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Anti-coup group wants treason suit against PM Prayut

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

I'm Australian,

Youtube 'Tony Abbott' gaffs and you'll find 2 previous prime ministers laughing at the idea he could be a PM. And 1 stating that "anyone who votes for Tony Abbott, gets what they deserve."

In short yes I would like to see the Australian army commander take over from Tony.

In this instance its nice to see the anti coup litigants turn up to court suitably dressed to impress, in the track suit pants with the dodgy English slogan T-shirt.

Sloppy articles

(t-shirt not litigants)


go and have another beer or three and turn on the telly

Bobmac if you disagree with me, explain your opinion.

Don't try a pathetic attempt to insult me. I don't drink or own a TV.

Although drinking beer and owning a TV are not prerequisites for stupidity.

Making sweeping generalisations and trying subtle digs based on someone's lifestyle choices, that's the real clincher, a lumbering, obvious, typically Australian attempt to pander for mob mentality support.

Its my experience that this is the default setting for people without the where-with-all to make any real fist of an intelligent argument.

Abbott was voted in. If most people dont like him they will vote him out.

But interesting that you being in a minority didnt get your way so spitting the dummy out and want the army in just for the minority

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

Well the last military coup in the UK was in 1653 under Oliver Cromwell.

On the other hand there have not been many street protests and shooting on the streets of the UK that the police couldn't and didn't handle unlike here in Thailand.

How about in your country?

The last reading of the riot act in the UK was in August 1919 when the police went on strike.



There was certainly violence in the months preceding the coup. In another thread some time ago, I compiled a list of violent acts that were reported in the Thai media at the time and resulted in deaths or injuries. Certainly, that was not a tolerable situation.

Some have argued that the protests being conducted to oust the government were intended to provoke the violence. I am not sure about intent, but it is clear that the violence escalated along with the protests.

At the time, it appeared that the police were not containing the violence, and the military was not assisting in any meaningful way.

Despite all these negative conditions, how does one justify a military coup as the next logical step?

Would not the next logical step be for the civilian government to mobilize additional resources to address the violence, and to assure that elections could be conducted again without threats of intimidation and the blocking of polls?

Where was the military in the run-up to the coup? Helping to restore order or standing by?

In your home country, had there been violence in the streets, and the police were struggling to contain it, would you not expect the military to support the civilian government and help restore peace and order in cooperation?

Again, how is a coup the next logical step?

In my home country (UK) the military would NOT step in to support the civilian government unless they were ordered to and there are many legal steps to be taken before it gets to that stage. IF it got to that stage then the military would be under the control of the government and would most probably be exempt from any charges that arose from the situation.

It is the responsibility of the civilian government to maintain and restore order using the police to do their job properly. In Thailand it did not happen simply because the police did NOT do the job that they were paid to do either selectively or even handedly. There lies the problem.


I don't approve the murders that occured, of course. I just wonder if it could be considered unexpected, whatever the political side involved. Imagine in another country, that protesters would prevent elections to happen and try to put in power an unelected government of their choice - all under the benevolent eyes of the army. In which country wouldn't some people take their guns? The U.S.? Hmmm... France....Hmmmm...


Chaos and lawlessness, perpetrated by both sides.

It was 95%fine all over the rest of the country apart from a small area within Bangkok, I will not bother pointing out that the South has seen the violence and chaos for 10 years, and no coup was staged because of this. But the sycophants only see Bangkok as being the whole of the country, therefore it was like Dantes inferno to them.

Let those red cowards bomb and burn their own backyard not mine.

And you by both sides.. you forget how one side killed children and cheered about it on stage (while representatives of the government were present). Don't forget the trad massacre.. its shows that one side is definitely lower and worse as all others.

I dare you to find a similar incident where 2 cars drove into a public gathering in Trad (not Bangkok like you imply) and started firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades and leaving many wounded and among the dead 2 children.

Now find me something that comes even close to this incident.

