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Flyers to face B35 fee for airport background check


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They should run the screening on all Thai who travel on domistic flights. They could fill a van every day picking up those who have arrest warrents issued, have violated conditions of bail, etc.

Another typical ''lets get more of the money from the tourist / visitors to our country''

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It is inadmissable to do this.

Like every other company or organisation, such things must be planned and integrated into an annual budget, and costs/revenue forecasts adjusted accordingly.

A mandatory charge like this is unethical.

What next? An obligatory air-conditioning supplement, a toilet cleaning fee, a runway maintenance charge?

It should not be allowed.

They're getting ideas from the send-up of Ryan Airlines.

A beer sir? certainly, You want a glass? that will be extra..."

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in Belgium, they just put this system on (1 July 2015) and is already failed
However, no additional fee is required
Imagine the queue (with the well know discipline of Thai people , but also from some tourists) to pay the fee of 35 baht
Many tourists do not have THB when they arrive for the 1st time in LOS
It'll be a famous circus

Post without reading the OP ! Read again and again till you understand what the post says about he fee.....

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Wonder if they will be able to handle all the excitement when looking at my APPS saai.gif

No, but you can bet that info will be for sale to anyone who can figure out how to use it not in your best interest. This info will not stay with Thai 'authorities'.

Besides, I thought we already paid 800 baht to leave, why isn't that money used for this purpose. It is just a blatant ripoff of another 35 baht just because they can. You can bet this 'fee' will increase over time.

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Wonder if they will be able to handle all the excitement when looking at my APPS saai.gif

No, but you can bet that info will be for sale to anyone who can figure out how to use it not in your best interest. This info will not stay with Thai 'authorities'.

Besides, I thought we already paid 800 baht to leave, why isn't that money used for this purpose. It is just a blatant ripoff of another 35 baht just because they can. You can bet this 'fee' will increase over time.

No other airports around the world would dare to introduce another charge. I used to book online, great offers. Comtinue the booking process and by the time you had selected flights prices normally doubled.

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I was concerned about the practicality, the legality of the system and its implementation considering they will be dealing with millions of customers coming through the airports.

I was also thinking about a lot of the countries they wish to be aiming at probably have neither reciprocal systems in place or will have rights issues regards their citizens .

I never thought we would get into a debate about 35 baht, it was the far reaching consequences and mess that concerned me regards these checks and screening. I thought they already had them in place.

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I pay $25.00 CDN every year for my criminal check by the Provincial Police, in order to satisfy the requirements for my OE, non resident, 1 year visa for Thailand. This is done in my home province of Ontario in Canada. Does this 35 bhat check by the Thai "authorities" mean that I can save about $24.00 CDN every time I apply? Also, this check in Canada takes about 3 to 4 weeks. Either the Canadians are very slow or this 35 bhat charge is just a smoke screen and money grab.

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I pay $25.00 CDN every year for my criminal check by the Provincial Police, in order to satisfy the requirements for my OE, non resident, 1 year visa for Thailand. This is done in my home province of Ontario in Canada. Does this 35 bhat check by the Thai "authorities" mean that I can save about $24.00 CDN every time I apply? Also, this check in Canada takes about 3 to 4 weeks. Either the Canadians are very slow or this 35 bhat charge is just a smoke screen and money grab.

Possible elections coming up? 35 baht. If they said nothing and put it on ticket price no one would know.

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I can understand the charge and background check on arriving passengers .....but why on departing passengers.

Oh , now I realise ...................to prevent all those Thais who are on parole awaiting a court appearance from " doing a runner ".

As for those here complaining , how long have all the TVF whingers been complaining about the " foreign" lowlife scum that seem to appear in the pages of the Pattaya and Phuket newspapers( & forums) all the time..............and then go on to say how Thailand would be better off without them . Surely, this move "should" help stop them from arriving in the first place.

Thats gotta be a good thing.

As for comments about " privacy: issues ........................dont all foreigners travelling to the states have to apply on line for a " permission to travel" clearance prior to travelling to the states. This is no different.

Seems to me , this is an attempt to keep the lowlife scum and wanted criminals out of Thailand in the first place.

Of course , how this will work with land borders is beyond my understanding.

