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Clinton campaign says email server to go to Justice Dept


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Okay, okay: I’ll turn my server over. See? Hands up, don’t shoot!”


Hey, I’m just a girl, you can’t expect me to know how all this technological equipment works. Republican War on Women!”


“So let’s not try to make a thing out of this, alright? It’s just a vast right wing conspiracy I tell you!”


“Besides: What difference at this point does it make?”


If Huma takes the fall where does that leave Sidney Danger? laugh.png

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The issue is to get out of the public domain materials presently classified that were not classified at the time Hillary Clinton interacted with them while she was SecState.

Everything else is the super high funded mass of wealthy rightwing media and their eager beaver operatives that have decided to win the election by hook or by crook.

There is no criminal investigation occurring, nor will there be one. No laws have been broken, no rules violated, no one is accused of anything.

The right knows the only way the right could win the election is by hook or by crook.

Edited by Publicus
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Obamazombiasm at it's finest.....

The obviously rightwing FBI has taken possession of the server. The FBI has taken possession of the thumb drives previously and illegally held by a clintonite lawyer... Yes, no criminal wrongdoing here. Just another right wing conspiracy.... Move along. Nothing to see here.

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State Department says none of the papers presently classified were classified at the time. That the papers were circulated generally among a number of top officials at DepState.

Republicans in congress and some people called "inspectors general" of something called the "intelligence community" disagree with DepState.

The only fact that applies in this to date is that no criminal investigation is occurring and that no single person or persons are being investigated. No one is charged by any federal agency in anything.

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I'm ready to dump her.

She is expendable.

Too bad she didn't win before, her candidacy made much more sense back then, but now it's clear that lots of stuff is stinking.

Qualified she is, but it doesn't help that she is simply not likable and has no political charisma (she used to have some but it seems faded).

Yes, the democratic bench is thin.

But there is still lots of time to make another choice, for the good of the country and the party.

Yes, even Biden if it has to come to that.

As far as these potential legal problems with emails, it's one thing if Fox News says it and that can easily be dismissed as right wing conspiracy, but now even the Washington Post, a natural supporter of Hillary, is objectively reporting that these troubles are starting to look REAL. Who needs this baggage?

Next! ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Obamazombiasm at it's finest.....

The obviously rightwing FBI has taken possession of the server. The FBI has taken possession of the thumb drives previously and illegally held by a clintonite lawyer... Yes, no criminal wrongdoing here. Just another right wing conspiracy.... Move along. Nothing to see here.

the thumb drives previously and illegally held by a clintonite lawyer.

Wrong again as the Clinton lawyer has not broken any law or violated any rule...the guy is a super lawyer with a high flying professional career in Washington, so why would he break the law. The post is yet more hyperbole and blue smoke and mirrors from the right.

From the Hill and directly to your bogus claims...

During the daily State Department briefing on Thursday, spokesman Mark Toner reassured reporters that Clinton’s flash drive was safe in her lawyer’s hands.

Clinton has been ordered to preserve the contents on the drive by the House committee investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, he noted, as well as various government inspectors general.

“So what we did in response to that is provided them with instructions regarding how to properly store [and] physically secure these documents,” Toner said.

“We’ve sent our security people out there,” he added. “They’ve checked. They’ve confirmed that it is a secure site.”


Six Republican congressional committee "investigations" have come up with desert sand only in the Ben Ghazi inquisition or who or whatever he or it is. Mrs. Clinton had been battling the Republican controlled congress and the inspectors general abut emails, thumbdrives. However, when the Department of Justice and the FBI as a part of DoJ requested the emails and materials Mrs. Clinton sent them over.

Better in the hands of professionals at DoJ than in the lusty paws of the howling Republicans in control of congress.

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Now that is really, really good work. Probably took you all of a couple of seconds to find another LEFT WING rag to validate your mis-information... Another Liberal talking points "spokesman" blah, blah, blah...

By the way, just ask David Patreaous who can and who can't possess classified information?

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Now that is really, really good work. Probably took you all of a couple of seconds to find another LEFT WING rag to validate your mis-information... Another Liberal talking points "spokesman" blah, blah, blah...

By the way, just ask David Patreaous who can and who can't possess classified information?

The Hill which I cited and linked is a Mainstream news journal that has reported on Congress for many many decades. It is reliable, reputable, credible across the board except to the far out radical right.

General Patraeous knowingly used his position as commander of a theater of war to pass classified info to the reporter and author he was sleeping with, so the right needs to wake up and smell the coffee in every respect.

The right has been reduced to being asinine.

Yes, the right.

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I'm ready to dump her.

She is expendable.

Too bad she didn't win before, her candidacy made much more sense back then, but now it's clear that lots of stuff is stinking.

Qualified she is, but it doesn't help that she is simply not likable and has no political charisma (she used to have some but it seems faded).

Yes, the democratic bench is thin.

But there is still lots of time to make another choice, for the good of the country and the party.

Yes, even Biden if it has to come to that.

As far as these potential legal problems with emails, it's one thing if Fox News says it and that can easily be dismissed as right wing conspiracy, but now even the Washington Post, a natural supporter of Hillary, is objectively reporting that these troubles are starting to look REAL. Who needs this baggage?