That was a sickening case of violence and the perpetrators should be tried, convicted and shot. That does not, however, mean that all or most of the reds are homicidal maniacs. Like their opposites they are mostly concerned citizens with strong political opinions.

Que the cheerleaders saying how the reds are just paid off by the bogeyman in Dubai, stupid, uneducated and infuriatingly enough not voting for the "correct" people...coffee1.gif

I wonder if you even realise the magnitude of what 'perpetrators' means ?.

Everyone except the major hypocrites knows that the murders were carried out by the UDD. Every shred of evidence in the recent history of violence points to them. The cheering crowds after the Trang murders simply confirmed it.

They would NEVER take it on themselves to go to such extremes. They MUST have been told to do it by someone very high up because the political significance is huge and their whole organisation is integral with Pheu-Thai.

Therefore approval must have come from the very top - and that means Dubai. And it's pretty likely that the man trusted most to keep it secret while passing on the order would be Mr C with his dodgy ears.

So these are the real 'perpetrators'. Do you agree they should be tried, convicted and shot now ?. Don't blame the greedy UDD thug who has zero ethics. He just took the money and fired the M79's and AK47's someone else gave him along with a few thousand baht. People who would do that are ten a penny here.

I wonder how many red-shirts on here know or suspect this is the truth but keep quite because they are happy it happened. A healthy percentage I would guess going by their other comments.

These are the red-shirts we farang think of as medieval throwbacks. Not the majority of good people (of which I have met many) who just want a better life which politicians from both sides don't want to give them.

The only one who does seems to be Prayuth.

"They MUST have been told to do it by someone very high up..."

If you say so then I guess it MUST be true....coffee1.gif. Even if it were true I would not lose one second of sleep if the whole leadership of PT was locked up having been found guilty of this or other crimes. You see, contrary to you I know that reality is shades of gray - it's never black or white.

I agree wholeheartedly with your signature quote; "Never argue with an !d!ot" so will end this post.


John my hate filled, myopic friend. If the army were really interested in the plight of the Thai people then they would of made sure elections went a head as per the constitution then honored the results. Then helped disperse of any lingering crowds that didn't respect the result.

If you want to carry on believing the easily see through narrative then go right ahead mate. Coups are a dime a dozen here in Thailand and they are all power plays. If you truly believe in your hate filled heart that this one is 'different' then carry on man. The rest of us will see it for what it really is.

And no I won't elaborate on what that is because their are laws in Thailand preventing me from doing so.


Correct ... the army did not intervene at an early stage because they were reluctant as it wasn't their call to influence either party either way. However, when security of the people became a serious concern, that being killings by red shirts then the army had no choice but to restore law & order and everyone was greatful that they did.

If the cronies on here can't see that logic then they are blind ....

Thailand is far better off now than before .... Everyone knows the red shirts are just out to make trouble, they do not care about thai people or democracy or anything else ... they are terrorists and thugs as all the previous murders and grenade throwing have shown before.

You cannot lie about that !! whistling.gif

I commend General Prayuth for his hard work and dedication to bring Thailand back to some form that of a civil society without the unrest. wai2.gif


Yeah, that's why the economy is down the toilet, as are free speech and critical thinking.

Corruption is still rampant everywhere. Do you think Thaksin invented corruption? You know it was rife before he was even on the political scene right? How many coups were there during that time, do you think the Thai army are some sort of incorruptible paragons of virtue? Read up on Prayuth and the eastern tigers. Learn to look at things in a balanced way. Just don't like the status quo cos your wife told you to.


Correct ... the army did not intervene at an early stage because they were reluctant as it wasn't their call to influence either party either way. However, when security of the people became a serious concern, that being killings by red shirts then the army had no choice but to restore law & order and everyone was greatful that they did.

If the cronies on here can't see that logic then they are blind ....

