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Is a hatred of Thailand and Thais part of being an expat?


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I've been hanging around this forum (for free) since 2012. I'm a newbie.

I've been here long enough to see there's so much whining amongst so many here about how Thailand is a doomed country, it's all misery, the people are just out to rip me off, the education stinks, hospitals are terrible, my pension is ruined because exchange rates are Crap, the national park screwed me before I even got to the pay box because I'm white, the service in every shop is pathetic because they play on their phones, .....

Time for a paragraph,

The visa place makes us wait outside, I can't speak Thai but they dont speak English or even better, they don't speak German even though I speak German really clearly,

My electrician sucks, my earth cable isn't 2 metres long, my hot water isn't hot, the postman stole my mail again, Thai drivers can't drive, bus drivers can't drive, Thai planes aren't safe, Thai taxis overcharge that's if they'll drive out to Lat Krabang.

Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful.

Anywhere where misery can't find me will suffice.

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I've been hanging around this forum (for free) since 2012. I'm a newbie.

I've been here long enough to see there's so much whining amongst so many here about how Thailand is a doomed country, it's all misery, the people are just out to rip me off, the education stinks, hospitals are terrible, my pension is ruined because exchange rates are Crap, the national park screwed me before I even got to the pay box because I'm white, the service in every shop is pathetic because they play on their phones, .....

Time for a paragraph,

The visa place makes us wait outside, I can't speak Thai but they dont speak English or even better, they don't speak German even though I speak German really clearly,

My electrician sucks, my earth cable isn't 2 metres long, my hot water isn't hot, the postman stole my mail again, Thai drivers can't drive, bus drivers can't drive, Thai planes aren't safe, Thai taxis overcharge that's if they'll drive out to Lat Krabang.

Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful.

Anywhere where misery can't find me will suffice.

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

Not me. I left for the 40% bump in my base salary for a hardship posting. In Thailand. I'm still pinching myself 5 years later.

(Though, once the paycheck quits coming to Thailand, I'm outta here)

Edited by impulse
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I font go around complaining about the points you mentioned. Because it wont change anything. And I've been here long enough to know everything you mentioned is true.I think if people are going to be charged double for things. That sets the mood. For lots of things. I'm actually surprised anyone comes to Thailand......

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I've been hanging around this forum (for free) since 2012. I'm a newbie.

I've been here long enough to see there's so much whining amongst so many here about how Thailand is a doomed country, it's all misery, the people are just out to rip me off, the education stinks, hospitals are terrible, my pension is ruined because exchange rates are Crap, the national park screwed me before I even got to the pay box because I'm white, the service in every shop is pathetic because they play on their phones, .....

Time for a paragraph,

The visa place makes us wait outside, I can't speak Thai but they dont speak English or even better, they don't speak German even though I speak German really clearly,

My electrician sucks, my earth cable isn't 2 metres long, my hot water isn't hot, the postman stole my mail again, Thai drivers can't drive, bus drivers can't drive, Thai planes aren't safe, Thai taxis overcharge that's if they'll drive out to Lat Krabang.

Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful.

Anywhere where misery can't find me will suffice.

misery will always find you unless you can have a good moan on TV and get it off your chest, works a treat for me.

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On the rare occasion something bothers me or gets on my goat, I remember the nanny state I came from and a warm, beaming smile spreads across my face.

I always show respect for Thai people, and try my best to understand and accept their culture. Sure, it's different. But this is their country and their way. Although I have lived in Thailand for only 4 and a half years, I feel a much greater feeling of belonging here than I ever did in Oz.

Jeez mate anywhere is good compared to the "colony" .

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I'm an expat that did not want to live the rest of my life in UK. I didn't hate it but I was not happy there. I have spent most of the last fifty years working and living in many countries and they all have problems but they all have benefits as well. I have found so many people in every country that have been a delight and Thailand is no exception. In Thailand I have met many great Thai people and many positive and helpful expats who enjoy life. I hope I am in the later group at least most of the time. Some may say I wear Rose Tinted Glasses, but by en large I enjoy meeting people and enjoy my life. I don't let negative vibes get to me, and that seems to work best.

