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Flyers to face B35 fee for airport background check

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really bad news if you have a warrant for your arrest in your home country.

the data has already been shared from other countries. all this does is pay for the hardware and staff at the airport.

if your Thai ID or passport number are on the list you are arrested.

coming to a Thai policeman's radio soon. Just like USA with NCIC for past 45 years only this has international wants and warrants and Thai immigration status .


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really bad news if you have a warrant for your arrest in your home country.

the data has already been shared from other countries. all this does is pay for the hardware and staff at the airport.

if your Thai ID or passport number are on the list you are arrested.

coming to a Thai policeman's radio soon. Just like USA with NCIC for past 45 years only this has international wants and warrants and Thai immigration status .


So you are unhappy that you possibly can't enter Thailand with an outstanding arrest warrant from your home country?


Wont happen on the way in unless on pre paid tickets, no one is going to have 35bht in change and the atms dont give change anyway.

People are not going to stand around trying to find 35bht, its a non starter.

Add to that there is NO background check being done and if they were its an impossibility in 2 mins and data just isnt shared across borders in that detail.

Its just a scam for the usual tea money, no more no less.

Ill give it 2 weeks and it'll be binned until they either add it into the leaving tax or just absorb the cost it as they should.

At the moment 35 baht is 1 US dollar. Surely every international traveller carries US dollars.

Exchange rates change so wouldnt matter much if everyone did use dollars... which of course most visitors dont. .


Wont happen on the way in unless on pre paid tickets, no one is going to have 35bht in change and the atms dont give change anyway.

People are not going to stand around trying to find 35bht, its a non starter.

Add to that there is NO background check being done and if they were its an impossibility in 2 mins and data just isnt shared across borders in that detail.

Its just a scam for the usual tea money, no more no less.

Ill give it 2 weeks and it'll be binned until they either add it into the leaving tax or just absorb the cost it as they should.

At the moment 35 baht is 1 US dollar. Surely every international traveller carries US dollars.

Why would they?


Wont happen on the way in unless on pre paid tickets, no one is going to have 35bht in change and the atms dont give change anyway.

People are not going to stand around trying to find 35bht, its a non starter.

Add to that there is NO background check being done and if they were its an impossibility in 2 mins and data just isnt shared across borders in that detail.

Its just a scam for the usual tea money, no more no less.

Ill give it 2 weeks and it'll be binned until they either add it into the leaving tax or just absorb the cost it as they should.

At the moment 35 baht is 1 US dollar. Surely every international traveller carries US dollars.

Why would they?

Because in my travels Americans tell me I should.


Wont happen on the way in unless on pre paid tickets, no one is going to have 35bht in change and the atms dont give change anyway.

People are not going to stand around trying to find 35bht, its a non starter.

Add to that there is NO background check being done and if they were its an impossibility in 2 mins and data just isnt shared across borders in that detail.

Its just a scam for the usual tea money, no more no less.

Ill give it 2 weeks and it'll be binned until they either add it into the leaving tax or just absorb the cost it as they should.

At the moment 35 baht is 1 US dollar. Surely every international traveller carries US dollars.

Why would they?

Because in my travels Americans tell me I should.

Cant ever remember traveling with us dollars unless it was known i would be needing them for some reason, even then it was the exact amount needed.

Wont happen on the way in unless on pre paid tickets, no one is going to have 35bht in change and the atms dont give change anyway.

People are not going to stand around trying to find 35bht, its a non starter.

Add to that there is NO background check being done and if they were its an impossibility in 2 mins and data just isnt shared across borders in that detail.

Its just a scam for the usual tea money, no more no less.

Ill give it 2 weeks and it'll be binned until they either add it into the leaving tax or just absorb the cost it as they should.

At the moment 35 baht is 1 US dollar. Surely every international traveller carries US dollars.

Why would they?

Because in my travels Americans tell me I should.

Cant ever remember traveling with us dollars unless it was known i would be needing them for some reason, even then it was the exact amount needed.

