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New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher

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Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men. ??

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. For example, they seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, they still believe that

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Because they dont want to end up looking like this


And what's wrong with looking like this ????? they could be great funny intelligent woman,....but you are stuck with there appearance....without trying to look further.....

I don't want to know how you chose you're friends.....!!!!!

And more,....if I spend half of my life with the wonderful interesting and funny wife that i have I would not care much if she end up looking like these charming ladies....it's the real wonderful times you spend together that count not the appearances.....



Because they dont want to end up looking like this


mines on the left ,look little better than most old ladies from the UK or USA


Isn't "Thai men all bad" just another item on the list of bullshit bar girls tell farangs to flatter their egos?

Yes it is, but these old duffers haven't a clue.

(I prefer 'sex workers' to 'bar girls', similar occupation but wider distribution)


" “Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind,” said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.

This type of research would be laughed at in the rest of the world. It shows the struggle that pooyais have to understand the world around them and how extremely racist some can be.

Oh deary me. Educated girls marrying foreigners. Of course it was always for money, as though all that show of dowry money in Thai culture was for true love??? What does every Thai soap opera show?

Money grabbing hiso women competing with a true love. What a sad little microcosm of Thai culture this pseudo research actually shows.

"New research shows the true racial jealousy of ill educated hiso student"

This bird should try it, she might never go back.

I have known there were racially different couples who actually loved each other, regardless of money, since before I came to Southeast Asia 48 years ago. I have known literally hundreds of all ages of Asian women with Western men and know dozens of Thai-farang couples here now. Past and present, most of the women come out of the bars, but others have decent jobs or are students.

Many of the couples divorce, others estrange, but some are long-time happy together. Some of the women run-around and cockold their husbands daily, others take on a pua, and far too many run through their farang’s money like it was water.

Maybe most of the women who do these things are former bar-girls, but not all of them. Yes, some good long-lasting relationships come about and the women in them come from both backgrounds.

However, I do note there are more younger farang-nice Thai girl relationships than I have seen before. Many of the nice Thai girls are with young farang teachers.


The study points out some interesting things but is not very encompassing as it does not take in the many variables involved in marriage. My first wife and I married 45 years ago. She is now deceased. We were married for 25 years until she passed. We had our ups and downs and we both loved each other but Thai people do not express their love verbally very often. The express it in more subtle ways. Some 45 years ago, hardly any marriages existed between Thai women and foreign men and vice versa. The sight of me walking with a Thai woman even in Bangkok caused people to stop and stare. In the Provinces, people were shocked and if you spoke any Thai and ate Thai food- they were in awe. My wife had a high school education and some college and could speak pasable English. She came from a lower middle class family and her father worked for The Thai Bar Association (Lawyers group). When she married me- both father and mother were shocked but gradually accepted it. MY wife was 2 years older then me. Fast Forward to the present- I am remarried to another Thai lady- 20 years younger than me and has a college education.She comes from a middle class family; The family is far from wealthy but own their own homes and land. We have been married 15 years and again have had ups and downs. In between the marriages, there have been multitude of girlfriends, relationships and acquaintances- all Thai. I gave up on Western women a long time ago- nothing personal, just not my cup of tea. Almost all Thai women have certain traits that are based upon age, education and background. All have been somewhat volatile- anger at the most silly things and then get over it fast. They hardly ever apologize for anything and all are very nationalistic In addition, all are concerned about money and being able to provide for their extended families..As mentioned they don't express their love often verbally but all express it by actions and in other ways. There is a common cultural thread-self, family, country and King. It's been quite a ride and it isn't over yet.


A few years back I was at a night club, went outside as it was about to close. I had a drunk conversation with a young obviously higher class Thai guy. At some point he says to me: "You know, I feel sorry for you farang guys. You always end up with the ugliest chicks!"

And that pretty much sums it up

I hear this all the time. I've had attractive Thai women ask me about this. My answer: I have no idea why farang guys always end up with the ugliest chicks. But they're not complaining.


tongue.pngwub.png I have heard that they even have interest in bald, fat, 70s men who have one foot in the grave and another on a skate. Is it true? I need one fast!


Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men. ??

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. They all seems to think all farangs are gentlemen or some other stupid assumption. This is obviously not the case; same goes for Thai men. Why have I mentioned this?

For example, Thais seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, the most funny thing of all is that they still discriminate black people(especially black Americans) who is more qualified to teach English than any blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin farangs, and yet they would rather hire a back packer to do the job. I could give you millions of examples.

