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Trump: Deport children of immigrants living illegally in US

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If all the illegal immigrants had been deported or turned away then America would be Canada...

The right want America to become Thailand.

And the left want America to become Cuba... coffee1.gif

Cuba has better rum.

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Trump issued his policy statement on anchor babies yesterday. This is the extent of his "detailed" proposal.

"End birthright citizenship. This remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. By a 2:1 margin, voters say it’s the wrong policy, including Harry Reid who said “no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants."


The guy has no plans and no proposals. He's just a big bag of hot wind.


Yes, he has stated he wants to call a constitutional convention to alter the 14th Amendment.

It's long past time that this jurisprudential nonsense be done away with, once and for all. The entire 14th Amendment should be scrapped, IMHO.

a constitutional convention to alter the 14th Amendment.

The rightwing has been calling for a constitutional convention for decades without success. The vast majority of Americans see no need of any such thing. Americans don't want a constitutional convention which is why no candidate for president has advocated it and congress has done nothing toward having any such thing.

The wound up activist right would get its delegates elected to a constitutional convention to torch the Bill of Rights in no time at all. One outcome would be that immigration would be criminalised which is the opposite of the guarantees of the 14th Amendment.

The farther Trump and the Republican party go into this election campaign, the farther both together race to the fringe and the deeper they go in to the abyss of defeat.

There is a strong move for a Convention of the States which is different than a Constitutional Conventions as is conventionally / classically known... Thirty four states in agreement by resolution of their Legislatures can call the Convention... And since Republicans and many Conservative Republicans control the greater majority of the states - this is entirely possible. And it circumvents a run away Convention because the ratification of any changes is also by the states and again Republicans and Conservatives predominate and would strike undesirable changes - thus netting only changes that Republicans and Conservatives want... 555

Plus as one poster already stated - states one after another can defy the rule -- there is already a state refusing to issue birth certificates to illegal aliens babies. - Texas. This States Rights 10th amendment issue would keep the courts running for years and no birth certificates issue if this caught on ...

Oh yes I know - that the Master of the Universe resident here already knows better...

The farther to the fringe and the faster besides until the right and the Republican party finally dash off the cliff hand in hand legs spinning in the air and smiling.

The most youse guyz have got in respect of what the post is discussing are 24 of the required 34 states and the right is just about maxed out on this as the immigration lawsuit shows. Twenty-six states are participating in the suit against the president's immigration executive action of last year that is still before the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. Yet only 24 states are on board for a sub-constitutional Convention of the States mentioned in the post.

And the right knows anything it might accomplish in a sub-constitutional Convention of the States called by (a minimum of) 34 states would continue to need 38 states to approve for it to become a part of the Constitution. So the right would still need a Second Constitutional Convention of all of the United States, called by (a minimum of) 38 states, which is even further beyond the reach of the lunar orbiters on the marginal right fringes of the society.

States, counties or persons refusing for any reason to issue lawful and Constitutional certificates of birth, marriage, death, divorce, citizenship and the like, are in violation of law and of the Constitution. Counties that rebel against a state and/or the United States would be subject to appropriate state and federal action to cease or desist, enforcible in state and federal courts of law. Attempts at any armed insurrection by a county or any group against a state or federal authority will be shat upon.

Ah, yes, "the fringe!" You guys on the Loony Left thought you had it all figured out. But it turns out you are wrong. As goes Trump, so goes the nation. The future belongs entirely to us!


Actually Trump could work with Congress to write and pass law defining the misused 14th amendment to end birthright citizenship, as a child of illegal immigrant parents aren't soverign to USA which lacks jurisdiction..So not a citizen. That would force SCOTUS to either overule law or let it stand. If the overruled that, then an Amendment, but as most other nations have done, no rights just for being across the line.

You lack understanding of constitutional law. A new law would just be ruled unconstitutional. Show me one case where the Supreme Court has overturned a decision on interpretation of the Constitution that has stood for over 100 years. The only way to do this is a constitutional amendment, and that's not going to happen, particularly because the 14th amendment was enacted to protect the rights of African-Americans after the Civil War.

But there could be 50 laws enacted to deny issuance of a birth certificate ... then there would be dozens of court fights ... asymmetric warfare...