Thailand is far better off now than before .... Everyone knows the red shirts are just out to make trouble, they do not care about thai people or democracy or anything else ... they are terrorists and thugs as all the previous murders and grenade throwing have shown before.

You cannot lie about that !! whistling.gif

I commend General Prayuth for his hard work and dedication to bring Thailand back to some form that of a civil society without the unrest. wai2.gif

"the army did not intervene at an early stage because they were reluctant as it wasn't their call to influence either party either way." Come on... You're not trying to sell us the "neutral junta" fairytale again, do you? Even The Nation has stopped trying to sell it.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

I'm Australian,

Youtube 'Tony Abbott' gaffs and you'll find 2 previous prime ministers laughing at the idea he could be a PM. And 1 stating that "anyone who votes for Tony Abbott, gets what they deserve."

In short yes I would like to see the Australian army commander take over from Tony.

In this instance its nice to see the anti coup litigants turn up to court suitably dressed to impress, in the track suit pants with the dodgy English slogan T-shirt.

Sloppy articles

(t-shirt not litigants)


go and have another beer or three and turn on the telly

One of the downsides of smartphone apps is that they allow people to post without leaving their barstools!



what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

I'm Australian,

Youtube 'Tony Abbott' gaffs and you'll find 2 previous prime ministers laughing at the idea he could be a PM. And 1 stating that "anyone who votes for Tony Abbott, gets what they deserve."

In short yes I would like to see the Australian army commander take over from Tony.

In this instance its nice to see the anti coup litigants turn up to court suitably dressed to impress, in the track suit pants with the dodgy English slogan T-shirt.

Sloppy articles

(t-shirt not litigants)

go and have another beer or three and turn on the telly

One of the downsides of smartphone apps is that they allow people to post without leaving their barstools!

Distinct advantage for the cheap beer and pussy brigade.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It's not rocket science, Was article 113 of the criminal code violated or not?

Answer ???

Why was article 113 put into law?

Answer ???

Was a new law written to absolve the junta of any violations?

Answer ???

You may not like the answers man but the facts are as they are.

The challenge for you is to answer with honesty rather than with deflection and bias.

As for street protests and shootings well no one wants that again and happy to see the end of it.

Now if the army did what they should have been doing and protect and guarding buildings and poling places instead of plotting and hatching planes of yet another coup???whistling.gif

sorry mate but that was the job of the police not the army but they refused to do it. Being ptp loyalists they simply refused to do anything to stop the reds killing any protesters or even investigating them. Maybe if the police did what they are paid to instead of simply standing back and letting the reds do as they please(as in 2010 as well) none of this crap would have been needed. Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?



what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It's not rocket science, Was article 113 of the criminal code violated or not?

Answer ???

Why was article 113 put into law?

Answer ???

Was a new law written to absolve the junta of any violations?

Answer ???

You may not like the answers man but the facts are as they are.

The challenge for you is to answer with honesty rather than with deflection and bias.

As for street protests and shootings well no one wants that again and happy to see the end of it.

Now if the army did what they should have been doing and protect and guarding buildings and poling places instead of plotting and hatching planes of yet another coup???whistling.gif

sorry mate but that was the job of the police not the army but they refused to do it. Being ptp loyalists they simply refused to do anything to stop the reds killing any protesters or even investigating them. Maybe if the police did what they are paid to instead of simply standing back and letting the reds do as they please(as in 2010 as well) none of this crap would have been needed. Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

So it wasn't the army job to protect elections, but it was its job to make a coup. It seems quite unbalanced to me....


regarding the group in the OP, if Thailand is to ever address their democracy's allergic reaction to the army, then this group is a vital element in the recipe to really move the country forward...

How they talk about themselves, ...

“In a climate of fear that is seeping through everywhere with a purpose of establishing a long-term authoritarian rule by the coup makers and their allies…In such environment, we, comprising of students, teachers, activists, relatives of those who have lost their lives due to political persecution, and those who love freedom and democracy, all agree that the first thing we must do is to destroy such climate of fear created by the coup government.”

