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Can't download tool to upgrade Windows 7 => Windows 10

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I can download every file on internet but not this file http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/C/8/1C8BAF5C-9B7E-44FB-A90A-F58590B5DF7B/v2.0/MediaCreationToolx64.exe

As a result I can't upgrade my Windows 7 => Windows 10

All my friends tell me, if you don't want to wait download the tool but whatever browser I use Internet Explorer / Firefox, Google Chrome they all give me the same 'error' message:

"No data received"


Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data

Do more people in Thailand have this problem or only me annoyed.gifannoyed.gif


Power cycle (off/on) your modem/router.

Make sure that someone hasn't reconfigured your modem/router or computer to use a rogue DNS Address.

Are you having issues with other microsoft,com addresses?


Using your link above, I just downloaded the toolkit. I'm in Bangkok.

Try a different computer/browser. If that doesn't work, try again tomorrow.

Edit: I used the original link in post #1.


Why are you so keen for windows 10? Every new operating system always has flaws, best to give it 6 months or so.

I got the upgrade the day it was released after reserving it a few weeks before. It installed without any drama's and left everything as it was before and for me is the best Windows yet. I liked 7 but hated 8. 10 is even better than 7 was so well done MS thumbsup.gif


Why are you so keen for windows 10? Every new operating system always has flaws, best to give it 6 months or so.

I got the upgrade the day it was released after reserving it a few weeks before. It installed without any drama's and left everything as it was before and for me is the best Windows yet. I liked 7 but hated 8. 10 is even better than 7 was so well done MS thumbsup.gif

Up to you, personally I'll wait for sp1, too old and wise to trust Microsoft to have got it right 1st time.


Why are you so keen for windows 10? Every new operating system always has flaws, best to give it 6 months or so.

I got the upgrade the day it was released after reserving it a few weeks before. It installed without any drama's and left everything as it was before and for me is the best Windows yet. I liked 7 but hated 8. 10 is even better than 7 was so well done MS thumbsup.gif

Yes. Took a couple of days for me to feel entirely familiar with everything and one or two minor tweaks, but I like Windows 10. Certainly less of a hassle than moving from XP to 7 was. Actually seems fairly user friendly.

re: the O/P. I downloaded it and installed it pretty quickly ... using 3BB in Pattaya. Never even asked me for my Windows 7 product key.



Somebody saved it for me in my dropbox, I installed it at my computer and did the updgrade to Windows 10.

Everything looked okay but after the update my NVidea card needed the Windows 10 driver as the resolution of my screen was not correct, installed it and now I had my correct resolutions again (not a problem, was installed and my old resolution worked again) but......

- all short-cuts on my desktop didn't work anymore

- no Windows 10 menu, just a 'red windows' at the left corner and when I click on it nothing happens

- as I have no access to any menu could NOT uninstall Windows 10 :-(

Decided to go to sleep and continue tomorrow.

Next day I switch on PC and the lights go on, fans are working but PC will not pass the POST (Power Up Self Test) screen - it's D.E.A.D - no OS

Over 35 years of experience with PC's (first one was Acorn Atom with black/white monitor where I had to save my programs on a casette tape) but never see this before. I have a normal PC with a NVidea graphics card and Microsoft is not able to install their OS on it? Can only say as of today that I am extremely disappointed in Windows 10 already and I didn't even worked with it!

Coincidence that my hardware is broken now after I switch on again my PC, don't think so but everybody will tell me now that software can't damage hardware, I have seen it with my own eyes it can....

This morning up to Tuk Com and see what they can do with

PS: luckily my Linux Mint PC is still working as well as my 10 year old HP laptop with Lubuntu. You work with Microsoft products, always make sure you have a backup plan :-)


This is a known problem with an NVIDIA driver update that MS put out a couple of weeks ago.

There's been a lot of 'discussion' on NVIDIA and other forums about troubles users have faced.

Problems have ranged from screen resolution, sharpness of text, monitor displays to, in the extreme, not being able to start the computer (your problem, it seems!).

Microsoft's answer is to roll back the driver - how you do that if the computer doesn't start they don't say!!

