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

So you think this problem is down to the PM and he should be taking direct action personally ?.

He inherited this dirty system along with all the scumbags from the previous governments who did precisely NOTHING to stop it. Do you think he can just say the word and the hundreds of people involved (including no doubt lots of tomato police who are on the take) will suddenly shift their attitude and conform ?. A naïve viewpoint at best.

You miss the point completely. The answer to this is not for Prayuth to go out and do everything himself. The answer is to reform the entire system which he is trying to do. Of course he is going to fail because Thailand is full of people like you (and lots of others here) who are unable to see the bigger picture (or don't want things to change) and just whine at anything he does.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

I wonder if anyone in Thailand every asks what to do when "their best" SUCKS?

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When I see all this stuff I want to see some data: How many people have been prosecuted? How many have been convicted? What sentences did they get? Other than the lonely army officer (who has been arrested, not prosecuted yet) have any other brokers, puyais, policemen, army, boat owner, boat captains been prosecuted and convicted? What sentences have they received? I have a sneaking suspicion that these are as rare as hen's teeth.

They have indicted a considerable number. Even if only one if found guilty and sentenced it will be one more than the previous governments have achieved this century.

Now exactly who do you think will do all this investigating and prosecuting given the levels and volumes of people involved in profiting from this and other corruption?

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

So you think this problem is down to the PM and he should be taking direct action personally ?.

He inherited this dirty system along with all the scumbags from the previous governments who did precisely NOTHING to stop it. Do you think he can just say the word and the hundreds of people involved (including no doubt lots of tomato police who are on the take) will suddenly shift their attitude and conform ?. A naïve viewpoint at best.

You miss the point completely. The answer to this is not for Prayuth to go out and do everything himself. The answer is to reform the entire system which he is trying to do. Of course he is going to fail because Thailand is full of people like you (and lots of others here) who are unable to see the bigger picture (or don't want things to change) and just whine at anything he does.

How is he going to fail because of people like me ?

I / we aren't Thai, can't vote and are not in any way involved in running any aspect of the country. We can't influence anything that does or doesn't happen.

You may not have noticed he micro-manages almost everything. Yes he inherited a lot of things but didn't do anything about this problem until called out on it and forced into action.

He's reforming the entire system ? Where's the transparency over the wealth of his handpicked NCPO which he made clear is off limits and nothing more was heard of them hiring their own relatives as ' advisers '.

He may be reforming the system for some but not all.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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This is an interesting statement, a variation of which you'll find at the end of most/all country reports: "The government took steps to decrease the demand for commercial sex acts, including investigating cases against 772 individuals accused of procuring or soliciting prostitution" [Thailand]. [The Singapore one chastises the government for only making "limited efforts to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts"]. Just how does a government reduce real demand for commercial sex, and why should it even aim to do so? Seems to be a little questionable moralising at play here. .

Banning commercial sex does not eliminate it. This has been proved over many many years in many many countries and cultures.

America tired this with booze with their Prohibition which created massive revenues for criminals,

America operates entrapment with prostitution which brings in revenue for the police or whichever level of government claims it. British police forces adopt different attitudes, I guess dependent on the particular chief constable, police commissioner or local police authority.

The Netherlands and Germany take a more realistic and sensible approach, legalize it, regulate it, make it safe for all parties, take out the criminal elements and even generate some tax revenue. Because, as they know, it is going to happen.

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From the NGO's letter to the U.S.:

This month, Phuketwan journalists Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian, and migrant rights defender Andy Hall faced court proceedings. If they are found guilty, it will have a chilling impact on the ability of trafficking victims to speak out and seek justice. Thailand should not be prosecuting journalists and activists for doing their jobs, and these court trials belie Thailand's claims that it is working with civil society to address human trafficking issues.

If the Thai government was really serious about combating human trafficking and improving its standing in the world community, it wouldn't be pursuing these kinds of criminal cases against journalists and activists who write/publish articles on trafficking.

STOP talking about how much you're doing, and starting DOING instead.... Talk is cheap, but actions speak louder than words. An these kinds of bad criminal cases speak volumes.

And more broadly, Thailand should not have defamation as a criminal offense, since it creates a chilling effect on a civil and "free" society, and can be used by any government to muzzle its critics or opponents, as has often been done here.

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The problem for Thailand in this and other issues it is now 'grappling' with is this: the Thailand culture of graft, nepotism and head-in-the-sand-ism means that they don't actually know what the rest of the world means by 'standards'.

Because of where Thailand is coming from, they don't understand what is being said.

And the bureaucracy does not have systems to institue and carry through long term fix-it programs. All we see is short term raids, and then it is forgotten, back to business as usual.

And it will be ever thus, IMO.

Yes I agree however the main problem is the inability to plan ahead or think more than a day ahead.

They don't plan and are not taught to do so and that along with a lack of education, not there fault by the way,

means you end up with what you have. Most of the things wrong with Thailand apart from corruption is about planning ahead. Hence the act before you think it out issues .

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Modern day slavery for greed and money trust Thailand to be involved in something so evil and nasty in the world, another job for the Generals to sort out or US will come and spank your bottom.

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A lot of criticism in the US over upgrading Malaysia, Cuba and Uzbekistan. It is seen as politically motivated. There's no one saying that Thailand should have been upgraded.

NongKai Kid did----he's one post ahead of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A lot of criticism in the US over upgrading Malaysia, Cuba and Uzbekistan. It is seen as politically motivated. There's no one saying that Thailand should have been upgraded.

