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US Senate approves new Bangkok envoy


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I never said Americans are free of class distinctions. Duh! If you're not American how can you pretend to know how things sound to Americans?

I never said I was upset either. Maybe stop making things up.

If you are not upset, why are you incoherent?

Welcome to my ignore list.drunk.gif


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I am well aware what Georgetown U. is. Intimately so. I was wondering if he went to an elite prep school BEFORE Georgetown University. I couldn't find anything in his bio about education before then.

Jt wrote, "Not to Americans. It sounds like someone who went to an elite prep school in New England and I see he went to Georgetown U. Perfect"


Although it's not a matter of great import it's interesting to note JT's total lack of self awareness after a series of humiliating rebuttals.He has in summary been eviscerated after a series of ridiculouss and ignorant comments, essentially making absurd assumptions based on the name of the incoming ambassador ( which in his unlettered way he regards as "snooty".)Why he thinks this any more than a person called Kenney is bizarre. So what lies behind this incoherence? My guess is that he has some kind of class hang up regarding that group of Americans once known as WASPS.Yet this genius seems unable to comprehend that if one excludes Hispanics, this Anglo group comprises a very large proportion of all Americans (45% guesstimate).Only a tiny proportion of this group would have attended elite prep achools and certainly one could not draw any conclusions on this matter from surnames.How can one draw any conclusions anyway from this vast grouping?Most Americans I know as well as informed foreigners know that the sheer size and variety of the US makes it almost a world in itself not just a conventional country.Fools often make unsubstantiated deductions about the US without understanding that they will almost be wrong.It's true there are some values which bind Americans together but thsat;s a different point.It's just a little surprising to find an American so ignorant.

Anyway welcome to the new Ambassador

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He's definitely going to be one the adults in the room.

He seems to compare favorably to the current republican presidential candidates ... rolleyes.gif

Coco the clown would compare favourably with the current Republican - and Democrat presidential candidates.

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I am well aware what Georgetown U. is. Intimately so. I was wondering if he went to an elite prep school BEFORE Georgetown University. I couldn't find anything in his bio about education before then.

What does this have to do with anything?

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I am well aware what Georgetown U. is. Intimately so. I was wondering if he went to an elite prep school BEFORE Georgetown University. I couldn't find anything in his bio about education before then.

Jt wrote, "Not to Americans. It sounds like someone who went to an elite prep school in New England and I see he went to Georgetown U. Perfect"


You misread my post. G.U. is in Washington D.C. I know D.C. very, very well. D.C. is NOT in New England.

What does this have to do with anything?

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I am well aware what Georgetown U. is. Intimately so. I was wondering if he went to an elite prep school BEFORE Georgetown University. I couldn't find anything in his bio about education before then.

What does this have to do with anything?

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Why all this bitching about where he went to school and was educated? If he has the right credentials and is the right man for the position let him get on with it. I wish him the best and hope to God that he understands thainess

I'm not bitching. I love G.U. GO HOYAS.

It's an elite school and I wondered about his family background BEFORE G.U. including type of school and suggested based in his posh sounding (to Americans) name I wouldn't be surprised if that was an elite school as well. But of course not necessarily.

W d t h t d w a?

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He's definitely going to be one the adults in the room.

He seems to compare favorably to the current republican presidential candidates ... rolleyes.gif

Coco the clown would compare favourably with the current Republican - and Democrat presidential candidates.

I thought Coco the clown was standing... sorry, my mistake, it's Donald Trump!

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He definitely seems to be a man of substance.

His name is kind of pretentiously Anglophile for an American but he had no control over that.

He's no BUBBA.

BTW, really nice tie in the OP picture ... maybe that can be his calling card in TIE-LAND. (Groan.)

Hehehehehe, Tie-land. That´s a new one. :-0

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