Not specifically a Windows 10 problem, users of Win7 and 8.1 have had these troubles.

The difference is, you don't have the option of refusing the update (or any other malfunctioning update) in Windows 10.

You get it, whether you want it or not.

Latest is that MS have put out a "tool" that allows you to block an update you've had to uninstall.

However, they are not advertising this and you have to search it out yourself.

Again, doesn't help if your computer won't start.



Somebody saved it for me in my dropbox, I installed it at my computer and did the updgrade to Windows 10.

Everything looked okay but after the update my NVidea card needed the Windows 10 driver as the resolution of my screen was not correct, installed it and now I had my correct resolutions again (not a problem, was installed and my old resolution worked again) but......

- all short-cuts on my desktop didn't work anymore

- no Windows 10 menu, just a 'red windows' at the left corner and when I click on it nothing happens

- as I have no access to any menu could NOT uninstall Windows 10 :-(

Decided to go to sleep and continue tomorrow.

Next day I switch on PC and the lights go on, fans are working but PC will not pass the POST (Power Up Self Test) screen - it's D.E.A.D - no OS

Over 35 years of experience with PC's (first one was Acorn Atom with black/white monitor where I had to save my programs on a casette tape) but never see this before. I have a normal PC with a NVidea graphics card and Microsoft is not able to install their OS on it? Can only say as of today that I am extremely disappointed in Windows 10 already and I didn't even worked with it!

Coincidence that my hardware is broken now after I switch on again my PC, don't think so but everybody will tell me now that software can't damage hardware, I have seen it with my own eyes it can....

This morning up to Tuk Com and see what they can do with

PS: luckily my Linux Mint PC is still working as well as my 10 year old HP laptop with Lubuntu. You work with Microsoft products, always make sure you have a backup plan :-)

Did you leave the computer on for some time before switching it off? It's possible that it's installing extra updates (there have been a few already since release). You could also try booting in safe mode and do a rollback from there.


Last update.

The main problem in my case was that Avast Internet Security was running and I did not receive any warning from Windows 10 as well as from Avast to switch it off - strange.....

After they removed Avast in Tuk Com my PC worked perfect, kudos for Microsoft but Windows 10 (in my case Windows 10 Professional) is great and I do not want to go back to Windows 7 anymore.

I hope some people can learn from my big mistake, switch off your virus scanner first when you upgrade your PC to Windows 10!

Thanks for your advice and solutions.


Last update.

The main problem in my case was that Avast Internet Security was running and I did not receive any warning from Windows 10 as well as from Avast to switch it off - strange.....

After they removed Avast in Tuk Com my PC worked perfect, kudos for Microsoft but Windows 10 (in my case Windows 10 Professional) is great and I do not want to go back to Windows 7 anymore.

I hope some people can learn from my big mistake, switch off your virus scanner first when you upgrade your PC to Windows 10!

Thanks for your advice and solutions.

I didn't have to do that and I'm using a free antivirus (avira)

Hard to believe a famous software company didn't realise there might be issues with win 10 and send out a warning at least


I know that sometimes if you want to install software, it asks you to switch off your Antivirus software. Again, the repair shop in Tuk Com told me this so that's all I can tell you.

They installed AVG on my computer when I picked it up and at home I installed my Avast Internet Security license again without any problems.

PC is now running fine and even my Logitech Webcam 4000 Pro is supported - this webcam is more than 10 years old, bought it March 2005 !!!!


I finally made a reservation too.

Response from MS - rapid.

Installation - one optional update could not be installed.



I finally made a reservation too.

Response from MS - rapid.

Installation - one optional update could not be installed.


I remember you can do a right click on the update and select something like "hide" or "ignore"

I did the same when Windows 7 tried to download updates for my network card that did not exist....


I have completed all I can do - many times - same.

1 optional update selected. BUT, what is it?


We could not update the system reserved partition. No understando!


We could not update the system reserved partition. No understando!

You have mentioned before on occasion that you have a computer tech.

Since you have one, I would suggest you use them.


Computer teach has stated that he WILL DO IT TONIGHT!

I am not prepared to place a bet on that.

His competency, I very much applaud.

Timing - TIT.

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