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Is a hatred of Thailand and Thais part of being an expat?


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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

There is plenty of corruption in the West, in the West, the governments etc, are better educated than the Thais and they know how to hide it.

I believe the UK government and all the connections are far more corrupt than the Thais, as I said, they are just better at hiding it.

But you know my views on Thai drivers and riders, actually, in my experience, the best road manners I have come across was in America.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

No, it's the incessant kvetch about it in ways that suggest that these things are uniquely Thai and implicitly or explicitly suggesting "this sort of thing" doesn't go on in Farang Land.

The problem is that the complainers seem to "see" everything here as being wrong or bad, while at the same time remaining totally blind to the very same problems that exist everywhere else in the world, including the country from which they fled.

This is a thai forum with talk about Thailand... are you saying that we should talk about the shitty traffic in Morocco? Because i have experienced it and i as an atheist thank Buddha, God, Thor, Odin and Vishnu that i live to tell about it.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

As I said, the West ( in my case the UK) are just better at hiding the corruption than the Thais, so it looks like the Thais are more corrupt, which I think is nonsense.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

As I said, the West ( in my case the UK) are just better at hiding the corruption than the Thais, so it looks like the Thais are more corrupt, which I think is nonsense.

Of course there is corruption in "the west", no one is denying it. But try bribing a cop at a random stop in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Denmark or any other civilized western nation and see what happens.

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What is all the fuss about being an expat?!?

Nearly 50 years ago, I was not born in my country of nationality...

And since 1966, I have played, studied and worked -nearly- all over the world ... and never considered myself as an expat.

Edited by lazygourmet
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I font go around complaining about the points you mentioned. Because it wont change anything. And I've been here long enough to know everything you mentioned is true.I think if people are going to be charged double for things. That sets the mood. For lots of things. I'm actually surprised anyone comes to Thailand......

I'm surprised anyone stays in the UK surrounded by Immigrants, and this tax and that tax. Out here I don't have to duck and dive all the time to have a good life.

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Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life. But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor. And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

As I said, there is a lot more corruption in the UK than in Thailand, the UK are just a lot better at hiding it.

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I think there are a lot of factors that go into that, and I've seen them mentioned in this post... some people are haters anyway, the Western sense of superiority, and unfair expectations of recreating the standards of home in the adopted country... all true.

But I also think that Thailand sort of lends itself to being "hated", or at least being the object of constant, frustrating, "facepalming". This country provides one of the harshest contrasts between what it markets itself to be, and what is hidden behind the gloss. The mix of propaganda, top-down conformism, preached religious and nationalistic values, entrenched inequalities, inflated sense of self-importance (towards the rest of the region and its peoples), corruption... hits the long-term expat everyday.

In some cases, in mine for example, the Thai-bashing also shows care. It's particularly frustrating when one starts thinking how Thailand could improve, "if only this and that". It's when the change seems more logical, feasible and beneficial that the frustration sets in.

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Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life. But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor. And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

As I said, there is a lot more corruption in the UK than in Thailand, the UK are just a lot better at hiding it.

Nah, all the corruption in the UK is for the few at the top, here everyone can join in.

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Asheron, yes I see your point, but that is at the smaller end of the scale, look at the UK Government, the banks, their pensions etc etc.

Nothing like bunging a cop with a hundred quid to get out of a minor traffic offense.

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Have not read all the posts but found some good - some bad - and some funny.....

Here's my take......For better or worse some people felt totally fk'd in their own country.....Nothing was to their liking and everything was another persons/entities/governments/fill in the blank_________'s fault.....They are disenchanted and unhappy......

So - what's the next logical step? Let's move to Thailand or ___________ and now that I'm away from this Fk'n place everything HAS to be better.....

Well guess what - they've done no research but they've moved half a world away......where all the rules are 180 from what they couldn't comphrehend before - And guess what----? THIS PLACE is all fk'd up too!

I find that happy well adjusted people are happy just about everywhere they go - whether in the home country or where they decide to go.......On the flip side unhappy people are mal-adjusted and unhappy about ANYWHERE they go - only these folks - unlike the quieter happy crowd - feel obligated to spread and share their misery and "knowledge" to warn others and share their grief (about the only thing that makes them "happy")......

Thailand and the wonderful people are their latest fall guy.....

Never mind the fact that some of these folks changed their home gutter for the advanced gutters of Thailand....

Yup - Woe is me - must be Thailands' fault......Dmn Thai people.....

I've found that most people are about as happy as they have set their mind to be........

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The OP makes the same mistake every other person bleating on about other people expressing concern or negative views about issues around living in Thailand.

He assumes these views are expressed out of hatered.

Where in truthe they are far more often expressed out of frustration, disappointment, misunderstanding (in bothe directions across the cultural divide) and often out of a genuine concern over an issue (most notably expressed by parents concerned for the future of their children facing serious failngs in Thai soviety).

What the OP fails to understand is TVF is one of the very few places expats in Thailand can discuss life in Thailand.

Thus raising the importance that people can air their concerns.

The OP also misses a point of human psychology.

If he were genuinely happy with his own life in Thailand, the viws of others, no matter how negative would not concern him in the very least.

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Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life. But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor. And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

As I said, there is a lot more corruption in the UK than in Thailand, the UK are just a lot better at hiding it.

Nah, all the corruption in the UK is for the few at the top, here everyone can join in.

That is a very good point, but what the UK get away with is the way the rich keep getting richer at the expense of the poor. Thailand is nowhere near as bad as that.

