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Military junta now chases progress in stripping of Thaksin’s police rank

Lite Beer

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

Absolutely, not to mention the old couple that were sentence to 15 years for picking mushrooms and the garbage man that was sentenced for selling discarded Dvd's. This speaks volumes about if you are not one of the hi so click then there is no justice.

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

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In the photo above, I see 7 more people than are needed to focus on this problem.

I cannot believe this tail is still being chased. Likewise to anyone who said there are far more important things going on in Thailand than worrying about Thaksin's police rank. A little thing called the economy comes to mind. And accepting the fact that we are well into the 21st century and those ridiculous, out-dated draconian laws should be removed completely.

(In that photo I see a man wearing a very suave jacket. I would like to know who his tailor is, as I have a sofa I want to have recovered. whistling.gif)

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.

Edited by MZurf
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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

I don't see where they said it was their #1 priority? The law needs to be applied equally. This foot dragging is one of the big problems here. If you are rich, famous, or in the RTP, you are above the law. And this needs to change.

P.S. if you follow the news, you'll see lots of activity around helping the economy. Unfortunately, Asia is in a free fall right now. The entire world economy is a bit dodgy. And yes, the general could be doing more. As is always the case with politicians.

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

Absolutely, not to mention the old couple that were sentence to 15 years for picking mushrooms and the garbage man that was sentenced for selling discarded Dvd's. This speaks volumes about if you are not one of the hi so click then there is no justice.

Excellent point. So why should the justice department ignore this matter with Thaksin? Just because he is a hi-so and a member of the RTP? Justice needs to be applied equally. And that's a huge problem here right now. If they are dragging their feet, they need to taken to task about it. Right?

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Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha redesignated the Justice Ministry to follow up the progress

Still many, many, many more Ministries to cycle this one through.

Maybe time re-re-re-designate this one to the Ministry of Public Health next?

Somyot can't retire soon enough; he wants to get far from this one.

'to be clear soon'

Right up there with classic promises like: "there will not be a coup" and "there will be elections in October, 2015" and "we have a roadmap".

Ah, yes. Transparency.

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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

you post deserved a "like" right up to the word "oxygen" then you spoiled it whistling.gif

i think after the word "oxygen" he came to the point....

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.


yes all window dressing NACC is now going after 500 million baht in assest of crooked government officials. All window dressing. At least the NACC can work again now they have budget.. Remember how YL cut their budget with 50% crippling them. Now they can do what they were meant to do.

But hey I guess you think 500 million baht is small money.

So even the news of today proves you wrong again.

not to mention how the general is doing reforms of the fishing industry making a lot of enemies, but at least trying to clean the industry up. (yes his hand was forced but he is doing it)

I havent seen YL do anything except getting her brother back.. actually including him in the amnesty is what brought us all here.

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

I don't see where they said it was their #1 priority? The law needs to be applied equally. This foot dragging is one of the big problems here. If you are rich, famous, or in the RTP, you are above the law. And this needs to change.

P.S. if you follow the news, you'll see lots of activity around helping the economy. Unfortunately, Asia is in a free fall right now. The entire world economy is a bit dodgy. And yes, the general could be doing more. As is always the case with politicians.

"if you follow the news, you'll see lots of activity around helping the economy."

There is no news ! all news is Junta controlled and you just see populist propaganda.

There is nothing done for economy and even the PM is aware of that but you don't , so safe us your opinion if you are not aware of the actual situation.

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Please be reminded of the following in your discussion:

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.


yes all window dressing NACC is now going after 500 million baht in assest of crooked government officials. All window dressing. At least the NACC can work again now they have budget.. Remember how YL cut their budget with 50% crippling them. Now they can do what they were meant to do.

But hey I guess you think 500 million baht is small money.

So even the news of today proves you wrong again.

not to mention how the general is doing reforms of the fishing industry making a lot of enemies, but at least trying to clean the industry up. (yes his hand was forced but he is doing it)

I havent seen YL do anything except getting her brother back.. actually including him in the amnesty is what brought us all here.

500 millions are a great deal of money to you and me but a drop in the ocean in the great scheme of things. And allegedly less than a certain "retired" general is worth. Now, where did he get that money?? Oh, that's right - we're not allowed to ask. And despite this you still have faith in the guy????

