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Cheeky Carpark Attendant

Sawan Chan 7

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I pick up and drop off one of my kids at a prestigious school. This morning, when I dropped her off inside the school, the playground is open for drop off, I noticed the car park guy say something to her. When picking her up, the same guy said something again to her. When I questioned her, she said that in the morning he asked how old her father was! When picking her up, he told her to tell me that I needed a new car as it was old.

My first instinctive thought is to go there tomorrow morning and tell him straight to stick his whistle up his ass and if he wants to talk to me to have the balls to do it to my face. Another way may be to speak with the head of the school, a Catholic nun.

How would you deal with it. I speak Thai well enough to correspond with this guy.

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To be honest after I read your post I straight away thought that you need to seek anger management classes.

Why would you want start an argument that could escalate just because he asked your daughter what your age was ... who cares !!!

why get emotional and angry over something as frivolous as that ... who cares if he said to buy a new car ... maybe he's a joking type of person ...

Just laugh with him !! ...... clap2.gif ask him where's his car !

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Unless you can say it in perfect Thai you would come of as being crazy or not quite right in the head. Its your kid and if it bothers you it would be best to have it explaind to the jackass that he isnt to talk to her what so ever.

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Best to ignore,yes he's being cheeky,taking the piss even.Depends how old your daughter is,if she's a young teenager with confidence you could tell her to explain to the car park guy that 'my dad is in fact quite young but is run ragged by mama who is much younger than papa",also papa drives a crap heap of a car cos mama insists on driving the merc.biggrin.png

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I cannot imagine a ''prestigious'' school employing such an insensitive guard. A common or garden riffraff school maybe but definitely not a school for the elite. I really feel for you, if you were in America you would be entitled to counseling. I hope that you don't develop PTSD after this incident.

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Say "me hab caaah, you haab motosai" and laugh a dirty laugh :)

Why would he speak in pidgin if he can speak Thai?

OP. Speak to him direct as he is being very rude as he thinks you are a clueless farang.He would never do this to a Thai guy. Saying nothing would be like bending over and taking it up the arse.

Think what message would be relayed to your kid if you say nothing.

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Say "me hab caaah, you haab motosai" and laugh a dirty laugh smile.png

Why would he speak in pidgin if he can speak Thai?

OP. Speak to him direct as he is being very rude as he thinks you are a clueless farang.He would never do this to a Thai guy. Saying nothing would be like bending over and taking it up the arse.

Think what message would be relayed to your kid if you say nothing.

Well, then say the same in thai and laugh. What's the difference?

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He would never say stuff like that to the child of a Thai parent, nor would a Thai parent ever tolerate it. He is being deliberetly disrespectful and harrassing your daughter because you are a foreigner. I think your first instinct to go put him in his place is correct

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Are you from the UK by any chance ?

why would you say this, if i may ask,

While I suspect the comment had no purpose other than a cheap shot, it's possible to tell a lot about a person's heritage by the way they react to situations like this.

Probably a lot more than anyone here wanted to know, but here's a famous study about the "honor culture" of the American South, which is rooted in the cultures of the specific Europeans (herders as opposed to planters) who settled the area:


It's also handy when trying to interpret some of the posts on TVF that I find abhorrent. I come from a very different culture than a lot of the posters here, and a lot of the guys I run into on the street and even at the office.

So I stick to my advice: "Water off a duck". Or, ask your kid what to do, then discuss the ramifications of her ideas. That's another novel concept you don't hear much here on TVF.

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How old is your daughter?

Sounds like the parking guy is hitting on your daughter.

Complain straight to the person with power to remove him.

She is 15 and the car is a 11 year old Toyota Land Cruiser which is a good car but a couple of bumps that need repainted.

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To be honest after I read your post I straight away thought that you need to seek anger management classes.

Why would you want start an argument that could escalate just because he asked your daughter what your age was ... who cares !!!

why get emotional and angry over something as frivolous as that ... who cares if he said to buy a new car ... maybe he's a joking type of person ...

Just laugh with him !! ...... clap2.gif ask him where's his car !

He's being rude and I feel that I need to put him in his place if for nothing else to show him we are not all idiots.

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Say "me hab caaah, you haab motosai" and laugh a dirty laugh smile.png

Why would he speak in pidgin if he can speak Thai?

OP. Speak to him direct as he is being very rude as he thinks you are a clueless farang.He would never do this to a Thai guy. Saying nothing would be like bending over and taking it up the arse.

Think what message would be relayed to your kid if you say nothing.

My Thai is good enough to say what I would want to.

I might speak directly to his as you suggest, I agree with you, thanks.

I don;t care if it escalates, why should I fear a car park attendant?

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