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PM Prayut says he won't worry about poor US ranking

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If only there was some effective trade sanctions... There should be.. Then they will start to worry.

In the absence of any moral, hit the essential.

Thailand the hub of insanity

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I don't care what the U.S. government has to say about anything either.

That's smart - they are only either #1 or #2 in the global economy, a massive trading partner for Thailand, the world's biggest military (who supplies 90% of the Thai military's hardware) and the most powerful country in the world politically - whether you agree with them or not.

Why would you care??

You're missing my point completely. The post above mine said, "Summary: I don't care...I'm Thai.". I am merely stating that not caring about what the US government has to say about anything is not the preserve of the Thai people. There are literally billions of people all around the world who couldn't give a toss what the overinflated egos in Washington have to say on the topic of the day. The USA's position in the global economy is supported by countries such as China who hold a huge amount of US treasuries, thereby funding the overspending of Americans and their government. America might want to start thinking about what those it borrows money from to stay afloat think of its self righteous pronouncements before they find out the hard way.


I don't care what the U.S. government has to say about anything either.

Is there just one of you who is a drone, or do you multiply by dividing that single cell of yours?

The US is the #1 buyer of Thai fish exports. It has the world's 3rd largest population and the largest economy in the world. The EU is just about as big and it doesn't like this trafficking in humans either.

The people of the USA and also the people of the EU aren't going to buy fish products that are produced with slave labor. They'll boycott the products. End of.

This isn't about face it's about selling fish products caught by slaves in horrible circumstances.

You're just such a sensitive person regarding this slave labor you must be a...


As I said in my above post, my opinion has nothing to do with human trafficking. Don't let that stop you from insulting all and sundry on the internet from behind the safety of your monitor though.


The world has woken up to the usual lip service Thailand offer in such scenarios , Prayuth needs to realise world opinion can affect a countrys economic dynamics .


I don't care what the U.S. government has to say about anything either.

That's smart - they are only either #1 or #2 in the global economy, a massive trading partner for Thailand, the world's biggest military (who supplies 90% of the Thai military's hardware) and the most powerful country in the world politically - whether you agree with them or not.

Why would you care??

You're missing my point completely. The post above mine said, "Summary: I don't care...I'm Thai.". I am merely stating that not caring about what the US government has to say about anything is not the preserve of the Thai people. There are literally billions of people all around the world who couldn't give a toss what the overinflated egos in Washington have to say on the topic of the day. The USA's position in the global economy is supported by countries such as China who hold a huge amount of US treasuries, thereby funding the overspending of Americans and their government. America might want to start thinking about what those it borrows money from to stay afloat think of its self righteous pronouncements before they find out the hard way.

But you still want them to buy your shrimp... right? You don't feel strongly enough about USA and EU to say you don't want their business any more...?

Try it, see how it works out for you. Money where mouth is...

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