And BTW, if you're forced to do something you shouldn't get any credit for it. When you were a kid and made a mess and your mother forced you to clean it up do you think you deserved praise for that?

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Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.


yes all window dressing NACC is now going after 500 million baht in assest of crooked government officials. All window dressing. At least the NACC can work again now they have budget.. Remember how YL cut their budget with 50% crippling them. Now they can do what they were meant to do.

But hey I guess you think 500 million baht is small money.

So even the news of today proves you wrong again.

not to mention how the general is doing reforms of the fishing industry making a lot of enemies, but at least trying to clean the industry up. (yes his hand was forced but he is doing it)

I havent seen YL do anything except getting her brother back.. actually including him in the amnesty is what brought us all here.

500 millions are a great deal of money to you and me but a drop in the ocean in the great scheme of things. And allegedly less than a certain "retired" general is worth. Now, where did he get that money?? Oh, that's right - we're not allowed to ask. And despite this you still have faith in the guy????

And BTW, if you're forced to do something you shouldn't get any credit for it. When you were a kid and made a mess and your mother forced you to clean it up do you think you deserved praise for that?

Oh deflection deflection i find 500 millions stolen by a few people a lot. Ok it pales by the 600 billion YL wasted but i still feel its a lot of money. Give me some examples of corruption cases being investigated done during YL her time please because with the general there is action new laws and such but I cant recall YL doing anything positive about it except wanting 25.000 corruption cases under the amnesty and cutting 50% of the funding of anti corruption agencies.

Now your asking about the general.. the same can be said about all the politicians (Think Abisith and Korn are clean though). I just see Prayut as a lesser evil as the PTP.

Now If I am forced to clean up a mess someone else made (what did YL do about this ?) I should get praise for it as I did not create the mess but I am taking all the bad press for it.

But the news I posted also proved they could go after Thaksin and after corruption at the same time, so my original response was right.

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Amazing! The first 4 posts were entirely aimed at changing the subject of a criminal losing his honorary title, and why the Police Dept is reluctant to carry out a procedure standard in most countries. Why is that a subject needing de-railing?

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Why is that a subject needing de-railing?

Exactly. Better to de-rail (apropos for Thailand) the "process" for stripping an RTP officer of his "rank".

Clearly no one, not even Field Marshall Prayut, wants to deal with this issue, so he will try to keep the 'hounds at bay' (ultra-rightists bent on "reconciliation"), while "de-railing" the process, until it dies down.

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Why is that a subject needing de-railing?

Exactly. Better to de-rail (apropos for Thailand) the "process" for stripping an RTP officer of his "rank".

Clearly no one, not even Field Marshall Prayut, wants to deal with this issue, so he will try to keep the 'hounds at bay' (ultra-rightists bent on "reconciliation"), while "de-railing" the process, until it dies down.

Where do you get that from? Prayuth has delegated the BIB to do it, and they didn't perform. Now he has delegated the Justice Ministry to chase it up.

How is that a de-railing of the processs? If he wanted it to die down, he could have ignored the lack of progress.

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If he wanted it to die down, he could have ignored the lack of progress.

It's all about 'balance'.

He needs to make the ultra-rightists think he is addressing this issue which is vitally important (more show than substance at this point for them) to them. But he doesn't want to be the one who actually does the "stripping". So he "delegates" the issue to whichever organizations he can. This way the 'process' can be stretched out as long as necessary.

Simple stuff really, Thai "Justice" 101.

Perhaps "de-railing" is the wrong word? Is "shunting" the better rail analogy?

Edited by bamnutsak
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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts.

Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things.

Either that or he likes to rant without substance.

Thanksin is a criminal... one that causes a lot of trouble so stripping his rank is only just and for those that say it wont hurt him or that he has enough money. True.. but its not about money for him or else he would have stayed out of politics now and kept quiet after he ran from his convictions like a coward.

He did not.. he wanted back in politics he wants to be seen as important.. so stripping him of this rank will be a blow to him where it hurts a lot.. his EGO anyone contesting that Thaksin does not have a big ego has no idea bout the man.

"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand)

I would say that the military is the biggest problem facing Thailand, but since they are also corrupt, maybe we kill two birds with one stone... thumbsup.gif

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"Come on Rubl the guy is pro PTP they don't listen to logic and facts."

Pot, kettle, black.

"Economics departments go over economics and justice over justice, the guy probably never had any real work experience where different departments focus on different things."