Fine. Never needed currency in US dollars myself. Most others are just as good. Hate being in a non US country and be given a price in dollars. Plus side is you know you are being ripped off.


Guys. All flights to U.S. Already pre screen their passenger. And later when U.S. Open custom and immigration in selected countries overseas the screening will be more out in the open. People that think the U.S. Government open these overseas offices to make it easier for passengers when they arrive U.S. will have to think twice


Why would the airlines agree to accept responsibility for collecting this new tax ?

They already collect various taxes so what would the problem be? Computers have been around for a while.


really bad news if you have a warrant for your arrest in your home country.

the data has already been shared from other countries. all this does is pay for the hardware and staff at the airport.

if your Thai ID or passport number are on the list you are arrested.

coming to a Thai policeman's radio soon. Just like USA with NCIC for past 45 years only this has international wants and warrants and Thai immigration status .


So you are unhappy that you possibly can't enter Thailand with an outstanding arrest warrant from your home country?

where in my post does it say anything about me?


really bad news if you have a warrant for your arrest in your home country.

the data has already been shared from other countries. all this does is pay for the hardware and staff at the airport.

if your Thai ID or passport number are on the list you are arrested.

coming to a Thai policeman's radio soon. Just like USA with NCIC for past 45 years only this has international wants and warrants and Thai immigration status .


So you are unhappy that you possibly can't enter Thailand with an outstanding arrest warrant from your home country?

where in my post does it say anything about me?

Sorry, did not mean you personally.


I've just paid £45 for a background check from the UK for a job, and it took 2 weeks. How are these clowns getting it done for 35 baht and in 2 minutes?

What a load of <deleted>.

Get a grip you lunatics.

Disclosure Scotland is a lot less than £45 and takes about 7 days.

I never used that. I used this.



I've just paid £45 for a background check from the UK for a job, and it took 2 weeks. How are these clowns getting it done for 35 baht and in 2 minutes?

What a load of <deleted>.

Get a grip you lunatics.

Disclosure Scotland is a lot less than £45 and takes about 7 days.

Is it 35 baht?

Still 7 days is a long time to be stood at immigration at Suvarnaphumi.


Every time there is a economic turn down Thailand pulls a gun on its foreign visitors to help solve their crisis.

To show how much our presence is welcomed here, the Chinese get a free visa.


Every time there is a economic turn down Thailand pulls a gun on its foreign visitors to help solve their crisis.

To show how much our presence is welcomed here, the Chinese get a free visa.



many comments here show most people don't understand how this works.

very fast and easy.

your Thai ID card number or passport number is swiped or manually entered by a computer operator.

The operator then selects the nationally of the person.

they look at you and then look at your photo to make sure they match.

That is all that is required.

The number is then compared to a list by the computer. The comparison happens as you type each number.

This would take seconds to complete.

The operator just looks at the screen.

If the screen turns green, you are free to go, or it turns red, then security guards hold you for additional questioning.

The Thai operators don't have to be able to read a warrant or anything.

It is just that simple.


many comments here show most people don't understand how this works.

very fast and easy.

your ID card number or passport number is swiped or manually entered by a computer operator.

The operator then selects the nationally of the person.

they look at you and then look at your photo to make sure they match.

That is all that is required.

The number is then compared to a list. The comparison happens as you type each number.

This would take seconds to complete.

The operator just looks at the screen.

If the screen turns green, you are free to go, or it turns red, then security guards hold you for additional questioning.

The Thai operators don't have to be able to read a warrant or anything.

It is just that simple.

Have no problem with checks or 35 baht. As happened years ago with the 500 baht charge how will it get collected? Put it on ticket price, no problem. Dicking around with people asking for 35 baht here, there and everywhere in the airport will be another (unfortunately ) farce.


More of George Orwell's book...1984...in action...know every movement you make...cell phones are excellent for keeping track of your whereabouts...

Why do you think they wanted everyone to register their SIM cards?

