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Is a hatred of Thailand and Thais part of being an expat?


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You can get fed up with the natives anywhere,even your own country,it's all about anger managment,which the Thais seem to do well,until they really boil over,i have a bit of a temper,but i always feel better once i have let it go in a ranting tirade.much like Hitler and chewing the edge of the carpet is great therapy,as is standing on the edge of a cliff,or even clearing out the freezer,and spending a night in it,the key is do not let it affect you mentally.

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Complainers dont care where they are or what they are doing. They will find something to complain about where ever they go. Sure every place has its problems, dwelling on it makes it your personal problem.

Miserable people will be miserable where ever they go, I look for the good.

Edited by ToYoungToRetire
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i always feel better once i have let it go in a ranting tirade.much like Hitler and chewing the edge of the carpet is great therapy,as is standing on the edge of a cliff,or even clearing out the freezer,and spending a night in it,the key is do not let it affect you mentally.

Roflmfao! If my missus finds me in the freezer, chewing carpet and ranting like Hitler, I'm gonna have a hard time convincing her that I'm not effected mentally... ?

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i always feel better once i have let it go in a ranting tirade.much like Hitler and chewing the edge of the carpet is great therapy,as is standing on the edge of a cliff,or even clearing out the freezer,and spending a night in it,the key is do not let it affect you mentally.

Roflmfao! If my missus finds me in the freezer, chewing carpet and ranting like Hitler, I'm gonna have a hard time convincing her that I'm not effected mentally... ?

No, you won't.

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Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?

Education for most thais is from experience of life, necessity, and hard work, trying to feed their family, forraging and making money from nothing. You think they are lazy because they don't sit on their <deleted> reading books on how to drive politely?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

This is just pure jealousy. There are d..kheads of all shapes and sizes talking on their mobiles when driving. Including farangs.

Why do you people have such a difficult time driving in Thailand? Do you not have the intelligence to adapt? I have no issues with Thai driving at all and I drive every single day. If you've got serious hang-ups with the way Thais drive, then stay off the freakin roads!

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What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

I would expect Mercedes to have 'hands free' .... are you claiming they don't?

My iPhone syncs effortlessly with my BMW so I can listen to tunes and press a button on the steeringwheel to answer the phone.biggrin.png

Edited by villagefarang
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What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

I would expect Mercedes to have 'hands free' .... are you claiming they don't?

My iPhone syncs effortlessly with my BMW so I can listen to tunes and press a button on the steeringwheel to answer the phone.biggrin.png

The Pioneer "head" in my Fortuna does exactly the same

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Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?

Education for most thais is from experience of life, necessity, and hard work, trying to feed their family, forraging and making money from nothing. You think they are lazy because they don't sit on their <deleted> reading books on how to drive politely?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

This is just pure jealousy. There are d..kheads of all shapes and sizes talking on their mobiles when driving. Including farangs.

Why do you people have such a difficult time driving in Thailand? Do you not have the intelligence to adapt? I have no issues with Thai driving at all and I drive every single day. If you've got serious hang-ups with the way Thais drive, then stay off the freakin roads!

I think part of the problem with a lot farangs and their anger issues with regards Thailand is that they wash up on shores here thinking they are some sort of "Bwana"among the natives and believe they will be at the top of the food chain in Thailand because of their farangistan pensions etc and it really pisses them off when the see Thai's and some very young Thai's who have more money and "status" than they will ever have

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Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?

Education for most thais is from experience of life, necessity, and hard work, trying to feed their family, forraging and making money from nothing. You think they are lazy because they don't sit on their <deleted> reading books on how to drive politely?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

This is just pure jealousy. There are d..kheads of all shapes and sizes talking on their mobiles when driving. Including farangs.

Why do you people have such a difficult time driving in Thailand? Do you not have the intelligence to adapt? I have no issues with Thai driving at all and I drive every single day. If you've got serious hang-ups with the way Thais drive, then stay off the freakin roads!

I wish people wouldn't partly quote.

"What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving" ..was part of a larger comment.

He was going on about the poor I was just countering with a comment about the rich.

