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Anyone here become a pariah with your mates wives when you went with an Asian girl?


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Never really thought about it too much but when I met my girl a couple of years ago I sensed a lot of hostility from my mates wives / girlfriends. Like i had caught some disease i may pass on to their husband. Some openly questioned her about her background or how we met. The first question came out of one of my mates wives mouth when she met my girl was "is Thailand dirty"? All supposedly self righteous people who would be normally the first to call racism. Never bothered me too much at the time as I was never sure if it was me being oversensitive etc. I can see why now they see Asian woman as such a threat. Some of my friends so called liberated , <deleted> farang women back home couldn't hold a candle to most SE Asian woman. Anyone else get the same treatment?

*** offensive reference removed ***

Edited by CharlieH
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Never been in the situation myself, but there are several European/Asian couples in my social circle, and I don't think anyone looks down on them - my wife certainly doesn't.

By the way, your description of farang women is a bit offensive.

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Never been in the situation myself, but there are several European/Asian couples in my social circle, and I don't think anyone looks down on them - my wife certainly doesn't.

By the way, your description of farang women is a bit offensive.

maybe so but if you read again not directed at all farang woman as a generalization. Venting here i guess. Got a little slur again today from one of them and had enough
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Never been in the situation myself, but there are several European/Asian couples in my social circle, and I don't think anyone looks down on them - my wife certainly doesn't.

By the way, your description of farang women is a bit offensive.

that was the point i suspect.

as for the op's remark:

Never really thought about it too much

yeah right.

Edited by HooHaa
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Some of the most insecure people you will find in Thailand are western women.....Especially if here as a short term tourist....

You can see them walking with their husbands and sizing up the mixed couples they happen upon - seeing the options their husbands might have available if he chose in comparison to themselves.....

A very nice attractive gal in her 20's - olive skinned and in shape told me the men here aren't attracted to women like herself.....true....

In the states for the past two decades it was Asian women exclusively for me & Never have looked back.....The women there would almost hate you on sight staring daggers at you - they knew there was no area they could compete - and in reality they were right....

Don't believe it was a "racist" thing but the word has been so missused I'm not sure what it is taken to mean anymore.....

In the US many friends/couples were men with Thai wives so the answer is no in one way......

But in another way - many women are indeed threatened by someone with an Asian wife and it's too bad because some friendships will be lost through their wive's insecurities.. ..

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Oh please. Not all men are attracted to Thai women.

Who said they were?

It's implied in the somewhat ridiculous post above stating that western women in thailand are in a constant state of insecurity that their men will desert them for the local women.

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Some of the most insecure people you will find in Thailand are western women.....Especially if here as a short term tourist....

You can see them walking with their husbands and sizing up the mixed couples they happen upon - seeing the options their husbands might have available if he chose in comparison to themselves.....

We stayed in the Amari hotel Phuket a few years ago. Myself and girl checked in together never occurred to me she would be taken as a working girl. Everytime we went for a swim this horrible old bag about 70, done up to try and look like 18 was giving us daggers. Openly talking behind her hand with her friends and sneering our way. I was 48 at the time and my girl 32. I'm not in too b ad nick and I don't think we stand out too much as dirty old man with young girl. In the end my girl walked over to her and said "what you look Lady Gaga" haha. If you saw this old ducks hairdo u'd know she nailed it. All her friends were pissing themselves laughing...including her husband

Edited by Kenny202
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It's funny how some people see the world around them. We see posts here about how all the other men are jealous, and now that all other women are nervous.

Are you sure you guys aren't reading a little too much into the people around you? They're probably just thinking about what they're going to have for lunch.

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Oh please. Not all men are attracted to Thai women.

That indeed is true - Thai women are few by numbers in the states.....But many Thai women are in my circle of friends and that was basically for lack of a better term a private group - you had to be well thought of and "seconded" for acceptance -The Thais are not as open in many ways... Also many with Filipina - Japanese - Chinese & Lao women which the white gals would lump as Asian.....Of these the filipinas would be the less segregrated "Asian" group.....The rest more steeped in tradition and closed - the Japanese would probably be next behind the Filipina's but less in number and more open but calculatimg.......

Probably 50/50 among my friends coast to coast in the states.....Even in states you wouldn't think it so - which, of course, threatens/stymies "tradition" - actually - the higher the income/social level the more diverse the couple mix....... internationally mostly mixed........

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I don't have a circle of friends. I don't have a social circle. I don't have people around me.

So I don't have to much worry about what people around me might be thinking about me because I know they are not thinking about me because they are not around me.

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I don't have a circle of friends. I don't have a social circle. I don't have people around me.

So I don't have to much worry about what people around me might be thinking about me because I know they are not thinking about me because they are not around me.

Do you have the police clear the streets when you go out to the shops?

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From Seattle area so chock full of Asians with non Asians. And no one seems to know the difference.

