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Obama calls GOP criticism of Iran deal 'ridiculous' 'sad'

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Unlike you, most people are not bigoted against Jews. You whine every time someone quotes an article from one. In America - maybe not your country - Jews have a right to an opinion, although they rarely agree with each other. What you want is one who agrees with you.

Charles Krauthammer is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, author, political commentator, and physician. His weekly column is syndicated to more than 400 newspapers worldwide. He is one of America's best known writers.

If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least.

Until Israel starts acting to world standards it can shut the hell up.

The countries of the world that matter consider this a great agreement. No one cares what people with a bigotted agenda thinks.

"If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least."

Sorry, Linky, but you screwed the pooch yet again.

Israel has been a member state of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

Your rant was for naught.


Never elected onto the security council. Its pretty hard to never be elected to it.

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President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

They should have left the sanctions in place, and kept Iran isolated. That would have been enough to topple the islamic regime.

The fact is, this is the point supporters of this deal address- that sanctions were not, in fact, working. They are correct; they were not working. However, it is a great leap of fantasy or surrender of logic to then conclude a deal, any deal, is a valid end to this untidy affair. Example: The supporters of the deal and those who now do not support it tend to agree on a very key ingredient- at least a year or two ago they were in solidarity that the goal should be to dismantle Iran's capacity to have a nuclear program- these were the goals in the beginning of the sanctions process as well. Basically render Iran's nuclear quest impotent, and no longer a threat. Indeed, that is what the sanctions were designed to do. In that spirit, the sanctions sought to bring Iran to the negotiating table to diplomatically set in stone that which the sanctions had sought to act upon as a non military ingredient of war- statecraft! The sanctions ideally would have ended in uprising, willful surrender by the Islamic State, or presumably talks.

But there is nothing in this deal that achieves any of the original goals of either the sanctions or the talks; there is even crap in there which is shockingly counter intuitive, like ballistic missiles. The sanctions were not aimed at just bringing Iran to the table. The sanctions were aimed at crippling their nuclear/military ambitions and the talks were seen as hopefully, the diplomatic light at the end of the tunnel- but not the goal. The talks achieved nothing for the west and are a boon for Iran. The only two equal follies that come to mind are "Peace in our age" and "Just wheel it in. What harm can it do. Its just a horse."

If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least.

Until Israel starts acting to world standards it can shut the hell up.

The countries of the world that matter consider this a great agreement. No one cares what people with a bigotted agenda thinks.

"If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least."

Sorry, Linky, but you screwed the pooch yet again.

Israel has been a member state of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

Your rant was for naught.


Never elected onto the security council. Its pretty hard to never be elected to it.

Not really that hard to never be elected to the Security Council.


Countries Never Elected Members of the Security Council
Below you can see the list of all countries which have never been elected as members of the Security Council since 1946.
Antigua and Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Central African Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Marshall Islands
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Moldova
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Solomon Islands
South Sudan
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

They should have left the sanctions in place, and kept Iran isolated. That would have been enough to topple the islamic regime.

You mean the sanctions that were imposed in 1979? Yeah, they were just beginning to have an effect!


You mean the sanctions that were imposed in 1979? Yeah, they were just beginning to have an effect!

George W. Bush's sanctions against Iran were not fully implemented fully until 2010 and there is no dispute that they were working.


President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

They should have left the sanctions in place, and kept Iran isolated. That would have been enough to topple the islamic regime.

You mean the sanctions that were imposed in 1979? Yeah, they were just beginning to have an effect!

The 1979 sanctions got the ball rolling.

The UN sanctions of 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010 helped it gather speed and start downhill.

Without the sanctions, Iran would never have even come to the discussion.

Iran got everything and gave up nothing.


Unlike you, most people are not bigoted against Jews. You whine every time someone quotes an article from one. In America - maybe not your country - Jews have a right to an opinion, although they rarely agree with each other. What you want is one who agrees with you.

Charles Krauthammer is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, author, political commentator, and physician. His weekly column is syndicated to more than 400 newspapers worldwide. He is one of America's best known writers.

I'm not bigoted against Jews. I'm against bigoted and irrational reporting.

What do we have till now in this thread ? Breitbart, Associated Press, Krauthammer, Pulitzer...all members who push the geopolitical agenda of Lex Judaica.

I've only expressed my regret not to hear sufficiently the voice of the average American patriot. And it can be the opposite of what the mass media and politicians covers.

