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Did the OP get a receipt for the 200B.

I doubt it so once again its corruption, or ?

Of course it's corrupt, no-one is denying that, but the OP is no less corrupt as he was party to the transaction he's complaining about because he couldn't prove that he had 20,000 baht as required.

Do you think that the OP asked for confirmation in writing from the IO that he entered the country illegally having not satisfied the country's regulations?

Actually in this case whoever is forced to pay is being extorted of the money and is a victim of crime., because they are compelled to pay up to have a normal administrative act performed.

When an officer or public servant abuse the system and misuses regulations for their own interest the blame is on them 100%. Saying otherwise is being apologetic to the crime of corruption.

Also note, the cash requirement can be asked, but is not mandatory to have it, like for example having a valid passport. There is a big difference,

I'm not condoning corruption but he wasn't compelled to pay anything.

As the OP would like us all to think that he is a man of considerable means("...I said no problem and presented him my platinum Thai credit card...") he had the choice to walk away back over the border, go to an ATM and get the cash ready for the next entry attempt when he wouldn't have to pay the 200B.

He chose, as probably all of us would, to pay a bribe because he couldn't show the cash that the IO was requesting. Why didn't he protest? Possibly because he realised that had he protested he definitely wouldn't have been stamped in Or maybe he couldn't raise 20,000B on his credit card?

In practice I think you'll find that if an immigration officer asks for proof of funds then it will be mandatory to do show it.

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Just more of SAME SAME !

Corruption & SCAMS @ Thailand Immigration.coffee1.gif

Yes, isn't it great. In other countries, with stricter enforcement of the rules, the OP would have been turned away for not having adequate funds. That could have cost him a lot more than the 200 baht tea money.
No my dear I would just have gone to the next ATM and withdraw the required funds...but it would be time consuming and delaying my return...

The point why I posted it is never and I mean never I've been asked upon entry to show any adequate funds...though why there???

Edited by Crazy chef 1
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No my dear I would just have gone to the next ATM and withdraw the required funds...but it would be time consuming and delaying my return...

The point why I posted it is never and I mean never I've been asked upon entry to show any adequate funds...though why there???

Because sadao/dannok is the main gate to Malaysia, the best destination destination for not-so-rich foreigners living in South which are obliged to nonsensical run-arounds, to circumvent a system that is designed to benefit Thai consulates, immigration revenues, visa run companies and language schools.

Remember that is common for officers to bid for privileged posts. They have got a golden eggs chicken in their hands, and exploit it its best.

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