This lawsuit is with near certainty doomed to fail, but their actions are for another purpose - to repeat that last line, ...
the first thing we must do is to destroy such climate of fear created by the coup government

what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Doesn't matter how many times you say "But Thaksin/Redshirts/PTP etc", treason is treason is treason.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Fully agree. What is the penalty for treason committed while a serving army officer in civilised countries?


Ok, a couple of points here. I'll probably get flamed, but I'm a big boy and can handle it, so do your best if you feel you must.

1) Some of you have made comments about how the reds cheered when they heard the news of the attack. Yes, they did. On that you are correct. But then you twist the truth by saying they cheered the death of the children. Wrong. Dead Wrong. If you had watched that speech, and understood what was said, as I did, there was absolutely no mention of children being killed. None. Zero. Zilch. But some of you are so dead set in vilifying the reds in any way you can, that you subvert the actual FACTS with your own fantasies to suit your purpose. If you want to keep repeating something over and over, why don't you first get your facts straight, instead of twisting them around to fit your own agenda. Also, as soon as that announcement was made, and the crowd started cheering, the man was immediately pulled away from the microphone and shuffled off to the side and out of the way by the leaders for "damage control".

2) For the coup cheerleaders who want to claim the coup was endorsed by the "highest authority" in the kingdom. Statistical fact: The "highest authority" has endorsed EVERY coup that's been held.

3) Regardless of "motives", coups have been ILLEGAL under every constitution, which is why the first thing the coup makers do is tear up the constitution and immediately grant themselves immunity from their illegal actions and sedation.

4) Some of you say the coup was the only way to stop the violence. Wrong again. The military could have moved in at ANY TIME to disperse the crowds, send them home and stop the violence. But they didn't, because that would have interfered in their agenda. And THEIR agenda was to stage a coup! They orchestrated it till they felt the moment was right to make their move. All well planned in advance.

If some of you would read more than ThaiVisa, and the Thai news papers, you would find many, well educated, writers and reporters, both Western and Thai, who have clearly dissected the particular coup, and the reasons for it, and it may shock you, but "reds" and "yellows" were merely the pawns in a much larger game being played. One we can't talk about on here. Do some research. Open your minds. Stop thinking in terms of red or yellow. Start thinking in terms of power and control, because that is what the real battle is all about.

Nail right on the head there sir. Reds and yellows were always just the facade to what is really going on.

100% horsesh*t.

The Army stayed out of it as long as they possibly could. First they manned checkpoints because the police were letting the terrorists through then they took control when the killing did not stop.

Hypocrites like you are the first to shout that the Army should stay in their barracks when it suits you.

Oh - and the cheering about the deaths was OK because they didn't know about the children was it ?. Unbelievable. The point you are missing is that it shows us clearly who was behind it. You fire a grenade into a crowd, it's pure chance who gets killed.

If you read anything other than PDRC/JUNTA/YELLOW propaganda B.S., you would know the army stayed out as long as they could in order to achieve their long range goal - COUP.

Did you read ANYTHING in my posting where I said the cheering was okay or acceptable? Try to stop reading things that aren't there, just to suit YOUR agenda..

You are right about one thing. Yes, it does clearly show us who is behind things, but only for those intelligent enough to get past the Red/Yellow bullshit to look at the overall picture, which you seem unable to do. There's more than ample proof, if you would every actually do any research, to prove this coup was a long time in the making, and the reasons behind it. And if you had the intelligence, and were open minded enough, you would see this Red/Yellow problem is, and was, nothing more than a preplanned, staged event, to bring things to where they are now. Intelligent people who read more than TVA and BK Post are aware of this. Apparently you aren't.


You need to take a look at what I said a bit closer Rob.

Are you dismissing all the actions of the PDRC protestors where they used weapons, even grenades, against the police ( the copper who tried to kick the grenade away). The popcorn gunman, the guards who beat up people badly for straying into "their area" or removed cones?