My point is that these girls that asked you where to meet foreign guys are doing it base on their assumptions nothing else. In addition, Thailand is a third world country. The people will either be narrow minded or naive.


" Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind, said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.

This type of research would be laughed at in the rest of the world. It shows the struggle that pooyais have to understand the world around them and how extremely racist some can be.

Oh deary me. Educated girls marrying foreigners. Of course it was always for money, as though all that show of dowry money in Thai culture was for true love??? What does every Thai soap opera show?

Money grabbing hiso women competing with a true love. What a sad little microcosm of Thai culture this pseudo research actually shows.

"New research shows the true racial jealousy of ill educated hiso student"

This bird should try it, she might never go back.

Hang on, this has been done by an undergraduate student, she's not a PhD (yet)

Quantitative empirical research costs money, maybe she can get a scholarship.


I think the educated women of thailand are now educated enough to know an average farang man with a decent education make very good husbands and fathers. The young women have probably seen enough of thai men being poor husbands and poor fathers and understand the value of men with ethics and character. Given the choice there will be more and more leaning towards mixed marriage.

I belong to a yacht club back in Canada that many members have Thai wives all within their own age. One members son after finishing university travelled around and stopped in Thailand taught at a university,and married a thai stewardess. His wife has a life few thai men would offer her in 20's. She now lives international hi so not Thai hi so.Racing on yachts,,dining in many different ethnic restaurants,travel etc. The world is her oyster now as compared to marrying a Thai and being arm candy and be second class.

"I think the educated women of thailand are now educated enough to know an average farang man with a decent education make very good husbands and fathers."

This is often true from my experience.

Another example: The female buddy of my Thai daughter-in-law spent about 9 years at high school and uni in a western country and she lived all that time with a western family. She speaks perfect English and two more western languages. she's a very pleasant lady.

She has often spoken about how much she enjoyed living with a western family and the things she learned about family togetherness / family support. She also says she was really lucky in that the western homestay family from day 1 made her very welcome, always adjusted things as needed when she due to be late home from a lecture etc., always regularly checked about her studies, her needs, any support she needed etc., and she always felt like a real daughter.

She's now on the hunt for a farang husband, her own age, honest, sincerity, reliability, behaviors, their attitude and beliefs about bringing up kids are what she uses as a metric to size up any contenders.


In the end, it is all a conspiracy to dilute the gene pool !!

In 15-25 years time this country will be managed by the "50/50" kids, all with Thai passports, all with sound education and well grounded upbringing on all that is good (and a clear understanding of what is bad) with cultures and rituals of their parents.

Enjoy the era of the the big "hair do" while you can !!


I'm absolutely average in looks, average Thai language, average income, average everything. I can't remember a single time an available working class woman has refused my company, at least for a talk, even if I wasn't looking for it (I'm not very gregarious).

In contrast, I have a hard time getting traction with women who 'want' to be hi-so, much more than those that I would consider more in that category - self sufficient I mean as a baseline, who seem to be much more relaxed with themselves (not that class means much to me, I don't chase the makeup/false eyelashes and crazy high heels type).

It's not just Thais that do that though. Here is one example (the shortest video I could find that demonstrates the point: 1 min 12s econds)


It's the size that counts hehheee! Size of your wallet, size of your brain, size of you er umm! And stamina. Thai men are relatively lazy outside of a major city. Something my wife told me. She can never be with a Thai man again after me because she would never have an orgasm and probably would not feel him there. I know its BS but she never lies heheee

It's the fit that counts, not the size.


It's the size that counts hehheee! Size of your wallet, size of your brain, size of you er umm! And stamina. Thai men are relatively lazy outside of a major city. Something my wife told me. She can never be with a Thai man again after me because she would never have an orgasm and probably would not feel him there. I know its BS but she never lies heheee

It's the fit that counts, not the size.

That's what women tell the small ones.


"There are currently three reasons according to the research study for Thai women having love affairs with white guys."

Ummm....what about a 4th reason: Some people fall in love smile.png The do so without care or calculation. I know...preposterous right?

This "researcher" tries to show that she is sincere by detailing the plight of these Thai women fighting stereotypes, but then she proceeds to create 3 stereotypes of her own.

Classification into "ideal types" is a good base for quantitative empirical social research. You should know what you're looking for. Obviously, this young lady is quite aware that she might have discovered only a short-time trend, not a long-time tendency, eg. So she's critical on herself.

For getting an MA diploma you should demonstrate the *ability* to do further research, as far as I remember from my university times.


In other words: There is more "Bonking" going on between middle class Thai women and white guys...yuk, yuk.