Otherwise I agree with your comments completely.

I don't get the jealousy comment though..are farangs really jealous of other farangs? Or simply foreigners who don't want to like other foreigners regardless.

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Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?
Education for most thais is from experience of life, necessity, and hard work, trying to feed their family, forraging and making money from nothing. You think they are lazy because they don't sit on their <deleted> reading books on how to drive politely?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

This is just pure jealousy. There are d..kheads of all shapes and sizes talking on their mobiles when driving. Including farangs.

Why do you people have such a difficult time driving in Thailand? Do you not have the intelligence to adapt? I have no issues with Thai driving at all and I drive every single day. If you've got serious hang-ups with the way Thais drive, then stay off the freakin roads!

I wish people wouldn't partly quote.

"What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving" ..was part of a larger comment.

He was going on about the poor I was just countering with a comment about the rich.

Otherwise I agree with your comments completely.

I don't get the jealousy comment though..are farangs really jealous of other farangs? Or simply foreigners who don't want to like other foreigners regardless.

Farangs jealous of other farangs in Thailand ? Yes most certainly, and some are very insecure as well you only have to read some of comments on TV to see this

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Another thing that a lot complain about is the bureaucracy and the problems encountered when trying to sort visa extensions, work permits and stuff...

The same people have probably never had to deal with government offices to get permission to stay or permits to work in their own country.

Most English men have no idea about visas and the like...

Any dealings with government offices in the UK and you suffer the same ignorance and lack of care. The same apparent stupidity and lack of logic. The same good cop, bad cop antics.

But if you worked for a good company all your life, you would never know.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Another thing that a lot complain about is the bureaucracy and the problems encountered when trying to sort visa extensions, work permits and stuff...

The same people have probably never had to deal with government offices to get permission to stay or permits to work in their own country.

Most English men have no idea about visas and the like...

Any dealings with government offices in the UK and you suffer the same ignorance and lack of care. The same apparent stupidity and lack of logic. The same good cop, bad cop antics.

But if you worked for a good company all your life, you would never know.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

I have made the "visa to my country" for a thai woman and it was PAINLESS compared to what any white monkey have to do in Thailand to be able to stay even 3 months straight without leaving the country. Not to mention that it is basicly impossible to get a thai citizenship compared to most EU countries.

Any and all dealings i have had in my life with swedish government agencies have been flawless compared to any and all dealings i have had with Thai government agencies. And i have never ever gotten wrong och inaccurate information from swedish government agencies all the while it's an 50-50 chance that you''ll experience that in any encounter with thai government agencies.

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Another thing that a lot complain about is the bureaucracy and the problems encountered when trying to sort visa extensions, work permits and stuff...

The same people have probably never had to deal with government offices to get permission to stay or permits to work in their own country.

Most English men have no idea about visas and the like...

Any dealings with government offices in the UK and you suffer the same ignorance and lack of care. The same apparent stupidity and lack of logic. The same good cop, bad cop antics.

But if you worked for a good company all your life, you would never know.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Got to agree there

having lived and worked in around 20 countries over the years where i had to get WPs visa etc Thailand does even rank in the difficulty/ aggravation stakes as regards run around by goverement departments

Thailand is pretty easy all things considered

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IF I gave you 50 million baht, would you stay where you are? if you answered, "NO WAY" and live in Thailand....well, you are not happy.

and this is the bigger problem. you are mad you didn't make enough, save enough, have enough money and the 'two-week millionaires make you look poor'.

and the extra 20 kg of body fat, death heat, pollution, and bar girl girlfriend doesn't seem so great on Facebook...

now get out there and enjoy that 20 baht soup...

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What about the d..kheads in Mercedes etc..calling on their iPhones whilst driving..

I would expect Mercedes to have 'hands free' .... are you claiming they don't?

My iPhone syncs effortlessly with my BMW so I can listen to tunes and press a button on the steeringwheel to answer the phone.biggrin.png

The Pioneer "head" in my Fortuna does exactly the same

my super-duplex Motorola does not sync with any of my cars crying.gif


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