As one poster pointed out if they started actually fighting corruption (arguably the biggest problem facing Thailand) then they would help the economy immensely, but this is probably beyond your work experience.

And puuleze don's say that the junta is making progress in it's "fight" against corruption. It is all window dressing and everything that happens today is just posturing and maneuvering ahead of the unmentionable big event that is inevitably coming.

Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades. THAT'S what all that has happened for the last couple of years is about.


yes all window dressing NACC is now going after 500 million baht in assest of crooked government officials. All window dressing. At least the NACC can work again now they have budget.. Remember how YL cut their budget with 50% crippling them. Now they can do what they were meant to do.

But hey I guess you think 500 million baht is small money.

So even the news of today proves you wrong again.

not to mention how the general is doing reforms of the fishing industry making a lot of enemies, but at least trying to clean the industry up. (yes his hand was forced but he is doing it)

I havent seen YL do anything except getting her brother back.. actually including him in the amnesty is what brought us all here.

500 millions are a great deal of money to you and me but a drop in the ocean in the great scheme of things. And allegedly less than a certain "retired" general is worth. Now, where did he get that money?? Oh, that's right - we're not allowed to ask. And despite this you still have faith in the guy????

And BTW, if you're forced to do something you shouldn't get any credit for it. When you were a kid and made a mess and your mother forced you to clean it up do you think you deserved praise for that?

Oh deflection deflection i find 500 millions stolen by a few people a lot. Ok it pales by the 600 billion YL wasted but i still feel its a lot of money. Give me some examples of corruption cases being investigated done during YL her time please because with the general there is action new laws and such but I cant recall YL doing anything positive about it except wanting 25.000 corruption cases under the amnesty and cutting 50% of the funding of anti corruption agencies.

Now your asking about the general.. the same can be said about all the politicians (Think Abisith and Korn are clean though). I just see Prayut as a lesser evil as the PTP.

Now If I am forced to clean up a mess someone else made (what did YL do about this ?) I should get praise for it as I did not create the mess but I am taking all the bad press for it.

But the news I posted also proved they could go after Thaksin and after corruption at the same time, so my original response was right.

Whether the present regime is a lesser evil than the PTP remains to be seen. My personal feeling is that it's not. At least the last government was elected by a majority of the voters. They were then overthrown by Uncle Too and he now wields absolute power. But with absolute power comes absolute responsibility, something that seems lost on the guy.

By all means go ahead and strip Thaksin of his police rank (although I think he fits in rather nicely with the BIB), but please don't say that there is a lot of progress in the "fight" against corruption. If this was a serious endeavor the the guy(s) on the top would have to open all their books first, and then a serious effort could be made. Anything else is just window dressing.

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Sad fact is Thaksin is far more likely to be promoted that lose his police rank. Do I blame the desert rat for holding on to his rank, salary and benefits? No. The blame lies squarely on Somyot who(as he has with other recent infamous cases) makes decisions with a mind on his investment portfolio improvements, rather than using logic, a sense of fairness, and considering that irritating formality known as the law. Still, he is doing very well. Last reports were he has amassed more than half a billion baht. The public should be happy for him, and just accept Thaksin's ongoing rise through the police force. Wouldn't it be funny if Thaksin turned out to be the guy that Somyot wants to hand pick to be his successor(without outside interference that might cloud his judgement).

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If he wanted it to die down, he could have ignored the lack of progress.

It's all about 'balance'.

He needs to make the ultra-rightists think he is addressing this issue which is vitally important (more show than substance at this point for them) to them. But he doesn't want to be the one who actually does the "stripping". So he "delegates" the issue to whichever organizations he can. This way the 'process' can be stretched out as long as necessary.

Simple stuff really, Thai "Justice" 101.

Perhaps "de-railing" is the wrong word? Is "shunting" the better rail analogy?

Oh right, the latest conspiracy theory. forgive me, I thought you might be serious.

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I thought you might be serious.

Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to accurately and seriously describe the factors influencing Field Marshall Prayut on this matter here without running afoul of the forum rules.

It is not a "conspiracy" per se, it's just that it cannot be discussed in public.

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Oh deflection deflection i find 500 millions stolen by a few people a lot. Ok it pales by the 600 billion YL wasted but i still feel its a lot of money. Give me some examples of corruption cases being investigated done during YL her time please because with the general there is action new laws and such but I cant recall YL doing anything positive about it except wanting 25.000 corruption cases under the amnesty and cutting 50% of the funding of anti corruption agencies.