The Thai women want "Luke Klrung" ( half foreigner children ) so I guess we will just have to provide them with such services........Thank you very much ....while Ready, Willing and Able....lol



" Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind, said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.

This type of research would be laughed at in the rest of the world. It shows the struggle that pooyais have to understand the world around them and how extremely racist some can be.

Oh deary me. Educated girls marrying foreigners. Of course it was always for money, as though all that show of dowry money in Thai culture was for true love??? What does every Thai soap opera show?

Money grabbing hiso women competing with a true love. What a sad little microcosm of Thai culture this pseudo research actually shows.

"New research shows the true racial jealousy of ill educated hiso student"

This bird should try it, she might never go back.

Hang on, this has been done by an undergraduate student, she's not a PhD (yet)

Quantitative empirical research costs money, maybe she can get a scholarship.

Where did I say she had a PhD?


A few years back I was at a night club, went outside as it was about to close. I had a drunk conversation with a young obviously higher class Thai guy. At some point he says to me: "You know, I feel sorry for you farang guys. You always end up with the ugliest chicks!"

Yeah well, the hi-so's seem to prefer the cadaver-like creatures that look like bad copies of farang women, so it's both a win-win situation and same right back at 'ya.


Look up the term "hypergamy" for the reasons behind this trend.

Sadly, these young women who are only interested in white men are sending a clear message to their fathers, brothers, and other Thai male friends and relatives: "Asian men are second-class and not good enough for me." If the end up having children (who will be half Asian), they might end up sending the same message to them.

Hypergamy is also common in the West, and there are actually a good sociobiological reasons for this: Kids usually survive their parents, the mother might get less attractive, and the father might look for a younger woman.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.


Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men.

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. They all seems to think all farangs are gentlemen or some other stupid assumption. This is obviously not the case; same goes for Thai men. Why have I mentioned this?

For example, Thais seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, the most funny thing of all is that they still discriminate black people(especially black Americans) who is more qualified to teach English than any blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin farangs, and yet they would rather hire a back packer to do the job. I could give you millions of examples.

My point is that these girls that asked you where to meet foreign guys are doing it base on their assumptions nothing else. In addition, Thailand is a third world country. The people will either be narrow minded or naive.

So what you are saying is that all Thai people can be narrow minded or naive but their men can not be a-holes heheee....

Most thai girls I have talked to have had similar instances with Thai men that you are replying about. Cheating, lazy, insensitive, not romantic, and viewed their relationship with the woman as a boss. The majority of Thai men I have seen and met were mostly lazy and wanting to spend more time with friends than with their wife. They used their extra money for booze and partying or for when they felt you lazy to work or for their mia noi. Case in point my wife's sisters hubby. Works as a teacher and instead of coming home to his family he goes to his friends house. Most nights he is out all night. On weekends he spends his quality family time with a bottle and friends and does nothing to improve his families life or lifestyle. All the money he makes teaching is gone so his wife has to use coal for cooking instead of filling the 140 baht gas tank. The workers at my house spend more time talking and taking breaks than working which is why i refused to pay daily for their jobs.

As for your comments about American blacks of which you either know nothing about them or lived a rich kids life because most are not well educated and those that are for the most are not in Thailand.

I think for every million examples you could give I could counter tenfold.


I think love and something exotic plays both ways. On the other hand being a golfer I have met many caddies who were married, got pregnant, and their dear husband got a Mia Noi which ended the marriage. The girls if lucky have a family to watch after the child while the girl tries to make some money. The child never even meets the father in way to many cases. As far as I am concerned if two people are happy then screw society.. Society will not give them happiness and someone to depend upon that a good marriage can furnish.

I also happen to know happily married Thai couples who have spent a life time together; it is the same all over the world no matter what country two people meet, fall in love, and decide this person will complete my life. About 50+% stay together and the others seem to have made a mistake and get separated. Such is life.


My Thai wife and I were both young when we married. She had a deep dislike of Thai men whom, she said, had no respect for women. The ones in her family, from what I could make out, were first class ratbags who regarded paedophilia as a perfectly acceptable pastime. We've been married for 52 years now and our Number One Son has just turned 50. Trend-setters? I don't know. We've never been particularly well off, but we're still in love.


"Third, most of these women do not possess the appearance which is valued by Thai men (Chinese-like faces, white skin and skinny bodies). White men however find them attractive."

Must be millions of disappointed and frustrated Thai guys then.

nothing at all wrong with the chinese looking ones. some of them are quite nice in many respects.

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