And GUARANTEED the states would lose that. States rights are what the civil war was fought over. Fed won.

And yea tourist babies should not be given citizenship either.

You could not be more wrong about states rights ...


So many know it alls - know nothings on this topic thread... All these know it alls and know nothings -- KNOW NOTHING about the American People and the Populist Uprising that has become unleashed ... READ THIS ARTICLE -- Know it alls...


I walked with him for 45 minutes after the helicopter ride, he came to the fair, and people were yelling things to him with passion. ‘Save us,’ ‘You’re the only one who can stop Hillary,’ ‘Thank you for making America great again.’


Previous post: In most of the posts above I see resentment against the illegal immigrants in US.

Thanks, arjunadawn, for a very detailed discourse. Any irony or sarcasm aside - it went well over my head. And it is not your fault. I really know very little of US, its history, its politics etc.

About 10 years back I decided to visit US for the first time. Perhaps my choice was wrong - or I cared more about climate - but I decided to spend 3 weeks in Florida and 3 weeks in California. As mentioned my education in anything related to US was very limited. Therefore the impressions I brought out are very intuitive and may be wrong. Please, keep this in mind. Besides, my visit to US was cut short by my own decision. Since I didn't like what I saw I hopped off to Mexico to see in total Acapulco, Guadalajara and Cancun. In both California and Florida I observed many Mexicans, Blacks (Afro-Americans, Negroes - take your pick) and Whites.

My impressions:

Most Blacks in the streets of L-A and Miami (I did see smaller towns too) hate US. To the point of not even willing to speak American English. And this is after about 10 generations being Americans. And they are aggressively confrontational to Whites.

Most Latinos I saw in the streets and shops of Florida and California are friendly! Many speak broken English, but their kids are well dressed, neat and speak better English than parents - go to school (?) and willing to learn (?). However most Mexicans I saw in Mexico are very negative about 'gringoes'.

Most Whites I saw in the streets and shops of L-A or Miami are 'taking care'! Being outwardly friendly they are slapping you on the shoulder at the same time trying to gain something either selling you an idea, an unwanted item or a needed one at an inflated price. I did not like these White Americans off the street. BTW, I admit that most people I am talking about are not all Americans.

Anyway, to come back to the topic - Trump as a candidate, what he says he will do, his personality etc. - I do not and can not know him. What I feel about him, my impression of him - I wouldn't trust this uncouth old pirate to walk my dog out.

And I do trust my feelings, my impressions and intuition. But as I said before - I trust Americans to make the worst possible choice, as almost always they do.

arjunadawn, reading your last paragraph about Requirements to the Office how come Obama actually became elected?

A snapshot travelers view is often a very good indicator of facts rather than someone with known or unknown has biases (a person who was raised some place, perhaps). Its inevitable I have biases but not what is imagined; my bias is regarding law and self reliance opposed to lawlessness and redistribution. I do not resent immigrants, I am disgusted by illegals. I live all over the world with different peoples and culturally are even less at home in the US. It is not the changing culture. It is the crime, the demands, the taking from others the fruit of their labor because they simply show up and demand. It is paying for freeloaders who have never invested into the system. It is requiring no assimilation and instead having cultural concessions demanded of the host. It fractures. It balkanizes. It destroys a culture that I hailed from and love. Its the obliteration of reason, equating illegal freeloaders on welfare with those who built the railroads, the skyscrapers, and ploughed the west.

There is no assimilation only increased demands to public self loathing of the majority, increased demands to revise the institutions and history of the country. It is increasingly nihilism, and Obama et al know this. Why he became president is a debate of an entirely different thread but it is related natural birth questions. Whether Obama was born in the US or not his mother as a young girl with a foreign father still did not meet the requirements to confer the requirements to Barry. Why was this glossed over or avoided? I do not know. Whether a valid point or not this is part of the born on soil type questions we are discussing here.

I would also mention a previously little known legal program settling hundreds of thousands, now millions, of muslims into US cities. The shocking thing is muslims are the only group being afforded such aid based on their religion alone. This itself is appalling. Entire cities are now lil muslim enclaves, little Somalia, little Iraqs, etc. I have less a problem with this and more a problem with the secretive nature of the settlements and the absurd authority to do so, the UN.


