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Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

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So you mean people let the ambulance through? Because if not, then it's insane that they don't realise that someday it could be them needing help. Or even at this very moment that they

don't let the ambulance through, one of THEIR family member could be dying. Ignorance is bliss for some people.

BANGKOK (AP) - At least 1 dead as large explosion rocks major Bangkok intersection; cause unclear.

i'm reposting my last comment from my Forum Blog (as my forum thread was closed adn redirected to here)

I live very close to there.. (a few minutes walk)

its really buzzing with sirens.

and yes,, i felt the blast sound (vibrations of it) through my body in my condo.

tonnes of emergency services now I can see...

but really.. I must say how pathetically SLOW they were to arrive. (especially as its a couple of minutes drive away).

at least Emergency Bikes should have been the first ones to the scene... (but I heard NOTHING until at least 15 minutes after the blast).

that in itself is a story.. the shocking response time!

it has taken more than 40 minutes (since the blast) to free-up a lane of traffic so that emergency services vehicles can hurry to and from the blast site.

Even 15 minutes is pretty risky.

Rescue vehicles in Thailand are a bad joke.

People are not required to pull over and let an ambulance pass...they crawl through traffic like everyone else...why even have sirens on and lights flashing???

Wow, really? In Thailand the ambulance doesn't have free pass? Cars don't have to pull over? That's insane.

no, its not insane, it is somebody who has no idea what they are talking about making himself feel important on the internet by spreading ignorant misinformation

the enforcement of all thai traffic laws is dire, and motorists are notoriously ignorant.

worse, often there is nowhere to pull over too if traffic is bad.

but it is law to clear a path for emergency services.

the fact that proper ambulances are few and far between, generally privately owned, and that any idiot can buy flashing lights doesn't much help

I see... Thanks for clearing that up smile.png

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People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.



I think if this is an attack that it makes very little sense of any of the usual crowd.

PT doing it at this time would be counter to their agenda.

MIB would just be causing the military to get into more peoples faces.

The only thing I can see would be if it involved a hindu issue as it is a huindu shrine?

Either way there wil be HELL to pay THE GENERAL will not be happy and heads will roll.

As has been said the military is really good at this crap and will be all over it.

There have been 6,500+ deaths in the South. The military has never been all over it and the bombings still continue almost 10 years later


People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


Indeed, no respect at all.

Thoughts and wishes go out to all those families affected or injured.


It will be a sad day to wake up tomorrow. Terrorism once again has shocked a nation .


People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


it would seem that is exactly what you are doing here.

i would ask the moderation team to consider creating a locked thread to provide only updates and leave the discussion to people like your good self, but truth be told this is good business for the board, clicks a plenty.


People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


Agreed, many TV members blow hards regularly style themselves as superior to the natives, more intelligent, more compassionate and morally superior etc,

What had been very stiking on this thread tonight are the numbers of uneducated, low class, selflish, sick warped , scumbag members TV actually has who dont have a degree of compassion and actually get off on this very sad event


BBC say police have confirmed second bomb which has been defused. If that is the case the signature will be all over it.

What the BBC reports these days is normaly irrelevant, Stick to the Thai news.

BBC had been like this for the last couple of decades. They are following 'His master's voice' policy.

Follow Thai News? There's a much better chance of following BBC than badly translated Thai News.


I think the location is significant. There would be plenty of places in Thailand tourists could be targeted in greater numbers with fewer surveillance cameras around (eg night spots like in the Bali bombings).

The Erawan shrine is significant to Thais more so than to tourists. The area also saw political violence a few years ago. I don't think its religious fundamentalists. I think its political. Sh!t just got real.

I agree but I think its probably not going to endear the perpetrators side to anyone. Unless this is the clarion call for a larger coordinated reaction. Which might explain closing all the stuff tomorrow.

I can't imagine anyone will take responsibility, for the reason you gave above. The junta is now in a position to eventually identify the perpetrators, which is not a weak position to be in given the public backlash that would follow. Sadly, I think a rubicon has been crossed and we may well see further unclaimed attacks in the coming weeks and months. Reconciliation - which arguably has been paid only lip service by the junta to this point - is now seen for what it has been all along. Pretty much non-existent.


People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


it would seem that is exactly what you are doing here.

i would ask the moderation team to consider creating a locked thread to provide only updates and leave the discussion to people like your good self, but truth be told this is good business for the board, clicks a plenty.

A continuously updated locked thread would generate as much clicks as this one, without the armchair detective drivel, and would be much easier to read.


Sure these crazy people with their ideas. Firestar only you know the truth - and me.

Everyone knows most people go around armed with bombs, and that using them to kill people indiscriminately is common in Thailand.

For example, you don't like the food in a restaurant, plant a bomb, bad service in a government office, charge the detonator- 'fire-in-the-hole'. Why bother with a gun when a bomb is so much more effective. Boyfriend cheating- take down the whole condo.

'Political'?? only some kind of conspiracy nut would suggest this is political, I mean, name one time when a bomb has been used for political ends in Thailand?

You missed the point entirely.

I'm not saying it's not political. I'm saying you don't know. And neither do I.



