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Debate flares over adding 'Reform Before Election' question to voters

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Debate Flares Over Adding 'Reform Before Election' Question to Voters
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK — Organizers of the upcoming referendum on what would be Thailand’s 20th constitution said they remain unsure whether to put a “reform before election” question onto the ballot.

While one group of junta-appointed reformers wants to keep it to an up-or-down vote on the new charter, according to an official involved in the process, another group wants to ask voters if they want the military junta to stay for two more years to complete its national reform effort.

“This is a sensitive issue,” said Alongkorn Pollabutr of the National Reform Council, a body assigned by the military junta to deliberate the new charter and recommend

He said the first group argues that if the “reform” question added, it will reflect negatively on the government and have a corrosive effect on Thailand’s political climate. Meanwhile the second group believes getting voters’ political opinions would justify the poll’s 3 billion-baht price tag.

“Right now, the two opposing thoughts remain unsettled,” Alongkorn said.

The Thai military junta dissolved Thailand’s previous constitution when it seized power from the elected government in May 2014, and later appointed a body to draft the new one.

A referendum for the new charter – Thailand’s 20th since democracy was first established in 1932 – is set for January 2016.

However Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, chairman of the junta-appointed legislature, said Sunday that whatever voters preferred, such a measure on the ballot would have no legal authority.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1438770919

-- Khaosod English 2015-08-05


"whatever voters preferred, such a measure on the ballot would have no legal authority."

I somehow think most voters are already aware that who and what they vote for means nothing. If they don't then they are as daft as the military who keep making the same mistakes, year after year and somehow expect anything but the same failure.


The word 'reform' is tossed around as if it were a identifiable event as opposed to an ill-defined, open-ended, completely subjective and almost impossibly interminable concept. If 'reform' is a precondition for elections then I guess it's going to be a while.

In the meantime, maybe there should be a requirement for 'reform' before voters get to decide on whether 'reform' is needed before elections.


What makes me laugh is that Thai governments easily change the law to suit them when they want to, but are quick hide behind it when it doesn't.

The question of what is right or wrong doesn't come into it.

The Junta somehow need a deadline for reform then maybe they will concentrate on doing it instead of tinkering with policy decisions like railways and submarines which should be left for the next elected government who will be the ones accountable.


What reforms? The only reform that is pushed hard is the electoral reform aimed primarily at lessening the chance for Thaksin to win an election and filling up the upper house with appointed senators. Where the meaningful reforms like education, social, income inequality, police, judiciary, environment, corruption etc etc.


Reform...a generic word for a subversive oligarchy with built-in mechanisms for "political coups", presently being called appointed senators and an ethics board who can unseat pretty much anyone they want to unseat any time, and all of whom are the real power behind the pictures.

They just won't need the military to do their dirty work anymore, and which is good. The milkitary has enough of their own dirty work to do.

Now how about that happiness, people?


The really annoying thing is calling this proposed constitution a constitution.

A Constitution should be the bedrock for the future of the country.

It should not be able to be "suspended".

It should only be able to be changed by the will of the people, and then only in terms allowable under the constitution.

Many people bad mouth the USA...but one thing they have got is the constitution and the mechanisms to allow it to be the basis of law.


A Constitution should be the bedrock for the future of the country.

Well the CDC mouthpieces have told everyone to "not worry about the details", as they can trial this new Constitution and see how it is in five years. Bit like a car I guess?


From the Junta's perspective the problem is the following:

- on the one hand, in the hypothetical case the charter would be accepted, it may give them a justification to stay longer in power,

- on the other hand, if reform before election is rejected, it will be difficult for them to pretend that they are staying longer for the good of the "people"

As the second proposition represents a higher risk for the Junta, my prediction is that they will not put the question in the referendum


From the Junta's perspective the problem is the following:

- on the one hand, in the hypothetical case the charter would be accepted, it may give them a justification to stay longer in power,

- on the other hand, if reform before election is rejected, it will be difficult for them to pretend that they are staying longer for the good of the "people"

As the second proposition represents a higher risk for the Junta, my prediction is that they will not put the question in the referendum


They are soooo desperate to not have an election now they are going to ask if they can spend possibly the next 20 years doing reforms before an election or never ? facepalm.gif

Licence to stay in power is what that question is asking.

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