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Thailand must do more to manage migrants


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Thailand must do more to manage migrants
Long-term policy necessary for a lasting impact and to combat human trafficking
Tan Hui Yee Thailand Correspondent In Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- While Thailand had hoped for a better rating in a human trafficking report last Monday, few observers were surprised that it remains lodged in the bottom tier for its anti-trafficking efforts.

The most obvious reason for this is that the United States' annual Trafficking In Persons (TIP) report takes into account the period preceding March 31, before the Thai government started a concerted crackdown on trafficking networks. These efforts began after the horrific discovery of mass graves of trafficked victims on the Thai-Malaysian border in May.

But ongoing court cases related to people smuggling and migrant workers have not done Thailand credit either.

A prominent case involves the trial of two journalists from a small news website called Phuketwan, arising from a defamation lawsuit brought by the Thai Navy. The navy alleged defamation over a paragraph that Phuketwan cited from a Pulitzer Prize-winning story which exposed official complicity in the smuggling of Rohingya migrants through Thailand.

Full story: http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/thailand-must-do-more-to-manage-migrants

-- The Straits Times 2015-08-03

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