NongKai Kid did----he's one post ahead of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was quoting someone on BBC and later found out he's a senior figure in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch who was reporting that Thailand was unhappy with the report and felt they should have been upgraded since it was all political . Incidentally he agreed about the ' all political ' aspect.

To make it clear i wasn't saying LoS should be upgraded as my personal view.

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Undersecretary of State Sarah Sewall denied political considerations had come into play.

Be honest, Sarah:

If you ain't our poodle we ain't love you. You are either with us or against us.

That's not democracy but bullyism.

Leadership may have changed but philosophy has not. whistling.gif

In my humble opinion bullyism has overtaken and surpassed democracy. Up till now it has been subtle in its approach now its galloping along.

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

So you think this problem is down to the PM and he should be taking direct action personally ?.

He inherited this dirty system along with all the scumbags from the previous governments who did precisely NOTHING to stop it. Do you think he can just say the word and the hundreds of people involved (including no doubt lots of tomato police who are on the take) will suddenly shift their attitude and conform ?. A naïve viewpoint at best.

You miss the point completely. The answer to this is not for Prayuth to go out and do everything himself. The answer is to reform the entire system which he is trying to do. Of course he is going to fail because Thailand is full of people like you (and lots of others here) who are unable to see the bigger picture (or don't want things to change) and just whine at anything he does.

How is he going to fail because of people like me ?

I / we aren't Thai, can't vote and are not in any way involved in running any aspect of the country. We can't influence anything that does or doesn't happen.

You may not have noticed he micro-manages almost everything. Yes he inherited a lot of things but didn't do anything about this problem until called out on it and forced into action.

He's reforming the entire system ? Where's the transparency over the wealth of his handpicked NCPO which he made clear is off limits and nothing more was heard of them hiring their own relatives as ' advisers '.

He may be reforming the system for some but not all.

Mate, forget it. All he does is yell with his fingers in his ears. What's the point?

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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

So you think this problem is down to the PM and he should be taking direct action personally ?.

He inherited this dirty system along with all the scumbags from the previous governments who did precisely NOTHING to stop it. Do you think he can just say the word and the hundreds of people involved (including no doubt lots of tomato police who are on the take) will suddenly shift their attitude and conform ?. A naïve viewpoint at best.

You miss the point completely. The answer to this is not for Prayuth to go out and do everything himself. The answer is to reform the entire system which he is trying to do. Of course he is going to fail because Thailand is full of people like you (and lots of others here) who are unable to see the bigger picture (or don't want things to change) and just whine at anything he does.

How is he going to fail because of people like me ?

I / we aren't Thai, can't vote and are not in any way involved in running any aspect of the country. We can't influence anything that does or doesn't happen.

You may not have noticed he micro-manages almost everything. Yes he inherited a lot of things but didn't do anything about this problem until called out on it and forced into action.

He's reforming the entire system ? Where's the transparency over the wealth of his handpicked NCPO which he made clear is off limits and nothing more was heard of them hiring their own relatives as ' advisers '.

He may be reforming the system for some but not all.

Mate, forget it. All he does is yell with his fingers in his ears. What's the point?


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All I can say is that it's sad people are so poor and vulnerable and that others exploit their plight for their own financial gain; especially when children are involved. The world is an evil place.

High levels of corruption, nepotism, bribery, you name it are all a form of slavery. If your poor its hard to corrupt anyone so who is doing all these dastardly deeds?

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When I see all this stuff I want to see some data: How many people have been prosecuted? How many have been convicted? What sentences did they get? Other than the lonely army officer (who has been arrested, not prosecuted yet) have any other brokers, puyais, policemen, army, boat owner, boat captains been prosecuted and convicted? What sentences have they received? I have a sneaking suspicion that these are as rare as hen's teeth.

They have indicted a considerable number. Even if only one if found guilty and sentenced it will be one more than the previous governments have achieved this century.

Now exactly who do you think will do all this investigating and prosecuting given the levels and volumes of people involved in profiting from this and other corruption?

They should reform their defamation and LM laws. I believe that if the courts weren't completely clogged with rich people suing each other over loss of face and trumped up LM charges, the courts might have time to pursue real criminals. Changing those laws might even convince the rest of the world that Thailand is somewhere above a third world country.

Obviously, this will not happen any time soon.

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Remember it well Charlie Brown by the Coasters

That makes three of us. Check it out.


Careful guys, we are showing our age when we admit (I do) to remembering this song. whistling.gif

I was 10 when it came out (1959), but clearly remember walking around the house singing it to myself.

Edited by Just1Voice
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The PM says he will respect the report however I see a lot of BUT's coming as in :

BUT we are doing out best

BUT the US doesn't understand

BUT everybody else does it and we get punished, and on and on.

The PM should check the music archives for a pop song from the '50s, regret the name escapes me, with a rebellious teenager singing about the problems in his life and includes the line

" why is everybody always picking on me ? "

Charlie Brown, by the Coasters:

Fe-fe, fi-fi, fo-fo, fum

I smell smoke in the auditorium

Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown

He's a clown, that Charlie Brown

He's gonna get caught

Just you wait and see

(Why's everybody always pickin' on me)

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Lets see, America who control the finances of the world through fear. Do as we say or else, economic defeat,

do as we say and we will make lots of money from raping you. America only looks after the rich America, it cant even protect its own children in schools, in its "long" history it has only had four years when it wasn't fighting someone, it has made multi billions from other peoples misery and death. Who are these people to judge others human rights?????

Yes i believe that in time Thailands work on eradication of human trafficking will work. Dont let America judge, their judgment isnt worth a bucket of hot cocky shit.

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