Now your asking about the general.. the same can be said about all the politicians (Think Abisith and Korn are clean though). I just see Prayut as a lesser evil as the PTP.

Now If I am forced to clean up a mess someone else made (what did YL do about this ?) I should get praise for it as I did not create the mess but I am taking all the bad press for it.

But the news I posted also proved they could go after Thaksin and after corruption at the same time, so my original response was right.

Whether the present regime is a lesser evil than the PTP remains to be seen. My personal feeling is that it's not. At least the last government was elected by a majority of the voters. They were then overthrown by Uncle Too and he now wields absolute power. But with absolute power comes absolute responsibility, something that seems lost on the guy.

By all means go ahead and strip Thaksin of his police rank (although I think he fits in rather nicely with the BIB), but please don't say that there is a lot of progress in the "fight" against corruption. If this was a serious endeavor the the guy(s) on the top would have to open all their books first, and then a serious effort could be made. Anything else is just window dressing.

I am saying more progress is made and so far you havent come up with anything to counter this.

- YL cut the budget of anti corruption agency with 50% (i would say that shows something)

- YL wanted 26.000 cases off corruption to fall under the amnesty

Just those two things are a sure sign of going backwards.

Now under the junta we regularly see people getting caught for corruption, I havent seen you bring up any arguments or examples of the same happening under YL. So so far your a lot of hot air but no facts.

That a government is elected does not make them good, but the man with the funny mustache was ellected in Germany (and no I don't say that YL and Thaksin are that bad) just showing that elections are not the measurement of democracy. Its one part of a democracy but by itself does not say much. The previous government was anything but democratic in my view how they threatened the opposition with jail for exposing the rice scam, how they persecuted government officials that came out with bad figures. That is not a thing a democratic government does, its open and accountable.. two words that don't suit the PTP.

So does that make the general good.. no just less evil, and if Thaksin his amnesty was not included he would not even be in power. So who is to blame.

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Oh deflection deflection i find 500 millions stolen by a few people a lot. Ok it pales by the 600 billion YL wasted but i still feel its a lot of money. Give me some examples of corruption cases being investigated done during YL her time please because with the general there is action new laws and such but I cant recall YL doing anything positive about it except wanting 25.000 corruption cases under the amnesty and cutting 50% of the funding of anti corruption agencies.

Now your asking about the general.. the same can be said about all the politicians (Think Abisith and Korn are clean though). I just see Prayut as a lesser evil as the PTP.

Now If I am forced to clean up a mess someone else made (what did YL do about this ?) I should get praise for it as I did not create the mess but I am taking all the bad press for it.

But the news I posted also proved they could go after Thaksin and after corruption at the same time, so my original response was right.

Whether the present regime is a lesser evil than the PTP remains to be seen. My personal feeling is that it's not. At least the last government was elected by a majority of the voters. They were then overthrown by Uncle Too and he now wields absolute power. But with absolute power comes absolute responsibility, something that seems lost on the guy.

By all means go ahead and strip Thaksin of his police rank (although I think he fits in rather nicely with the BIB), but please don't say that there is a lot of progress in the "fight" against corruption. If this was a serious endeavor the the guy(s) on the top would have to open all their books first, and then a serious effort could be made. Anything else is just window dressing.

I am saying more progress is made and so far you havent come up with anything to counter this.

- YL cut the budget of anti corruption agency with 50% (i would say that shows something)

- YL wanted 26.000 cases off corruption to fall under the amnesty

Just those two things are a sure sign of going backwards.

Now under the junta we regularly see people getting caught for corruption, I havent seen you bring up any arguments or examples of the same happening under YL. So so far your a lot of hot air but no facts.

That a government is elected does not make them good, but the man with the funny mustache was ellected in Germany (and no I don't say that YL and Thaksin are that bad) just showing that elections are not the measurement of democracy. Its one part of a democracy but by itself does not say much. The previous government was anything but democratic in my view how they threatened the opposition with jail for exposing the rice scam, how they persecuted government officials that came out with bad figures. That is not a thing a democratic government does, its open and accountable.. two words that don't suit the PTP.

So does that make the general good.. no just less evil, and if Thaksin his amnesty was not included he would not even be in power. So who is to blame.