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Is Thailand doomed? Perhaps but it will not be due to the Ex-Pat. We could all pack up our tents and leave and Thailand would revert to where it was 60 years ago. Yes, Education sucks it needs to be reformed but until it is there will be a steady stream of another generation of taxi drivers, factory workers, street vendors and sex workers. Does the exchange rate suck? Sure it does but my money still goes further here than back home. Now, Thai drivers are some of the worst I have ever encountered but they are the most loving, gentle people in the world...until they get behind the wheel of a car and you are in their way. Hate is too strong a word and is hardly accurate.

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Yes krisb (OP) Thailand is still a good place for a holiday IMHO if you are only coming for 1,2,3 4 weeks or whatever and you do not need to over analyse the issues that irk your average Expat, I think a lot of expats on forums such as TV, comment on lots of things that are "frustrating" more than anything and when you have been here a while those can certainly mount up..... add them all up and Yes it can seem like one never ending moan.

I have experienced a lot of the frustration even as recently as last week being robbed by a couple of ladyboys / katoeys on a motorcy...But as for hating the Thais or Thailand...not me I just love the place I have lived here before, worked here , holidayed upwards of thirty times in the past since 1998 and returned here to live (on a one way ticket) smile.pngsmile.png

Edited by kaiyaibob
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Is Thailand doomed? Perhaps but it will not be due to the Ex-Pat. We could all pack up our tents and leave and Thailand would revert to where it was 60 years ago. Yes, Education sucks it needs to be reformed but until it is there will be a steady stream of another generation of taxi drivers, factory workers, street vendors and sex workers. Does the exchange rate suck? Sure it does but my money still goes further here than back home. Now, Thai drivers are some of the worst I have ever encountered but they are the most loving, gentle people in the world...until they get behind the wheel of a car and you are in their way. Hate is too strong a word and is hardly accurate.

Thailand rich would rather buy a submarine or build a golden temple than a library or school.

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Well.... Hate is a bit strong, I think that rather "dislike" or "not enjoying fully" might be a better word(s). It is a bit different to actually live here compared to just spending a fortnight as a tourist boozing, partying, sunbathing and (in some cases f*cking).

It's definitely not a paradise, but I find it quite livable since I usually just adapt and don't give a shit about the annoyances. I've been living here for about three years now mixed in with 6 years in Malaysia and before that 3 years in Dubai. Each place have its ups and downs, and I would get the hell out of here if the downs was too many compared to the ups.

If you can't bitch about stuff that annoys you then you'll just bundle up everything inside until shit happens - and you throw yourself of the balcony at the 20th floor.... So complaing away :-)

Curious what's your take on Dubai? Did you happen to start a business there?

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If you think about it closely, you might find that most discussion boards are full of complaining, no matter what country or subject matter it is about. But you are pretty much spot on, as the old saying goes " Some people will bitch at a picnic."

You would bitch at a picnic in the UK, because when you have a picnic there it usually rains and you end up with soggy sandwiches. cheesy.gifsad.png

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It is forum about Thailand so that is what ppl are going to talk about. People are more likely to post about something that bothers them rather than something that happened as expected - that is what Facebook is for apparently...

As for the good things, there are some positive posts out there but one side of the lifestyle here that gets a lot of positive reviews we are not allowed to talk about.

I wish I knew what we are not allowed to talk about, apart from the obvious.

' but one side of the lifestyle here that gets a lot of positive reviews'. It would be nice to know what that is, although I don't dispute it.

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Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful.

Anywhere where misery can't find me will suffice.

Watch as many episodes of The Dog Whisperer as you can. He gives two sets of useful advice. "No look, no touch, no talk" and " rules, boundaries, and limitations." He is, of course, usually referring to relations with canines, but it's also applicable to meeting "fellow" expats soon after arrival in Thailand. Later you can show affection/friendship if it's earned.

Although it seems the whining and moaning is ubiquitous and unending, it actually is emanating from a small number of people who have, for the most part, lived most of their unhappy lives in one place where they were in the majority but also where no one paid much attention to them. They have to blame someone for all the sordidness in their lives, and here it's convenient to target the large number of people who are easily identifiable to them as "other."

You have to avoid forming any sort of acquaintance, much less friendship, with any other foreigners until you've kept them at a distance long enough to judge if everything they want to talk about is framed as a complaint or rant about Thais or Thailand. Avoid being sucked in.