People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


it would seem that is exactly what you are doing here.

i would ask the moderation team to consider creating a locked thread to provide only updates and leave the discussion to people like your good self, but truth be told this is good business for the board, clicks a plenty.

A continuously updated locked thread would generate as much clicks as this one, without the armchair detective drivel, and would be much easier to read.

For once Anthony i agree with you fully


People blaming and finger pointing to score some sort of moral points are absolute scum.

Feeling all satisfied with yourselves. Scores of families have been devastated tonight.


it would seem that is exactly what you are doing here.

i would ask the moderation team to consider creating a locked thread to provide only updates and leave the discussion to people like your good self, but truth be told this is good business for the board, clicks a plenty.

What? There are people here displaying shocking behavior. I'm in on it because I'm pointing it out?

Do one.


I just looked at this in the Swedish press no updates for about 1 hour and not a single quote from any Thai news outlet, they quote BBC, CNN and AFP and not a single quote from Bangkok Post, The Nation and so on from the English speaking Thai news agencies.


What chance there will be a "manhunt", several "crackdowns", and a couple of token muslims hauled up from the south to face the courts?

Whoever did it, i hope you rot in hell.


What chance there will be a "manhunt", several "crackdowns", and a couple of token muslims hauled up from the south to face the courts?

Suppose that this is inconveniently a bit beyond some local Burmese laborers.


I just looked at this in the Swedish press no updates for about 1 hour and not a single quote from any Thai news outlet, they quote BBC, CNN and AFP and not a single quote from Bangkok Post, The Nation and so on from the English speaking Thai news agencies.

Bangkokpost won't know much more than the big agencies The Nation will wait to write what the junta tells it to write...

TNN has footage but it's very graphic, not something you would show in the foreign press.


Walking from the office along RamaIV to BTS Saladaeng a bit before eight I saw many police cars (the wagon type) speeding past turning into Ratchathewi. Also a few ambulances. Wondering what happened. When the train turned from Rachathewi to Siam I could see many police cars in front of CentralWorld. Taking a motorcy at Victory Monument the driver told me a bomb, nine dead and 'pokkaty' (i.e. problems).

are you sure about that?

As far as i know, Pokkaty, as you spelled it, means 'as usual' or 'ordinarily'

Maybe you heard 'pahn-ha'?


ISOC says there are three possible motives of bomb blast

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Internal Security Operation Command announced that the there were three possible reasons for the blast: political conflict, state official reshuffle, and international terrorism.

It ruled out insurgents from the deep South.


-- The Nation 2015-08-17

They will probably have the case solved by tomorrow night seeing as how they have such great interlectual prowess.

I for one find that amazing.




I feel like the internal war is getting started. Thailand looks peaceful on the outside, but there is a current beneath the ocean. I would not go to Thailand at this time.

Are you trying to spread rumors and hearsay? bah.gif

You have no authority, knowlegde, information, nothing to make a statement like that and you know it!

irrespective of how we feel imo he has every right to say

What he feels.. What people dont need is other people telling them what to say and what not to say.



Walking from the office along RamaIV to BTS Saladaeng a bit before eight I saw many police cars (the wagon type) speeding past turning into Ratchathewi. Also a few ambulances. Wondering what happened. When the train turned from Rachathewi to Siam I could see many police cars in front of CentralWorld. Taking a motorcy at Victory Monument the driver told me a bomb, nine dead and 'pokkaty' (i.e. problems).

are you sure about that?

As far as i know, Pokkaty, as you spelled it, means 'as usual' or 'ordinarily'

Maybe you heard 'pahn-ha'?

You're the second one. I missed out the 'no' problems, although better is indeed' normal'. See my reply a few hours ago.


Could anyone who has been there confirm if this is Erawin Shrine?

attachicon.gifErawin Shrine.png


Yes it is the Erawan Shrine next-door to Amarin Mall and Grand Hyatt. But damaged vehicles also in road at the junction. But it was only one explosion like a loud thunder clap but windows rattled more than with thunder. Lots of conflicting news reports but from what I saw on my way home from the office there were serious injuries in immediate area but no other damage outside of the Erawan / Chidlom junction

What's in that photo is not the Erawan shrine - it's another religious statue a couple hundred metres away, the other side of Amarin Plaza.


Anyone who has ever actually entered the shrine knows that worshippers buy candles and incense, and walk around the main shrine three times before placing the candles/incense. Clearly, there is no circular path around the shrine in the pic.

The pic is a spirit house on the far side of Amarin Plaza, as Soi Biker says.


There are photos circulating in the facebook showing the victims. Those victims are inside the shrine area. Can see a photo of a victim kneel praying and the poor lady just died in that way. Another photo of showing scattering body parts. Whole thigh lying on the road by itself.

It is a damn nasty planned bomb attack.

Watching the news, wifey sitting beside crying.

I pray for the affected people to be strong and may justice will prevail soon.


ISOC says there are three possible motives of bomb blast

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Internal Security Operation Command announced that the there were three possible reasons for the blast: political conflict, state official reshuffle, and international terrorism.

It ruled out insurgents from the deep South.


-- The Nation 2015-08-17

They will probably have the case solved by tomorrow night seeing as how they have such great interlectual prowess.

I for one find that amazing.



Unbelievable. No time to have made any significant investigation. already spinning the story.

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