Next! ...

Agree with you for once but the statement she's qualified? How? She's never accomplished a thing on her own.

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Now that is really, really good work. Probably took you all of a couple of seconds to find another LEFT WING rag to validate your mis-information... Another Liberal talking points "spokesman" blah, blah, blah...

By the way, just ask David Patreaous who can and who can't possess classified information?

General Patraeous knowingly used his position as commander of a theater of war to pass classified info to the reporter and author he was sleeping with, so the right needs to wake up and smell the coffee in every respect.

Ok, you win. the Petraeous saga was so much more egregious than your gals floundering, criminal lapse in judgement. Maybe she can drag up Sandy Berger for consultation.

As with every Clinton scandal the drip, drip, drip ain't gonna stop until she is finally and completely finished. I hope she rides this pony for a looooong time.

Hang in the Hillary

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The right recognized long ago the only way to prevail in the election is by hook or by crook.

Create enough smoke and maybe a fire will break out.

There's an old adage about not playing with fire that children compulsively ignore. The election is 14 months away yet the flames of this one can be seen from a great distance out ahead.

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Right wingers would love to see Sanders nominated. Don't fall into that trap.

Heh...your ilk would love to see The Donald nominated.

Don't play games, bud. smile.png

Yes and no. If nominated he may just win. Wouldn't be worth the admittedly massive entertainment experience.
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Right wingers would love to see Sanders nominated. Don't fall into that trap.

Heh...your ilk would love to see The Donald nominated.

Don't play games, bud. smile.png

Yes and no. If nominated he may just win. Wouldn't be worth the admittedly massive entertainment experience.

There may be some Nattering Nabobs of Negativism viewing this thread and this statement is for y'all! smile.png

He absolutely could not do a worse job as POTUS than that miserable community agitator failure that's presently in Big White. thumbsup.gif

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The issue is to get out of the public domain materials presently classified that were not classified at the time Hillary Clinton interacted with them while she was SecState.

Everything else is the super high funded mass of wealthy rightwing media and their eager beaver operatives that have decided to win the election by hook or by crook.

There is no criminal investigation occurring, nor will there be one. No laws have been broken, no rules violated, no one is accused of anything.

The right knows the only way the right could win the election is by hook or by crook.

The manner in which you defend somewhat serious ethical and legal issues relating to matters of integrity reflects either a lapse in your judgment or that your own moral barometer is broken.

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The issue is to get out of the public domain materials presently classified that were not classified at the time Hillary Clinton interacted with them while she was SecState.

Everything else is the super high funded mass of wealthy rightwing media and their eager beaver operatives that have decided to win the election by hook or by crook.

There is no criminal investigation occurring, nor will there be one. No laws have been broken, no rules violated, no one is accused of anything.

The right knows the only way the right could win the election is by hook or by crook.

The manner in which you defend somewhat serious ethical and legal issues relating to matters of integrity reflects either a lapse in your judgment or that your own moral barometer is broken.

I couldn't have said it better.

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The issue is to get out of the public domain materials presently classified that were not classified at the time Hillary Clinton interacted with them while she was SecState.

Everything else is the super high funded mass of wealthy rightwing media and their eager beaver operatives that have decided to win the election by hook or by crook.

There is no criminal investigation occurring, nor will there be one. No laws have been broken, no rules violated, no one is accused of anything.

The right knows the only way the right could win the election is by hook or by crook.

The manner in which you defend somewhat serious ethical and legal issues relating to matters of integrity reflects either a lapse in your judgment or that your own moral barometer is broken.

Well counselor I must therefore note I do not cry out to call people I don't like "animals in human form," as you have done at the race threads

Nor should I appreciate the personal attack against another poster, me in particular in this instance, especially from up there on the high horse of a self-appointed supremacy and superiority (or did you pass an exam to get up there).

As I point out in the recent threads, the right had some time ago decided the only way it can prevail in the election is by hook or by crook. The recent advent of Donald Trump punctuates the fix the right is in with its woe begotten parent, the Republican party.

By hook or by crook.

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The issue is to get out of the public domain materials presently classified that were not classified at the time Hillary Clinton interacted with them while she was SecState.

Everything else is the super high funded mass of wealthy rightwing media and their eager beaver operatives that have decided to win the election by hook or by crook.

There is no criminal investigation occurring, nor will there be one. No laws have been broken, no rules violated, no one is accused of anything.

The right knows the only way the right could win the election is by hook or by crook.

The manner in which you defend somewhat serious ethical and legal issues relating to matters of integrity reflects either a lapse in your judgment or that your own moral barometer is broken.

I couldn't have said it better.

Certainly not by hook or by crook could you have said it better.

Edited by Publicus
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The Clinton take down. It's coming from all directions - and not just the emails.

Elizabeth Warren allies demand answers from Clinton on Wall Street ties

A letter points to two of Clinton’s State Department aides who came from the banking world.

By Gabriel Debenedetti

8/26/15 12:00 AM EDT

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/elizabeth-warren-allies-demand-answers-from-clinton-on-wall-st-ties-121748.html#ixzz3ju4UjhbJ

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