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Justice waits as claws reach out for US lion-killer


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Has anyone ever came up with a law that he actually violated? He bought a permit from the government, he hired liscensed guides, and he wasn't in a restricted area. So what exactly did he do to warrent this treatment?

The allegation is that he lured the lion out of the restricted area.

The alegation was that the guides (that were liscensed by the government) lured the lion out.

Thanks I needed that, it gets tiring reading post after post from people who have not read the op and have posted based on limited information or an emotional response.

As I stated in my previous post the issue here is the corrupt and stupid guides who bent the rules and lured Cecil out of the park. Will they be prosecuted?

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Can't say I care for big game hunters much, but I care less for the corrupt individuals in Zimbabwe who assisted this guy to shoot Cecil.

With a crossbow!

An up to date modern day crossbow with all the features not dreamed of years ago, - and he still did not kill the animal immediately. The animal had to suffer.

I hope America does ban animal skin, and animal 'trophies' being imported. Hopefully this will discourage big game hunters.

I also believe that Zimbabwe will milk this for all it is worth.

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My understanding is that he paid the $25k license fee to shoot lions that Zimbabwe collects, supposedly for wildlife conservation. If so, they don't have a leg to stand on. Seems his crime was getting it on Facebook....

Heard lion numbers have dropped from 65k in 80 to 25k today, due to poaching and habitat loss.

How about this suggestion? Dear world: stop having so many babies and stressing out ecosystems. Lighten load on limited resources.

I am with you on the last statement unfortunately women my g/f included have a bio time clock. They get that holding the baby syndrome goo gaa stuff and they are hooked. Modern man with all his education still has basic urge to breed and reproduce. Birth numbers are dropping which is a good thing but then politicians tell us we must provide more people in the future to provide pensions and benefits for the ever increasing elderly population and on it goes. Yes old mother earth is starting to wobble a bit. If I backtrack a bit say 1600's people were just landing on American soil. Fast forward four hundreds? no thanks. The rapers and pillagers of the earth have just come into their own in the last 50 years so again fast forward even 50 years? no thanks. They have their financial hand around the earths throat and will not let go till they have throttled every bit of value from her. Earth is not infinite and we do not respect what she has left to give which is little.

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Two lions were killed, chris and his brother. So what!

Hunting pays big time for conservation, just look at South Africa.

People spend more time worrying about stupid animals than about humans. How many people give a doggy doo about the more than 5000 white farmers murdered in farm attacks, not many.

What about all the leopards killed with spears, so that black tribal people can wear their skins drapped over their naked chest and loin cloths?

What about the poaching of elephants, rhino, snakes and other endangered animals in Africa?

So what, it is all about money. I know of a person who had a client pay for and shoot a Rhino on his game farm. He got the money from the client. Then after the client had left the farm, he cried foul that the animal was killed by poachers and then to top it off, he collected the insurance money for the shot animal. Sick sick sick.

All about money, money and more money.

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Closer to home: I'd like to see the petting zoos for tigers shut down, and the captive breeding of tigers by monks at wats closed also.

Instead: ample natural habitat. Anyone caught poaching (or stealing a tiger cub) should be strung up (upside down) and skinned alive. I'd also like to see sharks fins banned in Thailand, and manatee sanctuaries set up for manatees along the coast - though if that were done, manatees would probably have to be imported because I think they recently became extinct along Thailand's coast. Also: sea turtle hatcheries. I saw several of them in Sri Lanka. Are there any in Thailand?

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I hunt and take home trophies. My prey are beautiful birds. Yes the feathered ones. My weapon is my camera and the trophies I take home are in the form of photographs. We have to eat, sure. But killing for fun? W@NK3RS !!!

Eating for survival, without environmental impact...is one thing.

Killing animals for glory, is quite another.

Everyone likes sausages....but I prefer "grrrr" over "roarrrrr"

Lions will probably never make a comeback..no safe territory/habitat. Plenty of young wildebeest out there to stalk.

Edited by slipperylobster
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