Nice to know the Americans have a colourful candidate shooting his mouth too....the guy in AU eventually pissed off most of his party members who left his party and not a peep has been heard from him in quite a while.

Previous post: In most of the posts above I see resentment against the illegal immigrants in US.

Thanks, arjunadawn, for a very detailed discourse. Any irony or sarcasm aside - it went well over my head. And it is not your fault. I really know very little of US, its history, its politics etc.

About 10 years back I decided to visit US for the first time. Perhaps my choice was wrong - or I cared more about climate - but I decided to spend 3 weeks in Florida and 3 weeks in California. As mentioned my education in anything related to US was very limited. Therefore the impressions I brought out are very intuitive and may be wrong. Please, keep this in mind. Besides, my visit to US was cut short by my own decision. Since I didn't like what I saw I hopped off to Mexico to see in total Acapulco, Guadalajara and Cancun. In both California and Florida I observed many Mexicans, Blacks (Afro-Americans, Negroes - take your pick) and Whites.

My impressions:

Most Blacks in the streets of L-A and Miami (I did see smaller towns too) hate US. To the point of not even willing to speak American English. And this is after about 10 generations being Americans. And they are aggressively confrontational to Whites.

Most Latinos I saw in the streets and shops of Florida and California are friendly! Many speak broken English, but their kids are well dressed, neat and speak better English than parents - go to school (?) and willing to learn (?). However most Mexicans I saw in Mexico are very negative about 'gringoes'.

Most Whites I saw in the streets and shops of L-A or Miami are 'taking care'! Being outwardly friendly they are slapping you on the shoulder at the same time trying to gain something either selling you an idea, an unwanted item or a needed one at an inflated price. I did not like these White Americans off the street. BTW, I admit that most people I am talking about are not all Americans.

Anyway, to come back to the topic - Trump as a candidate, what he says he will do, his personality etc. - I do not and can not know him. What I feel about him, my impression of him - I wouldn't trust this uncouth old pirate to walk my dog out.

And I do trust my feelings, my impressions and intuition. But as I said before - I trust Americans to make the worst possible choice, as almost always they do.

arjunadawn, reading your last paragraph about Requirements to the Office how come Obama actually became elected?

A snapshot travelers view is often a very good indicator of facts rather than someone with known or unknown has biases (a person who was raised some place, perhaps). Its inevitable I have biases but not what is imagined; my bias is regarding law and self reliance opposed to lawlessness and redistribution. I do not resent immigrants, I am disgusted by illegals. I live all over the world with different peoples and culturally are even less at home in the US. It is not the changing culture. It is the crime, the demands, the taking from others the fruit of their labor because they simply show up and demand. It is paying for freeloaders who have never invested into the system. It is requiring no assimilation and instead having cultural concessions demanded of the host. It fractures. It balkanizes. It destroys a culture that I hailed from and love. Its the obliteration of reason, equating illegal freeloaders on welfare with those who built the railroads, the skyscrapers, and ploughed the west.

There is no assimilation only increased demands to public self loathing of the majority, increased demands to revise the institutions and history of the country. It is increasingly nihilism, and Obama et al know this. Why he became president is a debate of an entirely different thread but it is related natural birth questions. Whether Obama was born in the US or not his mother as a young girl with a foreign father still did not meet the requirements to confer the requirements to Barry. Why was this glossed over or avoided? I do not know. Whether a valid point or not this is part of the born on soil type questions we are discussing here.

I would also mention a previously little known legal program settling hundreds of thousands, now millions, of muslims into US cities. The shocking thing is muslims are the only group being afforded such aid based on their religion alone. This itself is appalling. Entire cities are now lil muslim enclaves, little Somalia, little Iraqs, etc. I have less a problem with this and more a problem with the secretive nature of the settlements and the absurd authority to do so, the UN.

I would also mention a previously little known legal program settling hundreds of thousands, now millions, of muslims into US cities. The shocking thing is

Rightwing xenophobic pulp spam.

Which comes from the super high funded mass of rightwing media, as follows for instance....



Trump's focus is anyway on Mexico cause John McCain's focus is on bombing Muslims while the Rev. Mike Huckabee is fixed on marrying one man and one woman...and that's just for openers concerning this Republican crowd of clowns.