There are undoubtedly plenty of relatively normal farang about, but anyone who appears overly eager to attach himself to you or in need of an audience should be viewed with suspicion. There's a reason why some people seem isolated & needy.

Edited by Suradit69
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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

You seem oblivious to the fact that youre in a developing country. As for bad manners, just look at the level of road rage in your home country compared to Thailand. Go to youtube for dose of reality.

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Is Thailand doomed? Perhaps but it will not be due to the Ex-Pat. We could all pack up our tents and leave and Thailand would revert to where it was 60 years ago. Yes, Education sucks it needs to be reformed but until it is there will be a steady stream of another generation of taxi drivers, factory workers, street vendors and sex workers. Does the exchange rate suck? Sure it does but my money still goes further here than back home. Now, Thai drivers are some of the worst I have ever encountered but they are the most loving, gentle people in the world...until they get behind the wheel of a car and you are in their way. Hate is too strong a word and is hardly accurate.

Thai drivers are no worse than western drivers were when they started driving en masse with little if any regulations/enforcement.

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Yeah I hate it here, the climate is terrible , they keep serving me drink even when I am drunk, When I order from over 100 restaurants available for delivery to my room they charge me 60b delivery fee, it takes over 30 seconds to hail a taxi, this place is terrible . I am packing up and going home to the cold weather and some kid telling me after I have had six beers that he won't serve me anymore due to responsible service of alcohol laws. See you TV members later.

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

You say "they".. So you don't count yourself as an expat?

I think it means he doesn't count himself as one of the perpetual moaners.

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You want to visit Chiang Mai forum, to experience expat negative hate, there is outpouring of it in nearly every post.pet hates running at the moment immigration, service in restaurants.expensive beer, cheap beer.supermarkets.toilets.and many more

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

I don't hate Thai's as my sainted grandmother taught me never to hate someone just dislike their ways. A little off topic but maybe not I took my Birkenstock sandals to the shoe repair at the market and asked him to do some gluing as moisture had causes some of the seams/sole etc to open a bit. I wear them down to the pool. That is all they needed soles good no tears in the leather or breaks/cracks. He took one look at them and said "shoes no good throw away buy a new pair" now this is from a repair man in business working for money to feed his family no doubt. I just shook my head and walked away.

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You want to visit Chiang Mai forum, to experience expat negative hate, there is outpouring of it in nearly every post.pet hates running at the moment immigration, service in restaurants.expensive beer, cheap beer.supermarkets.toilets.and many more

Blar Blar Bar (Niman Soi 5) were selling 3 large Chang Classic for 100bht last night.

Hardly expensive!

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ahahahahahahah, hatred of Thailand is by all the burnt farangs, thinking their bar girls can be saved, thinking at 60 plus, a 20 year old girl loves them... This forum is full of miserable, burnt farang.. I laugh each time they bag Thais, and Thailand, yet, in most, still live there....

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Yes, I would say so, particularly the bad road manners, but there are a lot more positives.

As for corruption, there are times when you can make it work for yourself.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

No, it's the incessant kvetch about it in ways that suggest that these things are uniquely Thai and implicitly or explicitly suggesting "this sort of thing" doesn't go on in Farang Land.

The problem is that the complainers seem to "see" everything here as being wrong or bad, while at the same time remaining totally blind to the very same problems that exist everywhere else in the world, including the country from which they fled.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

You seem oblivious to the fact that youre in a developing country. As for bad manners, just look at the level of road rage in your home country compared to Thailand. Go to youtube for dose of reality.

I had a bloke sound his horn at me for changing lanes sharply in front of me at Glasgow Airport. Otherwise, I was surprised at the courtesy and consideration of other drivers, and the almost universal observance of posted speed limits. If discourteous driving bothers you, maybe you should move to Scotand. Or Canada. Sorry!


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Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life.

But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor.

And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

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Might be a silly question but OP , you are not an expat, you live in Australia and yet you have been hanging around for 3 years and actively posting? Why?

So you come for holidays every now and then and you now know all about daily life in Thailand ?

Or because you married a Thai , that makes you somehow expat related ?

Just wondering why would someone waste all their time on posting ir commenting on something completely unrelated to them ?

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

nah, hatred works just fine .....if youre talking about the uk.....

Who wants to talk about a less than 3rd world country like England?

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