I'm convinced that this voice represents a deeper national concern and righteous feeling in not engaging the American children into another reckless foreign war by making a diplomatic and peaceful deal with Iran.

For starters about 60 million adult America voters do not believe or agree with anything Obama engineers or otherwise agrees to ... Obama is a renown liar - a Pathological liar and to believe this Iran scam fiasco is to believe in fairy tales... Nothing Obama does or is involved in is what it appears to be -- He was a lawyer -- known as a Shyster Lawyer - a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in dealings... The Iran Scam -- Hidden secret side deals not to mention the vacuous main 'agreement' is a very bad joke to a huge portion of Americans. Thank God this scam is only an Agreement and not a real Treaty which allows the next Conservative President to undo it rather easily.


President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

They should have left the sanctions in place, and kept Iran isolated. That would have been enough to topple the islamic regime.

China, South Korea, Japan and India have always been happy to take oil and gas off Iran with the blessing of the UN.

Let's face it, sanctions didn't topple Saddam did they?

So why do you think they would have toppled the Mad Mullahs?


Quote"While Huckabee's comments were aimed at Obama, some members of the GOP field — Trump most notably — haven't held back in their criticism of each other as next week's initial Republican debate draws near. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush called on his colleagues Tuesday to tone it down. unquote Who made "Just call me Jeb" the ringmaster of this 3 ring circus well maybe he should be it has Barnum and Bailey written all over it.

Quote "We have to campaign with joy in our hearts — not anger," Bush said during an event outside Orlando. "We shouldn't say outrageous things that turn people off to the conservative message. Our message is the one of hope and opportunity for everyone." Unquote. Now this one got to me I almost peed myself laughing. "Campaign with joy in our hearts" what is this guy smoking. Talk to the little man in the streets he will tell you there is not much joy in his heart. The the next one well I wet my pants. "Turn people off of the conservative message?" There is so little to choose from in politics so if your getting the feeling your being spoon fed this stuff your probably right. The last one was the real kicker I had to rush to the bathroom on this one " Our message is the one of hope and opportunity for everyone." There has really been little of this since NAFTA sold the farm for American workers and after Obama signs the TPP (with a little political arm twisting) you can put up a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sticker on the whole economy. After American workers bring down their demands for a decent livable wage and work for wages on a par with Asia jobs will slowly trickle back. $10 a day anyone? At that point your Money Men overseers will have accomplished what they set out to do during the NAFTA days. Strip you of your dignity and put a yoke around your neck.


Aside from the hard core progressive ideologues, and the Iranians everyone else knows full well this deal is absolutely stupefying in its incompetence. The web is awash with satire and parodies of this so called deal, which is a sure sign that there is a vast difference between how it is being presented by its proponents compared to the reality of the situation.


The web is awash with outrageous right wing accusations against Obama, as summarised in the last sentence in your link.

I posted the link below in another topic concerning the agreement, with no response, that IMO is a good rational summary of the pros and cons - do you or others disagree with the article, if so why?


The Atlantic article is built on several false premises. The binary choice deal or war is a cynical reductionist ploy designed to put opponents of the deal over a barrel. Shame that credible willingness to go through with military action if necessary wasn't used instead on the Iranians to force a better deal. Incidentally the U.S has in effect been at war with Iran for 36 years and the death to America policy from Iran didn't end with the deal signing. In effect Obama has bankrolled the enemy to the tune of $100 billion.

The next fallacy is that the deal makes war less likely, on the contrary it is more likely. The Saudis and UAE are already looking to procure nuclear weapons. Anyone looking to attack the Iranian nuclear installations will also be aware that this option becomes more difficult after an arms embargo on Iran ends in five years.

Then we have the 2011 opinion of a former Mossad chief. Well today find me any voice in Israel that thinks the deal is a good one.


So what’s changed to contradict the opinions below?

Mr. Dagan, speaking at Tel Aviv University, said that attacking Iran “would mean regional war, and in that case you would have given Iran the best possible reason to continue the nuclear program.” He added, “The regional challenge that Israel would face would be impossible.”

Back in 2012 Gates stated that an Israeli or American strike on Iran would only bolster the Islamic Republic's drive for a nuclear weapon. Neither Israel nor the US has the capabilities to obliterate Iran's atom program, he said, and a military operation against the country's nuclear facilities "would make a nuclear-armed Iran inevitable. They would just bury the program deeper and make it more covert."


Frankly right now the region needs a strong Iran. The Sunni monarchies seem pretty powerless to stop the IS monster they and George Bush created.