My Thai wife and I went to an information desk at Vancouver airport. Two Asian girls there. One eyeballed and evaluated and categorized my wife to some standard.

Wife is average tanned. Average body maybe a little curvy. Glasses. Nerdy looking sort of.

So wondering what this girl had in her mind with critical eye.

Women are often worse then men in this regard.

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I don't have a circle of friends. I don't have a social circle. I don't have people around me.

So I don't have to much worry about what people around me might be thinking about me because I know they are not thinking about me because they are not around me.

Do you have the police clear the streets when you go out to the shops?

No -- when I go out to shop, the police are still asleep.

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From Seattle area so chock full of Asians with non Asians. And no one seems to know the difference.

My Thai wife and I went to an information desk at Vancouver airport. Two Asian girls there. One eyeballed and evaluated and categorized my wife to some standard.

Wife is average tanned. Average body maybe a little curvy. Glasses. Nerdy looking sort of.

So wondering what this girl had in her mind with critical eye.

Women are often worse then men in this regard.

This is also so true. We live in Thailand now but when we were in Australia, my missus would get so excited if she saw another Thai lady at the supermarket. Often she'd smile and say hello and the other would be judging if she was above her or not. Some would simply turn away. I guess that happens here too with Thai class being so important. She always thought it was because she was dark Edited by Kenny202
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TLC is correct about the "social circles"......In the states for most of the Thais the Wat/Temple becomes the gathering point and thereby the social circle - keeping them a semi clostered group......If engaged with the group the social undertow tends to keep you involved.....

The Filipinas are Catholic and fit in their church anywhere while the Chinese and Japanese are less constrained but still clan'ish but less tradition laden......Lao's - like Thais but micro numbers.....

Getting back to the OP ....... In the states a when you are with an Asian it's primarily looked upon as an upgrade by everyone but aging white women.....

BUT - to come here and find a happy life with a good woman (that would be envied/admired even - there) some people think you're tarnished somehow .......even though it's a better place to be - for those that took the time to look and make up their minds to stay.....

Though on the most part I don't agree with SB.......I can't fault his choice of where he wishes to stay - no matter what his choice woman-wise is and how he feels about it.....Besides my dislike for some of his posting I don't think I've ever seen/read him putting Thai women or people down......

Edited by pgrahmm
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From Seattle area so chock full of Asians with non Asians. And no one seems to know the difference.

My Thai wife and I went to an information desk at Vancouver airport. Two Asian girls there. One eyeballed and evaluated and categorized my wife to some standard.

Wife is average tanned. Average body maybe a little curvy. Glasses. Nerdy looking sort of.

So wondering what this girl had in her mind with critical eye.

Women are often worse then men in this regard.

This is also so true. We live in Thailand now but when we were in Australia, my missus would get so excited if she saw another Thai lady at the supermarket. Often she'd smile and say hello and the other would be judging if she was above her or not. Some would simply turn away. I guess that happens here too with Thai class being so important. She always thought it was because she was dark
yes true. I think these girls at the information desk were Chinese Canadian so whitish looking. Don't what to read into it too much.

Sadly many good looking successful American guys feel they have struck gold my finding girls 15 to 20 years younger than them who have tattoos and are former bar girls. Not sure why these guys took first bite or turned down a great girl who had a kid. Anyway they seem happy. I just could not marry a slutty acting girl with tattoos.

Edited by kungpao
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Yes it is uncomfortable to see these girls all together. Wife had a good friend from Thailand not a part of that crowd. Some older Thai women at temple don't seem to be a part of that group. They do stand out easily and they don't know it.

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From Seattle area so chock full of Asians with non Asians. And no one seems to know the difference.

My Thai wife and I went to an information desk at Vancouver airport. Two Asian girls there. One eyeballed and evaluated and categorized my wife to some standard.

Wife is average tanned. Average body maybe a little curvy. Glasses. Nerdy looking sort of.

So wondering what this girl had in her mind with critical eye.

Women are often worse then men in this regard.

This is also so true. We live in Thailand now but when we were in Australia, my missus would get so excited if she saw another Thai lady at the supermarket. Often she'd smile and say hello and the other would be judging if she was above her or not. Some would simply turn away. I guess that happens here too with Thai class being so important. She always thought it was because she was dark
yes true. I think these girls at the information desk were Chinese Canadian so whitish looking. Don't what to read into it too much.

Sadly many good looking successful American guys feel they have struck gold my finding girls 15 to 20 years younger than them who have tattoos and are former bar girls. Not sure why these guys took first bite or turned down a great girl who had a kid. Anyway they seem happy. I just could not marry a slutty acting girl with tattoos.

Couldn't imagine anyone being with/around ANY ethnicity woman slutty (sleazy) + sporting tattoos......

But every/thing-one seeks it's own level and there is no patent on happiness.....What some have found we may never understand & and we don't possess the right or priviledge to openly question......

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