I am waiting for the $100 genitals screening at airports...checking for VD so you can be quarantined until a family member coughs up 100000 baht...

No you can not apply for that job...only current military and civilian police personnel may apply...wai2.gif


I can't see how a country such as the UK would want to share information with Thailand, especially with the debacle over the Koh Tao investigations being blocked and not transparent.

They British would not have appreciated they way they were treated or called it inter agency cooperation.

You also have a military installed here that overthrew a democratic government, that would raise issues as well about information sharing and finally Thailand's human rights issues and well documented corruption.

Doesn't it also throw up loads of human rights issue regards sharing peoples past lives and things such as spent convictions in Europe and how fanatical the EU is on human rights????

I can't see it working to be honest. Christ, the queues can get bad enough at airports now. Look at the recent nonsense caused by security increased checks at Don Muang!!!

Also, people could fly into a neighboring country and cross at a land post, seems weird to me. or simply, go through an airport at Krabi, yes or no?

Calm down guys! If implemented here Thailand will simply be joining an existing system.

Many countries already do this. Certainly UK Immigration and Customs receives details of every incoming flight and exactly who is on it from Thailand already, from the airlines, information which is then checked against a watch list. America also gets details on all incoming passengers from wherever; I guess most European countries do too.

Also, the whole thing should be quite transparent to the traveller. There should be no additional queues as it all works behind the scenes.

Quite what this latest upgrade re Thailand comprises is not clear from the article but the days when one could travel the world incognito are long gone. As with everythig else, "Big Brother is watching", everything you do.

True! For years already! I have been questioned post passport control in my own country about my association with an individual from another country in yet another country simply because he gave me his mobile number to call him if I was going to the same Bar I met him in...which I did. Obviously his number was traced back to mine and thus Passport number .....waiting with bated breath they were! All amounted to nothing eventually but it demonstrated just how invasive the system can be!

Registration of Thai sim cards are also part of this accomodation of the global "big brother" for sure.

The fee is irrelevant... any point of arrival or departure is linked. For those who think it necessary to avoid the big 6 should think about this. lol


I see the whiners got here b4 I did I am all for such checks and would gladly pay way above that fee to get rid of the scum that arrive not only in Thailand but other countries also.

Don't worry a lot of Thais will think you are scum too, so you will be in good company. Text talk, isn't that what low-life scum use? ;)


I think it's about making money 70 bart each 35 bart in 35 bart out times visitors per year mega millions

Why would they want to charge you twice, surely if you are clear on the way in, then surely you must be clear on the way out.


Do the authorities really believe they will have access to real-time information from every country in the world ?

What happens when there is a power-out or a computer failure?

Anybody in Thailand heard about hacking ?

Some visitors may be arriving from "non-friendly" countries, or from countries without effective computer records of this information. How will these visitors be processed ?

Databases may contain incorrect records, e.g. people with same names.

Longer waiting times and the potential for ugly scenes at the airports. Not good for tourism !

A recipe for disaster.

If background checking is so important ( considered so for entry to USA and others), why not make it part of the visa application process in the visitors country?

Thailand comprises is not clear from the article but the days when one could travel the world incognito are long gone. As with everythig else, "Big Brother is watching", everything you do.

Cept for the crims with fake passports.


1. I have nothing to hide, so it doesn't bother me .

2. They must do whatever possible to eliminate security risks, both on board and to assist in the apprehension of jerks on the run, or jerks coming into the kingdom to do no good.

3. When I see the shitbags coming into Thailand, I wish the authorities would screen in many more ways, .. even just 'filter out' the obvious scum, telling them to get dressed before approaching the Immigration desk. And if they don't posses respectable attire, turn them back.

4. What's pathetic is a smartarse bunch of farang complaining about 35 Baht fee, when you are here, for what?? ... and flying how often? Daily??

When someone falls foul of the law, you are the first to burp, then complain: "Why don't they .... blahh blahh bloody blahh

Get a grip!

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