I see all the sick little republican Obama blaming puppies are out in force. And you call yourself patriots.

Sent from my S4 LTE


Unlike you, most people are not bigoted against Jews. You whine every time someone quotes an article from one. In America - maybe not your country - Jews have a right to an opinion, although they rarely agree with each other. What you want is one who agrees with you.

Charles Krauthammer is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, author, political commentator, and physician. His weekly column is syndicated to more than 400 newspapers worldwide. He is one of America's best known writers.

I'm not bigoted against Jews. I'm against bigoted and irrational reporting.

What do we have till now in this thread ? Breitbart, Associated Press, Krauthammer, Pulitzer...all members who push the geopolitical agenda of Lex Judaica.

I've only expressed my regret not to hear sufficiently the voice of the average American patriot. And it can be the opposite of what the mass media and politicians covers.

I'm convinced that this voice represents a deeper national concern and righteous feeling in not engaging the American children into another reckless foreign war by making a diplomatic and peaceful deal with Iran.

For starters about 60 million adult America voters do not believe or agree with anything Obama engineers or otherwise agrees to ... Obama is a renown liar - a Pathological liar and to believe this Iran scam fiasco is to believe in fairy tales... Nothing Obama does or is involved in is what it appears to be -- He was a lawyer -- known as a Shyster Lawyer - a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in dealings... The Iran Scam -- Hidden secret side deals not to mention the vacuous main 'agreement' is a very bad joke to a huge portion of Americans. Thank God this scam is only an Agreement and not a real Treaty which allows the next Conservative President to undo it rather easily.

What a balanced, nuanced and intelligent summary of the person and achievements of Obama! Having a half-black liberal in the White House must be a real tittie twister for you good ol' boys.


Unlike you, most people are not bigoted against Jews. You whine every time someone quotes an article from one. In America - maybe not your country - Jews have a right to an opinion, although they rarely agree with each other. What you want is one who agrees with you.

Charles Krauthammer is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, author, political commentator, and physician. His weekly column is syndicated to more than 400 newspapers worldwide. He is one of America's best known writers.

I'm not bigoted against Jews. I'm against bigoted and irrational reporting.

What do we have till now in this thread ? Breitbart, Associated Press, Krauthammer, Pulitzer...all members who push the geopolitical agenda of Lex Judaica.

I've only expressed my regret not to hear sufficiently the voice of the average American patriot. And it can be the opposite of what the mass media and politicians covers.

I'm convinced that this voice represents a deeper national concern and righteous feeling in not engaging the American children into another reckless foreign war by making a diplomatic and peaceful deal with Iran.

For starters about 60 million adult America voters do not believe or agree with anything Obama engineers or otherwise agrees to ... Obama is a renown liar - a Pathological liar and to believe this Iran scam fiasco is to believe in fairy tales... Nothing Obama does or is involved in is what it appears to be -- He was a lawyer -- known as a Shyster Lawyer - a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in dealings... The Iran Scam -- Hidden secret side deals not to mention the vacuous main 'agreement' is a very bad joke to a huge portion of Americans. Thank God this scam is only an Agreement and not a real Treaty which allows the next Conservative President to undo it rather easily.

What a balanced, nuanced and intelligent summary of the person and achievements of Obama! Having a half-black liberal in the White House must be a real tittie twister for you good ol' boys.

Obama could be as white as Donald Trump and it would make no difference. If you think Obama is a man of accomplishment - that is your option - even right. My right is to believe otherwise without shallow non thinkers flinging racism at me, Many millions of Americans despise him and it has not a damned thing to do with his skin color -- It has to do with his character and LACK thereof, his hatred of traditional America, his BLACK racism against white Americans, his thousands of lies and duplicitous acts... his refusal to preside within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution, his lies about lying.. And for you to lay Obama's deep sets of problems and his failures on white racism shows how little you know of the actual nature of Obama's acts and how willing you are to be a salivating Cult Member Lemming in the Worship of a very FLAWED Man. Flinging racism at every white person who disagrees with Obama is CHEAP TALK and shows you have no counterpoint -- no defense of this man who hates America.


Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.


So what do you have to say about the leaders of the countries that think the Iran deal is a good thing? The EU, the UN, the weapons inspectors?

Ohnsorry, you must just hink it is Obamas deal and no one else matters.

Did he steal your bike when you where a child or something.

Change black to white and anyone would think you were talking about GWB.


If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least.

Until Israel starts acting to world standards it can shut the hell up.

