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Best Shot Competition (August 2015)

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Hi folks and welcome to the monthly best shots competition.

Rules of the competition are simple.

Each member may submit up to two of their own photos per month.

Only one photo per post,multiple photos in the same post will be disqualified.

The photos must be Thailand related and also must comply with the ThaiVisa.com forum rules

A title,Basic Exif data,location and date may be added,but no extra comments to try and win more votes will be allowed.

The photos that get 10 likes or more will get moved to a pinned Gallery thread at the end of the month.

Please make sure that your images are no wider than 1024 pixels

Note.......I will drop by the thread every couple of days to remove the posts not containing images,so please don't be annoyed if you see

one of your posts is missing,thanks for your understanding.

This competition will run until August 31st

How to post images - Posting Images - Guidelines

Prizes will be awarded to the top three chosen photos,the prizes are as follows.

1st Prize - Accommodation at a luxury hotel courtesy of BBX up to the value of 7,000 Baht. (https://www.bbx.co.t.../Accommodation/)
2nd Prize - 3,000 Baht discount at InvadeIt. (http://www.invadeit.co.th/)
3rd Prize - 1,500 Baht mobile phone top-up.

So Folks,gimme your 'Best Shots' and good luck to all.

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Quick question : the pic must not be more than 1024 wide...ok ...but here on the forum it gets only 800 ,

so the orriginal is two times resized...and looses more sharpness/detail ? Why the resizing to 800 ?

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Quick question : the pic must not be more than 1024 wide...ok ...but here on the forum it gets only 800 ,

so the orriginal is two times resized...and looses more sharpness/detail ? Why the resizing to 800 ?

There were technical problems whereas we had small thumbnails, around 100x100, that when clicked on would come up at 1200. That caused problems with smaller screen sizes or browsers that did not autoscale so a compromise had to be met to guarantee the image was viewable on all screen sizes and reduce loading times, thus 800w.

However, if it is an image hosted off site, such as Flickr, and linked here you can get 1024w or greater. We specify 1024 for those due to browser window limitations such as surrounding border space so it doesn't force horizontal scrolling. 50% of screens are 1366w or less at the moment and subtracting the borders of the browser makes 1024 the best choice to allow maximum compatibility.

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