I never split the violence a down proportionally, everyone knows the Reds caused 95% of it, I used violence period, regardless of the perpetrators. To me violence is violence period.

You bring up the Trad case, IIRC it was one man who threw grenades, they have him in custody, and he will get what he deserves, same as the popcorn shooter.

You dared me to show a similar incident in Trad, or close to it.

The army Rangers did this down in the South, they fired into a gathering of people killing 4 , who were later found to be innocent.

I think you will also find if you did your own research the Army/Rangers have done that quite often over the past 10 years.

I also believe that insurgents down in the South on many occasions driven into public gatherings and fired weapons killing people.

Public gatherings huh? What's your definition of a gathering, mine is a group of two or more in a public place, so over the past 10 years many public gatherings down in the South have been attacked.

Don't try to twist your own words mate, by meaning political gatherings, you never dared that, you dared me to find something similar. I did.

No doubt you will dismiss anything that happens in the south as irrelevant as many here do, I on the other hand don't distinguish acts of violence no matter who's behind it.

You knew what i meant when i said look for something similar.. i meant yellow on red. Your not stupid far from it you knew what i meant.

Popcorn guy was an idiot but that was 2 sides shooting at each-other not like Trad where grenades were lopped.. shots fired adults and childeren dead as a result of it. I don't believe it was one man, cars were driven in the crowd shot were fired and grenades thrown.. they were talking about one or 2 cars.. that is more then 1 man mate.

People coming up with the popcornman are apologist as its not in the same league as the Trat killings

That you and justavoice come up with the popcornman shows how weak your arguments really are.

As for the guards that beat people down.. they gave themselves up (were handed over). That is different from what happened on the red side. Shows that anti government did not like violence.

But if you say reds cause 95% of it.. i feel that is a bit high percentage.. I would go 80% or so

And bringing the south in it and the trouble there just muddies the discussion, think we both agree things are going wrong there.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.

So 65% of all voting Thais support the latest coup-d'etat?

Supporting evidence?


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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

They didn't take it over illegally. It was endorsed and signed over by the highest in the Thai Kingdom.

Secondly, did you like how it was before ? did you like the way things were going before ? did you want it to just continue on the way it was before ?

you like unrest ?

you like disorder ? and you obviously don't like taking orders ?

you like instability ?

you like street protests blocking buildings and streets everyday ?

I just don't get you people, before it was kaos and lawlessness .... now someone steps in to bring back stability and law and order and try to clean up the mess left behind and you dogooders still whinge.

If there is no person of authority at the top, Thailand would go back to how it was before ... is that what you want ????? ..... coffee1.gif unbelievable ..

I dont believe too many countries have achieved a stable democracy without violence. Unfortunate but it seems a part of growing up! Let the kids fight it out, just make sure the damage is minimized, controlling the amount of firearms out there would be a good start. Compromise just leaves both parties feeling like losers. If ¨Dady¨ keeps stepping in and doesn´t let the kids grow up it will NEVER work. The thoughts and feelings will just become suppressed and bottled up. Most of us have experienced what happens when a Thai person snaps.

i believe that if the authorities had done their jobs this would not have got this far.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

If the politicians in my country were as blatantly corrupt as the Taksin crew and were plundering the country for their own financial gain then YES, I would welcome the military to come in and straighten it out.

One thing that democracy is showing us in many countries (USA especially) is that the politicians cannot be trusted to represent their constituents (as is their sworn duty). But instead pander to the whims of the banks and big corporations.

I would say a revolution is overdue in many countries so that some proper laws can be written to offset the assault by the politicians on the common man.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif


It is worth understanding, (if you can), that however wealthy Thaksin was, his wealth is but a tiny percentage of the riches controlled by the Junta and the institutions they "protect". I mean tiny. At best he had about 6 billion dollars. Just one eighth that of one of Thailand's wealthiest families.

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