The countries of the world that matter consider this a great agreement. No one cares what people with a bigotted agenda thinks.

"If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least."

Sorry, Linky, but you screwed the pooch yet again.

Israel has been a member state of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

Your rant was for naught.


Never elected onto the security council. Its pretty hard to never be elected to it.

Not really that hard to never be elected to the Security Council.


Countries Never Elected Members of the Security Council

Below you can see the list of all countries which have never been elected as members of the Security Council since 1946.




Antigua and Barbuda






Brunei Darussalam


Central African Republic



Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Dominican Republic

El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea












Lao People's Democratic Republic






Marshall Islands

Micronesia (Federated States of)








Papua New Guinea

Republic of Moldova

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


San Marino

Sao Tome and Principe



Solomon Islands

South Sudan





The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia








Yes I looked at the list before I made my post. Some real world leading countries in that lot. Just where Israel belongs, down the back of the bus with Afghanistan and North Korea et al. Real illustrious company in that lot.

Thanks for proving my point.


If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least.

Until Israel starts acting to world standards it can shut the hell up.

The countries of the world that matter consider this a great agreement. No one cares what people with a bigotted agenda thinks.

"If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least."

Sorry, Linky, but you screwed the pooch yet again.

Israel has been a member state of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

Your rant was for naught.


Never elected onto the security council. Its pretty hard to never be elected to it.

Not really that hard to never be elected to the Security Council.


Countries Never Elected Members of the Security Council

Below you can see the list of all countries which have never been elected as members of the Security Council since 1946.




Antigua and Barbuda






Brunei Darussalam


Central African Republic



Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Dominican Republic

El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea












Lao People's Democratic Republic






Marshall Islands

Micronesia (Federated States of)








Papua New Guinea

Republic of Moldova

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


San Marino

Sao Tome and Principe



Solomon Islands

South Sudan





The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia








Yes I looked at the list before I made my post. Some real world leading countries in that lot. Just where Israel belongs, down the back of the bus with Afghanistan and North Korea et al. Real illustrious company in that lot.

Thanks for proving my point.


I see all the sick little republican Obama blaming puppies are out in force. And you call yourself patriots.

Sent from my S4 LTE

"I see all the sick little republican Obama blaming puppies are out in force"

Oh, you have cut me to the quick!!!
I shall now cry myself to sleep tonight. crying.gif

"In 18 months, I'm turning over the keys," Obama said.

Glory...Halleluiah...Praise the Lord and pass the ganja...

It may take decades to undo the damage this man and his legacy has caused a once great country...

I know...all you Obama peanut galley folks...take your best shot...


"If Israel wants a say then it can join the UN and start complying when then the UN says it has acted in bad faith, in the least."

Sorry, Linky, but you screwed the pooch yet again.

Israel has been a member state of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

Your rant was for naught.


Never elected onto the security council. Its pretty hard to never be elected to it.

Not really that hard to never be elected to the Security Council.


Countries Never Elected Members of the Security Council

Below you can see the list of all countries which have never been elected as members of the Security Council since 1946.




Antigua and Barbuda






Brunei Darussalam


Central African Republic



Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Dominican Republic

El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea












Lao People's Democratic Republic






Marshall Islands

Micronesia (Federated States of)








Papua New Guinea

Republic of Moldova

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


San Marino

Sao Tome and Principe



Solomon Islands

South Sudan





The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia








Yes I looked at the list before I made my post. Some real world leading countries in that lot. Just where Israel belongs, down the back of the bus with Afghanistan and North Korea et al. Real illustrious company in that lot.

Thanks for proving my point.

Time for you to put the shovel down, Linky.

Of course you looked at that list before you made your post.whistling.gif

You forgot to mention Lichtenstein, Monaco, Iceland, Serbia, Uzbekistan and that perennial loser...Switzerland.

That's it for me on this subject.


It is just another chance, Clinton style, to bash Republicans. Why didn't he mention the Democrats that are also against the Iran deal? Never pass up the chance to make it a Republican issue, and that everyone else loves it. Business as usual.


His pathetic deal is "ridiculous and sad". He has endangered the whole world to satisfy his own ego.