Nice to know the Americans have a colourful candidate shooting his mouth too....the guy in AU eventually pissed off most of his party members who left his party and not a peep has been heard from him in quite a while.

The topic is about Trump and immigration policy. AU doesn't have a single person who could be a water boy for Trump. Trump is now beating Hillary in three of the important swing state polls - an unimaginable feat just 4 months ago.

Glaringly lacking in this contest is personal bashing of Trump by those who know him and work with him. Even his employees speak highly of him. Hillary OTOH is seen as a liar and deceitful by a majority of Americans. She is being criminally investigated re places she has worked.

There's a lot of ground to cover before the nomination and then the general election and much can happen. I wouldn't count Trump out though.



Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.


Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.

You have some good points - IN THEORY... But what the movers and shakers do with the immigration policy in America is to create a system of bringing in wage busting job replacers... Which is a core of the problem with illegal aliens... Legal Immigration in America is about One Million a year... We in America are doing more than our part. The Liberals - Leftists of America prevent the creation of a system much as you describe. In fact successful white immigrants are on the bottom of the list - few are allowed in ... Russian, Ukrainian Women and Asian women are even lower on the list ...The poor of the world - Africans and Central Americans make up the greater part - with a sprinkling of Asian and Indian Families.

Everyone in the world it seems wants to emigrate from their country to America and the Illegal Aliens from Mexico and Central America just want to by pass the rules and go ahead in the line - the queue made up of the rest of the world. They are special - they think - special rights to just walk right in ... and our idiot - evil government encourages it .. The current government wants to replace the current population of America with compliant citizens that do not question the government's running of things.

Donald Trump wants to stop this craziness - thus one of the reasons he is hated by the Liberal - Left and Elitists Republicans.


Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.

You have some good points - IN THEORY... But what the movers and shakers do with the immigration policy in America is to create a system of bringing in wage busting job replacers... Which is a core of the problem with illegal aliens... Legal Immigration in America is about One Million a year... We in America are doing more than our part. The Liberals - Leftists of America prevent the creation of a system much as you describe. In fact successful white immigrants are on the bottom of the list - few are allowed in ... Russian, Ukrainian Women and Asian women are even lower on the list ...The poor of the world - Africans and Central Americans make up the greater part - with a sprinkling of Asian and Indian Families.

Everyone in the world it seems wants to emigrate from their country to America and the Illegal Aliens from Mexico and Central America just want to by pass the rules and go ahead in the line - the queue made up of the rest of the world. They are special - they think - special rights to just walk right in ... and our idiot - evil government encourages it .. The current government wants to replace the current population of America with compliant citizens that do not question the government's running of things.

Donald Trump wants to stop this craziness - thus one of the reasons he is hated by the Liberal - Left and Elitists Republicans.

Of course in built protection of the existing workforce is required and only in the face of labor contention or special skills and experience should foreign labor be allowed. There isn't any other reason that I could imagine to justify such potential to grant a job to a non citizen first.

Though labor contention should be the limit as to when it should be allowed, the reality is a bit more detailed. As it is possible to exhaust a tranche of the labor market, for example (an easy one and a standard) farm laborers; While unemployment maybe say 1% the entire supply of available people for the job could be exhausted, then foreign labor can be brought in. The alternative is to force people with other job skills and experience into the job just for the sake of availability is sounding a bit like sickle and hammer politics.

And as I said, residency is bound to employment with the repatriation responsibility being the employers. And people on such visas and their family, if they earn enough to afford having them live in the country also, don't enjoy citizen rights. Meaning children born in the US while they are on work visa must apply in their home country first for citizenship for their children. And on the safe end of that is only grant it to a child in the case that in exhaustion of application to home states and they are stateless. But that is just minor details, it is an existing practice in many nations.

As for illegal immigration from the south, it isn't so much a case of queue jumping, more a case of obtaining work, and the utter lack of a framework to help that legally happen. That in effect people coming into the US and end up on this queue as there is just no other option.


Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.