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You set yourself up for this one mate. And these posts will keep on coming...

Anyway, just an opinion: the negativity comes from people who can't adjust. Life is different here and it is not and never will be like it is back home or in the West or whatever. The culture and customs will not bend to you will.

However, if you learn to adapt and lean into it, Thailand is just fine. Its a great place to live and to vacation if you can jettison all of this TV muck before you arrive. Keep an open mind and accept that we're not in Kansas any more, Toto.

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Here is my take on it....

I do enjoy living in Thailand and I do enjoy the quality of life that I have here...., I would not have this style of quality in my home country or the previous country that I lived in.

The Thai people are lovely and I don't have a problem with them...

My only negative is the DRIVING if that was normal this would be fantastic......

So many needless deaths and accidents..... Sad....

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The OP makes the same mistake every other person bleating on about other people expressing concern or negative views about issues around living in Thailand.

He assumes these views are expressed out of hatered.

Where in truthe they are far more often expressed out of frustration, disappointment, misunderstanding (in bothe directions across the cultural divide) and often out of a genuine concern over an issue (most notably expressed by parents concerned for the future of their children facing serious failngs in Thai soviety).

What the OP fails to understand is TVF is one of the very few places expats in Thailand can discuss life in Thailand.

Thus raising the importance that people can air their concerns.

The OP also misses a point of human psychology.

If he were genuinely happy with his own life in Thailand, the viws of others, no matter how negative would not concern him in the very least.

Fair fukcs to that, except you assumed more than you know.

I don't live there. Never have, but if I wondered how is life as an expat in Thailand? Then read this forum, I'd be hard pressed to make an ultimately life changing decision and move there (Thailand). At least I'd think hmm, maybe not the best place to be full time going on what the huge number of posters say on here.

Just sayin'

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Asheron, yes I see your point, but that is at the smaller end of the scale, look at the UK Government, the banks, their pensions etc etc.

Nothing like bunging a cop with a hundred quid to get out of a minor traffic offense.

Maybe "we" should have a governments more like in Iceland after their collapse? It's never going to happen as the vast majority of the voters have the memory of a gold fish and forget everything when a politician says "we'll lower/raise taxes 0,05% next term".

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Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life. But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor. And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

As I said, there is a lot more corruption in the UK than in Thailand, the UK are just a lot better at hiding it.

Nah, all the corruption in the UK is for the few at the top, here everyone can join in.

That is a very good point, but what the UK get away with is the way the rich keep getting richer at the expense of the poor. Thailand is nowhere near as bad as that.

I don't know any high ranking cop in any western nation that have about 500 years of salaries (or whatever it is) in their bank account... unlike in ****land where a very high ranking police officer used something like 250 million baht to buy stocks in his wifes name.

Atleast in Sweden i know when the cops arrive, late of course, that they wont say i have to give some "donation" to them for them to do their job.

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The OP makes the same mistake every other person bleating on about other people expressing concern or negative views about issues around living in Thailand.

He assumes these views are expressed out of hatered.

Where in truthe they are far more often expressed out of frustration, disappointment, misunderstanding (in bothe directions across the cultural divide) and often out of a genuine concern over an issue (most notably expressed by parents concerned for the future of their children facing serious failngs in Thai soviety).

What the OP fails to understand is TVF is one of the very few places expats in Thailand can discuss life in Thailand.

Thus raising the importance that people can air their concerns.

The OP also misses a point of human psychology.

If he were genuinely happy with his own life in Thailand, the viws of others, no matter how negative would not concern him in the very least.

Fair fukcs to that, except you assumed more than you know.

I don't live there. Never have, but if I wondered how is life as an expat in Thailand? Then read this forum, I'd be hard pressed to make an ultimately life changing decision and move there (Thailand). At least I'd think hmm, maybe not the best place to be full time going on what the huge number of posters say on here.

Just sayin'

"the huge number of posters say on here", and "I don't live there. Never have",

Consider the source, loads of posters who know sod all about Thailand or anything therein, just like you!.

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Krisb if you make it to Pattaya i'd be delighted to buy you a beer or two. It is a country with a few flaws but very friendly people and very beautiful women but make sure the latter is as advertised. Come on over you'll love it.

Thanks for the offer!

Should be more like your good self around the place.

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That's what forums are for .. I'm also on a football one , and all that happens there is moaning too .. It's somewhere to vent your spleen..

Nobody else will listen , esp her indoors ..

Everybody loves to moan , we wouldn't want it any other way ... Do people really want to hear about the nice dinner I had last night ? Or the beautiful scenery I was looking at on Tuesday , my mothers coming over next month ? .... No we want to hear about your misfortunes , or something that's wrong ( so we can avoid or prepare for it ) ..

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

So it's a vicious circle, misery is infectious perhaps?

Sad because life's so short.

I think that's it. Some people will never like anywhere and just bring their baggage from place to place.

Thailand has many problems, I weigh the pros and cons of any place and if the cons overwhelm, then outta there.

Right now I stay for the pros.

Edited by duanebigsby
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You just about covered it the way it's going krisb...sadly most of it is true.

If you want to holiday in a place like you want...may I suggest FIJI, Hawaii, Great Barrier Reefsmile.png ....

I'd go to Fhloston Paradise, Westworld, or perhaps Fantasy Island. Too expensive, don't have the time, timid about traveling, no problem just go to Rekal Incorporated. 555

As far as expats seeing Thailand less than idealistically, they discovered the irritants one at a time, I'm sure.

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