"His deal" is actually an international agreement which was negotiated by the US, China, Russia, France, The United Kingdom, Germany and the EU with the backing of the UN. This deal which you describe as pathetic and as endangering the entire world actually eliminates the ability of Iran to build a bomb for decades. The international sanctions against Iran worked in bringing them to the bargaining table where a deal was made to restrict their ability to develop a nuclear weapon. We now have a deal which includes monitoring and the re-imposition of sanctions if Iran back peddles. I know that you probably have bought into the Israeli propaganda, hook, line and sinker but we owe thanks to all the leaders that put this deal together which reduces the need for military action against Iran that Israel would love to goad America into taking on their behalf. Thank you Mr. Obama, Mr. Kerry and the European and Asian leaders who put this deal together!

Great reply!

The occupiers and their apologists are very upset that they might not be able to get the US to pay for and die in a war only they want.


The anti-Semitic, conspiracy theory loons at Prison Planet and Ron Paul are supporting Obama's "deal". That has to mean something. laugh.png

Paul told host Ed Berliner that the deal echoed Ronald Reagan's deal with the Soviets in the 1980s. Paul's biggest problem with the deal was that the United States had to work under the confines of the United Nations and NATO.



Ron Pauls view on Irans behaviour in the region is unusually enlightened, when considering hes a US politican from the Republican side.


Shows how much you know. He is a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic nutcase and his twisted thinking is well documented in his own magazines, with his name on the cover. facepalm.gif


For starters about 60 million adult America voters do not believe or agree with anything Obama engineers or otherwise agrees to ... Obama is a renown liar - a Pathological liar and to believe this Iran scam fiasco is to believe in fairy tales... Nothing Obama does or is involved in is what it appears to be -- He was a lawyer -- known as a Shyster Lawyer - a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in dealings... The Iran Scam -- Hidden secret side deals not to mention the vacuous main 'agreement' is a very bad joke to a huge portion of Americans. Thank God this scam is only an Agreement and not a real Treaty which allows the next Conservative President to undo it rather easily.

I'm not bigoted against Jews. I'm against bigoted and irrational reporting.

What do we have till now in this thread ? Breitbart, Associated Press, Krauthammer, Pulitzer...all members who push the geopolitical agenda of Lex Judaica.

I've only expressed my regret not to hear sufficiently the voice of the average American patriot. And it can be the opposite of what the mass media and politicians covers.

I'm convinced that this voice represents a deeper national concern and righteous feeling in not engaging the American children into another reckless foreign war by making a diplomatic and peaceful deal with Iran.

What a balanced, nuanced and intelligent summary of the person and achievements of Obama! Having a half-black liberal in the White House must be a real tittie twister for you good ol' boys.

Obama could be as white as Donald Trump and it would make no difference. If you think Obama is a man of accomplishment - that is your option - even right. My right is to believe otherwise without shallow non thinkers flinging racism at me, Many millions of Americans despise him and it has not a damned thing to do with his skin color -- It has to do with his character and LACK thereof, his hatred of traditional America, his BLACK racism against white Americans, his thousands of lies and duplicitous acts... his refusal to preside within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution, his lies about lying.. And for you to lay Obama's deep sets of problems and his failures on white racism shows how little you know of the actual nature of Obama's acts and how willing you are to be a salivating Cult Member Lemming in the Worship of a very FLAWED Man. Flinging racism at every white person who disagrees with Obama is CHEAP TALK and shows you have no counterpoint -- no defense of this man who hates America.

So, to summarise, Obama is:

- A liar

- A liar of lying (?)

- Lacking of character

- Hates traditional America (btw, what is that exactly? Do you mean the bible thumpin', flag waving gun nuts, or....??)

- A (black) racist (oh, he must feel so good giving you good ol' boys a taste of your own medicine).

- Breaking the constitution. (how exactly?)

- Hates America.

Are you sure that's all? Doesn't sound too bad to me compared with his predecessor.


Shows how much you know. He is a racist, anti-Semitic nutcase and his twisted thinking is well documented in his own magazines, with his name on the cover. facepalm.gif

He might be a anti-Semite, I dont know and it doesnt matter if he is with regards to what I said. I read his view on Irans behaviour in the region and it was enlightened. If he says that the sky is blue I wont disagree with him just because hes a anti-Semite.

Your logic is not that good.


"In 18 months, I'm turning over the keys," Obama said.

Glory...Halleluiah...Praise the Lord and pass the ganja...

It may take decades to undo the damage this man and his legacy has caused a once great country...

I know...all you Obama peanut galley folks...take your best shot...

This thread is about President Obama, not Ceney's lap dog W. Please stay on topic!offtopic.gif


No question Obama has been a disappointing leader in many regards (not unlike his predecessors) however he is showing some spine on this issue. This agreement is far better than the alternative.

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