Why would I counter your statement that YL did less to fight corruption? YL did absolutely nothing to fight neither corruption nor trafficking. My point is that you can't make real progress unless you start at the top, and we all know that's not going to happen so whatever "fight" against corruption is taking place today is just so much window dressing.

When you overthrow a legally elected government (and, yes, we all know it was hideously inept and corrupt), suspend the constitution and invoke articles that make you all powerful - all in the name of the country - then by Buddha you better deliver the goods, and that simply isn't happening.

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Oh deflection deflection i find 500 millions stolen by a few people a lot. Ok it pales by the 600 billion YL wasted but i still feel its a lot of money. Give me some examples of corruption cases being investigated done during YL her time please because with the general there is action new laws and such but I cant recall YL doing anything positive about it except wanting 25.000 corruption cases under the amnesty and cutting 50% of the funding of anti corruption agencies.

Now your asking about the general.. the same can be said about all the politicians (Think Abisith and Korn are clean though). I just see Prayut as a lesser evil as the PTP.

Now If I am forced to clean up a mess someone else made (what did YL do about this ?) I should get praise for it as I did not create the mess but I am taking all the bad press for it.

But the news I posted also proved they could go after Thaksin and after corruption at the same time, so my original response was right.

Whether the present regime is a lesser evil than the PTP remains to be seen. My personal feeling is that it's not. At least the last government was elected by a majority of the voters. They were then overthrown by Uncle Too and he now wields absolute power. But with absolute power comes absolute responsibility, something that seems lost on the guy.

By all means go ahead and strip Thaksin of his police rank (although I think he fits in rather nicely with the BIB), but please don't say that there is a lot of progress in the "fight" against corruption. If this was a serious endeavor the the guy(s) on the top would have to open all their books first, and then a serious effort could be made. Anything else is just window dressing.

I am saying more progress is made and so far you havent come up with anything to counter this.

- YL cut the budget of anti corruption agency with 50% (i would say that shows something)

- YL wanted 26.000 cases off corruption to fall under the amnesty

Just those two things are a sure sign of going backwards.

Now under the junta we regularly see people getting caught for corruption, I havent seen you bring up any arguments or examples of the same happening under YL. So so far your a lot of hot air but no facts.

That a government is elected does not make them good, but the man with the funny mustache was ellected in Germany (and no I don't say that YL and Thaksin are that bad) just showing that elections are not the measurement of democracy. Its one part of a democracy but by itself does not say much. The previous government was anything but democratic in my view how they threatened the opposition with jail for exposing the rice scam, how they persecuted government officials that came out with bad figures. That is not a thing a democratic government does, its open and accountable.. two words that don't suit the PTP.

So does that make the general good.. no just less evil, and if Thaksin his amnesty was not included he would not even be in power. So who is to blame.

Why would I counter your statement that YL did less to fight corruption? YL did absolutely nothing to fight neither corruption nor trafficking. My point is that you can't make real progress unless you start at the top, and we all know that's not going to happen so whatever "fight" against corruption is taking place today is just so much window dressing.

When you overthrow a legally elected government (and, yes, we all know it was hideously inept and corrupt), suspend the constitution and invoke articles that make you all powerful - all in the name of the country - then by Buddha you better deliver the goods, and that simply isn't happening.

THAT is something I agree on not enough is happening, certainly not as much as I would want. As for starting at the top.. yes that would be the best however I seriously doubt that this will happen anytime soon. Because I am pretty sure the army is not clean either. Just saw them as the lesser evil.

They certainly did not live up to what I expected and the whole thing makes me think that progress will be slow and it will take a long time before things are cleaned up if ever.

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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

Fat Haggis.....Why don't you say what you mean. ! Haha... But please...please check your grammar before you press the "POST" button... you give Celts a bad name...

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

And a Bangkok man to 30 years behind bars on the same day according to Bangkok Post!

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

And a Bangkok man to 30 years behind bars on the same day according to Bangkok Post!

Stupid law for sure (agree with you guys 100%)

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

And a Bangkok man to 30 years behind bars on the same day according to Bangkok Post!

Stupid law for sure (agree with you guys 100%)

If they had been jailed for 6 months it would have been a stupid law, but they are in effect getting something close to a life sentence and that's nothing less than inhumane. I really hope the international community call them on this.

Edited by MZurf
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