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This will be like the fuel surcharge, which interestingly hasn't been reduced or dropped with the fall in fuel costs. So they will slam on the charge at the ticketting level but it will stick, go up, be disguised for infinity, thai Airlines are already amongst the dearest,let's see how much further it can go to completely stuff up the tourist industry.

They did the same on vehicle road fuel transport cost. Use to be Chaing Mai was same price at pump as Bangkok. Then they decided to move the transport fee charge further south toward Bangkok, then the fee itself was increased to 70 stang per liter and these fees have not been reduced since the price of oil has collapsed.

These are not fees that go to cost of running the government but to private companies.This fee hits the Thai as well as the tourists so its safe to say they are screwing everyone. And the government is concerened about loan sharks and their fees. Who is susposed to be controlling the cost of fuel that the taxpayer consumes? It sure as he.. should not be the transport / trucking companies.

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I've just paid £45 for a background check from the UK for a job, and it took 2 weeks. How are these clowns getting it done for 35 baht and in 2 minutes?

What a load of <deleted>.

Get a grip you lunatics.

Likewise. I had to do a CRC in my country for employment a few years back. A royal pain in the arse.

Cops have to scan millions of records in their database. They told me the turn around time was from 2-6 weeks.

That being said, say I actually did have a conviction on my record for something like a DUI(which I don't) and served my sentence, I would still not be banned from travelling outside my country.

Surely this hare-brained scheme has to contravene some kind of international treaty/convention on travel and movement of people.

Is it even legal under int'l law? Am I correct to assume this will also affect Thais leaving and returning to the Kingdom or will they just be waved through (with or without unregistered firearms)?

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We who live in the LOS live daily with T.I.T. but this idea is so loony I wonder if even a living, breathing Thai could have come up with it. Is this first public evidence of a new concept set loose on mankind, a "Thai algorithm".

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Pie in the sky stupidity, can you just imagine having to log onto each countries system (assuming on exists and Thailand is given access) for each arriving visitor and then waiting for connection and eventual data being transmitted and then waiting for the official to read the various languages from the multitude of countries data and then after translating the data followed by an intelligent assessment of this data to either allow or reject each passenger - sounds like an April fools joke in August.

Don't you just love the clowns in supposedly responsible positions trying to move this country forward into the next century.

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I can understand the charge and background check on arriving passengers .....but why on departing passengers.

Oh , now I realise ...................to prevent all those Thais who are on parole awaiting a court appearance from " doing a runner ".

As for those here complaining , how long have all the TVF whingers been complaining about the " foreign" lowlife scum that seem to appear in the pages of the Pattaya and Phuket newspapers( & forums) all the time..............and then go on to say how Thailand would be better off without them . Surely, this move "should" help stop them from arriving in the first place.

Thats gotta be a good thing.

As for comments about " privacy: issues ........................dont all foreigners travelling to the states have to apply on line for a " permission to travel" clearance prior to travelling to the states. This is no different.

Seems to me , this is an attempt to keep the lowlife scum and wanted criminals out of Thailand in the first place.

Of course , how this will work with land borders is beyond my understanding.

Took 78 posts before someone used his head before replying, instead of the &lt;deleted&gt; the other members use.

This system should have been introduced 10 years ago, then there would be much less pedofile English teachers around.

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Pie in the sky stupidity, can you just imagine having to log onto each countries system (assuming on exists and Thailand is given access) for each arriving visitor and then waiting for connection and eventual data being transmitted and then waiting for the official to read the various languages from the multitude of countries data and then after translating the data followed by an intelligent assessment of this data to either allow or reject each passenger - sounds like an April fools joke in August.

Don't you just love the clowns in supposedly responsible positions trying to move this country forward into the next century.

Which one? The 18th or 19th century?

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Well this just ins't going to work for a variety of reasons. Now would the Thai government gladly pass over private information of their citizens travelling overseas and passing major airports? I didn't think so....does anyone actually think anything through in this country? How long would ONE passenger take to check? Imagine the queue...lol

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...don't they take in enough tourist dollars...

...it is their job to begin with...and all computerized...

...so to pretend this is something new...that tourists have to pay for....is incongruent to say the least

(something wrong with the spelling???)

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