You have some good points - IN THEORY... But what the movers and shakers do with the immigration policy in America is to create a system of bringing in wage busting job replacers... Which is a core of the problem with illegal aliens... Legal Immigration in America is about One Million a year... We in America are doing more than our part. The Liberals - Leftists of America prevent the creation of a system much as you describe. In fact successful white immigrants are on the bottom of the list - few are allowed in ... Russian, Ukrainian Women and Asian women are even lower on the list ...The poor of the world - Africans and Central Americans make up the greater part - with a sprinkling of Asian and Indian Families.

Everyone in the world it seems wants to emigrate from their country to America and the Illegal Aliens from Mexico and Central America just want to by pass the rules and go ahead in the line - the queue made up of the rest of the world. They are special - they think - special rights to just walk right in ... and our idiot - evil government encourages it .. The current government wants to replace the current population of America with compliant citizens that do not question the government's running of things.

Donald Trump wants to stop this craziness - thus one of the reasons he is hated by the Liberal - Left and Elitists Republicans.

Of course in built protection of the existing workforce is required and only in the face of labor contention or special skills and experience should foreign labor be allowed. There isn't any other reason that I could imagine to justify such potential to grant a job to a non citizen first.

Though labor contention should be the limit as to when it should be allowed, the reality is a bit more detailed. As it is possible to exhaust a tranche of the labor market, for example (an easy one and a standard) farm laborers; While unemployment maybe say 1% the entire supply of available people for the job could be exhausted, then foreign labor can be brought in. The alternative is to force people with other job skills and experience into the job just for the sake of availability is sounding a bit like sickle and hammer politics.

And as I said, residency is bound to employment with the repatriation responsibility being the employers. And people on such visas and their family, if they earn enough to afford having them live in the country also, don't enjoy citizen rights. Meaning children born in the US while they are on work visa must apply in their home country first for citizenship for their children. And on the safe end of that is only grant it to a child in the case that in exhaustion of application to home states and they are stateless. But that is just minor details, it is an existing practice in many nations.

As for illegal immigration from the south, it isn't so much a case of queue jumping, more a case of obtaining work, and the utter lack of a framework to help that legally happen. That in effect people coming into the US and end up on this queue as there is just no other option.

The mostly poor people in the Legal Immigration Queue want those jobs -- so the illegal aliens are jumping the queue to take the jobs from new LEGAL Immigrants and American Citizens. America has several large scale programs for seasonal - temporary workers ... and they still function... But the problem is that the Mexican and Central American Illegal Aliens do not want seasonal farm work... They want to take the brick layer and packing plant meat cutter jobs which used to be held at the prevailing wage of around $18.00 an hour -- a living wage for a blue collar American -- but since there is the ILLEGAL Supply of cheap workers these two job categories now pay $8.50 an hour ... Thus creating over the past 15 years a whole cascade of social problems by displacing Americans who deserve to earn a Fair American wage. Not to mention the wives and girlfriends of the illegal aliens going to every welfare benefit program in a given state - claiming FALSELY that there is no wage earner in the home and getting benefits -- then they change their from Rodriques Gonzales to Gonzales Rodrigues and apply again at another office. Plus the tax cheats that claim 12 dependents with made up social security numbers - totally BILLIONS in tax cheat money and they get away with it... This is all documented if you care to do a little googling ...

And bottom line - backers of Conservative Presidential and backers of Donald Trump -- WE DO NOT WANT THE ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THE COUNTRY PERIOD... And as American citizens we have the right to demand that. We do not need them. Raise wages and Americans will do the work... It has been proven to be so in Alabama a few years back when that state made laws paralleling the Federal Laws that should be enforced and are not... Never the less when Alabama put these laws into effect -- tens of thousands of illegal aliens left the state and in the following days and weeks LEGAL American citizens - black, white, Asian, Hispanic lined up for the jobs that were opened up. But the LIES prevail that Americas won't do the work... They will do the work when wage busting Illegal Aliens are not present to lower wages to a non livable wage... Americans want to live like everyone else -- not like Mexican laborers 12-14 to a household ... which is the only reason they can work for the $8.50 an hour. This craziness has created social upheaval but Liberals - Leftists and Progressives can pontificate about how we should bear our WHITE GUILT and give away the store...


