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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory

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I don't object to their objecting to having a bacon factory, what I object to is why they don't want the factory.

If it's going to stink up the neighborhood, then that's a good reason.

If there are serious environmental issues that will impact the region, then that's a good reason.

But to base a reason on belief has no limits and we don't make decisions based on superstition and fantasy.

This would just be the beginning, the opening of a can of worms, and if it's a muslim community, who's going to work there.

Put the factory somewhere else where it won't stink up the neighborhood. I would not tolerate someone grilling any meat of any

kind under my windo stinking up my house!


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

Couldn't the bacon guys find ANY other chunk of land? Last I heard, there are plenty of other places to buy or lease.


Pork is outlawed in many places in Australia - school tuck shops, McDonalds, etc. It is a case of three per cent of the population deciding what the rest can eat. Almost all the meat eaten there is halal killed.

Most food products in Thailand are halal approved - rice in packet, ice cream, you name it. Have a look on the packaging and you will see a dinky little halal logo paid for by the manufacturer and ultimately by the consumer.

It is the thin edge of the wedge that is sharia law.


There is no compromise in Islam.. It is either what they want or they give problems. I can respect them not eating port but Thailand is a Buddhist country not a Muslim one. If they want people to respect them they have to show respect for others. It is a two way street. If they are that unhappy with it then maybe they should go and live in a strict Muslim country. Odds are they will be back before they have unpacked their suitcase.


Easy answer this is Thailand buddist faith they chose to come here so live under Thai laws and Thai decisions. Don't like that then move to a muslim country easy

They are Thai.

Their faith has no relevance to their nationality.

This is their country, their community and they have the right to protest.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Didn't you know gambling is illegal in Thailand,remember big brother is watching,I really thought it was an offal post.

Have you got the guts to say that to his face?

Just kidneying. Liver and let liver.facepalm.gif

Now you are raising the steaksbah.gif


Seeing as they only have one book, you think they would have got round to reading it by now, rather than just colouring it in.

Oh wait, someone in a robe has to interpret the meaning for them.

There is nothing in it that outright bans the consumption of pork.

Religious indignation deserves nothing but mocking.


Someone should tell them to shut up and go live in a Muslim country if they want to live under those kind of rules.

Why should the rest of us have to put up with rules based on their medieval faith ?. I come to Thailand and abide by it's traditions and lifestyle. If I don't like it, I can always leave.

Thailand must nip this in the bud if it doesn't want to end up like the UK. This would NOT be the end of things : once this becomes the baseline, they will start to push for more and more concessions to fit their religion.

The question of whether killing animals is right or wrong is immaterial. They wouldn't complain if it was a goat farm so they can slit it's throat in their back yard whenever they want Allah to smile on them.


Thailand is NOT a Muslim country, therefore if they want to build a bacon factory they can.

Why is it that Muslims always want to insist you live by their rules.

Being a Farang there are things I disagree with here but I don't start this nonsense ( or throwing bombs at people because I can't get my own way)

If Muslims want to live in a Muslim society with Muslim rules why don't they go to a Muslim country?

There are some very pleasant alternatives for them....Syria maybe or Iraq.

Fun, peaceful places.

Sorry, Thailand is very predominately Buddhist and whilst it should respect your rights to worship however you please that does not mean they have to adhere to your 'rules'


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

So equally apply to christians say in Sydney opposing a legal brothel being slowed next to their church? Or is it just Islam you're against?

only those that don't like a bit of pork protested,the rest were easy come easy go


Wherever Muslims spend, they sow the shit and terror, dictatorship and impose their law and do not pay their debt (see France with Saudi Arabia, in Vallauris)


When I worked in Malaysia which is a Muslim country, the locals were I worked had no problems with pork being prepared in the same kitchen as their food. They wanted it prepared on a different table which is fair enough but otherwise had no problems. If the factory is going to to stop the locals from practicing their faith then it seems to me that they are easily tempted and are shallow in their commitment. Once working in the Middle East, Ramadan time, a local saw me and another guy eating in our office. His reaction was "no problem. Seeing it and resisting is good for me. Lock me in a cell so I am forced not to eat does not help me in the least". He was a true follower in my books

Wherever Muslims spend, they sow the shit and terror, dictatorship and impose their law and do not pay their debt (see France with Saudi Arabia, in Vallauris)

Really? These people are Thai and have an established community, yet I don't see them doing any of the things you say.


Baiting post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


As they are not forced to enter the factory this matter can be considered solved.

I - for one - lived here for a while before the first mosque (with minaret) was erected. Now I have four of these noise-polluters around me blasting non-Thai commercials of their fidel messages to all those who are also not interested in their (wrong) songs.

Nice would be if they would be starting all at the same time but this, of course, is not possible so we have five noise breaks daily.

Rather ten bacon factories around me than one mosque as bacon does not scream, does not create traffic jams and also does not create hatred. Last not least bacon is produced considerably more human than their halal-slaughtering business of theirs.

I don't mind but maybe they shut up - for once - too.

I couldn't avoid the mosques when I was living in Indonesia. I really disliked them , and as there was a mosque with speakers, trying to out-compete the next one a few hundred metres away, it was hell!

I try to get along with all religions, but when they ram their speakers in my face five times a day, it doesn't help.

In the Netherlands, some councils were successful in having speakers banned, but the matter was taken to court and church bells were also banned.

Now there is a new law before parliament, which virtually closes down the Dutch attempts of integration, and migrants will now conform to the Dutch way of life, dress and customs, or they are free to return to their home countries.

However, I think it's a bit thoughtless, planning a pork processing plant in a known Muslim community.


The article is not clear. If it is pork and bacon processing plant, I see no problem and agree with many of the above comments. But if they are smoking the bacon and releasing the smoke into the air, the locals may have a point.

Only if they are releasing the bacon into the air, i.e., pigs flying.

Zaphod's original post is definitive, IMO. They are hyper-easily offended, consider themselves entitled to special treatment, and condemn anyone who doesn't agree with their arcane, dogmatic, and misanthropic religion.

F* 'em.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Didn't you know gambling is illegal in Thailand,remember big brother is watching,I really thought it was an offal post.

Maybe you could meat him halfway.

I personely don't know what their beef is.


To a Muslim, everything must be Muslim or done in the Muslim way

regardless if the nation a Muslim resides within is Muslim (Islamic) or

not. Muslims want every non Muslim to understand their ways yet

Muslims refuse to understand non Muslim ways (not all but most).

To this, I take a stand against their "ways"...



Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


It's not the word Muslim, Bluespunk, it's their Looney, medieval behavior. With the possible exception of Evangelicals, I can't think of another religion which has so many intolerant adherents.

Live and let live. Don't like bacon? Don't eat it. Etc.


Personally, I love sausage and bacon...have raised hogs for the freezer...yummy...

The problem with ignoring the Muslim protests...building the factory...and hiring people to do the work...is that if we have learned anything about Muslims who are not getting their way...there is eventually hell to pay...people getting harmed...maybe even deaths...

This similar problem is being repeated in many parts of the world...where cultures allow Muslims to gather...build places of worship...and before long Muslims start exerting pressure on the local population to adhere to their religious preferences...or else...

The grand plan...is to cover the earth with Sharia Law...May Allah be Praised...

Gratefully, I will be long gone before they accomplish their mission...

I have long decided on a course of action should I be given the choice to join Islam or loose my head...

Living under Sharia Law is not an option for me...

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