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Live in the North East in a village Chaiyaphum. We don't have any water laying around our home and the nearest Khlongs about 2km away, flooded rice fields etc.

We don't get too many mosquitos here, mainly after rain but they are around and they do bite. Heard a case of Dengue here last night and was wondering should I go get some jabs? Malaria is for life isn't it? I asked the local doctor and she seemed to think it was that rare here it was unessacary.


There is no vaccine for either malaria or dengue.

And no malaria where you are. It is only in deep jungle areas.

Dengue, sure, it's everywhere.

Prevention is to avoid mosquito bites. It's a daytime mosquito so even though you have few mosquitos around your house, some risk when you're out and about. Fresh markets as especially bad due tio all the standing water..


South of Ubon our local doctor was warning all who visited her clinic that she had received "numerous" cases of Dengue just recently.


Thanks Sheryl. Any mosquito bite I get here seems to form a blister and get worse. Never prone to reactions or infections from insect bites in Australia. End up with an ulcer that takes forever to heal. Got some ointment yesterday Bethasone N which seems to work well.


If you keep getting blisters from bites etc get your blood sugar checked as it can be a symptom of Diabetes...


If you feel like you get a flu avoid aspirin.....if it is dengue the aspirin might be lethal.

#$%#$& just while posting a mosquito bite me......


Thanks Sheryl. Any mosquito bite I get here seems to form a blister and get worse. Never prone to reactions or infections from insect bites in Australia. End up with an ulcer that takes forever to heal. Got some ointment yesterday Bethasone N which seems to work well.

I got Dengue a couple of years ago in Ubon. Was in hospital for almost 1 week and never had realized just how hard it hits the body.

I first thought i had the flu but the following day my wife said i need to go visit a doctor after the blood test i was admitted and connected up to a couple of IV lines.

I have stayed here for over 20 years and have had thousands of bites but on one particular day i was out of luck.


There was a group going around the surin areas telling everyone that mosquitoes were in high amounts in the area and giving a sunscreen with repellant in it along with putting a repellant in stagnant water arounc houses and schools


There are 6 different types of malaria.

The most common (falciparum) is completely removed with treatment, The others will stay dormant for a while and return.


Only 5 types fo malaria capable of causing disease in humand and of these, only two are found in Thailand and neighboring countries: falciparum and vivax.

Of the two, vivax does have a dormant form that can recur bit it is possible to eradicate this with fairly simple drug treatment, eliminating any recurrence.

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