Most Americans enjoy having their grass cut for $30 USD and inexpensive fruits and vegetables to actually support deportation. They want to complain about the resources drained by illegals but not lose Jose the hard working,friendly and cheap lawn care service in my opinion.

This goes for R's and D's in the Wash. D.C. Area where I'm from.


Most Americans enjoy having their grass cut for $30 USD and inexpensive fruits and vegetables to actually support deportation. They want to complain about the resources drained by illegals but not lose Jose the hard working,friendly and cheap lawn care service in my opinion.

This goes for R's and D's in the Wash. D.C. Area where I'm from.

$ 30 bucks for lawn care. Man I am getting ripped by the Mexicans doing our yard. Okay we can keep the cheap law guys, but send back the expensive ones and the children who are too young to cut grass cheaply.


Ok, it's de-bunking time for leftist talking points. What Trump is suggesting makes overwhelming economic sense.


Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

In short, we could spend $137 billion once and get rid of the problem. Or we can keep spending more than that every 2 years.


This thread is bizarre.

The lunatic right. The ones who want their guns lest government come for them in the middle of the night, supporting this latest trump thought bubble.

And what do they want? Erm, for the government to come for American citizens in the middle of the night.

You couldn't make this stuff up.


As if Trump or any aboard the clown bus could get elected Animal Control Officer. The Republicans have gotten so far out in their own bizzaro world, none of them are remotely electable.

Every last one of these idiots will be campaigning to ban abortion, a popular woman's right that is guaranteed by the courts. Courts don't recognize the unborn as either persons or citizens, end of story.

Republicans will be campaigning for boots back on the ground in the middle east. A very unpopular position to say the least.

Republicans will be campaigning to throw out immigrants and build a wall. Unworkable and completely loony tunes. Along with the factor that anyone elected is going to need the votes of women and minorities. The Republicans press their right wing agenda, trying to gin up the base.

It's a farce. It's an amusing farce but none the less a farce. Republicans are unelectable. There isn't one middle of the road Republican candidate. Jeb Bush could have gone there but instead has decided to go the loony tunes route. It's just pathetic.

Let's talk about HRC's email server. gigglem.gif

Constitutionality, legality, affordability, practicality, plain 'ol humanity and all other sensible sensibilities are irrelevant. For the Republican hopefuls, the pronouncements haven't been about what's doable, but about feeding that base irrational outrage and anger (and, dare I say it?--racism, misogyny and outright wackadoodleness). Trump, so far, has been most successful at that strategy.

Trump is presenting himself as an a-hole, but, it turns out, a lot of Republicans WANT an a-hole president. Trump has quite a strategy (for the Republican primaries anyway): go after the a-hole vote. In an unlikely coalition, he's got both the "let's use our cellphones in the cinema" AND "let's shoot the guy using the cellphone in the cinema" votes all sewn up.


yes, I agree about shooting cell phones in cinemas. Can we have an non US away vote?

Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.

Oh come on, Singapore is a pseudo democracy with three and a half people on a pseudo mini island. There must be rubish tips in the US bigger than Singapore . When my kids were born in Singapore we had an official up at the hospital the very next day with a paper saying "you can't claim citizenship for being born here". You can't seriously compare them to the US. Get real

Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.

Why is it just so hard for America to fix their abortion of am immigration system. What is desperately needed is to codify the ability to become resident in the USA on the basis of continued employment with no access to citizens services such as social welfare and nationalized medical. If a person on that sort of visa then wants to become an american then they can apply like other sane countries require.

Stop it with the only solution to workforce migration is to put them all on the path to citizenship, look at how Singapore does and then look at the contortions done to obtain foreign labor in the US. Cause there is just an abysmal framework for permitting a resident, that isn't citizenship holding or bound for.

Oh come on, Singapore is a pseudo democracy with three and a half people on a pseudo mini island. There must be rubish tips in the US bigger than Singapore . When my kids were born in Singapore we had an official up at the hospital the very next day with a paper saying "you can't claim citizenship for being born here". You can't seriously compare them to the US. Get real

Agree. It's amazing how people use such absurd examples. Singapore has been successful on a great many levels. One thing that they're not very good at is "freedom," and I'm talking all manner of freedom. America is far ahead of Singapore in that regard, but as always, there's a price to pay.

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